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Chasmmi's Winter Game - Discussion and Rules - SCORES ARE TALLIED RESULTS COUNTDOWN IN PROGRESS!!!

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As the game is coming to an end, here is a nice easy SOTM for y'all to have a lil go at:



Between January 1st and the end of the game, what will be the 5 top grossing films? Films already in release are eligible but only there gross from January 1st onwards will count.


You must predict 5 films in order, no more no less and the scoring is as follows:


For each film in the correct position - 5000 points


For each film in the top 5 but in the wrong position - 2000 points


Get all 5 correct but not all in the correct spots - 5000 point bonus


Get all 5 correct and in the correct spots - 10000 bonus


A predicted film is not in the top 5 - lose 3000 points


A predicted film is not in the top 8 - lose 5000 points



Risk Free New Year Bonus!!!!



Predict the grosses of your 5 predicted films. (films must finish in the top 8 grosses to qualify for this bonus)


If you are correct within $5M for 5 out of the 5 films  get an extra 15k


If you are correct within $5M for 4 out of the 5 films  get an extra 10k


If you are correct within $5M for 3 out of the 5 films  get an extra 5k



Or you can abstain from everything for 3000 points.






2. TAKEN 3 - 75.86

3. HOBBIT - 60

4. INTO THE WOODS - 57.43

5. UNBROKEN - 49.9





8. NATM 3 - 39.24

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SOTM 11 ANSWER TIME (and I think where my own personal run of postive results comes to a screeching halt :( )


Another simpler question. SImply state yes or no whether the following films will reach the following targets by the end of the game:


1. Hobbit 3 - 265M  NO


2. NATM 3 - 110M  NO


3. Selma - 52.5M   NO


4. Big Hero 6 - 221M  NO


5. Mocking jay 337.5M  NO


6. Exodus 65.5M  NO



You can answer as many as you like and the scores are as follows (these are all total losses not cumulative - e.g. if you get two correct answers you get 5000 total positive points, not 2000 plus 5000)


1 correct answer 2000 points

2 correct answers 5000 points

3 correct answers 9000 points

4 correct answers 16000 points

5 correct answers 25000 points

6 correct answers 34000 points


1 incorrect answer: lose 1000 points

2 incorrect answers: lose 4000 points

3 incorrect answers lose 7000 points

4 incorrect answers lose 12000 points

5 incorrect answers lose 18000 points

6 incorrect answers lose 25000 points



If you get 100% of questions answered correct, you get a cumulative bonus of 1000 + 2000 + 3000 points and so on, up to the number of questions you answered.


(e.g. if you answer 4 questions and get 4 correct, you score 16000 points + 10000 bonus points (1+2+3+4 x 1000 points), but if you answer 5 and get 4 correct and 1 wrong then you score is 16000 - 1000 = 15000 points.



Deadline is the same as the weekly question deadline this week. You can abstain for 1000 points.



Good luck :)

Edited by chasmmi
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And so the scores for those 3 SOTMs:



Name SOTM 9 SOTM 10 SOTM 11
Geraldino 4000 3000 -12000
Dajk 2000 3000 -7000
Darkelf 6000 3000 -7000
Iceroll -2000 3000 0
Laguy 0 0 1000
The Panda 0 0 0
Grim 12000 3000 -2000
Bcf26 2000 3000 8000
Wrath 8000 3000 -7000
Jajang -50000 11000 2000
Grey Ghost 2000 3000 0
Blankments 6000 3000 1000
Spaghetti 16000 0 0
Telemachos 8000 18000 2000
Films 0 0 0
Chasmmi 2000 16000 -12000
Baumer 0 0 0
Punishment 0 0 0
Filmovie 0 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0 0
Alpha 0 0 0
Snoopy 0 0 0
Empire -50000 3000 0
Avi  10000 13000 0
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And marching on to SOTM 12:


A simple task for this week. Predict the weekend gross for any film this weekend that grosses above 5M for the 3 day.  


If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points.


If your predicted film fails to gross more than $5M, you lose 4000 points on top of any accuracy deductions (you cannot gain points for accuracy).  


If you predict 100% of your films to within 10% you score 1000 bonus points per film 


If you predict 100% of your films to within 5% you score 1000 + 2000 + 3000 and so on bonus points to the number of films predicted.



