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The Towering Inferno

Release Date: May 4th, Y2

Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Disaster/Thriller/Drama

Director: Brad Peyton

Theater Count: 3,864

Premium Formats: 3D, IMAX 3D & Dolby Vision

Shooting Format: Digital 8K (Red Weapon 8K VV) - In native 3D

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Release Image Formats: 2K DCP, 2K 3D DCP, 4K DCP, 4K Dolby Vision DCP, 2K IMAX Digital 3D DCP, 4K IMAX with Laser 3D DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos, IMAX 12-Channel (IMAX with Laser DCPs only)

Production Budget: $90 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for peril, disaster violence, language, and suggestive content

Running Time: 150 minutes

Major Cast: Matt Damon (Craig Barton), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Timothy Brown), Sandra Bullock (Stacy Simmons), Josh Brolin (Paul Simmons), Tommy Lee Jones (Philip Ellman), Miles Teller (Tyler Quantrell), Woody Harrellson (Robert Parker), Elizabeth Banks (Louise Ellman), Michael Douglas (Bert McGraw), Jean Reno (Wyndom Leroux), Kathy Bates (Marianne Ellman)


Plot Summary: Ostensibly a remake of the 1974 film of the same name, though it draws more inspiration from that film's two source novels - The Tower by Richard Martin Stern and The Glass Inferno by Thomas N. Scortia & Frank M. Robinson - and avoids mimicking most of what the original movie already adapted.




The film is set over a single day, centered around the dedication ceremony and opening party of the world's new tallest building - the 3,070 foot, 200-floor National Advantage Tower in San Francisco, California. The building's chief architect, Craig Barton (Matt Damon), receives an anonymous package containing official documents endorsed by the National Advantage Finance Corporation, the company which funded much of the building's construction and has its new headquarters inside. The documents show that National Advantage had struck a deal with the construction project's electrical subcontractor, a company owned by Paul Simmons (Josh Brolin) - who happens to be the son-in-law of Bert McGraw (Michael Douglas), the head of the general contractor company for the tower. The deal involved the use of cheaper electronic components, less effective insulation, and compromised safety systems, contradicting the original plans in order to save both Simmons' company and National Advantage money on construction. The changed plans are still up to code, technically, but Barton - who is learning about the changes for the first time - is adamant the existing code is not sufficient to ensure safety in such an enormous and advanced building, which is nearly three times the size of California's previous tallest skyscraper.


Barton tries to confront the National Advantage CEO, Wyndom Leroux (Jean Reno), but he ignores his concerns and comes up with various excuses not to discuss the issue. Barton brings the changes to the attention of the city's Assistant Fire Commissioner, Timothy Brown (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a good friend of his who consulted on the original plans. The pair track down and confront Paul Simmons, who acknowledges the changes but refuses to admit any wrongdoing. He says his company would've gone bankrupt if forced to adhere to the original specifications, and that he was under great pressure from both National Advantage and his father-in-law to take the deal in order to avoid complications and finish construction on time. In fact, he says, the changes were mostly made by his father-in-law in the first place - despite Bert McGraw not being a trained electrical expert. Assistant Commissioner Brown tries to get the dedication ceremony cancelled or at least delayed, but the higher-ups at the fire department tell him there's nothing they can do, as the building passed inspection and is technically up to code.


It turns out that the one who sent Barton the documents was actually Stacy Simmons (Sandra Bullock), Paul Simmons' disenchanted wife. She is aware that Paul has been cheating on her with Louise Ellman (Elizabeth Banks), the daughter of Mayor Philip Ellman (Tommy Lee Jones). She leaked the documents in order to discredit and humiliate her husband, though she does not fully understand their significance. Hours before the dedication, Stacy, Barton, and Brown deliver the documents to local news reporter, Tyler Quantrell (Miles Teller). Quantrell investigates further and discovers that the inspection of the building had been delayed multiple times, the delays and final inspection lining up with the dates of the debate over and final passing of new changes to the local building code that had been championed by the mayor. He realizes that the changes to the code were designed specifically to allow the National Advantage Tower to pass inspection with its compromised, unsafe electrical systems, which previously would not have met the code at all. Paul Simmons had used bribes and his relationship with Louise to influence Mayor Ellman's decisions and convince him to champion the code changes.


National Advantage, as it turns out, is part-owner of the network with which Quantrell's news station is affiliated. They ban him from running the story. Quantrell tries to share the story among his colleagues at other local stations, but the mayor and National Advantage successfully pressure them into not running the story. National news networks are uninterested in the story, too busy reporting on the scandal surrounding Robert Parker (Woody Harrelson), a US Senator from California who is being investigated for alleged ties to the Russian government, and who happens to be attending the dedication ceremony.


Knowing that Leroux, Simmons, McGraw, and Mayor Ellman will be present at the party after the dedication, to be held in the Promenade Room on the tower's top floor, Barton decides to go and invite Assistant Commissioner Brown as his guest so that they can confront them. Also attending the party are Stacy Simmons, as her husband's guest, Louise Ellman, one of her father's guests, and Marianne Ellman (Kathy Bates), the mayor's wife, who is unaware of the entire scandal involving the building and changes to the code as her husband is cold, distant, and sometimes abusive. During the dedication, a crowd of protesters gathers outside the building to demonstrate against Senator Parker, and although they are largely peaceful, the police are under orders from Mayor Ellman to crack down hard on them and violence erupts after one of the protesters pours water on an officer. Most of the protesters are arrested or scatter by the time the dedication ceremony ends and the party begins.


As the party gets underway, the insulation on electrical systems within the building begins to fail. This causes a fire to start in a machine room on the 187th floor. Unfortunately, it also shorts out the sensors on that floor, and since the tenants have not yet moved in, no one is aware of the blaze until it spreads up to the 188th floor and is already well out of control. The fire department is called in, but they have a very hard time fighting the inferno. When they are made aware of the problem, Mayor Ellman, Senator Parker, Wyndom Leroux, and Paul Simmons devise a plan. They contact the media and make official statements that the fire was caused by a protester who snuck past security and entered the building. The local news outlets report this as fact, including Quantrell. However, in his report, Quantrell also mentions his discoveries related to the corruption in the local government and the compromised safety of the building. He is fired immediately, but his courage spurs other reporters to speak out about it as well, and the national media picks up the story because of Senator Parker's involvement.


The fire rapidly spreads upward toward the party, the tall, narrow skyscraper acting like a chimney. Rescue attempts are hindered when a series of explosions caused by the inferior electrical equipment collapse the building's staircases and fire exits. Attempts are made to evacuate people with the elevators, but they are roasted to death as the extreme heat from the fires shoots up the shafts and warms the elevator cars like ovens. Some people are evacuated by helicopter, but the winds at that height are very strong and only get worse as the night goes on. Eventually, one of the rescue helicopters - carrying Mayor Ellman, his wife, and Senator Parker - encounters so much wind and turbulence that it crashes back into the side of the building, erupting in a fireball and smashing the huge glass windows of the Promenade Room. Dozens of people fall to their deaths and the wind drives the resulting fire further into the room.


Assistant Commissioner Brown contacts the fire department and asks them to deploy helicopters with tanks full of water, the kind used in fighting forest fires, to fly over the building and douse the flames. People strap themselves down and the plan is put into effect, and while the fire in the Promenade Room is extinguished, the helicopter crash has weakened the roof of the building badly enough that the weight of the water caves it in. Countless people are crushed or swept out of the building by the flowing water, with Leroux and McGraw among the dead. Meanwhile, the main fire is still rising quickly towards the party.


