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Devil's Due (2013)


7 members have voted

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I'm actually looking forward to this one.

I actually kinda liked it. It's by no means a great movie, but where The Marked Ones didn't give me even the slightest goosebumps or chills, this one did both. It's got tons of problems, but it's a step up from the boring and monotonous Marked Ones. I was wondering why everyone was being really harsh and gave it a D, but I only give it 3/5, which is 6/10, a D. I'm just not as down on it.
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This movie...


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I knew from the time these fools ended up following that taxi driver that they were dumb as dirt but they didn't even live up to my very low expectations.

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These have to have been the least curious mofos to walk this earth.  I mean you wake up with no knowledge of how  your night ended/how you got back to your hotel room and you never check the tape of your evening. Heck, you don't check your honeymoon tape until months later. I mean the Paranormal Activity characters are no Einsteins but they have the mental capacity to rewatch the things they tape when strange things are happening. And God forbid you do any follow up when you hear your wife is carrying the Antichrist when you finally do your 15 minutes of trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Satanic rituals? Antichrist? Strange people in your house? Feel free to care less about it than I care about what color to paint my nails. I'm surprised this dimwit even called the police to report a beak in. Up until that point I was unsure if he had any fucks to give.

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I have never seen two people in a horror movie put less effort into figuring anything out. And if the characters have that little urgency it passes straight to the audience. In the bathroom after the movie EVERY SINGLE PERSON (i'm not even exaggerating) was saying it was the worst/least scary movie they'd ever seen.

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The only positive things I can say about this movie is that I liked that the cult put cameras in the house and had them under surveillance. They were the only people with brain activity in the movie so I must say I was rooting for them (I never thought the day that I would be Team Satan would arrive but...). And of course the fact that the husband is going to end up in jail made me happy. Stupidity isn't a crime but when it's to that extent it should be (and I just remembered that fool went over to Cult House by his damn self without telling anyone where he was going). Rot in jail fool !

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Ok, look at the votes.  You either hate it (because ur to cynical for this thread) or you acknowledge that it is good FF but yet not one of the Greats.


I am a FF fan; I have watched a metric crap ton of FF from the very best (Evidence, Grave Encounters, Rec 1&2) to the very worst (I can't be bothered to remember).


If this movie was only about the quality of the plot it is truly great but what the movie lacks is the shock impact that the Greats deliver so well.  It makes an attempt with the "power scenes" which I found to be of top quality but obviously those scenes alone can't make a movie great.


The plot is totally original for the genre (I don't get where people are saying its derivative) and here are some of the things I really liked:


* The original idea of disabling and impregnating tourists

* Substitution of the original doctor (who had to take "a permanent leave of absence") with a cult member

* The installation of hidden cams in the protagonists' house with full explanation of how & why

* A clear stated reason to support the plot overall (Bible quotation)


The "power scenes" were also well done and packed quite a force.  I especially liked it when one of the camera holders was raised some 50 feet in the air and we followed him down to the ground while he screamed.  Blowing a door off its hinges also had a certain special impact for me.


This movie could of been great but where I think it failed to have that super shock value was here:


This movie tries to add an angle of how their lives have fallen apart due to the cult invasion of their privacy. The reason this movie isn't one of the Greats is because this angle fell flat. This is mostly due to the wife playing such a passive role; if they both had discovered the cult together (like discovering one of the hidden cams) and then she flips out & goes passive it would of worked much better imo because the feeling of a perfect life after a honeymoon would of been forcibly shattered to our eyes in the present moment instead of as an after-thought. Just the same this movie excels in its unique plot and strict attention to details.


I graded it a "B" which is where it really belongs if you are a true fan of FF.

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Outside of a couple cool shots, I hated this movie. The first 30 minutes or so were absolutely boring and the rest is just stupid add to that scenes that are supposed to scary were instead laughable. I'm done with the found footage gimmick.


*/*****, (F, 2.0/10, 0.5/4)

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