Abstaining wins you 2000 points



So the scoring brackets for all qualifying films are:




If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points  61.39 - 67.87


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points  58.16 - 71.10


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points   54.94 - 74.32


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points   51.71 - 77.54


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points   45.23 - 84.03


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points  OUTSIDE THE ABOVE NUMBERS





If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points  14.16 - 15.65


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points  13.41 - 16.40


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points   12.67 - 17.14


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points  11.92 - 17.89


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points   10.43 - 19.38


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points  OUTSIDE THE ABOVE NUMBERS





If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points  11.65 - 12.88


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points  11.04 - 13.49


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points   10.42 - 14.11


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points  9.81 - 14.72


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points   8.59 - 15.95


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points  OUTSIDE THE ABOVE NUMBERS





If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points  10.74 - 11.87


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points  10.17 - 12.44


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points   9.61 - 13.00


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points  9.04 - 13.57


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points   7.91 - 14.70


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points  OUTSIDE THE ABOVE NUMBERS



TAKEN 3 - 7.41M


If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points  7.03 - 7.78


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points  6.67 - 8.15


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points   6.29 - 8.52


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points  5.92 - 8.89


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points   5.18 - 9.63


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points  OUTSIDE THE ABOVE NUMBERS





If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points  6.60 - 7.30


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points  6.25 - 7.65


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points   5.90 - 7.99


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points  5.56 - 8.34


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points   4.86 - 9.04


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points  OUTSIDE THE ABOVE NUMBERS



SELMA - 5.41M


If your prediction is correct to within 5% you score 5000 points  5.13 - 5.68


If your prediction is correct to within 10% you score 2000 points  4.86 - 5.95


If your prediction is correct to within 15% you score 0 points   4.59 - 6.22


If your prediction is within 15.01-20% you lose 3000 points  4.32 - 6.49


If your prediction is within 20.01-30% you lose 6000 points   3.78 - 7.03


If your prediction is more than 30% out, you lose 10000 points  OUTSIDE THE ABOVE NUMBERS

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And finally the answers for SOTM 13:


Here we have it, the final SOTM :)


This is a happy little bonus for you all. No points can be lost, no abstaining, no risks. Just 8 happy questions for you all to predict and one happy little concept :)


There are 8 questions below, for each one you make a numerical prediction. the closer to the answer you are, the more points you win.


HOWEVER, if your prediction is higher than the correct answer, you score nothing for that question.


Scores are as follows:


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and is the 2nd or 3rd closest prediction (excluding high predictions) score 2000 bonus points (on top of the above)


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and is the closest prediction (excluding high predictions) score 4000 bonus points (on top of the above)


- If your prediction is higher than the correct answer score zero.


Your score will be rounded up to the nearest 1000 points for ease of scoring.



So the questions...


1. Predict American Sniper's 3 day weekend gross.  64.63M


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  32.315M


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  48.47M


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  58.16M



2. Predict Mortdecai's Opening Saturday gross  1.74M


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  0.87M


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  1.30M


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  1.56M



3. Predict Tak3n's weekend PTA. $2,548


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  $1,274


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  $1,911


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  $2,293



4. Predict Blackhat's weekend drop. 57.3


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  28.65%


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  42.97%


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  51.57%



5. Predict the difference in gross between Imitation Game this weekend and next weekend.  145K


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  72.5K


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  108.75K


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  130.05K



6. Predict the gross difference between Selma and Into the woods  1.53M


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  0.765M


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  1.15M


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  1.37M



7. Predict Mr. Turner's Weekend gross  162K


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  81K


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  121.5K


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  145.8K



8. Predict Annie's Sunday gross. 395K


 If your prediction is lower than the correct answer score 100 (yes one hundred) points


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 50% score 250 points  197.5K


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 25% score 1000 points  298.75K


- If your prediction is lower than the correct answer and within 10% score 2000 points  355.5K

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And the scores for those two SOTMs:



Name SOTM 12 SOTM 13
Grim 9000 11000
Darkelf 12000 17000
Bcf26 2000 6000
Spaghetti 0 0
Wrath 2000 0
Iceroll -3000 4000
Chasmmi 4000 13000
Laguy 2000 7000
Dajk 2000 9000
Grey Ghost 0 0
Geraldino 5000 11000
Telemachos 0 0
The Panda 0 0
Blankments 2000 8000
Filmovie 0 0
Films 0 0
Jajang -1000 13000
Baumer 0 0
Punishment 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0
Alpha 0 0
Snoopy 0 0
Avi  2000 7000
Empire 0 0
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And the table for all SOTM questions looks like:  (SOTM 1-7)



