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Ethan Hunt

top 50 films for the half decade; Kalo's list begins! (pg. 45)

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Okay, so no one seems to be doing this, and I've had my list ready for a few weeks now so I'm thinking I might as well just post it, to get it out of my system. If I'm not supposed to be doing this, mods just let me know :)



Honourable Mention (#51)





I have to be honest, I wasn't looking forward to this movie at all. Despite the glowing reviews etc. it didn't seen like the type of movie I would be into. But I was dead wrong. My friend almost had to force me to see this, and I'm glad she did, because I got to experience one of the best performances of 2014 (are you listening Academy?) and a thriller that proves you do not need a huge budget to entertain and provide thrills at the movie theatre.

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The Amazing Spider-Man




2002's Spider-Man is my all time favourite comic-book movie, and is in my top 10 films of all time. (can anyone tell by my avatar?) While this new incarnation isn't nearly as good, it provides a chance to get to know the character of Spider-Man again, who is in my opinion, the best superhero ever. The MCU is definitely missing out by not having him in their universe. I don't know if I should be disappointed that this isn't higher on my list, compared to Raimi's trilogy, but if I liked the movie, I can't complain that it isn't an all time favourite can I?

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes




One of the main reasons this film works so well is the tragic story of Caesar. It is elevated from being a cool action thriller to a dramatic, tragic story about life, loss and rebellion. Any Serkis portrays Caesar in such a way that, with the case of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, I don't want to see anyone else play the role. The story arc of the character is heartbreaking at times, and it's sad to follow what Caesar goes through throughout his life to become what he is in the sequel.

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Puss In Boots




Puss in Boots was the first 3D movie I saw when the medium first became available at my town's theatre, and that itself was an experience. But that experience alone isn't why Puss in Boots is on this list, but the fact that is it a movie with a layer of emotional depth that I was not expecting. The backstory between Puss and Humpty Dumpty for some reason got to me, and the ideas of brotherhood and friendship it put forward connected with me. I don't have a brother, and I was having a rough time at school with friends when this movie came out, so it spoke to me in a way that it might not today. I saw this movie at the right time, and therefore, I have very fond memories of it. 

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I'm not sure whether to be disappointed in this movie or not. On one hand, I was kind of expecting it to become one of my all time favourites; it was a winning combo (Nolan, sci-fi, actual science/physics integrated into the film). Well, it isn't one of my all time favourites, but it is still really REALLY good (minus the execution of the last few minutes in my opinion). The effects are gorgeous, and some scenes are able to capture the emptiness, vastness and loneliness of outer space better than Gravity ever did. A very human, intimate story exists at the center of the film, which pushes it from more than just a space adventure, to a human journey.

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Edited you into the title.

TASM is easily my least favorite Spiderman film ( I don't think it's very good at all)

And obviously Puss can be found higher on my list and Rise can be found way higher so I approve the inclusion of those. Excited to see what you have.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules




I'm not sure if I have just lost all my credibility with this choice, but whatever. I loved the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books when I was younger, and I will still read one when it comes out. These movies aren't anything profound, but they are cute, charming and sometimes very, very funny. I can relate to Greg Heffley on so many occasions, especially his thoughts on middle school ;) I think Roderick Rules is the best of this series, and it definitely has some very funny moments. The best thing about this movie is the re-watchability factor; I have seen this movie multiple times, and it is just as great each time.

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Well that certainly represented a shift... Diary of a Wimpy Kid to Birdman... Anyways...


Birdman is basically a movie that is made for movie fans. It isn't the type of movie that the general audience will enjoy quite as much (3 people walked out of my showing) but if you can stick with it, it's a real treat. That "one shot throughout the entire movie" illusion is something I have never seen before, and completely amazed and impressed me. Michael Keaton is fantastic, and I am in love with Emma Stone! I loved some of those references to film and box office in the movie "a billion dollars guaranteed". I wouldn't call it a "fun" movie, but it is an occasionally a funny one, a quirky one, and sometimes a subtly profound one.

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey




The Hobbit films don't need all the magic of Lord of the Rings to be good. This first film in the prequel trilogy was more of a nostalgia tour than the other two, and it was exciting to be back in Middle Earth again. If I had to decide, I would say this film out of the 3 Hobbit movies felt the most like a LOTR movie, before the other two were able to become their own thing (in a good way). While, admittedly, the extended dinner scene may bore those who aren't in love with this world, the Riddles in the Dark is a fantastic, eerie, creepy scene that is one of my favourites in this trilogy. Martin Freeman is fantastic as Bilbo, and the movie nicely teases what is to come, which is great for a first installment. 

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Iron Man 3




Fans of the Mandarin may (rightly so) hate me for this choice. But I thought that twist was hilarious, and really bold for the film. Besides that aspect of the movie, Robert Downey Jr. is incredibly fun to watch play Tony Stark, and like the other two Iron Man movies, this third flick includes all the wit and quick, funny dialogue we've come to expect from Marvel. Iron Man is the central character to this universe, as he is not only the most bankable at the box office, but he is in my opinion, the most fun to watch. I thought the action in this was really well done, but I must admit that I was a tad disappointed with the Stan Lee cameo. The movie wasn't as much of a pleasant surprise as the first Iron Man, but is still an incredibly entertaining movie nonetheless.

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i was waiting for spaghetti to finish to begin my list actually...

I'm really sorry Lisa :(

Mods, should I put this on hold so Lisa can do her list, or just try powering through this. I'm at a bit of a dilemma...

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