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Best movies of 2013 (Results link in first post)

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Number 9-1





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Probably the most high-concept comedy of the year. Who would have thought that having actors play themselves as the apocalypse breaks out would lead to so many laughs, especially when talking about the Judd Apatow crew. So many funny sequences in this movie, from Jonah Hill’s exorcism, to Danny McBride’s entrances (both of which could win “Best Entrance”) to the cameos. This was a very entertaining movie, and if a sequel is made, they now have “Two time Academy Award Nominee” Jonah Hill jokes to make.


Box Office: 101M Domestic / 126M WW


BOF User Reviews:



I thought it was freaking hilarious. One of the best comedies I've seen in the last 5 years. I had a very fun time at the theaters with my friends, who all love it by the way. Full of laughs and WTF moments.  

I'd love to watch it again in theater, but due to limited funds (yep, I'm a student, so I have specific fund set aside for movies  :P ) I can't do that. Definitely will watch it again when DVD/Bluray comes out  :)

 This got an A- from me.


Dexter of Suburbia

This movie is amazing. I saw it on Friday night and it was hilarious. So many great moments in this movie. I pretty much every minute in the movie I was laughing.  The whole crew worked well together.  The writing in the movie is so great. I loved all the references in the movie. I loved "The exorcism of Jonah Hill"




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Number 9-2



#9-2: HER


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Spike Jonze’s story of what will happen to most of the Box office forum members in the not too distant future (just kidding… or am I?). Joaquin Phoenix delivers a remarkable performance, proving that he did not in fact go completely crazy, but Scarlett Johansson steals the show without even appearing on screen.


Box Office: 16M Domestic / 17M WW


BOF User Reviews:



A damn near perfect little movie about the joy of falling in love, the loss of falling out of love, and the process of building and renewing deep friendships and finding soulmates.




I pretty much loved this movie too. It's both one of the funniest and most heartfelt films that came out last year. Every character is loaded with depth and very easy to relate to. Arcade Fire's beautiful score also helped to underscore the emotion.

 I do have some problems, though: It abuses the R rating with some unnecessary crude humor (I'm not sure what the point of the foul-mouthed video game character was) and the ending was rushed. But I love the rest of the film so much that I'm still giving it an A


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Number 9-3





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Probably the most divisive movie of the year, the Superman movie which brought Superman back into the spotlight. “Man of Steel” was my most anticipated movie of the year. I couldn’t wait to watch Superman back on the big screen, and the movie delivered in spades for me.

I know that we can debate the merits and demerits of the movie for all eternity. Hell, some people have even called MoS one of the worst movies ever made, but irrespective of how much debate arises around this movie, no one seems to be capable of changing their stand or even acknowledging any points anyone else seems to be making. So hopefully, a debate does not arise in the comments following this entry (who am I kidding – please debate below).

Personally, I loved the movie, I loved Cavill as Superman, I loved the world Snyder and Goyer created and I can’t wait for the Superman/Batman and Justice League movies.


Box Office: 291M Domestic / 668M WW



BOF User Reviews:



Loved it!!! I'm sure it has it flaws, but the awesomeness of most of Man of Steel made me forget them.  First movie in a long time where I wanted to re-watch the film immediately. I went in with low expectations, since TDKR absolutely devastated me with how bad it was, but MoS delivered.  The flashbacks were great. The CGI was pretty good.

Was expecting this to be a remake of S1 & S2 and although it has some elements from them, I'm glad to say I was wrong.

The 3D was pointless as usual, but I think there were some good shots in the beginning though.

 Rating for 1st viewing: A



My favorite movie of the year so far!

I liked how they used flashbacks for the early years and I thought the overall story was well written.  I also thought they did an excellent job with Jor-El by giving him more exposure in this movie.

The movie moved along at a very good pace and the build up to the fight scenes was great.  General Zod was a worthy opponent for Superman and the battles were quite satisfying.

5/5 for me


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Number 9-1





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Probably the most high-concept comedy of the year. Who would have thought that having actors play themselves as the apocalypse breaks out would lead to so many laughs, especially when talking about the Judd Apatow crew. So many funny sequences in this movie, from Jonah Hill’s exorcism, to Danny McBride’s entrances (both of which could win “Best Entrance”) to the cameos. This was a very entertaining movie, and if a sequel is made, they now have “Two time Academy Award Nominee” Jonah Hill jokes to make.


Box Office: 101M Domestic / 126M WW


BOF User Reviews:



I thought it was freaking hilarious. One of the best comedies I've seen in the last 5 years. I had a very fun time at the theaters with my friends, who all love it by the way. Full of laughs and WTF moments.  

