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Everything posted by fmpro

  1. 70 mill is locked then...Could do 72 mill
  2. If thats true it will be dead on monday
  3. If sunday is´ent included it would be an awesome number
  4. It apparently made 25 mill from wed to friday and 33 on sat/sun
  5. Looks awesome. Just like the movie will be
  6. Sunday is not included in that numberEdit: I guess it is
  7. A very good drop.Looks like 1,15 mill adm..Anyone knows what that is in $??
  8. If its 4 day it could/should go even higher.Continue to give us info on ticket sales if you can
  9. But its still a CB movie to many people..But lets just say that i wan´t you to be right on this..
  10. Yep..Lets hope Avengers opens to 17 mill then
  11. Russia will become a monster in a few years..Hopefully movies can begin to have legs there also
  12. How does that compare to other big movies this year??BTW.. Italy SUCKS for a country of its size BO wise
  13. Just checked.. Its the week after..My bad.. But i think its cool to have it released DOM
  14. UK VS DOM OWWrath * 10THG * 20JC * 10SH * 12GR2 * 11TPM * 9So except for THG its around a tenth of a DOM OW with big movies this year...So if BS does around 4 mill 3 day it should do 40 mill~ish..Maybe a little more because the 3 day would be bigger if it opend friday
  15. I agree..Could we analyse on this and say that the DOM opening will be okey to??
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