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Everything posted by Sam

  1. The 89M OS, does that include part of Thursday? Or just the 3-day weekend?
  2. 1.1B-1.2B OS is still my bet right now. I'm hoping it can hold better than most sequels domestically.
  3. Shh, don't say that. You're gonna annoy Tele, He hates the kid
  4. IM3 is gonna win the year for Hollywood movies in SK (barring some big surprises maybe)
  5. Druv, you went to bed too early yesterday and missed all the fun
  6. Is that kayu or Nikki speaking? I'm confused
  7. I hope so. Mother's Day should help soften the drops across the board IMO.
  8. You weren't here for the meltdowns, Ed. Gotta say I'm kinda disappointed
  9. Reposting Rth updates here so they're not lost in the thousands of pages First update: Second update:
  10. Is Ed here? Can you change the title, please?
  11. Thanks Bluebomb With half the countries getting day-to-date release as US, that should bode well for a good OW WW. Are the competitions tough though?
  12. Double feature with Oz again, but this time, count all the money towards IM3
  13. Duly noted. If I come across hot pics/gifs of them, I will post in the Hot Guys thread
  14. Let's hope that the numbers hold this time, no more dropping But all in all, thanks to those numbers, this thread has been absolutely wonderful
  15. Dex, who are your favorite hot actors?
  16. Please let Trek has a big increase
  17. I basically save the links of every gifs I saw online that can be used for future purposes Sometimes I actively search for them too. It's a big problem of mine
  18. Yep, you know me Gifs have answers for everything
  19. I'm usually calm but if Trek bombs, I think I'll be the first one to have a melt down around here
  20. That sounds awesome Thanks for sharing it And yes, I can totally see him like that
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