Desperate, Paul Simmons leads a group, including his mistress Louise Ellman, down one of the ruined stairwells in an attempt to escape. Paul is unmoved when his wife Stacy refuses to go with him. Many of the group fall to their deaths in the gaps where stairs have been blown away, while others are suffocated by smoke or burned to death. There are no survivors. 


With less than 15 minutes until the fire reaches the top of the tower, the fire department launches one last-ditch rescue effort. Rappelling equipment used in rock-climbing is air-dropped into the roofless Promenade Room. The cables will not reach down to the ground, but should get people down low enough to where helicopters can safely approach the sides of the building and throw them rescue lines. There is a panicked rush to use the rappelling cables, with several being improperly set up or overloaded, sending people falling to their deaths. Assistant Commissioner Brown decides to stay behind on top and help people use the cables safely, knowing full well that means he won't have time to escape. It's obvious there's not enough time for all the survivors to be rescued, and he wants to make sure he can help save as many as possible.


Craig Barton and Stacy Simmons end up rappelling down on adjacent cables. Their escape is fraught with peril as they must avoid flames shooting out of broken windows and dodge falling bodies and debris. When they get to the pickup point, it is difficult to catch the rescue lines that are thrown, and Stacy is paralyzed with fear about unhooking herself from the rappelling cable. Barton helps her, and ultimately they both are rescued and carried away by helicopter. On the top of the building, the fire finally reaches the ruins of the Promenade Room, burning all those still trapped up there to death.


The movie ends with an epilogue set the next morning. Quattrell has been hired by a rival station and is reporting on multiple million-plus dollar lawsuits pending against National Advantage and the government of San Francisco, as well as the discovery that the fire was unrelated to the protests against Senator Parker. The fire has gone out, and the blackened, empty husk of the tower looms menacingly over the city. Quattrell calls it "a monument to all the bullshit in the world," and a poignant reminder of the perils of a government that belongs to corporations rather than people.



Edited by Xillix
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3 hours ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

The summary is complete but don’t I need a plot?

Some movies in CAYOM are posted with single-paragraph descriptions of the kind you used as their whole plot; there's no length requirement.

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Blood Blizzard

Release Date: December 21st, Y2

Studio: Red Crescent Pictures

Genre: Slasher Horror

Director: Steve Miner

Theater Count: 2,306

Shooting Format: Digital 4K (Sony CineAlta F55)
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Release Image Formats: 2K DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1
Production Budget: $3 million

MPAA Rating: R for slasher violence, blood and gore, language, and nudity

Running Time: 87 minutes
Major Cast: Alex Essoe (Cindy), Anya Taylor-Joy (Lisa), Azim Rizk (Pete)

Plot Summary:



Six friends from college - music major Cindy (Alex Essoe), her BFF, theatre major Lisa (Anya Taylor-Joy), Lisa's goofy boyfriend Pete (Azim Rizk), promiscuous communications student Katie, Katie's boyfriend of the month, Kyle, and nerdy chemistry major Patty - plan to spend their winter break together at a mountainside cottage they've rented. However, a blizzard closes the road up the mountain and forces them to stay at a crappy, isolated motel until the path can be cleared. The motel is owned and operated by middle-aged husband and wife Gina and Vic, who give off an ambiguously creepy vibe. Also stuck in the motel are an irritable businessman, Gregory, a teenage runaway, Clark, a concerned single mother Sylvia and her preteen son James, who needs to get up the mountain for treatment at a special clinic, and a reclusive horror novelist, Frank Eastman, who has holed up in the motel as inspiration for his next book.


On the first night, an unseen killer murders Clark by slashing his throat in bed. The phone lines have been cut and there is no cell reception or internet access. Panic sets in among the group. Gregory leaves the motel in an attempt to find help but is ambushed in the woods and gutted with a knife. The storm only gets worse, forcing the rest of the group to stay in the motel, unaware of Gregory's fate. That night, Katie and Kyle are stabbed to death while having sex in their room.


The next morning it becomes clear that Frank has begun writing his book, and it's a slightly-fictionalized account of what is happening in the motel. The others accuse him of being the killer and lock him in the cellar. Pete is left to guard him. However, hours later, Pete is found stabbed through the neck, and Frank is missing. That night, Vic hears a noise outside his office and goes to investigate, only to be beaten to death with a tree branch by an unknown attacker. The killer then returns to the office and finds Gina, killing her by slamming her head repeatedly against the desk. Patty arrives in the office a bit later to ask Vic for something and finds the bodies, only to be startled by someone off-camera she is surprised to see. The unseen person apparently draws a weapon, and Patty tries to run. However, the office door has been locked behind her by her visitor, and she is slowed enough by her attempts to open it that the unseen assailant stabs her in the eye with a knife.

The next morning, the storm has stopped. Cindy, Lisa, Sylvia, and James decide to leave the motel and try to hike up to the clinic to get help. Lisa becomes separated from the group during the climb and is decapitated by the killer. Hearing her final scream, Cindy rushes off to find her. Sylvia gives her a map of the mountain so she can find her way to the clinic and meet them there. Cindy finds Lisa's headless body and encounters the killer - Frank - who chases after her with a machete. After a long chase through the woods, Cindy manages to ambush Frank and push him off the side of a cliff to his death.


Cindy hears James crying for help and runs to the sound of his voice. The boy says he got separated from his mother and cannot find her. Cindy tells him everything is all right and that they will go to the clinic and meet her there. She pulls out the map and is surprised to see that the clinic is actually a high-security mental hospital. It is then that she notices the traces of blood on James' hands. James, who is murderously insane and had been working with Frank all along, pulls a knife from his pocket and attacks her. A fight ensues - during which Cindy stumbles upon Sylvia's mutilated corpse - and eventually Cindy manages to wrestle the knife away from James. James refuses to stop fighting, trying to get the weapon back, and Cindy is forced to kill him. She is found days later by police, half-frozen and babbling incoherently as she wanders through the woods.



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Storm Hunters

Release Date: November 9th, Y2

Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Disaster / Sci-Fi

Director: Gareth Edwards

Theater Count: 3,706

Premium Formats: 3D & IMAX 3D

Shooting Format: 6.5K Digital (Arri Alexa 65) (Post-converted to 3D)
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Release Image Formats: 2K DCP, 2K 3D DCP, 4K DCP, 2K IMAX Digital 3D DCP, 4K IMAX with Laser 3D DCP
Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos, IMAX 12-Channel (IMAX with Laser DCPs only)
Production Budget: $120 million
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for mayhem, destruction, language, and some blood
Running Time: 118 minutes
Major Cast: Chris Pratt (Phillip), Felicity Jones (Erin), Forest Whitaker (Commander Wren)

Plot Summary:



In the near future, a global team of "storm hunters" fly advanced weather-management jets which use technology and special chemicals to weaken or disperse typhoons, hurricanes, supercells, and other dangerous storms before they can become a major threat. Dozens of thousands of lives are estimated to have been saved in the years the program has been active, and the storm hunters are treated as heroes. The film focuses on storm hunting co-pilots Phillip (Chris Pratt), who used to fly planes into hurricanes for the NOAA to take readings and measurements, and Erin (Felicity Jones), a former tornado chaser. Their division is overseen by Commander Wren (Forest Whitaker), a US Air Force veteran who became disillusioned with the fog of war and chose to join the storm hunters and serve a clearer purpose.


