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Weekend Actuals 3/28-3/30

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TW LW Title (click to view) Studio Weekend Gross % Change Theater Count /Change Average Total Gross Budget* Week #
1 N Noah Par. $43,720,472 - 3,567 - $12,257 $43,720,472 $125 1
2 1 Divergent LG/S $25,619,578 -53.1% 3,936 - $6,509 $94,379,586 $85 2
3 2 Muppets Most Wanted BV $11,279,128 -33.7% 3,194 - $3,531 $33,116,817 $50 2
4 3 Mr. Peabody & Sherman Fox $9,070,635 -23.3% 3,299 -308 $2,750 $94,479,448 $145 4
5 4 God's Not Dead Free $8,797,666 -4.5% 1,178 +398 $7,468 $21,750,684 - 2
6 7 The Grand Budapest Hotel FoxS $8,539,795 +25.8% 977 +673 $8,741 $24,171,610 - 4
7 N Sabotage (2014) ORF $5,272,444 - 2,486 - $2,121 $5,272,444 - 1
8 6 Need for Speed BV $4,226,216 -46.8% 2,705 -410 $1,562 $37,644,237 $66 3
9 5 300: Rise of An Empire WB $4,209,290 -50.5% 2,601 -484 $1,618 $101,054,704 $110 4
10 8 Non-Stop Uni. $4,010,885 -37.7% 2,515 -430 $1,595 $85,091,060 $50 5
11 9 The LEGO Movie WB $3,018,060 -27.3% 2,001 -500 $1,508 $248,216,780 $60 8
12 N Cesar Chavez LGF $2,861,528 - 664 - $4,310 $2,861,528 - 1
13 16 Bad Words Focus $2,560,186 +406.9% 842 +755 $3,041 $3,478,876 - 3
14 10 Tyler Perry's The Single Moms Club LGF $1,121,830 -63.8% 1,139 -757 $985 $14,999,935 - 3
15 11 Son of God Fox $1,064,201 -60.9% 1,277 -862 $833 $57,854,943 - 5
16 12 The Monuments Men Sony $428,787 -54.9% 501 -437 $856 $76,588,248 $70 8
17 13 Frozen BV $337,736 -54.1% 387 -682 $873 $398,391,611 $150 19
18 14 Ride Along Uni. $318,390 -49.2% 360 -290 $884 $133,659,265 $25 11
19 19 The Nut Job ORF $312,530 -7.1% 294 -41 $1,063 $63,106,258 $42 11
20 28 The Lunchbox SPC $287,430 +56.2% 73 +37 $3,937 $885,451 - 5
21 33 Le Week-End MBox $215,387 +58.4% 50 +25 $4,308 $472,901 - 3
22 15 3 Days to Kill Rela. $211,705 -64.0% 340 -412 $623 $30,233,978 $28 6
- N The Raid 2 SPC $165,292 - 7 - $23,613 $165,292 - 1
- 17 Veronica Mars WB $158,425 -66.2% 210 -137 $754 $3,182,576 $6 3
- 18 12 Years a Slave FoxS $134,083 -69.5% 228 -294 $588 $56,378,410 $20 24
- 26 Enemy A24 $124,578 -37.0% 120 +24 $1,038 $769,889 - 3
- 29 Nymphomaniac: Volume I Magn. $124,442 -21.4% 38 +13 $3,275 $367,219 - 2
- 22 Gravity WB $121,981 -45.8% 135 -67 $904 $273,312,639 $100 26
- 24 The Wind Rises BV $121,923 -40.3% 78 -72 $1,563 $4,922,675 - 6
- 20 American Hustle Sony $107,603 -53.7% 188 -93 $572 $150,017,421 $40 16
- 23 Philomena Wein. $106,001 -49.0% 202 -95 $525 $37,325,124 $12 19
- 34 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug WB $103,597 -23.5% 185 -39 $560 $258,206,253 - 16
- 21 RoboCop (2014) Sony $97,144 -57.5% 168 -160 $578 $57,279,423 $100 7
- 35 Pompeii TriS $92,852 -26.2% 162 -39 $573 $22,970,543 $100 6
- 30 Tim's Vermeer SPC $90,463 -42.2% 94 -35 $962 $1,424,001 - 9
- 32 Lone Survivor Uni. $89,925 -36.4% 165 -46 $545 $124,964,476 $40 14


