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The Dark Alfred

Box Office League Game

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I'm thinking of starting a new game, called BOL. Planning a July start. The formula of the game is based on the popular sport leagues, like NBA, NFL, NHL and the premise would be pretty much the Monthly Game we had at Mojo. We need at least 24 players. We will form an East Coast and West Coast group.


Then we do a regular season of 23 games or more if there're more players. We'll do a draw and each week you're facing another player. So this is basically a head-to-head league. We would use questions regarding the weekly openers and holdovers and positions in the top 10, the same style that we had for the Monthly game. The point of the game that you have to be a consistent predictor, but doesn't necessary have to reach the highest score in order to lead the table. The result will add up and after 23 weeks, we'll have a playoff with 6 or 8 players (depending the total amount of regular season) of each Coast. There will be strategy in the game as coming towards the end of regular season, you might wanna avoid to face certain players as the best predictor might not actually leads the pack. Ideally you have to predict every week, but because there are 23 rounds if you're a decent predictor even missing 2-3 weeks, because you're been busy doesn't mean that you're out of the game.


It would be a knockout system. Questions will be more detailed, PTA, etc. Also having better position in the regular season has its benefits. You get to double up and skip one question. What does it mean? Let's say there are 15 questions. You can nominate a question that you would double and one that you would skip. It allows you to rely on your skills, if you're confident of predicting an OW, you can get two points for that getting that question right. If you suck at PTA, you can nominate that question to be skipped. So let's say you would normally lose 11-12. You double up on one. 12-12. The because you nominated one to be skipped, your opponent gets one less right. You win 12-11. This system doesn't give unfair advantage, it only settles very close calls. The East and West coast champion will get to double up two. We should reward the regular season, so there's an aim to finish at best.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions? I think it would be fun to have a lengthy game and this format sounds fun. I aim for a July start.

Edited by The Dark Alfred
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What the hell. Why not give another guy a chance to host a game, especially after how much he invests into BOA. I'll sign up I suppose as long as other people do. I'll participate as long as I'm not busy at the time, but if I can try giving Survivor a chance, I can give this one, too.

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