After a prologue in which Phillip and Erin fly into and dissipate a hurricane forming in the Gulf of Mexico, Commander Wren is called into a meeting with several of his fellow commanders. He is informed by his superiors that a recent top-secret climate study has discovered the chemicals used by the storm hunter jets, initially thought to be harmless, are actually leaving barely-detectable residue in the atmosphere which threatens to cause a domino effect and actually cause a series of superstorms. The information is being withheld from the public to avoid a panic, as the various nations and corporations which fund the storm hunter program argue over what to do - with the prevailing opinion being that they will simply need to use more and more of the chemicals as the storms grow stronger, despite the scientists' warning that there will eventually come a point where this tactic will simply cause a feedback loop and further empower the storms.


A superstorm develops over Australia, and intensifies so quickly that by the time the storm hunters arrive much of Sydney is already flooded, with high winds damaging buildings, destroying small homes, and taking out the power lines. Six jets are crashed by the turbulence generated by the storm, and when the storm hunters finally succeed in stopping the tempest, nearly 100 people have died in and around the Australian capital. A cover-up is launched, with the media spinning the story into one of heroism, claiming the storm was a "one-in-a-million freak of nature" and that the storm hunters ultimately prevented what could have been a historic disaster across the Australian continent.


Sick of the kind of red tape he left the military to escape, Commander Wren reveals the truth to the members of his division. Ultimately, Erin ends up leaking the story and is fired from the storm hunters, though she takes sole blame and insists no one else in her division knew. Panic and crisis ensue, with several nations pulling out of the storm hunter program and fierce international debate ensuing on whether to shut down the operation entirely. Meanwhile, a superstorm forms in the northern Atlantic. A huge, luxurious cruise ship is overtaken by the storm, first hit by a powerful waterspout which tears apart one side of the boat, sucking helpless passengers off the decks and into the air, and eventually capsized by the enormous wind-driven waves. The storm is headed for Europe, which poses a dilemma - dozens of European nations have pulled out of the storm hunters and refuse to fund a mission to disperse it, while others demand intervention.


The response to the storm is rushed and lackluster. Some countries erect emergency shelters, others stage mass evacuations into friendly neighboring countries which quickly become overwhelmed. Though he is conflicted about the role of his organization, Phillip remains in the storm hunters and, along with a new, inexperienced co-pilot, is sent into the storm as it is about to make landfall in Ireland and the UK. Again, the intensity of the storm is such that most of the jets are taken down by turbulance. As the surviving members of the fleet begin to release the chemicals, however, Phillip notices, thanks to his hurricane-monitoring experience, that the storm is actually growing stronger. Against orders, he yells for the other pilots to stop and refuses to release his chemicals, instead flying out of the storm. Coastal cities are washed away by towering tidal waves, towns are buried under record-breaking mudslides, and the British Isles lose electricity, telephone, and internet service completely. Flying out the back end of the storm, Phillip is the first to witness and report the horrible destruction it leaves in its wake.


Knowing he is about to be fired anyway, Phillip resigns from the storm hunters. However, Commander Wren tracks him down afterwards and makes a proposal. A slightly outdated storm hunter jet that's recently been taken out of service is scheduled to be scrapped, but Wren reveals he's been in contact with the scientists behind the report that predicted the superstorms. He's managed to commandeer the jet for a special mission - the scientists will equip it with instruments to make readings from inside a superstorm which they can hopefully use to find a new, safer, more effective way of stopping them. He thinks Phillip would be the perfect pilot for the job, but the catch is that he needs a willing co-pilot.


Phillip heads to Oklahoma to find Erin, who has re-joined her old tornado chasing group, which isn't quite what it used to be since the storm hunters had made tornadoes extremely rare in the past several years. He arrives just as a powerful storm is forming over Tornado Alley. Erin, who's mad at him for not leaving the storm hunters with her when she did, refuses to hear him out. He's forced to follow her into the storm as it intensifies, spawning several EF5 tornadoes which Erin and her team do their best to track and report in order to allow tornado warnings to be issued. However, their old, poorly-maintained equipment malfunctions and they can't get their message out. Realizing two of the twisters are headed for a nearby town, they - and Phillip - race there ahead of the tornadoes to warn the residents.


All of them help families into storm shelters until the last possible minute. They take refuge in a basement as the two giant twisters collide and combine into a single vortex of unprecedented strength. The town is wiped totally off the map, the house above them being torn to shreds and sucked away, the roof of the basement coming apart and several members of Erin's team being sucked up into the sky. Erin is nearly blown away herself, but Phillip manages to save her. As the storm passes, she finally hears Phillip out and then eagerly agrees to join his mission.


The two wind up flying the jet into a "super-nor'easter," a massive blizzard over New York and  New England which is burying cities like NYC and Boston in up to ten feet of snow, causing whiteout conditions and blowing down historic buildings and wooden houses. Not only is the turbulence hard to manage, leading to several near-crashes, but the extreme cold in the stormclouds freezes the scientific instruments they've equipped the jet with. They are forced to descend below the clouds in the heart of the blizzard, with near-zero visibility, so that Erin - attached to a tether - can climb out onto the wing and fix the sensors. She succeeds but ends up sliding off the icy wing, being dragged at well over a hundred miles per hour through the icy air. The jet winds up flying into a city dangerously low, and Phillip has to weave between the frozen tops of the buildings.

There's nowhere to land, but once he clears the city, Phillip slows down the jet enough that Erin is able to pull herself back onto the wing and re-enter the jet. They re-ascend into the clouds and manage to get the data they need for the scientists' research. They exit the storm as it heads out to sea, leaving behind a huge swath of icy, snowed-in wasteland.


The scientists put the data into use immediately, but, as they announce in a press conference televised around the world, there is no way of knowing how long it will take for them to find a remedy for the damage done to the atmosphere. For the time being, this extreme weather is the new normal. The world focuses its efforts on building more shelters and storm-proof cities, and developing new emergency readiness programs. Erin and Phillip are recruited by the UN to help advise in these developments.



Edited by Xillix
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Release Date: November 16th, Y2

Studio: Red Crescent Pictures

Genre: Horror/Comedy

Director: Alexandre Aja
Theater Count: 2,410

Shooting Format: 3.4K Digital (Arri Alexa SXT)
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Release Image Format: 2K DCP
Release Audio Format: 5.1
Production Budget: $5 million
MPAA Rating: R for gore, brutal violence, language, nudity, sexual content, and crude humor
Running Time: 99 minutes
Major Cast: Dane DeHaan (Carl), Anna Paquin (Louise), Betty Buckley (Grandma), Nakia Burrise (Jenny)

Plot Summary:



A tongue-in-cheek slasher mystery set at one of those awkward extended family Thanksgiving dinner parties where no one really knows anyone else or even wants to be there. Among the fifteen people gathered for dry, tasteless turkey and cranberry sauce from a can are recently-married architect Carl (Dane DeHaan), his new wife Louise (Anna Paquin), wannabe adult YouTube star Chance and his girlfriend Jenny (Nakia Burrise) - a black woman whose skin color causes quite some consternation among certain family members, especially bigoted butcher Larry - and the elderly family matriarch (Betty Buckley) who is always referred to as "Grandma" by everyone regardless of their direct relationship to her.


