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The Panda

The Panda's Top 250 Movies of All Time Countdown (FINISHED)

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Monty Python's Life of Brian

If you know me well enough you'd probably be wondering where the Monty Python films were by now, and so here is one of them that manages to be absolutely hysterical.  My stomach literally was in pain the first time I saw this religious satire because of how hilarious it was.  It may be over the top in just about every way it can be, but that's exactly why the Monty Python movies are so damn amazing.



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The Wizard of Oz

A magical movie that was one of my childhood favorites and still one of my favorites to this day.  The Wizard of Oz was not only a groundbreaking cinematic masterpiece, it was an incredibly entertaining one that doesn't seem to have aged a year when you view it.  Enchanting from start to finish, The Wizard of Oz is a wonderful coming of age fantasy tale for all ages.


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"Years ago, my mother used to say to me, she'd say "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so so smart, or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart... I recommend pleasant."  Harvey is an absolute delight of a movie, and it may be my first 'WTF' choice in my top 25, but I firmly believe it deserves a spot here.  Harvey manages to be a film that can change your life, with a very simple, intelligent, and heartwarming message.

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In my opinion this is Alfred Hitchock's best film, and also one of his most interesting to watch and it managed to touch me more than any of his other movies which is what helped Vertigo manage to stand out among all of Hitchcock's glorious works.  Everything about it is just so delicately compelling and I find it nye impossible not to love it.

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Citizen Kane

"WTF, Panda?  Why isn't Citizen Kane number 1?  Are you some blithering idiot or something?  Isn't this the most obvious best movie of all time out there?"  I need to put a reminder this is my personal list, and so if I made an objective best list this would undoubtedly be in the top 3 if not number 1, but there just so happens to be fourteen movies I personally like more than this masterpiece (and I really doubt I need to explain why it's a masterpiece), so I placed it at 15.

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Schindler's List

Another one of Spielberg's many masterpieces, however this one managed to stand out among the rest for how hauntingly horrifying the entire predicament was.  You often hear and read about the travesty of the Holocaust, but Schindler's List shows you a realistic visual that is crafted in such an articulately fine way.  It is the height of the many great (and some not so great) World War 2 movies. 

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First, I don't completely count this as a World War 2 movie but a film set in the early World War 2 time frame so I can still call Schindler's List the best World War 2 movie.  Next, before people get onto me for putting this at 13 instead of 2 or 1 (like most lists), it's for the exact same reason as Citizen Kane, this movie is an absolute masterpiece, but there were 12 films that I personally like more.

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Before Sunrise

A film that completely relies on the conversations between two actors, and it works unbelievably well, with everything it manages to do.  Hawke and Delpy are both extremely honest and real in their roles, and manage to explore grand ideas in a simple, and unique premise that spawned (arguably) the greatest movie series out there.  Meticulously well crafted, Before Sunrise is a phenomenal creation by Linklater, Hawke, and Delpy. 

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Since you've brought it up a couple of times: Do you have an objective "best of all-time" list? If so, what's #1?


I haven't made a definite list, but I'd guess it'd probably end up looking very similar to the standard best of all time list.

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Lawrence of Arabia

It's still a travesty that Peter O'Toole never ended up winning an Oscar, despite his many nominations, however Lawrence of Arabia is still one of the greatest and grandest movies out there.  It has bold, sweeping shots that immerse you into the setting of the film.  However, Lawrence of Arabia is not only epic but it is absolutely phenomenal in all of its aspects.


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It's going to be hard to predict your top 10.  I'd have to go back through all 240 films and that's a bit much.


I feel sick that Citizen Kane is anywhere on your list.

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For people interested in order to not have to click through pages (if you are going to attempt to guess), here are the past 240