I'd love to watch it again in theater, but due to limited funds (yep, I'm a student, so I have specific fund set aside for movies  :P ) I can't do that. Definitely will watch it again when DVD/Bluray comes out  :)

 This got an A- from me.


Dexter of Suburbia

This movie is amazing. I saw it on Friday night and it was hilarious. So many great moments in this movie. I pretty much every minute in the movie I was laughing.  The whole crew worked well together.  The writing in the movie is so great. I loved all the references in the movie. I loved "The exorcism of Jonah Hill"


Way overrated. A few chuckles, that's it.

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Number 9-3





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Probably the most divisive movie of the year, the Superman movie which brought Superman back into the spotlight. “Man of Steel” was my most anticipated movie of the year. I couldn’t wait to watch Superman back on the big screen, and the movie delivered in spades for me.

I know that we can debate the merits and demerits of the movie for all eternity. Hell, some people have even called MoS one of the worst movies ever made, but irrespective of how much debate arises around this movie, no one seems to be capable of changing their stand or even acknowledging any points anyone else seems to be making. So hopefully, a debate does not arise in the comments following this entry (who am I kidding – please debate below).

Personally, I loved the movie, I loved Cavill as Superman, I loved the world Snyder and Goyer created and I can’t wait for the Superman/Batman and Justice League movies.


Box Office: 291M Domestic / 668M WW



BOF User Reviews:



Loved it!!! I'm sure it has it flaws, but the awesomeness of most of Man of Steel made me forget them.  First movie in a long time where I wanted to re-watch the film immediately. I went in with low expectations, since TDKR absolutely devastated me with how bad it was, but MoS delivered.  The flashbacks were great. The CGI was pretty good.

Was expecting this to be a remake of S1 & S2 and although it has some elements from them, I'm glad to say I was wrong.

The 3D was pointless as usual, but I think there were some good shots in the beginning though.

 Rating for 1st viewing: A



My favorite movie of the year so far!

I liked how they used flashbacks for the early years and I thought the overall story was well written.  I also thought they did an excellent job with Jor-El by giving him more exposure in this movie.

The movie moved along at a very good pace and the build up to the fight scenes was great.  General Zod was a worthy opponent for Superman and the battles were quite satisfying.

5/5 for me



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Number 9-3





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Probably the most divisive movie of the year, the Superman movie which brought Superman back into the spotlight. “Man of Steel” was my most anticipated movie of the year. I couldn’t wait to watch Superman back on the big screen, and the movie delivered in spades for me.

I know that we can debate the merits and demerits of the movie for all eternity. Hell, some people have even called MoS one of the worst movies ever made, but irrespective of how much debate arises around this movie, no one seems to be capable of changing their stand or even acknowledging any points anyone else seems to be making. So hopefully, a debate does not arise in the comments following this entry (who am I kidding – please debate below).

Personally, I loved the movie, I loved Cavill as Superman, I loved the world Snyder and Goyer created and I can’t wait for the Superman/Batman and Justice League movies.


Box Office: 291M Domestic / 668M WW



BOF User Reviews:



Loved it!!! I'm sure it has it flaws, but the awesomeness of most of Man of Steel made me forget them.  First movie in a long time where I wanted to re-watch the film immediately. I went in with low expectations, since TDKR absolutely devastated me with how bad it was, but MoS delivered.  The flashbacks were great. The CGI was pretty good.

Was expecting this to be a remake of S1 & S2 and although it has some elements from them, I'm glad to say I was wrong.

The 3D was pointless as usual, but I think there were some good shots in the beginning though.

 Rating for 1st viewing: A



My favorite movie of the year so far!

I liked how they used flashbacks for the early years and I thought the overall story was well written.  I also thought they did an excellent job with Jor-El by giving him more exposure in this movie.

The movie moved along at a very good pace and the build up to the fight scenes was great.  General Zod was a worthy opponent for Superman and the battles were quite satisfying.

5/5 for me


I don't suppose we've had a 'dislike' button constructed yet?

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Number 9-3





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Probably the most divisive movie of the year, the Superman movie which brought Superman back into the spotlight. “Man of Steel” was my most anticipated movie of the year. I couldn’t wait to watch Superman back on the big screen, and the movie delivered in spades for me.

I know that we can debate the merits and demerits of the movie for all eternity. Hell, some people have even called MoS one of the worst movies ever made, but irrespective of how much debate arises around this movie, no one seems to be capable of changing their stand or even acknowledging any points anyone else seems to be making. So hopefully, a debate does not arise in the comments following this entry (who am I kidding – please debate below).

Personally, I loved the movie, I loved Cavill as Superman, I loved the world Snyder and Goyer created and I can’t wait for the Superman/Batman and Justice League movies.