When the group is trapped in the isolated farmhouse after dinner, an unknown killer begins to gorily dispatch the guests one by one. Dark secrets come to light - Louise's schizophrenia, Chance's outstanding arrest warrant, Grandma's mysterious past which may or may not involve the federal witness protection program - though people have trouble keeping these revelations straight and matching the names and gossip to faces. Larry assumes Jenny is the killer simply because of her skin color, and repeats this accusation multiple times even in cases where it is obviously impossible, such as when a cousin no one remembers is beheaded while Jenny is literally standing right next to Larry.


It eventually becomes clear that there is no single killer; no one person has committed more than one murder. Instead about half the guests only came to the party in the first place because they had a vendetta against one of the few people they actually knew and had decided to kill them. By the end, only Carl, Louise, and Jenny are left alive, each insisting they haven't killed anyone (though Jenny admits she came pretty close with Larry a few times). As they're driving away, however, Louise attempts to kill Carl since she only married him for his money and was planning to get a divorce anyway. After forcing the car off the road, she stalks Carl and Jenny through the woods, finally managing to slit Carl's throat before turning on Jenny to make sure there are no loose ends. Jenny manages to fight Louise off and kill her in self-defense, swearing to herself never to spend another holiday with white people.



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Release Date: April 6th

Studio: Endless Entertainment

Genre: Action/Comedy/Spoof

Director: Seth Gordon

Running Time: 1 Hour and 55 Minutes (115 Minutes)

Theatre Count: 3,692

Budget: $35M

MPAA Rating: R for nudity, drug use, violence, language, and strong crude sexual humor

Cast: Tom Holland, Natialia Dyer, Jason Statham, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, Kevin James, Steven Yuen and Adam Sandler.

Plot Summary: John Everyman was a normal, typical guy but one day is selected to be a participant for the government’s newest division (S.H.I.T. Special Heroic Iconic Taskcrew) to be a super powered spy.

Plot: In 2010-something, S.H.I.T has completed the prototype for a super serum. Suddenly right after completion, S.H.I.T is under attack by British Ninjas. The leader, Brit (Jason Statham) attempts to steal the serum, only to be stopped by Chief Black (Jordan Peele). After a brief gunfight, Black hands the serum to Agent Chick (Natialia Dyer) and relocate headquarters.


Flash foward to a few weeks later, we see John Everyman (Tom Holland), a typical nerd, at Average High and witnesses a group of bullies smoking pot, and decides to tell Principal Cringe (Adam Sandler). John is chased by the bullies (who for some reason have enchanced strength) after class and finds refuge and hides in an abandoned building. Stumbling on a lever, he finds a secret entrance to S.H.I.T.. Chick and Black discover him and attempt to promptly get him out of the building. However Brit and his ninjas attack the building once again. In a panic, John accidentally drinks the serum. Brit, angered losing the serum orders his ninjas to attack John, but using his newfound powers of super strength and speed, John causes the enemy forces to retreat. Impressed, Black offers John to be a part of S.H.I.T.. John is unsure but decides to join the agency any way. 


Black assigns John and Chick to investigate the recent crime resurgence in the city and sends them to the gadgeteer, Chubbs (Kevin James). Chubbs gives the duo gear, including pot that makes you tell the truth, super adhesive lube, and pill shaped bombs. The two find their first lead in a local bum who used to work for Brit (Keegan-Michael Key), who they decide to  interrogate using the pot they have. However the three all get high and the bum reveals what he knows, saying some guy has found a way to make drugs that give the user enchanced abilities similar to the serum John ingested and the dealer works in education. John suggests they go to his school and check for clues, Chick decides to seduce the local bullies to get them to spill the identity of the dealer and reveals it was Cringe. The two confront Cringe and Cringe uses the bullies as bodyguards to fight the duo. John uses his powers to take the bullies down. Cringe refusing to be caught consumes all of his drug supply and becomes a cyclops who tells jokes so bad, it causes anyone who hears to be poisoned. John and Chick attempt to work together and not succumb to the poison. Chick comes up with an idea to get Cringe to eat one of the pill bombs. John barely holds him down and Chick shoved them down Cringe’s throat causing Cringe to explode but the two realize they have no information know on what next.


Unfortunately, this causes a commotion and the police arrive at the school, and find the two soaked in blood with Cringe’s severed head. In order to keep S.H.I.T from being discovered John takes the fall and say he killed Cringe and that he held Chick hostage and coated themselves in Cringe’s blood as part of his fetish and gets arrested. Chick rushes back to HQ only to find out Black has been kidnapped  and the rest of HQ has been killed by Brit. Chubbs, who is revealed to be alive, decides to find a way to stop Brit and helps Chick. The two decide to break John out of prison by going undercover. John, saddened at his failure wallows in his cell. However his cell mate Wu (Steven Yuen) is awakened by John’s tears. Angry yet remorseful, Wu attempts to console John in an effort to sleep with him. John talks Wu out of it by the changing the conversation to  great rappers and the two bond. Suddenly, their cell door opens and Chick and Chubbs break him out, and John lets Wu tag along with them due to the cops closing in on them. The four hijack a police helicopter and fly away. Chick although happy to see John, realizes that they have no idea where Brit is. Wu reveals Brit was his ex lover, and that he normally has a hotel in Vegas. Desperate, the trio takes the lead and heads to Vegas to Brit’s timeshare.


The four suit up and arrive at the hotel. Wu says there is an entrance at the back. The four find the house to be abandoned but Chubbs finds and opens a fridge to find a rollercoaster that leads them to his hideout. Ambushed by ninjas, Wu and Chubbs fight them while John and Chick try and find Brit. The duo finds Black tied up to a slaughterhouse machine. Brit reveals himself and tells them his plan and that long ago he was a S.H.I.T rookie along with Black, but Black betrayed him and took credit for the creation of the serum and stole his promotion and decides to kill Black and uses the recipe of the serum he stole from S.H.I.T to strengthen his drug business, causing more superpowered people, causing unstoppable chaos and sells the antidote for billions of dollars. Brit decides to take the serum and fights John. However Brit is more than John can handle, Chick luckily frees Black and the two create a batch of antidote. Combining it with the lube, Chick creates a stronger dose. John tricks Brit by telling him Chick has found and made an even stronger serum. Brit snatches and ingests the serum, depowering him back to normal. Black arrests and apologizes to Brit for what happened and John and Chick confess their love for each other and head to the nearest room to have sex. 


Black retires from the agency and lets Chick takes charge. John becomes her right hand man, and Wu and Chubbs become agents.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Danger Calling

Release Date: February 23rd, Y2
Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Action

Director: David Koepp

Theater Count: 2,593

Shooting Format: 35mm anamorphic Panavision
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Release Image Formats: 2K DCP, 4K DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1
Production Budget: $21 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for action violence, language, and suggestive content

Running Time: 87 minutes

Major Cast: Dylan O'Brien (Lance), Kit Harington (Kevin), Courtney Eaton (Elle)

Plot Summary:
Lance (Dylan O'Brien) is a minor league baseball player who ends up taking a favor from a mysterious stranger, Kevin (Kit Harington), who arranges for an MLB scout to come to one of his games. He doesn't realize that Kevin is a high-ranking mob member, and now he owes them. When he refuses to cooperate, the mob kills Lance's parents and then goes after his little sister Elle (Courtney Eaton). Elle calls Lance begging for help as she is chased around the city. The main focus of the film is on Lance searching the city for his sister and fighting off thugs along the way, but sometimes cuts back to Elle on the run and occasionally fighting back. By the climax, Elle's phone is broken when it falls from the roof of a building where she's been cornered. Thankfully Lance manages to find her in the nick of time and rescue her, shooting most of the goons dead and engaging in a melee fight with Kevin when he runs out of bullets. Kevin ends up being kicked off of the roof to his death.