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Pretty much everything was overestimated:


Est. / Act. Diff Movie Title (click to view) Studio Studio Est. / Actual Diff % Diff Theaters Est. Total Actual Wk
1 1 - Noah Par. $44,000,000 $43,720,472 $-279,528 -0.6% 3,567 $44,000,000 $43,720,472 1
2 2 - Divergent LG/S $26,500,000 $25,619,578 $-880,422 -3.3% 3,936 $95,260,000 $94,379,586 2
3 3 - Muppets Most Wanted BV $11,373,000 $11,279,128 $-93,872 -0.8% 3,194 $33,210,000 $33,116,817 2
4 4 - Mr. Peabody & Sherman Fox $9,500,000 $9,070,635 $-429,365 -4.5% 3,299 $94,909,000 $94,479,448 4
5 5 - God's Not Dead Free $9,075,000 $8,797,666 $-277,334 -3.1% 1,178 $22,028,000 $21,750,684 2
6 6 - The Grand Budapest Hotel FoxS $8,825,000 $8,539,795 $-285,205 -3.2% 977 $24,457,000 $24,171,610 4
7 7 - Sabotage (2014) ORF $5,330,000 $5,272,444 $-57,556 -1.1% 2,486 $5,330,000 $5,272,444 1
8 8 - Need for Speed BV $4,335,000 $4,226,216 $-108,784 -2.5% 2,705 $37,753,000 $37,644,237 3
9 9 - 300: Rise of An Empire WB $4,300,000 $4,209,290 $-90,710 -2.1% 2,601 $101,145,000 $101,054,704 4
10 10 - Non-Stop Uni. $4,087,000 $4,010,885 $-76,115 -1.9% 2,515 $85,167,000 $85,091,060 5
11 11 - The LEGO Movie WB $3,105,000 $3,018,060 $-86,940 -2.8% 2,001 $248,304,000 $248,216,780 8
12 12 - Cesar Chavez LGF $3,000,000 $2,861,528 $-138,472 -4.6% 664 $3,000,000 $2,861,528 1
13 13 - Bad Words Focus $2,645,000 $2,560,186 $-84,814 -3.2% 842 $3,564,000 $3,478,876 3
14 14 - Tyler Perry's The Single Moms Club LGF $1,160,000 $1,121,830 $-38,170 -3.3% 1,139 $15,038,000 $14,999,935 3
15 15 - Son of God Fox $1,070,000 $1,064,201 $-5,799 -0.5% 1,277 $57,861,000 $57,854,943 5
- 16 - The Monuments Men Sony $440,000 $428,787 $-11,213 -2.5% 501 $76,599,000 $76,588,248 8
- 17 - Frozen BV $348,000 $337,736 $-10,264 -2.9% 387 $398,402,000 $398,391,611 19
- 18 - Ride Along Uni. $335,000 $318,390 $-16,610 -5.0% 360 $133,676,000 $133,659,265 11
- 19 - The Nut Job ORF $322,000 $312,530 $-9,470 -2.9% 294 $63,116,000 $63,106,258 11
- 20 - The Lunchbox SPC $313,000 $287,430 $-25,570 -8.2% 73 $911,000 $885,451 5
- 21 - Le Week-End MBox $225,000 $215,387 $-9,613 -4.3% 50 $483,000 $472,901 3
- 22 - 3 Days to Kill Rela. $212,000 $211,705 $-295 -0.1% 340 $30,234,000 $30,233,978 6
- - - The Raid 2 SPC $177,000 $165,292 $-11,708 -6.6% 7 $177,000 $165,292 1
- - - 12 Years a Slave FoxS $137,000 $134,083 $-2,917 -2.1% 228 $56,831,000 $56,378,410 24
- - - Enemy A24 $132,000 $124,578 $-7,422 -5.6% 120 $778,000 $769,889 3
- - - Philomena Wein. $111,000 $106,001 $-4,999 -4.5% 202 $37,330,000 $37,325,124 19
- - - American Hustle Sony $110,000 $107,603 $-2,397 -2.2% 188 $150,020,000 $150,017,421 16
- - - Tim's Vermeer SPC $96,800 $90,463 $-6,337 -6.5% 94 $1,430,400 $1,424,001 9
- - - Lone Survivor Uni. $90,800 $89,925 $-875 -1.0% 165 $124,965,300 $124,964,476 14
- - - The Wolf of Wall Street Par. $90,000 $86,772 $-3,228 -3.6% 134 $116,870,000 $116,866,727 14
- - - Mistaken for Strangers Abr. $81,800 $87,743 $+5,943 +7.3% 9 $81,800 $87,743 1
- - - Particle Fever Abr. $74,800 $68,796 $-6,004 -8.0% 27 $448,600 $442,595 4
- - - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Par. $72,000 $75,482 $+3,482 +4.8% 107 $50,546,000 $50,549,107 11
- - - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire LGF $69,000 $63,523 $-5,477 -7.9% 158 $424,651,100 $424,645,577 19
- - - On My Way Cohen $60,200 $59,236 $-964 -1.6% 31 $150,600 $149,613 3
- - - Dallas Buyers Club Focus $60,000 $56,477 $-3,523 -5.9% 99 $27,195,200 $27,191,666 22
- - - That Awkward Moment Focus $41,000 $42,143 $+1,143 +2.8% 68 $26,047,900 $26,049,082 9
- - - Jodorowsky's Dune SPC $36,700 $36,034 $-666 -1.8% 7 $91,300 $90,688 2
- - - Rob the Mob MNE $25,600 $22,364 $-3,236 -12.6% 5 $43,600 $40,326 2
- - - Stalingrad (2014) Sony $10,000 $11,244 $+1,244 +12.4% 66 $1,003,000 $1,004,142 5
- - - Big Men Abr. $9,600 $9,402 $-198 -2.1% 3 $35,600 $35,406 3
- - - 20 Feet from Stardom RTWC $1,500 $1,628 $+128 +8.5% 4 $4,937,900 $1,938,075 42


