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Everything posted by Sam

  1. I like burgers from Five Guys
  2. But no one overrate McDonald's burger
  3. I tried the In-N-Out burgers, it's soooooo overrated
  4. Seriously, the deep-fried of everything scares me a little
  5. This thread is so out of control
  6. I pretty much only care about tennis as far as sports are concerned
  7. And then charge double, triple for it
  8. We do love to deep fried everything here
  9. Texas, where I live, has like one big snow per year at the most random time ever
  10. If you move to Texas, go to Dallas. We have a Bush there
  11. Puerto Rico so deserve to be an official state just for its contribution to BO alone
  12. I'd like to live in Florida, but then those shark attacks scare me
  13. I don't even remember what this thread is for now
  14. Wait, so Tony Stark is not Iron Man now?
  15. It depends on which part you're in. I live in a big city, it's fine really, seriously, things are a lot cheaper here. The worst thing about Texas though is the weather, it's crazy. There's a saying along the lines of: "If you don't like Texas weather, wait 15 minutes, it'll change"
  16. Really? What part of Texas was you in? It's kinda hard to find a roommate these days, good one that is.
  17. How bad is the gas price in New York?
  18. They all should move to Texas Everything is cheaper here
  19. I love the kid. He's so adorable My first thought after watching the film is I wanna adopt that kid
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