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Lenny Lipton and the Super Scary Sleepover

Release Date: October 26th, Y2

Studio: Rising Crescent Pictures

Genre: Family/Comedy/Horror

Director: Gil Kenan

Theater Count: 3,103

Shooting Format: Digital 3.4K (Arri Alexa SXT)
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1

Release Image Format: 2K DCP
Release Audio Format: 5.1

Production Budget: $12 million

MPAA Rating: PG for frightening scenes and some rude humor

Running Time: 90 minutes

Cast: Unknown grade school kids


Plot Summary:

Eight-year-old Lenny Lipton is invited to a Halloween night sleepover party by "cool kid" Kyle Kenan. Kyle promises they'll be watching the "scariest movie ever made" at the sleepover. Lenny is very nervous about this, because he's easily frightened, but doesn't want to miss the party and be seen as a wimp. His thirteen-year-old brother Larry tries to help prepare him by showing him scenes from scary movies on the internet, leading to a brief segment of the film that parodies Red Crescent horror films - a séance being held by an obviously-crazy woman who makes a series of goofy noises instead of speaking for the dead, a little girl who answers a cell phone and screams because there's a rude telemarketer on the line, a woman wandering through a snowy forest alone who keeps tripping over things, et cetera.


Lenny attends the party only for everyone to realize Kyle's mom has switched out the scary DVD with one of a silly Halloween cartoon. The kids are horribly disappointed until suddenly scary things start to happen around the house. Kyle's parents try to calm the kids down, but eventually become frightened themselves at the odd noises and strange messages they find around their home. Ultimately, Lenny takes on a leadership role, courageously rallying the kids to get to the bottom of things. It turns out Kyle's teenage neighbors were pulling an elaborate Halloween prank on the kids at the sleepover. After their plot is discovered, the film ends with the teens being scared away by what may or may not be a real monster.

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Samurai Pizza Cats

Release Date: October 5th, Y2

Studio: Rising Crescent Pictures

Genre: Cel-Style Animation / Comedy / Action

Director: Giancarlo Volpe

Theater Count: 3,505

Premium Format: 3D

"Shooting" Format: Digital animation in the style of traditional cel animation, but with "sculpted" depth on the 3D version - think Disney's 3D conversions of The Lion King or the 1991 Beauty and the Beast

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1

Release Image Formats: 2K DCP, 2K 3D DCP
Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos

Production Budget: $42 million

MPAA Rating: PG for cartoon violence, peril, and rude humor

Running Time: 86 minutes

Major Cast: Michael Cera (Speedy), Katie Crown (Polly), Mitchel Musso (Guido), Michael Yurchak (Bad Bird), Neil Patrick Harris (Big Cheese), Christopher Walken (Jerry), Al Pacino (Big Al), Seychelle Gabriel (Princess Vi)

Plot Summary: Based on the 1991 cartoon of the same name, which in turn was essentially an even zanier official "gag dub" of the already-comedic anime Kyatto Ninden Teyandee. The movie is primarily an adaptation of the episode "The Nuclear Potato."



The film is set in the city-state of Little Tokyo, a sci-fi metropolis combining traditional Japanese architecture with futuristic sci-fi elements. It is populated by anthropomorphic cyborg animals. The leader, Emperor Fred, is a nonsensical "cloudcoockolander" lunatic, and so the governing of Little Tokyo is actually handled by his bratty teenage rabbit daughter Violet - a.k.a. "Princess Vi" (Seychelle Gabriel) - and a city council. On said council is one Seymour Cheese, a.k.a. "The Big Cheese" (Neil Patrick Harris), a treacherous, flamboyant, ambiguously-gay businessman of a mouse who wants to take over the city and transform it into a super-commercialized dystopia. He is rivaled by fellow councilman Big Al Dente (Al Pacino), a dog who is in charge of Little Tokyo's guards.


Political issues prevent Big Al from confronting Big Cheese directly, so as his unofficial agents he has the Samurai Pizza Cats - cocky and naive Speedy Cerviche (Michael Cera), short-tempered Polly Esther (Katie Crown), and womanizing Guido Anchovy (Mitchel Musso). The three are cybernetic superheroes trained in the samurai arts, who operate out of the city's most popular pizza restaurant where they also serve as cooks and delivery cats. When trouble strikes, the three are deployed at high speed via a giant cannon on top of the restaurant that launches them to wherever they need to go. Speedy, who is the leader (much to Polly's annoyance), also possesses the incredible Ginzu Sword - a magical katana of great power.


The Big Cheese has his own minions as well - a clan of ninja crows headed by elderly sensei Jerry Atric (Christopher Walken), though they are commanded in battle by the vicious ninja master known only as Bad Bird (Michael Yurchak). Big Cheese has a habit of sending the ninja crows out on missions to steal valuables, sabotage the plans and projects of the rest of the council members, and generally cause mayhem. As a running joke, Big Cheese and the ninja crows are somehow unaware of the civilian identities and headquarters of the Pizza Cats despite the fact neither is even remotely secret.


In the prologue, the Samurai Pizza Cats do battle with Bad Bird and the ninja crows, who are ransacking a sushi shop whose owner refuses to sell the building to Big Cheese. A raging battle ensues, with one particular customer refusing to leave the store until he has his order filled. The chef dodges shurikens and laser blasts as the customer stands at the counter obliviously. The battle is ultimately won when Speedy unleashes the power of his Ginzu Sword, performing a "Cat's Eye Slash" that sends most of the crows running and knocks Bad Bird through the wall. While the cats celebrate, Bad Bird laments his failures as a villain, recalling how his late father would be terribly disappointed he hasn't lived up to his horrible example.


The next day, a ship arrives in port carrying a nuclear potato. It's part of a deal arranged by Big Cheese; it comes from a nuclear potato plant in Idaho, and the plant's owners need somewhere to dump their toxic, irradiated potato skins and peelings. At no point in the movie is the purpose of making or peeling nuclear potatoes revealed or even questioned. Big Cheese is trying to convince Emperor Fred and Princess Vi to allow the dumping of toxic potato waste in Little Tokyo in exchange for "handbags from Boise, each stuffed with unmarked bills, plus a lifetime supply of useless toiletries and a brand new car!" Big Al speaks out against the deal but Big Cheese insists there's too much money to be made to worry about dumb environmentalist issues like the survival of the city's populace. The debate cannot be settled, as Princess Vi breaks the fourth wall and mentions they're running out of time in the scene.


That night, Big Al sends Speedy onto the ship from Idaho to investigate. He finds Big Cheese and Jerry Atric aboard, being given a nuclear potato by the plant owners as a bribe. Bad Bird arrives, offering to transport the nuclear potato to Big Cheese's headquarters despite the danger involved. However, Bad Bird actually plans to keep the potato for himself, using it to destroy both the Pizza Cats and Big Cheese so that he will be the movie's biggest star.


