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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Yeah, I don't think I see my preseason games in your collective thread, either. Thanks, B
  2. Baumer, I don't see my name on the list
  3. I'm doing well so far with weekly games, but my pre-season games answer look to be quite horrible
  4. I think it's hinted. He said he will work on Extremis so that he can fix Pepper. I don't remember the exact words, but he said something along the lines of "why don't I fix myself too" Maybe it's just to get the shrapnel out, but what about the gaping hole? It's just my speculation of course, I think so because Extremis is known as a healing factor which should help him, also, a person like Tony Stark, it's hard to imagine him not being selfish and take on one of the most advanced technology for himself after he figured out how to perfect it.
  5. I think Trek will do well domestic, but OS, it's a different matter. Has it have a better release schedule, I think it would do very well overseas compared to the last one. But current schedules look not good, coming head to head with FF6, which will be big.
  6. Yay It went up!! Thanks for the update Juni
  7. I think it's kinda hinted at the end that Tony took Extremis for himself. It will be his version of Extremis though, so it should be safer, and more advanced. The comics version of Tony's Extremis works like computer-brain, allowing him to control the suits via his brain, it also works as a healing factor as shown in the movie, and allowing him to process information at unusually high speed.
  8. What's the absolute floor for IM3 OS at this point? 750M?
  9. Well, this week is the week of finals for college students, so if that help calm someone down a little
  10. What if TA2 OW drop from TA?
  11. 800M seems kinda hard to me. I think this week hold will be the most important.
  12. You just want an excuse to use that words, don't you?!
  13. red, calm down, stop liking everything
  14. I never think it would reach 450M even with that big OW. Competitions are too strong, and they target the same demo. TC/screen counts will get hit hard no matter what. Oh, well, I predicted 155M OW and 370M total, so what's it doing so far is exceeding my expectations, I have no complains
  15. When it's not either of those, we're derailing thread This place is awesome
  16. So how's that number? Anyone has a meltdown yet?
  17. This place is freaking weird, but I love it It's been fun, gotta sleep now. Bye guys
  18. I suddenly crave shawarma Gotta eat it tomorrow
  19. But but but sushi is Japanese I love sushi
  20. Chinese food are all like the same thing. I can never get into enjoying their Dim Sum Many people love it though.
  21. Yummy, Vietnamese sandwiches beat the shit out of Subway and stuff
  22. Pho is so awesome, I'm like addicted to it And yeah, you probably should ease up on all those red hot sauce
  23. You guys who live in Cali, what do you think of Pho?
  24. Yeah, I think it's okay, and cheap so that's good. I like the animal fries though
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