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BOF: The Murder Mystery (Chapter Ten - The End!)

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That was very good Archer. Great start. I like everything about Tele in the story. Very funny. :)


Thanks. This story is going to get less funnier and more stranger though as it goes along, at least that's my intent. There'll still be humor though.

Edited by Pokearcher
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That was great, Facyarcher!  :)


Really enjoyed the stuff with Blanks and me. The Pink & Tele part was great too.



Thank you very much.


You two are meant to supply some of the funnier scenes in the story, your banter and accidentally clumsiness often getting the better of you, despite being very confident detectives otherwise.

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I want in! As Jack Sparrow Billionarie's Dick Grayson-esque ward, Claire Nancy Drew's Ned Nickerson-esque college bf, a chambermaid with a secret to hide, a genre-displaced superhero or all of the above. I don't care as who but I want in!


You can be the gardener, who's really violent with his shovel. 

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YAY! :D I know I will probably get bludgeoned to death with my own shovel but I will take it. :)


You encounter Claire who's sneaking outside in the garden looking for clues. You try force her out threatening to use your shovel, only to end up getting bonked on the head with it. You become a suspect based upon your angry nature.

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You encounter Claire who's sneaking outside in the garden looking for clues. You try force her out threatening to use your shovel, only to end up getting bonked on the head with it. You become a suspect based upon your angry nature.


LOVE IT!! So old school Nancy Drew!


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Ha, I never thought of it that way, it does make sense. Thanks. Speaking of which I envisioned Blanks and Empire as being Hardy Boys like, though considerably more comical.

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Ha, I never thought of it that way, it does make sense. Thanks. Speaking of which I envisioned Blanks and Empire as being Hardy Boys like, though considerably more comical.


Haha yeah, I can see Empire as Frank and Blanks as Joe. Like giving, amateur sleuth bros. :P 

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Haha yeah, I can see Empire as Frank and Blanks as Joe. Like giving, amateur sleuth bros. :P


They're considered to be professionals, but they get into so many accidents that cause considerable problems for their mysteries.

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Here's the prologue. Posting it to give you guys a taste of what this story will be like,