The next morning, Bad Bird and a group of loyal ninja crows retrieve the innocuous-looking wooden box containing the nuclear potato from the ship. Disguised as a group of monks, they make their way through the city headed for a storage locker Bad Bird rented under the false name "Good Bird." The Pizza Cats ambush the crows, and Speedy duels Bad Bird while Polly and Guido chase the other ninjas who are making a run for it with the potato. With the cats divided, the crows hold up better in battle. As Bad Bird gains the upper hand in the duel, Speedy looks out at the audience and demands to speak to his agent. The voice of the film's director appears on the soundtrack reminding Speedy this is the part where he's supposed to use the Ginzu Sword again, asking if he read the script.


With another Cat's Eye Slash, Speedy injures Bad Bird and sends him running after the nuclear potato, hoping he can somehow absorb its energy to make himself stronger. Speedy gives chase. Bad Bird catches up to his minions, still locked in battle with Polly and Guido, and manages to retrieve the box. He opens it up and, against the urging of the rest of the cast and the giant warning label saying "Do Not Eat," consumes the potato inside. The Pizza Cats watch in horror as his body trembles, a great energy seeming to build inside, finally unleashed in the form of... a harmless but disgusting belch. As it turns out, Big Cheese was well aware of his treachery and hadn't entrusted him with the nuclear potato at all, instead substituting an ordinary baked potato which, to Bad Bird's shock, "didn't even have any lousy butter!"


Bad Bird and his ninjas are soundly defeated by the Pizza Cats, but then Big Cheese and Jerry Atric show up co-piloting a giant mech powered by the real nuclear potato! As the heroes fight a helpless battle against the robotic menace, Speedy wonders aloud, "what would the SWAT Kats do?" He catches sight of SWAT Kat Jake Clawson (Ryan Reynolds in a voice cameo), animated in this film's style and walking down the street, but Jake simply shrugs and says he's on vacation because his new movie got delayed to next year.


Luckily for the samurai team, the evil robot suddenly powers down and falls over. As it turns out, potatoes are a terrible storage medium for atomic energy. The cats slice the robot to bits and pieces the bad guys retreat. The heroes want to celebrate, but are too tired from the ordeal. They decide to head straight back to the restaurant because it's almost closing time. They arrive five minutes before closing to find Bad Bird and the ninja crows waiting to place an order of 37 pizzas with everything on them, and collapse in exhaustion.


Over the credits, Big Cheese performs an ear-splitting karaoke rendition of Alphaville's 80s hit "Big in Japan" in front of a captive audience of ninja crows. The Idaho businessmen arrive to tell him their deal is ready to go pending his final approval, but are so frightened and disgusted by the performance they decide instead to cancel the deal, leave, and never come back.



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Release Date: March 23rd, Y2

Studio: Red Crescent Pictures

Genre: Horror

Director: John R. Leonetti

Theater Count: 2,410

Shooting Format: 3.4K Digital (Arri Alexa SXT)

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1

Release Image Format: 2K DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1

Production Budget: $9 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for terror, violence, and language (Note: This is one of those films shot with the explicit purpose of creating an "unrated cut" for home video, where there are atypically violent/graphic elements for a PG-13 film which are trimmed, reframed and/or zoomed-in for theatrical release)

Running Time: 89 minutes

Major Cast: Annabelle Wallis (Mia), Jim Sturgess (George), Alexandra Daddario (Katherine)

Plot Summary: An adaptation of the 2005 South Korean film of the same name written and directed by Woo-Cheol Lee.



The film follows Mia (Annabelle Wallis), a theory professor at a music academy. She's trying to get tenure at the academy, and the decision will be made soon. Her fellow instructor Cynthia suggests she bribe the dean, saying it's "just how things are done around here," but Mia is hesitant. Meanwhile, Hannah - the younger sister of Mia and Cynthia's old friend Teri and a successful cellist in her own right - is returning from an engagement overseas and holding a homecoming concert. Hannah has asked Cynthia to invite Mia, and also to give her some sort of package. Mia accepts the invitation and the gift, but remarks she isn't sure if she'll be able to make it to the concert. She rubs her wrist anxiously during the discussion.

As she leaves the campus, Mia is confronted by Pamela, a student who took her lecture course last semester. Mia doesn't remember her, but Pamela holds a grudge. Pamela was applying for a prestigious overseas program but was rejected because of her low grade in Mia's class. Pamela makes veiled threats to Mia, and as Mia tries to walk away, grabs her on the wrist. Mia freaks out and pulls away violently, and we see that her wrist bears deep scars. As Mia runs away, Pamela warns she hasn't seen the last of her. "I'm not finished with you," she shouts. Arriving at the parking lot, Mia finds her car has been keyed.

While stopped at a red light on the drive home, Mia opens the package from Hannah. It's an unmarked CD-R. She decides to play it over the car speakers, but as soon as the music starts and she recognizes the song - an instrumental cello performance - she is overcome with fear. Some invisible force wrestles control of the wheel away from her, nearly causing her to drive right into oncoming traffic. She ejects the CD and tosses it into the backseat, and regains control of the vehicle. As she arrives at her house, she receives a text message on her phone from an unknown sender. "I'm still not finished with you."

Her house is large, beautiful, and well-furnished, and it's clear she and her family are well-off. The house is dark and quiet when she enters. Slowly she makes her way up to the second floor, finding all the rooms empty. She hears a voice from the attic and enters, where she is surprised by her family – husband George (Jim Sturgess), sister-in-law Katherine (Alexandra Daddario), eldest daughter Cassie – who is severely autistic and nearly mute, and spends hours at a time counting on her fingers for no apparent reason – and younger daughter Amy. It’s her birthday and they’re throwing her a suprise party. As a present, Katherine gives her a rare vinyl record her fiancé Harry found in New York City, where he’s attending grad school. George gives her a diamond necklace, and the present “from the kids” – also bought by her husband – is a mall gift card.

The next day, Mia takes Cassie along with her to the mall while she goes shopping with the gift card, promising to get Cassie a present too. As they pass a music store, Cassie becomes transfixed by a beautiful cello in the display window. Though she’s obviously conflicted about it, Mia can tell without being told how badly Cassie wants the instrument and decides to buy it for her. Back at the house where she’s watching Amy, Katherine – who works from her home office – is startled by the sudden arrival of the family’s new maid, Angela. She shows Angela around and notes how she’s very shy and quiet. When Cassie and Mia arrive back home, they find their dog Sunny barking at the house. Angela greets Mia politely, but there is something “off” about her.


That evening, Mia begins trying to teach Cassie how to play the cello. It doesn’t go very well. Amy becomes jealous and asks to be allowed to try, but Mia tells her she’ll have to wait until she’s older to get one of her own. Soon Katherine announces that dinner is ready, and Mia tells Cassie the lesson is over for tonight. Cassie becomes angry and at first refuses to let go of the instrument. Only after being talked down carefully does she relinquish it.

After dinner Mia talks with her husband about Angela, as he’s the one who hired her. He explains that a year ago, Angela was in a car crash with her family and was the only survivor. She was traumatized by the experience, hence her odd behavior. George hired her as a favor to a friend of his, who himself had been friends with Angela’s father. Meanwhile, Katherine gets a call from Harry, though the scene cuts away before we find out what it’s about. The dog spends all night barking at the house. The following morning, when Mia goes to check on him, she finds him dead in his doghouse. She instructs Angela to get rid of the body before the kids see it.