11. Lawrence of Arabia

12. Before Sunrise

13. Casablanca

14. Schindler’s List

15. Citizen Kane

16. Vertigo

17. Harvey

18. The Wizard of Oz

19. Monty Pyton’s Life of Brian

20. The Godfather

21. The Searchers

22. Goodfellas

23. Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

24. Grapes of Wrath

25. 2001: A Space Odyssey

26. Psycho

27. 12 Angry Men

28. One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest

29. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

30. The Empire Strikes Back

31. Apocalypse Now

32. It’s a Wonderful Life

33. The Princess Bride

34. Raging Bull

35. The Lion King

36. A Clockwork Orange

37. Gladiator

38. Chinatown

39. Wall-E

40. Jurassic Park

41. The Godfather Part 2

42. Jaws

43. Spirited Away

44. Children of Men

45. No Country For Old Men

46. Alien

47. Unforgiven

48. The Truman Show

49. Glengarry Glen Ross


50. Gravity

51. Star Wars

52. Sunset Boulevard

53. Airplane!

54. Taxi Driver

55. The Bridge on the River Kwai

56. The Great Dictator

57. King Kong (1933)

58. The Terminator

59. Saving Private Ryan

60. Boogie Nights

61. Rear Window

62. The Last Picture Show

63. M

64. Modern Times

65. There Will Be Blood

66. (500) Days of Summer

67. Beauty and the Beast

68. Forrest Gump

69. City of God

70. The Social Network

71. Cabaret

72. Annie Hall

73. Goldfinger

74. Pan’s Labyrinth

75. Mean Streets

76. Silence of the Lambs

77. The Shining

78. Invasion of the Body Snatchers

79. Life of Pi

80. Shanghai Express

81. Star Trek (2009)

82. Last of the Mohicans

83. Repulsion

84. The Great Escape

85. Fiddler on the Roof

86. Rosemary’s Baby

87. Blade Runner

88. The Evil Dead

89. Gone With the Wind

90. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

91. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

92. Donnie Darko

93. Inside Llewyn Davis

94. My Fair Lady

95. Mean Girls

96. The Avengers

97. Frankenstein

98. Back to the Future

99. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

100. LA confidential

101. Her

102. Dr. No

103. Touch of Evil

104. The King of Comedy

105. A Streetcar Named Desire

106. A Fistfull of Dollars

107. Nosferatu

108. Kill Bill Vol 2

109. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

110. The Matrix

111. The Wolf of Wall Street

112. Persepolis

113. The Adventures of Robin Hood

114. The Hunt for Red October

115. The Bride of Frankenstein

116. The Departed

117. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut

118. Ghostbusters

119. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

120. To Kill a Mockingbird

121. Anatomy of Murder

122. In the Heat of the Night

123. The LEGO Movie

124. Spaceballs

125. Men in Black

126. An American in Paris

127. Elephant Man

128. For a Few More Dollars

 129. Godzilla, King of Monsters

130. The Hurt Locker

131. Stalag 17

132. Silver Linings Playbook

133. Singin’ in the Rain

134. Django Unchained

135. Beetlejuice

136. The Iron Giant

137. Young Mr. Lincoln

138. Amadeus

139. Lifeboat

140. Of Mice and Men (1939)

141. Minority Report

142. Great Expectations

143. Fargo

144. National Lampoon’s Animal House

145. The Birds

146. Million Dollar Baby

147. Good Will Hunting

148. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

149. Mary Poppins


150. Wall Street

151. This is Spinal Tap

152. 12 Years a Slave

153. Young Frankenstein

154. The Exorcist

155. Apollo 13

156. A Hard Day’s Night

157. Zodiac

158. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

159. Poltergeist

160. Grave of Fireflies

161. Groundhog Day

162. The Ladykillers

163. Seven Samurai

164. Pinocchio

165. A History of Violence

166. The Killing Fields

167. True Grit

168. The Goonies

169. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

170. Breakfast at Tiffany’s

171. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

172. Some Like it Hot

173. The Last Temptation of Christ

174. Adaptation

175. Memento

176. Hot Fuzz

177. All the King’s Men

178. Starship Troopers

179. Doctor Zhivago

180. Monster’s Inc

181. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

182. The Bourne Identity

183. Up

184. Bambi

185. sex, lies, and videotape

186. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

187. Toy Story

188. Risky Business

189. Gypsy

190. Steamboat Willie

191. Lost in Translation

192. Shadow of a Doubt

193. Zero Dark Thirty

194. Casino Royale

195. Y Tu Mama Tambien

196. Castaway

197. Tropic Thunder

198. The Last Waltz

199. Planes, Trains and Automobiles

200. The Fly

201. Stagecoach

202. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

203. Lethal Weapon

204. Three Kings

205. Shrek

206. O Brother, Where Art Thou?

207. Requiem For a Dream

208. From Here to Eternity

209. Chariots of Fire

210. The Day the Earth Stood Still

211. Rain Man

212. Argo

213. The Incredibles

214. Return of the Jedi

215. Aliens

216. The Bells of St. Mary’s

217. Dumbo

218. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

219. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

220. Rocky

221. Aladdin

222. Dracula

223. For Whom the Bells Toll

224. The Mark of Zorro

225. The Jungle Book

226. Caddyshack

227. Snakes on a Plane

228. East of Eden

229. Reservoir Dogs

230. Braveheart

231. Mrs Miniver

232. Tarzan

233. Batman Begins

234. Ocean’s Eleven

235. Kramer vs Kramer

236. Hellboy

237. The Breakfast Club

238. The French Connection

239. The Nightmare Before Christmas

240. On the Waterfront

241. Road to Morocco

242. The Prince of Egypt

243. The Dark Knight

244. The Caine Mutiny

245. District 9

246. All About Eve

247. Ratatouille

248. Iron Man

249. The Sound of Music

250. Ben-Hur


Btw, if less than 5 people guess than I will give each person a like for each movie they guess correctly and another like for each one in the right spot.

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