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Everything posted by Sam

  1. So what's the projected final total dom? I imagine there won't be enough gas for $25 but it might be close?
  2. I learned to block out the noise by putting certain individuals on ignore or just scroll past posts of the usual suspects. Though lately, the juvenile pissing contests have gotten too excessive and invasive that it really requires extra effort to tune out. So both condolences and kudos to the mod team for dealing with those bullshit for us. For me, the fun of this forum came partly from discussing movies; and mostly from bantering, teasing and generally having fun with the familiar regulars. So with new rules/guidelines, hopefully, it'll keep our forum from descending into clusterfucks and discouraging good regular posters from contributing to the community.
  3. I'm sorry. But you, me and Pink; we will always have the deep bond of being the devoted original Hammer brigade. These bandwagoners can't compare to you.
  4. This seems to be lost in the shuffle amidst the crowded June-July stretch. Still look forward to it though. Good promos so far.
  5. I'm down for the Branagh Poirot Cinematic Universe.
  6. Unfortunately, they didn't even do that. Would have made that movie way less of a bore tbh.
  7. John Carter and Hobbit close to each other? I think Numbers was hard at work lol.
  8. Batman & Robin and Batman Returns are the true masterpieces of them all. The rest kinda all blur together.
  9. Liked for the movie. Then unlike and like again for that @Chewy's quote. Need to revisit this too. Maybe before Ragnarok.
  10. Oh my, I've been laughing at this for 5 min. Let me just tell you this: my top favorite villain from MCU is Justin Hammer. Follow by Ultron. Make of that what you will.
  11. Lego Batman: C+ Logan: A- GOTG2: B- 1 out of 3. Not that good overall so far really. But you're right, Ego got nothing on Hammer that's for sure.
  12. Should have been No.1 damn it! I love the random RTM comment from dash lol. It was how I feel as well about the movie.
  13. Catching Fire was all about amping up the arena games, while devoid of the charms and emotions the first movie had. In THG, when we got introduced to Katniss, you saw things through her pov, experienced the games through her explorations. I found that much more memorable and better than in CF where she was a passive participant, and basically was kept in the dark the whole time, with all events that happening manipulated by other characters. Sure, the games were grandeur and more elaborate in CF, but I personally didn't find them all that exciting. Especially couple with the soapy love triangle aspect.
  14. Aw, missed the voting period for this. Nice list so far. I actually enjoyed THG, far and away the best entry in that franchise, which unfortunately went downhill quickly with Catching Fire. Ew at Skyfall. Such an empty nothing movie (hmm, that's a bit unfair, gotta say cinematography was nice. But that's pretty much it) Been a while so I can't remember off of the top of my head but I think my No.1 for 2012 would most likely be Django. Personally found it so rewatchable. Life of Pi Zero Dark Thirty Django The Avengers The Master Those would be my Top 5 (in no particular order) Few others that left impression and I highly enjoyed were Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, 21 Jump Street, Salmon Fishing in Yemen, Cabin in the Wood, Amour, Lincoln, Frances Ha, The Intouchables.
  15. Spidey: Homecoming should easily be the highest grossing SH movie in SK this year. Maybe even biggest Hollywood release for 2017? Which movie is holding the spot right now?
  16. At the rate it's going, its final gross won't end up too far from No. 2 of last year's list. Nice run.
  17. Reported the posts for blatant trolling. When you got reported for trolling in a thread designed to allow trolling, you know you fucked up.
  18. Lol at the reviews. Can't even pretend to be surprised though. It's Guy Ritchie. No one should be expecting good things from Guy Ritchie, least of all a King Arthur movie.
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