When Mia arrives at work, she is stalked through the parking lot by a black car she believes to be Pamela’s, which nearly runs her over. At home, Angela is watching the kids while Katherine remains locked in her room. Amy hears Cassie playing her cello and goes to watch, but finds Cassie’s door is locked. Just as she turns to walk away, though, the door opens on its own. Amy asks to try playing the cello, and when Cassie ignores her, she tries to grab it. Enraged, Cassie bites Amy’s arm. Startled, Amy holds back tears and leaves the room. Cassie calms back down almost immediately and goes back to her atonal playing.

Amy goes to tattle on her sister, knocking on Katherine’s bedroom door. When Katherine opens the door, we see her room has been torn apart. She’s wearing her wedding dress, which is torn and stained. Makeup is running down her face and her hair is a mess. Amy becomes frightened at the sight and leaves, and Katherine closes her door again. Amy calls her mother to tell her something’s wrong.


When Mia arrives back home, she tries and fails to get Katherine to leave her room. As it turns out, Harry had called off their engagement over the phone the night before. Hysterical, Katherine rants and raves and sobs, continuing to rampage through her bedroom. On George’s advice, she decides to leave Katherine alone until the next morning. Apparently, this isn’t her first “episode.”


That night, Mia is awoken by her husband’s voice. “Mia,” he says, “open your eyes.” She gets up only to find that he is sound asleep. Down the hall in her bedroom, Katherine is sitting in front of a mirror, crying and tearing up pictures of Harry. Her phone rings, and the caller ID says it’s Harry. She yells into the phone, but there’s no response. Soon she’s begging him to take her back, begging for any sort of response, but the silent caller just hangs up. Devastated, she leans against her wall next to the window in despair. Suddenly a pair of hands crash through the window, shattering the glass and yanking her outside. She falls from her second-story window onto the gound head-first, dying. When they find her body, George and Mia assume she has committed suicide. They contact Harry, who is devastated, and denies having broken up with her – or having called her at all.


While Angela is cleaning the house the next morning, she finds the CD-R from Hannah buried among various items on a shelf in the garage. When Angela enters Cassie’s room to tidy it up, Cassie is practicing on the cello again. Wordlessly, Angela gives Cassie the CD. Arriving at the academy, Mia finds a dead bird has been left in her staff mailbox by Pamela. Finally at wits’ end, Mia gets the police involved. Pamela is arrested but bailed out by her rich mother. The police have also looked into the threatening text message Mia received, but as it turns out, the phone records show it wasn’t from Pamela at all.


When Mia gets home that night, she finds that Cassie is listening to Hannah’s CD and trying to play along to the song. Mia storms into her room and demands to know where she got the CD. When Cassie doesn’t answer, Mia snaps the disc in half. Cassie shrieks angrily and George comes running. Mia scolds Cassie and tells her never to play that song again. George asks what the problem with that song is but Mia refuses to answer.


In bed that night, Mia has a horrible nightmare about her old friend and classmate Teri, Hannah’s sister. Mia shouts about how it’s not her fault, begging to be left alone. Her husband’s voice wakes her again with the same phrase - “Mia, open your eyes.” This time he really is awake and calling out to her. She’s been yelling in her sleep. George demands to know who Teri was and Mia tearfully explains.


When they were about to graduate from the music academy, Teri and Mia performed as a duo, trying to get a song they had composed together onto the school’s annual student album. While the people in charge of putting the album together liked the song, they felt it should be performed by a single cellist and that Mia was the more talented of the two. They told the pair as much and had Teri sit out of the final recording session, and this caused the long-simmering animosity between them to boil over. The two rode home together in the same car, with Teri driving, but argued all the way. Teri was so distracted by the fight that she lost control of the car, causing a crash that killed her and left Mia with deep scars on her wrist. Ever since, Mia had harbored a sense of guilt over Teri’s death. The CD had been a demo recording Teri and Mia had made of their song together.

The next day is Hannah’s homecoming concert, and, urged by her husband, Mia decides to go in hopes of finding some sense of closure. Back at home, Amy is watching Cassie play the cello again. Despite her mother’s warnings, Cassie is playing the forbidden composition. Amy walks over to the huge cello case, marveling at its size, saying she could hide inside if she wanted to. Meanwhile, Mia tries to relax and enjoy the concert, but after the first song ends, she suddenly has a vision where the entire concert hall becomes empty except for her and the cellist – who now appears to be Teri’s ghost. Teri releases her grip on the cello’s neck one finger at a time, the same way Cassie moves her fingers when she’s counting them. Mia is startled back to reality by the beginning of the next song – the song she had written with Teri. Mortified, Mia flees the concert.


Mia comes home in a heightened state of anxiety, which blossoms into panic when she sees that Amy is hanging from the balcony outside Cassie’s bedroom. She runs into the house to try and save her, and as she enters Cassie’s room, she hears her counting quietly. Cassie is pulling Amy’s fingers off of the balcony one by one. Mia leaps onto the balcony but is too late to save Amy, who falls to her death. Mia peers over the edge only for Teri’s ghost to leap up from below and grab her.

George arrives home after dark in the middle of a rainstorm. He can’t find Mia or Amy anywhere – though Angela is cleaning the attic, claiming to be unaware of Mia’s whereabouts as well, and Cassie is asleep in her bedroom. He lets her sleep while he searches the house further. In his and Mia’s bedroom, he finds that the student album from the year of Mia’s graduation has been left on the bed, a bloody fingerprint pointing to an entry on the track listing on the back cover. It’s the forbidden song, with writing credits for Mia and Teri, but performance credit for Teri alone. When his search and calling Mia’s cell phone prove fruitless, George re-enters Cassie’s room to wake her. However, he notices blood dripping from the cello case. He opens it up and finds Amy’s dead body inside.


Just then, Mia enters the room, claiming she can’t remember waking up at all. George demands to know what happened, accusing Mia of hiding their daughter’s corpse or, worse, killing her. She tries to defend herself by claiming it was Teri’s ghost, and George calls her out on her lie about what happened with her and Teri. Mia admits the truth – she was the one who was jealous of Teri, and she was the one who had been driving when the crash happened. Worse, she specifies just how she got her scars – from Teri’s fingernails as she tried to hold onto her when she was flung from the wreck to her death. We see this moment in a brief shock-cut flashback.

George decides Mia is insane – driven mad by her guilt over causing Teri’s death, having killed Amy and blamed it on her ghost. Cassie wakes up and runs from the room, and Mia goes to run after her. George follows and grabs her, thinking she’s going to kill Cassie as well. The two grapple and fight until finally Mia pushes George off of her and he tumbles down the stairs, breaking his neck and dying. Angela descends from the attic, and as she approaches Mia, lightning flashes from outside. In the flash of light she takes on the appearance of Teri.


Teri calls out to Cassie, and Mia begs her to spare her daughter. Teri ignores her and continues calling Cassie, until Cassie pokes her head out of a closet at the end of the hall. To protect her daughter, Mia grabs a vase and smashes it over Teri’s head just as she reaches the closet. When she starts to get back up, Mia grabs one of the jagged shards of ceramic and stabs her in the neck with it (in a very quick shot censored for the rating), finally killing her – but when the body drops to the floor, it’s Angela’s again.


Frightened, Cassie slams the closet door shut again. Mia runs over and bangs on it, begging her to open up, telling her everything is okay now. Mia manages to force the door open, only to find Cassie gone, the cello in her place. In a rage, she screams out Cassie’s name and smashes the cello against the walls and floor, breaking it apart. Once the deed is done, however, she looks done to find (in a tight close-up for rating purposes) Cassie’s battered, dead corpse. As she shrieks and sobs, Teri’s ghost grabs her from behind, placing a shard of the vase in her hand and then forcing Mia to stab herself with it. However, in the wide shots there’s no ghost there at all, and Mia appears to be acting on her own.


