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Positivity Scale Thread (Cayom's Rotten Tomatoes/Metacritic)Y9

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The CAYOM rotten tomatoes thread. I will edit it constantly, but I will take requests and requests only. I think this is a fun idea and I hope this will be a tradition here at CAYOM.

January (Average: 48%)

Mine- 13% (Certified Rotten)

Samara- 42%

Ship of Lies- 66%

Alice in Horrorland- 62%

Tortoise Run- 22% (Certified Rotten)

Among the Imposters- 62%

Dystopia, USA- 59%

Change of Heart- 37%

Skyjumper- 65%

February (Average: 50%)

Numbers Theory- 81% (Certified Fresh)

Slenderman: The Search- 31%

Ice Desert- 43%

Sweet Disposition- 40%

Walking Alone- 76% (Certified Fresh)

The Best of You- 45%

The Cave- 35%

Teen Titans- 66%

The Tudors- 49%

Childhood Ruined 2- 0% (Certified Rotten)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney- Part 1- 85% (Certified Fresh)

March (Average: 50%)

If- 55%

Island of Dreams- 43%

Legacy of the Joestars: Phantom Blood- 71%

Conventionally Wiser- 29%

Where you Imagine- 34%

Black Cat- 70%

The Thin, The Fat, and The Felon- 82% (Certified Fresh)

Peace at Last- 25%

The Red Pyramid- 65%

Our Future- 26%

April (Average: 60%)

Chuck Norris and Liam Neeson vs. The Underworld- 84% (Certified Fresh)

Me and My Shadow- 77% (Certified Fresh)

Polybius- 37%

The Fifth Wave- 67%

Horror House 2- 0% (Certified Rotten)

Mystery Science Theater 3,000: Thomas the Tank Engine- 92% (Certified Fresh)

Portentous Dealings- 47%

Dawn of the Last Six- 73%

May (Average: 61%)

Overdrive- 78% (Certified Fresh)

Things That Are- 26%

Into the Dead- 56%

Log Horizon- 69%

Epicer Chase- 2% (Certified Rotten)

Star Wars: Age of the Republic- 81% (Certified Fresh)

Train 38- 76%

Yzma- 66%

American Idiot- 69%

Dauntless- 85% (Certified Fresh)

June (Average: 48%)

5 Cenimeters per Second- 82% (Certified Fresh)

Tyrant III: The Final Chapter- 19%(Certified Rotten)

Fate Stay Night- 74%

Sir Thyme's Time 2- 92% (Certified Fresh)

1,843 Miles and 28 Hours on I-75 S- 32%

Vinland Saga- 54%

3:40 A.M.- 15% (Certified Rotten)

The 39 Clues: Beyond the Grave- 46%

Kansas- 17% (Certified Rotten)

July (Average: 44%)

Godzilla Apocolypse- Part 2- 41%

Minnie's Summer Vacation- 66%

OMG Sharkz!- 0% (Certified Rotten)

Life of Galileo- 36%

Vector- 21% (Certified Rotten)

The Adventures of Scrooge McDuck- 88% (Certified Fresh)

Death Note: Eyes of a God- 69%

Clear and Present Danger- 50%

The Lucky Winner- 25% (Certified Rotten)

August (Average: 43%)

The Cloud- 25% (Certified Rotten)

Mickey After Walt- 5% (Certified Rotten)

Fortune's Hunters- 81% (Certified Fresh)

The Sky Crawlers- 69%

Candle Cove- 21% (Certified Rotten)

Urinetown- 42%

Yellow Wallpaper- 69%

The Disapearance of Ashley, Kansas- 21%(Certified Rotten)

Train to Paradise- 55%

September (Average: 42%)

Tyler Perry's Madea's Time Machine- 0% (Certified Rotten)

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- The Rise of Nightmare Clarity- 45%

Sailing Champion- 25% (Certified Rotten)

This is Not a Game- 63%

Tick Tock- 63%

Heaven- 57%

October (Average: 48%)

Allegiant- 49%

Forgotten Sound- 26%

Lord of the Flies- 78% (Certified Fresh)

Cybernetic 7- 80% (Certified Fresh)

Cabin Fever- 21% (Certified Rotten)

An Odd Road Trip- 36%

Silent Invasion 3D: The Final Chapter- 32%

The Hateful Eight Redux- 59%

November (Average: 55%)

Hellsing- 66%

Attack on Titan- 72%

WatchDogs- 56%

A Midsummer Night's Dream- 62%

A Series of Unfortunate Events: Movie the Fifth- 36%

The Beast of Loch Ness- 44%

The Special Effects Team 2- 39%

The Little Drummer Boy- 68%

December (Average: 67%)

The Battle for Brazil- 88% (Certified Fresh)

Suicide is Painless- 89% (Certified Fresh)

The House of Atreus- 79% (Certified Fresh)

Because The Internet- 33%

Beauty and the Beast- 78% (Certified Fresh)

The Ice Diaries- 51%

The Once and Future King: The Ill-Made Knight- 54%

Edited by Rorschach McMighty
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The only problem I foresee is you considering something fresh/rotten when the reviewer believes different.


If the idea catches, I guess people could mention at the end what they think. Anyway, the thing I think is impossible to fix is that the range of percentage a movie can get won't be as defined as real life movies because there are like 3 or 4 reviewers.

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