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Snowpiercer | Now in Theaters and VOD

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For those in Australia, it's going to expand from it's 2 "exclusive" theaters on Aug 7th 

Roadshow successfully platformed Snowpiercer, Korean director Bong Joon-ho’s futuristic thriller starring Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton and John Hurt, on two screens in Melbourne and Sydney, whistling up $52,000 and $96,000 with sneaks; it will add screens and roll out in other capital cities on August 7.







#1 on Itunes



#6 on In Demand for the week of  July 14-20





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I was rather reluctant to see this movie but my brother convinced me to go. Thank god he did. What a great CBM. ;)Easily up there with EoT or CATWS. And

I've eaten bugs before. The ones I've tasted aren't as bad as I thought it would be. But that whole scene was disturbing. Still apparently it didn't affect our appetites too much

:lol: we actually went out for Korean afterwords.

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I was rather reluctant to see this movie but my brother convinced me to go. Thank god he did. What a great CBM. ;)Easily up there with EoT or CATWS.And

I've eaten bugs before. The ones I've tasted aren't as bad as I thought it would be. But that whole scene was disturbing. Still apparently it didn't affect our appetites too much

:lol: we actually went out for Korean afterwords.


I'm glad I saw it to. That's one thing that "bugged" me about Curtis. 

he ate humans but was irate about being fed bugs, lol

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Good word choice there. :lol: To be fair to him,

cannibalism was a long time ago


Yeah I thought about that. But that was small qualm and really the only one. It's weird because I watched Season 4 of Downton Abby right after and started drawing parallels immediately. LOL.

Edited by ECSTASY
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I'm glad I saw it to. That's one thing that "bugged" me about Curtis. 

he ate humans but was irate about being fed bugs, lol


Well they'd be eating that and only that for 17 plus years and they've been made to feel like they should be grateful for it

- when all along they were giving them bugs - 

while the rest of train lived it up on actually good food.  It was just another indignity and dehumanization.   The same way they were giving them the

recycled water (and not much considering their level of cleanliness)



There were some very interesting background bits not spelled out in the movie culled from some Korean interview that were translated online that I found on Tumblr of all places



Q: In order for the tail section people to keep have children, sex is necessary; yet there isn’t much description of sex throughout the film. Moreover, it’s questionable if the population would be sustained when there are way more men than women in the tail section.

Bong Joon-Ho : Most young women in the tail section were drafted to the front section and you can see them in the club scene. Actually, there is a brothel section in the train according to the original graphic novel, but we couldn’t make it due to limited production budget. They kept just enough number of women in the tail section to provide children.


There is another extreme (*The interviewing website is called EXTREME MOVIE) backstory that I’m revealing for the first time: there are homosexual relationships among the men. Gilliam, played by John Hurt, and Grey, played by Luke Pasqualino, seem like a couple with a large age gap. Gilliam is someone whom Grey admires deeply, of course, but one could imagine they sleep together, too (laughs). And Gilliam sends Grey (who is his lover) to Curtis.



source: http://www.extmovie.com/xe/article/2230577


And more stuff from that Tumblr blog that might be spoilery


    [*]The Inuit woman of the Frozen Seven is Yona’s mother. She escaped first and promised to meet Namgoong Minsu and Yona a year later, but her plan was too haste and she froze to death.

    [*]The cutting of the fish is kind of a ritual. Being kept in the train for 18 years, the soldiers need an exciting event or a performance that they can remember and talk among themselves later. 

    (Director Bong originally thought about using a rabbit, but he thought it was too extreme and changed to fish. Harvey Weinstein wanted to cut this scene out but Bong pleaded, lying that his father is a fisherman. LOL)

    [*]Gilliam probably began cooperating with Wilford after the escape of the Frozen Seven. Wilford sent him a secret envoy.

    [*]Wilford changes his mind to audition Curtis as his heir after seeing the torch relay, thinking Curtis is better than what he expected. However, Namgoong Minsu’s escape plan was beyond his prediction.

    [*]Wilford is bisexual. He slept with Claude [his secretary], the Egg-Head, Mason, and the pregnant teacher. Yet, his the One is the Engine.

    [*]Director Bong wanted to express hope in the ending, implying that it is a good enough condition for people to live outside.

Edited by TalismanRing
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I'm glad I saw it to. That's one thing that "bugged" me about Curtis.

he ate humans but was irate about being fed bugs, lol

So how about your feelings towards this now that you watched the movie :ph34r:

Posted Image


Edited by Sam
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So how about your feelings towards this now that you watched the movie :ph34r:

Posted Image



LOL Real and Imaginary. I can tell the difference.

Curtis ate the baby

, lol. I wanna have Chris Evans baby. :lol:

Edited by ECSTASY
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Well they'd be eating that and only that for 17 plus years and they've been made to feel like they should be grateful for it

- when all along they were giving them bugs - 

while the rest of train lived it up on actually good food.  It was just another indignity and dehumanization.   The same way they were giving them the

recycled water (and not much considering their level of cleanliness)


Okay but did he know that already? I don't think they were even at the point to know what

was being eaten in the other cars. they only saw once they moved up further.


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I have so much feelings for this movie. I watched it again last night. Bong is a master, so many layers, it's both subtle and not. The directing is just wonderful really.

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I have so much feelings for this movie. I watched it again last night. Bong is a master, so many layers, it's both subtle and not. The directing is just wonderful really.


I agree Sam. I watched it twice on Demand. I think I'll watch it again.

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Okay but did he know that already? I don't think they were even at the point to know what

was being eaten in the other cars. they only saw once they moved up further.



That's right, he didn't know the specifics (I need to watch this again but I'll wait for the DVD).  But I think Curtis and the rest knew that those in front had it better just as he could see by their clothes and cleanliness that things were different in the back. It's doubtful anyone would think Wilford would have this luxury train

with just bugs to eat,

and he knows they're getting the dregs but he didn't think it was that bad.

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That's right, he didn't know the specifics (I need to watch this again but I'll wait for the DVD).  But I think Curtis and the rest knew that those in front had it better just as he could see by their clothes and cleanliness that things were different in the back. It's doubtful anyone would think Wilford would have this luxury train

with just bugs to eat,

and he knows they're getting the dregs but he didn't think it was that bad.


Yes of course. I agree.

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From one of TalismanRing's posts:


The cutting of the fish is kind of a ritual. Being kept in the train for 18 years, the soldiers need an exciting event or a performance that they can remember and talk among themselves later. 


I thought this was a brilliant moment in the film and almost wish I didn't have an explanation (thanks for providing one though). It was surreal, both in the literal and academic senses, but not so much that the proceedings were thrown off. Striking this balance was one of the movie's great successes. 

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