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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. 1. WOW. Incredible number. I'm ecstatic over its success, I just came back from my second viewing, and I liked it more than my first viewing.2. DH2's opening weekend adjusts to $150m-$152m, which means it sold right around the ballpark of 19m tickets. 3. Potter was always more popular than Twilight, that should have never been a question. We can't say the same about The Hunger Games...yet. We have to wait to see its sequels. It's so incredibly premature to say that THG is more popular than Potter in the States when it owes quite a bit of its success to it. 4. YES. $50m! I hope it beats DH2's final gross.
  2. You guys do know that $50m would mean THE biggest Saturday gross of all time?
  3. My second viewing will be in a few hours. Cannot fucking wait. A couple of friends of mine who aren't interested in sci-fi or fantasy are actually interested in this.IMAX BITCHES. Let's just hope I don't have a seizure.
  4. Every show from 7:30-9 (six showings) are sold out. The other seven showings still haven't sold out, but I suspect they will. Only a matter of time. And the IMAX showings are all sold out.
  5. One of the most realistically depicted relationships in any romantic comedy. Loved this. A-
  6. Potter sold around 30m copies by the release of the first film's release and had a movie attendance of 56m.
  7. Potter had sold around 30m in the US. Not far ahead of THG in the US.
  8. 5th. It very narrowly beat New Moon. And it's very narrowly behind SM.
  9. I'm so happy for this film's success. I'm not sure if it'll go down the route of Star Wars, Potter, and Spider-Man. HP1 received decent WOM, but not enough to bring back in too much of the audience back, hence the drop from 56m to 45m tickets. But, then again, Chamber of Secrets is widely regarded as the worst film of the series (it is, C/C-), and I think Catching Fire will be much much much better.Spider-Man was just insane.
  10. Best film of 2011 is a 7? Wannabe pretentious...
  11. She thinks it'll have a worse internal multiplier than DH1. That doesn't make any sense. If anything, the Friday number is incredibly telling that this will not behave strictly like Potter/Twilight on opening weekend. A $66m OD should be enough for it to clear $140m.
  12. 43% for Half-Blood Prince, and 46% for Deathly Hallows 2.I think it was 19% for New Moon, and probably even lower for BD1.
  13. Great to hear about The Hunger Games. I just hope Gary Ross knows not to use the shaky-camera for Catching Fire.
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