Box Office: 291M Domestic / 668M WW



BOF User Reviews:



Loved it!!! I'm sure it has it flaws, but the awesomeness of most of Man of Steel made me forget them.  First movie in a long time where I wanted to re-watch the film immediately. I went in with low expectations, since TDKR absolutely devastated me with how bad it was, but MoS delivered.  The flashbacks were great. The CGI was pretty good.

Was expecting this to be a remake of S1 & S2 and although it has some elements from them, I'm glad to say I was wrong.

The 3D was pointless as usual, but I think there were some good shots in the beginning though.

 Rating for 1st viewing: A



My favorite movie of the year so far!

I liked how they used flashbacks for the early years and I thought the overall story was well written.  I also thought they did an excellent job with Jor-El by giving him more exposure in this movie.

The movie moved along at a very good pace and the build up to the fight scenes was great.  General Zod was a worthy opponent for Superman and the battles were quite satisfying.

5/5 for me




ha, ha, Awesome

Edited by John Marston
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Number 9-3





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Probably the most divisive movie of the year, the Superman movie which brought Superman back into the spotlight. “Man of Steel” was my most anticipated movie of the year. I couldn’t wait to watch Superman back on the big screen, and the movie delivered in spades for me.

I know that we can debate the merits and demerits of the movie for all eternity. Hell, some people have even called MoS one of the worst movies ever made, but irrespective of how much debate arises around this movie, no one seems to be capable of changing their stand or even acknowledging any points anyone else seems to be making. So hopefully, a debate does not arise in the comments following this entry (who am I kidding – please debate below).

Personally, I loved the movie, I loved Cavill as Superman, I loved the world Snyder and Goyer created and I can’t wait for the Superman/Batman and Justice League movies.


Box Office: 291M Domestic / 668M WW



BOF User Reviews:



Loved it!!! I'm sure it has it flaws, but the awesomeness of most of Man of Steel made me forget them.  First movie in a long time where I wanted to re-watch the film immediately. I went in with low expectations, since TDKR absolutely devastated me with how bad it was, but MoS delivered.  The flashbacks were great. The CGI was pretty good.

Was expecting this to be a remake of S1 & S2 and although it has some elements from them, I'm glad to say I was wrong.

The 3D was pointless as usual, but I think there were some good shots in the beginning though.

 Rating for 1st viewing: A



My favorite movie of the year so far!

I liked how they used flashbacks for the early years and I thought the overall story was well written.  I also thought they did an excellent job with Jor-El by giving him more exposure in this movie.

The movie moved along at a very good pace and the build up to the fight scenes was great.  General Zod was a worthy opponent for Superman and the battles were quite satisfying.

5/5 for me



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Number 9-3





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Probably the most divisive movie of the year, the Superman movie which brought Superman back into the spotlight. “Man of Steel” was my most anticipated movie of the year. I couldn’t wait to watch Superman back on the big screen, and the movie delivered in spades for me.

I know that we can debate the merits and demerits of the movie for all eternity. Hell, some people have even called MoS one of the worst movies ever made, but irrespective of how much debate arises around this movie, no one seems to be capable of changing their stand or even acknowledging any points anyone else seems to be making. So hopefully, a debate does not arise in the comments following this entry (who am I kidding – please debate below).

Personally, I loved the movie, I loved Cavill as Superman, I loved the world Snyder and Goyer created and I can’t wait for the Superman/Batman and Justice League movies.


Box Office: 291M Domestic / 668M WW



BOF User Reviews:



Loved it!!! I'm sure it has it flaws, but the awesomeness of most of Man of Steel made me forget them.  First movie in a long time where I wanted to re-watch the film immediately. I went in with low expectations, since TDKR absolutely devastated me with how bad it was, but MoS delivered.  The flashbacks were great. The CGI was pretty good.

Was expecting this to be a remake of S1 & S2 and although it has some elements from them, I'm glad to say I was wrong.

The 3D was pointless as usual, but I think there were some good shots in the beginning though.

 Rating for 1st viewing: A



My favorite movie of the year so far!

I liked how they used flashbacks for the early years and I thought the overall story was well written.  I also thought they did an excellent job with Jor-El by giving him more exposure in this movie.

The movie moved along at a very good pace and the build up to the fight scenes was great.  General Zod was a worthy opponent for Superman and the battles were quite satisfying.

5/5 for me






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Had I my way people like you would be wiped off the face of the earth.


Well, okay, no you wouldn't, that'd be ridiculous and horrible. But you would get a very disapproving look.

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And worst of all time? Worst of last year? You clearly didn't saw enough movies.


I saw around 100 (It was in my top 10 worst list, made number 7), and don't quote the Big Lebowski to defend MoS, that's a cinematic crime right there.


Man of Steel isn't one of my worst of all time, but 300 is.

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