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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Holy crap indeed!!! :oSK continues to amaze
  2. Look at all those jumps for both FF and HO franchises, it's a good thing IM3 was released early. Otherwise, it would be a bloodbath.
  3. We're so gonna holding BKB on his words, especially come May 2015 if he said TA2 is better than TA
  4. Yep. I know different strokes for different folks, but in this case, I was all like: "Sure, you're entitled to your wrong opinion, man"
  5. Not out watching the movie, that's for sure
  6. I quite enjoy the first one. Second is awful though. I have a friend who claimed that TF2 is better than TF1, I seriously considered cutting ties with him then
  7. Agree to disagree then. You see him as a boy scout then I don't think any argument of mine is gonna change that
  8. I think RDJ's performance as Tony Stark in IM3 is the strongest one. I agree that the tone is different. Some plot points are stupid and too convenient. But like many Shane Black movies, the dialogues and the humors work for me. IM1 is still the best to me cause it's too special I guess, seeing your favorite character brought onscreen for the first time. It's mostly sentimental
  9. Steve Rogers is flawed to me, but different opinions I guess. Steve is hella stubborn, doesn't listen to anyone when he thinks that he's right. That's a seriously big flaw to me.
  10. Yeah, IM1 is still better for me. I just adore that movie so much And I doubt any solo movies will touch TA level for me either. I agree with you about the end credit sequence, nice mash up of all three movies.
  11. Hey, Steve Rogers is flawed. That's why I love him.
  12. Wow, you're working through the night. That's tough
  13. BKB, are you working right now? Oh, how many times have you watched IM3?
  14. I really wanna see iJack and baumer on at the same time
  15. Yeah, same here. I'm getting sleepy, but all this wake me right up
  16. But Druv, it's funny seeing people try so hard We're just killing time really Until God gets here
  17. Someone doesn't believe that though. Because we like IM3, we must hate MOS
  18. So you're not a fanboy? Well, okay then
  19. Yeah, that one is a surprise. There goes one question in my BSG this week
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