Darkelf -7000 4000 1000 24000 14000 4000 -24000
Grim 8000 4000 18000 1000 1000 2000 -1000
Bcf26 -7000 6000 9000 4000 1000 2000 -4000
Chasmmi -10000 5000 5000 7000 9000 16000 -12000
Laguy 2000 -10000 1000 16000 1000 2000 -2000
Dajk 8000 4000 -4000 13000 1000 2000 -8000
Geraldino 3000 4000 12000 10000 1000 -18000 -1000
Wrath -10000 3000 6000 16000 3000 2000 0
Spaghetti -7000 -12000 0 0 -3000 16000 -8000
Iceroll -15000 4000 3000 6000 1000 2000 -2000
Grey Ghost -15000 6000 1000 10000 6000 2000 -4000
Blankments -10000 6000 -8000 10000 1000 2000 -12000
Telemachos -15000 4000 1000 0 -3000 -12000 -4000
The Panda 8000 8000 -9000 0 -1000 2000 0
Filmovie -15000 -10000 18000 0 0 2000 0
Films 3000 -10000 -5000 0 0 2000 0
Jajang 2000 5000 9000 7000 -10000 2000 -16000
Baumer -15000 -10000 -5000 0 0 2000 0
Punishment -15000 -10000 -5000 0 0 2000 0
Mahnamahna -15000 -10000 -5000 0 0 2000 0
CmasterClay -15000 -10000 -5000 0 0 2000 0
Alpha -25000 -40000 -5000 0 0 2000 0
Snoopy -15000 4000 -13000 -2000 3000 2000 -64000
Avi  -25000 4000 -2000 -30000 3000 -23000 -64000
Empire -25000 -12000 -2000 5000 -6000 -11000 -64000
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And SOTM 8-13 and totals:


Darkelf 25000 6000 3000 -7000 12000 17000 72000
Grim 4000 12000 3000 -2000 9000 11000 70000
Bcf26 13000 2000 3000 8000 2000 6000 45000
Chasmmi -1000 2000 16000 -12000 4000 13000 42000
Laguy 12000 0 0 1000 2000 7000 32000
Dajk 6000 2000 3000 -7000 2000 9000 31000
Geraldino 9000 4000 3000 -12000 5000 11000 31000
Wrath 2000 8000 3000 -7000 2000 0 28000
Spaghetti 25000 16000 0 0 0 0 27000
Iceroll 25000 -2000 3000 0 -3000 4000 26000
Grey Ghost 9000 2000 3000 0 0 0 20000
Blankments 9000 6000 3000 1000 2000 8000 18000
Telemachos 10000 8000 18000 2000 0 0 9000
The Panda 0 0 0 0 0 0 8000
Filmovie 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5000
Films 0 0 0 0 0 0 -10000
Jajang 11000 -50000 11000 2000 -1000 13000 -15000
Baumer 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28000
Punishment 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28000
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28000
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28000
Alpha 0 0 0 0 0 0 -68000
Snoopy 0 0 0 0 0 0 -85000
Avi  0 10000 13000 0 2000 7000 -105000
Empire 11000 -50000 3000 0 0 0 -151000


Edited by chasmmi
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So this is the final table you will see of anything until the final scores are announced. This is the current standings with just the big 4 Sections to go


(please note those sections have values worth up to the millions so even being 200k behind at this point means you are not out of the running. Once again i ask you not to make public how you or anybody else did if you have been tallying up yourself, I will aim to reveal all in about 22 hours time)




