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Everything posted by Sam

  1. I don't think so, 890M OS is too big. It has a very good chance at 800M though. No. 5 WW is pretty sweet to me. Personally, I would want DHII to retain its spot, its overseas performance is incredible, it's deserving of that position.
  2. I think the computer-brain thing would be cool for Tony to build on. Especially as a new way to
  3. I hope that it is revealed in TA2 or so that Tony took Extremis (the better version of course)
  4. I don't think we will see another Sat-Sun drop like TA anytime soon. That is the most impressive stat of TA's OW for me.
  5. Jackie Chan mentioned about wanting to do it in one of his interviews recently.
  6. Just for Chris Tucker, I honestly want a Rush Hour 4
  7. I don't mean about affecting. It's just that Flash is a popular character, more so than Quicksilver, but QS will get adapted onscreen first.
  8. We could even see Ms.Marvel before WW. Not that I have any complains cause I love Carol, but I want to see Diana onscreen too
  9. How dare you The irony is that it seems Joss Whedon is planning for Quicksilver to be in TA2, that is just sad for Flash
  10. Yeah, the production budget was mind-blowing, and not in a good way. The marketing budget was very high too I think. WB really fucked that one up big time
  11. It needs to succeed for WB/DC to have some kind of traction going. I want a WW movie and a Flash movie so bad!!!
  12. Seriously? That sounds fun. It's kinda sad, I had such high hopes for GL, but after watching the trailer, I already have a bad feeling. And the movie is even worse than what I expect it to be
  13. This is new to me, what did they deny about?
  14. Cap and Iron Man are both idiots and assholes in there
  15. Rth really played with us today, is this the first time he was like this, all baiting and scaring us?
  16. We all know Marvel movies live on walk-up, evidently seen on Sat. But seriously, not to this extent This is just awesome
  17. Lordmandeep was drunk and people dismissed him. He's so gonna laugh at this tomorrow
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