As our story begins we open at CaptainJackSparrow’s mansion. Sparrow a bachelor is throwing a party and he has invited many guests. We open with CaptainJackSparrow and Grim22, who are seated next to the kitchen, they are the only two people there. They’re talking to each other. Sitting right next to Sparrow, is his pet dog Snoopy who is enjoying a nice nap.CaptainJackSparrow: Good to see you old friend.Grim 22: Excellent! I have to you thank you, if it wasn’t for your nobel and generous offer our university in Mangalore, would be completely washed up.CaptainJackSparrow: Yes, I would also like to thank you for the offer to make me a helper at the university too, but I must refuse the offer, I would be a lousy helper when it comes to education, I barely got through college myself.Grim 22: That is understandable. Things like these happens. Not everyone is perfect. Say what exactly made you want to throw this party?CaptainJackSparrow: I decided to throw this party just to see all my old friends. I haven’t seen all of them together in about 2 years.Grim 22: 2 years isn’t that long.CaptainJackSparrow: Well to me it is.The scene changes as we go from the kitchen to the living room where the guests are, there about an estimated 28 guests at CaptainJackSparrow’s party, aside from Grim 22. Some of them are dancing to music, while some of them are talking. Among the guests at the party are, Impact, Spaghetti a scientist who claims he has a machine that can predict things, Rukaio Alter a Russian and an old acquaintance of Jack, who is very tough and strangely suspicious looking, Avy Lmao aka Jandrews, ChD a man with a wacky sense of humor, Reddevil18, Claire Holt a sneaky young female detective, and Tele a grizzled old veteran retired mystery solver whose best years are behind him.We cut to Kowhite who is talking with Fancyarcher.Kowhite: So did you hear?Fancyarcher: No, what?Kowhite: BKB finally cracked and went insane.Fancyarcher: I thought CaptainJack threw him out of his party last time because he couldn’t stop being a sexist fool?Kowhite: He did, but I saw him the other day while taking a walk and he was crazy, he was running around screaming, he was mumbling too, he mentioned something about MrPink and wanting revenge. I couldn’t understand the rest, it was like gibberish to me.Fancyarcher: MrPink? Last I heard he went upstairs in order to go to the bathroom.Kowhite (looking): Well he’s coming down the stairs.MrPink walks down the stairs.MrPink: Seriously, somebody should get those stairs fixed, they feel like their blazing everything single time down I walk down one of them.As MrPink walks down, he sees that Tele is sitting on the couch, all alone. He walks over.MrPink: What you doing old man Tele?Tele: I find this party to be boring. Where’s the excitement? It’s just a bunch of people getting together and talking about random shit that I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about.MrPink: Let me guess your idea of a good time is playing golf?Tele: Listen, when I used to solve mysterious, I’d find lots of interesting things to do. It was never boring.MrPink: Saving cats out of tree isn’t exciting.Tele: Excuse me? That’s a fireman’s job. I went around looking for lost girls, I once sailed a river, I even solved a murder on a cruise ship, those were the good times. I quit my job as a detective eventually though, as age began to take its toll, and solving mysteries started to get very repetitive. How many times could I find the save missing puppy before the pressure of boredom started to crack under my skin?MrPink: Fair enough, but that was in the 1970’s. This is the 21st century, get with the party.Tele: I suppose I could find some excitement here.As Tele gets up on the couch, the coat he’s wearing gets hit by some wine that Impact one of the guests was drinking.Impact: My bad! I’m sorry, didn’t you see there Tele. I apologize for getting your coat dirty.Tele: First though, I think I might need to wash myself up.Tele walks off. We cut to Blankments and Empire who at the dinner table. Blankments is munching on a cracker, while Empire is watching him.Empire: I do say that cracker looks exquisite. It also smells positively delicious.Blankments: Go ahead, there’s like a million of them, I like them quite a bit.Empire: You like everything Blanks.Blankments: True!The two laugh.Empire: So Blanks about that mystery we were trying to solve.Blankments: You mean the one involving the missing father and the forged papers?Empire: Yes, that one, what did you find out about our missing Mr. Gunno?Blankments: Not much, except if what I’m reading and thinking is correct than he most likely had himself kidnapped in an attempt to get away from his nagging wife and daughter.Empire: REALLY? Well, that was despicable.Blankments: Wasn’t much of a nice guy either. All the clues were just there, we had put them together and we had our answer.Empire: Hmm! That’s mystery solving for you, you can never be too sure who the real culprit is.As Empire talks, he and Blanks decide to take a walk around the mansion, only to end up bumping into a wall that they didn’t pay attention to, and being pushed back, hitting Reddevil18, who was holding a cake in his hand, which ends up on his shoulders instead of his mouth, making him very furious.Reddevil18: Look what you’ve done. That was a perfectly good looking cake and you’ve completely messed it up. Now it’s on me.Empire: Sorry, it was an accident. It won’t happen again.Blanks: Yeah! It won’t happen. BTW can I have a taste of that cake?Reddevil18: Err! Get away from me. I don’t want to see you around these parts again.Empire: Okay, okay!Empire and Blanks walk off. Reddevil18 watches in angry. As Reddevil18 is watching, Mr. Pink comes up to him.MrPink: Hey Red.Reddevil18: Oh hey, Mr. Pink, how goes the adventuring. Have you discovered the mummy of Egypt yet?MrPink: I ran into old man Tele, dude can’t stop talking about the old times, like they’re supposed to be some golden age or something. I’m sure those time were really crummy, they only seem great from his nostalgic perspective.Reddevil18: Well Tele’s Tele, you can’t change him. He just thinks everything in the past was much better, like any old coot his age. Someday you’ll probably be saying the same thing to your future generations.MrPink: Yeah, I guess. I’m sure it’ll be something like this (in an older sounding voice), “Hi I’m Reddevil18, when I was younger we didn’t have these stinking hoverboards and teleporters. We had cars and we liked them”.Reddevil18 is applaud by what he is hearing.Reddevil18: Hey! I don’t think I’m gonna sound that scratchy when I get that older. If anything my voice will stay the same as it’s ever been.MrPink: Oh come on now, our voices getting older is just a natural progression of life.Reddevil18: Not to me it is.MrPink: That’s cause you refuse to admit that will you eventually age.Reddevil18 has a pissed off look on his face.Reddevil18: Mr. Pink, that is it I have had it with you. Get out of my sight, NOW!!MrPink: Okay, okay (turning his back and walking) he didn’t need to be as hotheaded about something as realistic as getting older.As everyone in the party continues to dance and talk. The lights go off.Voice: What’s happening?Voice: I can’t see!As the voices talk, a gunshot is heard, and then a scream. JackSparrow turns the lights on. As everyone looks around they see MrPink’s body roll on the floor, with a bullet in his stomach. His eyes are open but there’s no breathing to be heard.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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