Position Name Weekly Scores SOTM Pre-Season Total
1 Darkelf 428000 72000 100000 600000
2 Grim 464000 70000 60000 594000
3 Laguy 432000 32000 89000 553000
4 Iceroll 371000 26000 142000 539000
5 Chasmmi 365000 42000 125000 532000
6 Dajk 384000 31000 83000 498000
7 Geraldino 371000 31000 84000 486000
8 Bcf26 368000 45000 36000 449000
9 Blankments 347000 18000 80000 445000
10 Grey Ghost 282000 20000 140000 442000
11 Wrath 344000 28000 35000 407000
12 Spaghetti 336000 27000 40000 403000
13 Jajang 365000 -15000 5000 355000
14 Telemachos 106000 9000 78000 193000
15 Avi  239000 -105000 10000 144000
16 The Panda 50000 8000 65000 123000
17 Filmovie 23000 -5000 100000 118000
18 Empire 232000 -151000 10000 91000
19 Punishment 21000 -28000 90000 83000
20 Snoopy 142000 -85000 25000 82000
21 Alpha 52000 -68000 80000 64000
22 Mahnamahna 10000 -28000 50000 32000
23 Baumer 21000 -28000 -180000 -187000
24 Films  0 -10000 -180000 -190000
25 CmasterClay 10000 -28000 -180000 -198000
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Not going to show the scores now, but this answer is now official for the Hunger Games Question:



1 - UK - $46.77M

2 - Germany - $39.0M 

3 - Australia - $28.6M

4 - France - $25.5M

5 - Mexico - $23.6M




For each correctly predicted country, regardless of order you receive 15,000 points
For each country in the exact spot you receive 5,000 bonus points (so 20,000 total)
Call 3 of the top 5 correctly (any order) receive 15,000 bonus points
Call 4 of the top 5 (any order) receive 30,000 bonus points
Call top 5 (any order) receive 50,000 bonus points

For every incorrect film lose 10,000 points



Am double checking as much as I can right now

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1. LAGGIES - 1.06M

2. PYRAMID - 2.75M



5. LEFT BEHIND - 14.1M


For each correctly predicted film, regardless of order you receive 10,000 points

Call 3 of the top 5 correctly (any order) receive 50,000 bonus points
Call 4 of the top 5 (any order) receive 75,000 bonus points
Call top 5 (any order) receive 100,000 bonus points


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I think everyone had China as one of the countries for the THG question. The China release date screwed everyone up for the question.


As China never happened, the 6th choices got counted.


If China had announced a release date of Jan 22nd, that would have been spicy.

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As China never happened, the 6th choices got counted.


If China had announced a release date of Jan 22nd, that would have been spicy.


But the official question didn't define any backups. Letter of the law vs. Spirit of the Law, like the OW of American Sniper and the January OW record. And of course The Interview never going wide. We took the letter of the law for both of those.


What I mean by that is simple. This is how the question was phrased:


Predict the top 5 Overseas (so not USA/Canada) territories for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay over the duration of the game. 


Compare to the questions with backups counted


1. Predict the 15 films you believe will gross the highest over the course of the winter game. You may choose any film for this list so long as it receives a US cinematic release between the dates of October 3rd and January 25th. (So if you think some indie film, currently down for being released in 7 cinemas nationwide, is going to go on to break 200M, go ahead and predict it). 

You should also predict a backup 16th and 17th placed film which will be used in the event that one of your top 15 gets moved outside of the qualifying period. Therefore your top 15 predictions should look something like the following: 




2. So it’s simple predict the top 7 OW of winter (plus a backup 8th OW in case of Calendar change) along with the predicted gross for the weekend. 



3. Predict the top 10 grossing films of the Winter (Plus 1 back up again)



There was no mention of a backup in case of the Hunger Games question.

Edited by grim22
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But the official question didn't define any backups. Letter of the law vs. Spirit of the Law, like the OW of American Sniper and the January OW record. And of course The Interview never going wide. We took the letter of the law for both of those.


What I mean by that is simple. This is how the question was phrased:


Predict the top 5 Overseas (so not USA/Canada) territories for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay over the duration of the game. 


Compare to the questions with backups counted


1. Predict the 15 films you believe will gross the highest over the course of the winter game. You may choose any film for this list so long as it receives a US cinematic release between the dates of October 3rd and January 25th. (So if you think some indie film, currently down for being released in 7 cinemas nationwide, is going to go on to break 200M, go ahead and predict it). You should also predict a backup 16th and 17th placed film which will be used in the event that one of your top 15 gets moved outside of the qualifying period. Therefore your top 15 predictions should look something like the following: 




2. So it’s simple predict the top 7 OW of winter (plus a backup 8th OW in case of Calendar change) along with the predicted gross for the weekend. 



3. Predict the top 10 grossing films of the Winter (Plus 1 back up again)



There was no mention of a backup in case of the Hunger Games question.

The odd thing is I *have* a backup for that question, and I have no idea why I would've put it there if I hadn't been told to do it.

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