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Wonder if the NCAA tournament had anything to do with it. It is the most watched tournament in 21 years. Estimates are that around 20 million people will tune in this Saturday for the final four making it one of the biggest audiences ever. I wonder if WrestleMania will have any affect on the box office on Sunday, around 7 million people will be watching that in the US as well.

Edited by grim22
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I know. I wish the film woulda done better, but they fucked up.


Keira? That marketing?

They could have pick a better actress to be in it than Keira. However, I think the bad marketing really did hurt the movie more than anything. 

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They could have pick a better actress to be in it than Keira. However, I think the bad marketing really did hurt the movie more than anything. 


The timing was really unlucky as well. Lone Survivor broke out huge and took the action audience. I wonder if it would have been better to leave it on the original Christmas release.

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The timing was really unlucky as well. Lone Survivor broke out huge and took the action audience. I wonder if it would have been better to leave it on the original Christmas release.

I don't think it would have done any worse. 

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yeah Jack Ryan had  some pretty lame marketing. Some of the worst posters I have ever seen especially. While the film wasn't great I do think it deserved better than it got. I wonder if the franchise will continue

I hope it does, but I don't think it will.  :(

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I hope it does, but I don't think it will.  :(


Which of these 4 franchises is most likely to get a sequel, and which is least likely?


Jack Ryan

Jack Reacher


Need For Speed



(and I mean a sequel in the near term, not a reboot in 7 years)

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Which of these 4 franchises is most likely to get a sequel, and which is least likely?


Jack Ryan

Jack Reacher


Need For Speed



(and I mean a sequel in the near term, not a reboot in 7 years)



most likely I would say Reacher in terms of direct sequel. 



Least likely. Need for Speed

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Which of these 4 franchises is most likely to get a sequel, and which is least likely?


Jack Ryan

Jack Reacher


Need For Speed



(and I mean a sequel in the near term, not a reboot in 7 years)

Most likely is: Jack Reacher

Least likely: Need For Speed


This is all just a guess, so I could be way off.  :lol:

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Most likely is: Jack Reacher

Least likely: Need For Speed


This is all just a guess, so I could be way off.  :lol:

Need for Speed will end with 200M WW on a 66M budget. Jack Ryan already closed with 135M WW on a 60M budget. Robocop had a 100M budget and will end with 250M WW. What is the logic behind thinking NFS is the least likely to get a sequel :lol: ?

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Need for Speed will end with 200M WW. Jack Reacher already closed with 135M WW. What is the logic behind this?



I can see them still making some kind of Jack Ryan movie in the future still while I doubt there will be any Need for Speed sequel 

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