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Everything posted by Sam

  1. I didn't But being a big fan of Tony Stark, I must say there's quite a few times I went "Oh, Tony" or "aw, poor the guy" For me, RDJ really brought his best performance as Tony Stark in IM3.
  2. That whole sequence is epic. The tracking shot too, so well done
  3. Yeah, I was planning on Sat, but I gave in to temptation and watched it today
  4. After getting home from IM3, I popped in my Avengers disc as well. Great minds think alike?
  5. This is getting interesting fast. God, please speak to us
  6. My theater erupted with laughter at that line I was like "did he seriously just say that?" But yeah, parents might not be happy about that. I hope the cuteness of that little kid compensate for that somehow. God, he's just adorable
  7. I think this should play well into the night. As I left my theater at 5pm, there's line starting to form with lots of families and kids. Figure it's Friday, so parents have to get off work first, or wait for school to finish to bring their kids to watch the movie.
  8. Anyone watching IM3 like Gary? I think that guy is awesome
  9. So, is it safe to say 700M OS is locked, or is that still early to call?
  10. Agree, especially when just 2 days ago, we were expecting 20M as the very high end.
  11. So, I found this, thought it might be of relevant here Poor Peter
  12. Justin Hammer needs to come back if there is another Iron Man movie
  13. Thanks guys I really hope that Druv's goal of 800M OS can be achieved. I know it's very very tough, but as long as there's a chance, I'm rooting for it to happen.
  14. How dare you mortal questioning GOD?!!!!!
  15. After already done watching the movie, I'm kinda tempted to start lurking on SHH again, or better yet, finally create an account to join in
  16. True true. I skimmed TA weekend thread from last year, and I have to say I'm very impressed with this place
  17. This thread is really...something. And to think that I had experienced it all these past months on here.
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