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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Is it weird that there are no numbers announce yet? Even if it's just estimates? I'm new to this
  2. Not to mention it's crushing TA in some places too. And TA also had 3D. The thing is, a lot were arguing for IM3 potential OS accounted both TA effect and 3D boost, yet the people argue against it dismiss both, or give 3D little mention and little influence. Now that it blows up, Transformers comparisons are mentioned when none acknowledge it back then.
  3. No one likes Gary? I think that guy is hilarious
  4. Why hasn't God grace us with his wisdom yet?
  5. The most I can see for legs is a 2.5 internal multiplier. Competitions are just too much, and TC/screen counts will be hit hard come Memorial Day.
  6. Not to mention the haters who take advantage of the situation and jump in to blow things out of proportion. Seriously, I saw haters that pretend to be IM fans proclaiming Marvel sucks, they ruin everything that is sacred of Iron Man, but when asked about Iron Man comics, they can't say a thing about it.
  7. Yeah, totally, we were projecting it to be around 475M, but then it blew up in China, as well as breaking records in Russia, and holding well in many countries, thus, 500M is assured now, maybe a few millions more. Firedeep said it could be up to 510M-515M at the end of this week
  8. Guilty as charged I actually love a lot of things of SK: music, food, variety/reality shows, movies, drama series, culture, etc...It's the country I want to visit the most in the world.
  9. Okay, I get a little too excited there 60M it is, still plenty awesome
  10. The after credit scene is hilarious, when
  11. HOLY SHIT TA had an underwhelming OW last year, but redeemed itself big time in its 2nd weekend. IM3 destroyed TA's OW, and now look to destroy its 2nd weekend too? This is just all kinds of incredible My love for SK just increased, and it wasn't at all a small love before
  12. So we're looking at a 70M or so for Sat OS, right?
  13. Anyone thinks that at the end of the movie, it's hinted that not only Tony has surgery to remove the shrapnel, but he has also injected himself with a complete, safer, and maybe perfected Extremis? He stated that he worked on the project so that he can fix Pepper, but being Tony Stark, I wouldn't imagine him bypassing the chance to take on one of the most advanced technology for himself. He has all the variables from Killian and Maya, especially all that makes it wrong and dangerous, being a genius, I think Tony Stark would know how to fix it, to make Extremis better if he's put his mind into doing so. Just a thought.
  14. The Latin America markets are such gold mines for TA and IM3. Please let the trend continues with all upcoming Phase 2 movies!!
  15. So 2 days over 50M, just what I was hoping for a few months ago
  16. Gotta sleep now. It's been very fun and eventful in here Night guys!
  17. This thread is really a roller coaster ride indeed. Still feel sad that I missed all of this from TA last year.
  18. His performance in IM3 is the best for me.
  19. Yeah, that scene of Hulk beating the hell out of Loki is truly awesome, and a pure audience moment. I think Whedon will have a hard time writing a scene to top that one in TA2. I have high hope and faith in him though
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