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Critics Choice Awards 2012

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I think it`s funny how nobody brings up Hopkins in SotL although his screen time was really limited. But his presence was so felt that he was in fact one of two leads.

Hopkins should never have been nominated for Actor. Probably the worst example of category fraud of all time.
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I think the problem with Michelle Williams is the profile with her films.She always gives a great performance, but the films fly under the radar.If Blue Valentine had a a bigger awareness, I could have seen her taking the win.Although Marylin has a higher profile than Valentine, it still fits in that "indie box".She needs a bigger studio style film to give her that extra push.Otherwise I see her churning out these performances & getting a nom but being passed over by either "the big star oscar bait of the year" (i.e Sandra Bullock in the Blind Side style roles) or playing second fiddle to other overlooked accalimed actresses (i.e. Viola Davis)

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Anthony Hopkins' performance in Silence of the Lambs is one of the most memorable performances of past 30 years. He deserved to win the Oscar regardless of how much screen time he had and I believe that his screen time was adequate because he pretty much took over the movie every time he was on the screen.I agree about why Michelle Williams is being overlooked. Her movies aren't big enough and she has no star power. Mery Streep is , well, Meryl Streep. Viola Davis is in a movie that has made a ton of money and its target viewers absolutely loved the movie. I think great thing is that compared to Best Actors category, Best Actress has a much stronger field so there will not be a Natalie Portman's Black Swan type of sweep this year.

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Anthony Hopkins' performance in Silence of the Lambs is one of the most memorable performances of past 30 years. He deserved to win the Oscar regardless of how much screen time he had and I believe that his screen time was adequate because he pretty much took over the movie every time he was on the screen.

That's what we call "stealing the show" and it's something supporting roles do, because the "show" belongs to the lead(s). A lead can't take over the movie, the movie already belongs to the lead from the beginning.
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I always thought Davis should have won best supporting actress for her role in that movie WITH Meryl Streep.The one where she was standing there talking and crying and snot was running out of her nose.

DOUBT. Yes, I would've loved to see her win for that.

I thought both Streep and Davis should've won that year. That's the best Streep performance I've seen and Davis was just omg in the few minutes she had. But unless your name is Judi Dench, you won't win with that little screen time.Also, Clooney does bug the hell out of me too with his "I know I'm hot" arrogance bulls***. I hope Pitt wins the Oscar if it's between those two. And for the love of God can Williams win the Oscar please?!! /endrant
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That's what we call "stealing the show" and it's something supporting roles do, because the "show" belongs to the lead(s). A lead can't take over the movie, the movie already belongs to the lead from the beginning.

Well, I don't think amount of screen time should be that important of a factor unless we are talking some ridiculosly small amount of time.
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Well, I don't think amount of screen time should be that important of a factor unless we are talking some ridiculosly small amount of time.

Your opinion, I disagree since I find screen-time a strong factor. A lead character has to be one who is a consistent and continual presence in the narrative development, he/she can't just pop in now and then for a stirring scene. Lecter doesn't drive the story at all, in fact one could say his final escape is more of an incidental subplot. The story is all about Clarice and her chase of Buffalo Bill. Lecter appears to give her a dramatic foil of sorts and make an impression on how her character develops and interprets the situations she's in. Edited by 4815162342
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