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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. I thought Rue's death was all right. I think the greatest mistake was them not developing her relationship with Katniss more. I didn't feel much. However, my friend who hasn't read the books and knew nothing about the film cried a lot. There were quite a bit of girls crying.
  2. I really enjoyed it. The performances were all spectacular (Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Banks, and Stanley Tucci were especially evocative), they got the feel and look of the Capitol down, and they were faithful to the novel. However, I absolutely LOATHED the overuse of the shaky camera. In some cases it was fine, but in others, totally unnecessary and detracted from the intensity it could have otherwise achieved. The biggest problem I noticed was that they would simply glance upon a dead tribute when I am sure they could have lingered a little longer to soak up the death. Some deaths were fantastic, especially the end one.I hate to use Potter as an example here, but they could learn a thing or two from the way they filmed Severus Snape's death. The shaky cam used on half of the deaths was just repetitive and somewhat lazy.I'm sorry if I sound I'm hating on it, because I'm not. I REALLY enjoyed it and I'm definitely going to see it again very soon to judge the film better. My friend who hadn't read the books and knew absolutely nothing about it cried a lot during a certain someone's death (I thought it was quite well done, but more development could have been achieved beforehand).The final battle was easily the highlight of the film. Intense, brutal, breathless, and genuinely frightening. And you know why? It's because they didn't use the shaky-cam at all. The extra scenes for Seneca were great, particularly the last one (LOVED LOVED the final shot of his scene). I'm not sure if I found the ending menacing enough, so a second viewing will allow me to judge it better.Right now, it gets a B+.
  3. Just came back from the film. Fantastic theater experience, but nothing can top DH2. Although understandably, there's a difference between an audience of 200 vs 1,700. Anyway, two guys asked if we were Team Peeta or Team Gale and one girl shrieked, "I LOVE BREAD!" LMFAO. Absolutely hilarious! Trailers: Avengers: Spectacular response, and received the largest applause of the trailers by a landslide. Amazing trailer indeed. Snow White and the Huntsman: Looked great and a lot of chatter when Charlize was on screen, but the theater groaned when Kristen Stewart showed up. The girl next to me said and I quote, "Ugh, is that Kristen Stewart? She's so stupid." No applause and I suspect it was because of Kristen. Abrahim Lincoln: Vampire Slayer: a lot of laughs at the end for some reason Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2: A woman screamed, "Get off the screen!" and then a guy said, "No one cares!" The theater laughed at the same temperature line and shrieked with hysterics when they saw Bella about to attack the deer. As for the film: I really enjoyed it. The performances were all spectacular (Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Banks, and Stanley Tucci were especially evocative), they got the feel and look of the Capitol down, and they were faithful to the novel. However, I absolutely LOATHED the overuse of the shaky camera. In some cases it was fine, but in others, totally unnecessary and detracted from the intense it could have otherwise achieved. The biggest problem I noticed was that they would simply glance upon a dead tribute when I am sure they could have lingered a little longer to soak up the death. Some deaths were fantastic, especially the end one. I hate to use Potter as an example here, but they could learn a thing or two from the way they filmed Severus Snape's death. The shaky cam used on half of the deaths was just repetitive and somewhat lazy. I'm sorry if I sound I'm hating on it, because I'm not. I REALLY enjoyed it and I'm definitely going to see it again very soon to judge the film better. My friend who hadn't read the books and knew absolutely nothing about it cried a lot during a certain someone's death (I thought it was quite well done, but more development could have been achieved beforehand). The final battle was easily the highlight of the film. Intense, brutal, breathless, and genuinely frightening. And you know why? It's because they didn't use the shaky-case. The extra scenes for Seneca were great, particularly the last one (LOVED LOVED the final shot of his scene). I'm not sure if I found the ending menacing enough, so a second viewing will make me judge it better. Right now, it gets a B+.
  4. Good for The Hunger Games. If it has good legs, it can do near $30m in France.
  5. Someone give me a gun. I'd love to shoot the black guy's butt cheeks.
  6. Color me surprised. How much did Intouchable make in its opening weekend in Germany in dollars?
  7. Andrea has to be my favorite character. Always liked her from the very beginning and is headstrong. I was really pissed they left her at the farm, those bastards! Thank God she's still alive...and she'd better live.I love Rick. Great actor, great guy, and someone I connected with. Lori was fine until the end where she blew up on Rick. Seriously, what the fuck was that? I would have understood if she had maybe gotten mad because Carl shot Shane and would lose even more of his innocence...but what the fuck? Shane was an absolute asshole. I cheered when he died.The Asian guy is all right, though I don't like how much of a big mouth he is. His girlfriend can be an utter twat, but she's hot.The black guy is such a fat ass pussy. Shoot his ass.Carol breaks my heart. Such a weak woman...
  8. Saw all seventeen episodes in 36 hours. Absolutely captivating.
  9. Jessica Chastain, I'm absolutely head over heels for her.
  10. Ice Cube was annoying.Loved everyone else, though.
  11. Those are some really sexy guys.
  12. It depends. Plus, you simply can't compare the first Star Wars to the Potters as the box office climate was ENTIRELY different back then. Also, Potter-films are bigger than Star Wars in various countries (Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, China, Australia). Now, if we bring the books into the equation, it becomes a completely different story. The impact of the Potter books are unlike anything before. You could easily argue Potter had just as much, if not a stronger immediate effect on the world. Besides, Potter turned millions of kids to love reading. That in itself is a phenomenon.
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