Just as she plunges the shard into her body, we smash cut to white, and we’re back at the scene from early in the film when Mia lost control of her car while listening to the CD. However, she actually crashes. She is taken to the emergency room in critical condition. George comes to visit her while she is unconscious, and repeats the line – “Mia, open your eyes.” She wakes up and has a panic attack, shrieking about how her whole family is dead, and about the ghost. The doctors reveal she’d had highly abnormal brain activity while she was out cold – it was only a sort of nightmare. Indeed, Kathrine, Amy, Cassie, and George are all alive.

When she is released from the hospital, her family holds her a belated birthday party. The cheer is interrupted when she opens Katherine’s present and finds it to be the same record she’d been given in her “nightmare.” As Katherine repeats the same story of how Harry found it in New York City, Mia hears Teri’s voice from behind her. “I’m still not finished with you,” she says. Mia looks around but can’t see her anywhere. She only sees the smiling, if slightly confused, faces of her family, as she realizes she is about to see them all die terribly once again.



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Studio: Cookie Pictures (in collaboration with Nintendo Studios and TSG Entertainment)

Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Horror

Director: Jennifer Yuh Nelson

Producer: Sebastian Peters, Matt Reeves, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver

Composer: Micheal Giacchino

Budget: $160 million

Release Date: October 5th

Theater Count: 4,050 (including 350 IMAX theaters)

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action, frightening images and language

Running Time: 130 minutes (2 hours, 10 minutes) [Temporary]

Based On: Metroid II: Return of Samus (1991), Super Metroid (1994), Metroid Prime (2002), Metroid: Other M (2010) and Metroid: Samus Returns (2017) by Nintendo



Brittanny Snow as Samus Aran

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Adam Malkovich

Daniel Kaluuya as Anthony Higgs

Ryan Potter as K.G Misowa

Remaining cast TBA





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Studio: Cookie Pictures (in collaboration with Scott Free Productions)

Director: Luke Scott

Producers: Sebastian Peters, Ridley Scott, Micheal Schaefer, Mark Huffam

Genre: Thriller

Budget: $75 million

Release Date: December 14th

Theater Count: 3,450

MPAA Rating: R

Running Time: 110 minutes (1 hour, 50 minutes) [Temporary]

Cast: Edward Norton, Naomi Harris, Remaining Cast TBA

Previous film's gross (OW/DOM/WW): $24,104,883 / $75,436,876 / $135,409,494



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Two Lonely Zookeepers

Studio: Hunt Productions

Genre: drama

Director: John Lee Hancock

Budget: 20M

Release date: January 12th

Theatre count: 3,305

Runtime: 121 minutes

Rating: R


Tom Cruise - Jack Felder

Ansel Elgort- Ryan Thomas

Willow Shields- Maya Felder

David Oyelowo- Ron Taylor

Vanessa Hudgens- Jenifer



Ryan Thomas is seen laying out on a beach. His girlfriend comes up from out in the water to lay by his side. She asks him what he wants to do later that evening only to realize that he is sleeping. She scoffs and sits there for a few moments before she gets up takes her things and leaves. She turns around to scream “fuck you" at the still sleeping (Ryan) Thomas. A couple hours later we see Ryan wake up, take a look around and mutter “shit

(Flash forward an unspecified amount of time) Ryan is seen sitting in a small office with Ron Taylor. We see Ron flipping through papers on his clipboard. He glances up at Ryan who smiles reassuringly. Ron looks over the papers one more time before he speaks “ Well Mr. Thomas you seem plenty qualified for the job and we have been a bit understaffed as of recently... Can you start work on Monday?" Ryan stands up excitedly and shakes Ron's hand saying “Of course sir, I'm excited to be part of the program here." The two start walking towards the door together Ron chuckling a little bit

We see Ryan walking through the parking lot getting into his car ( which is somewhat beat up looking)

Next he is shown laying in his bed back in his apartment and then in the next shot he is asleep with his alarm clock ringing

We see Ryan walking through the same parking lot that we did earlier, this time he is shown passing a sign which says Welcome to the Zoo.

Ryan is now standing in front of the Pola Bear exhibit where the Pola Bears are sitting lazily and there is no people around. A voice from behind him says “how much do you know about Polar Bears?" Ryan turns around and begins to speak quickly “They are carnivorous mammals that live in the..." The man puts his hands up and says “slow down kid," reaching his hand out for and hand shaken he continues “I'm Jack Felder" Ryan continues to stare dumbly at Jack. Jack walks over and sits down on the ledge of the window that separates viewers from the Polar Bears. Ryan hesitates before following in that suite “Kid that's how you scare away visitors." You need to be warm and inviting"

Ryan nods and turns around to look at the Polar Bears “How much do you know about them?" He asks. Jack replies “not as much as I should, I've spent lots of time with them, but I can't say I've done much research on them." Jack points through the window “That little one out there his name is Koda, and over there thats Maya, and.... Where is he... Oh there's Beeman." Jack turns back around and says “giving them names makes them more human " After a brief silence the two lock eyes and Ryan says “Do you wanna go for a drink after work

Ryan pulls into the parking lot of a local bar. When he walks inside he looks around and sees Jack waving him over. Ryan walks over to Jack and sit beside him at the bar. Jack looks at him and says “Well how was the first day of work" Ryan hesitates to order a drink before responding “Well it wasn't particularly exciting..." Jack interjects “Why is that?" Ryan says “Well... There weren't many people there" Jack takes a sip of his drink before replying “To be fair we haven't been busy much lately" Ryan says “Don't you find that disappointing? I came here because I wasn't doing anything with my life and I was hoping that there was someone who would appreciate my work, I know its not a monumental task but I saw the opening and figured that maybe it was a start." Jack smiles and says “The animals well."

Ryan glances around the bar before asking “How long have you worked there, at the Zoo?" Jack sighs and says “ twenty, maybe twenty one"

Ryan whistles asking “And What is it that has compelled you in the morning to get your ass out of bed and go work at the Zoo for the past twenty years?" Jack says cooly “ Just trying to fill holes in my life at first but I found a place that really mattered to me" Jack looks at Ryan and smiles “It hasn't found its way into your heart yet but it well." Ryan laughs and says “cheers to looking after wild ass animals and whatever else we do."

The next day Ryan is at work and you see him listening to Jack talk to visitors as he talks about manatees. Ryan stops leans against the wall and listens to what Jack Has to say and then walks away.

We see Ryan and another female zookeeper feeding some of the animals. Next we see Ryan looking over the lion pen and Jack walks up beside. “How's your day been" Jack asks happily. Ryan smirks and replies “not too bad. The lemurs are a bit wild though" Jack nods. We see the two walking down the trails together. Jack asks “You did some of your work with Jenifer today right?" Ryan nods looking towards the giraffes. Jack stops, turns towards Ryan and says “You should ask her on a date." Ryan laughs and looks at Jack “you're serious he says." Jack replies “yeah, well..

. If I were you I'd take my advice." Ryan frowns as they pass by the Kangaroo pen “But I just met her today and my history with girls is to screw things up." Jack smirks “You and me both. Look she's a pretty girl, she's only a couple years older than you and she dumped her boyfriend a few months ago." Ryan says no Jack raises his eyebrows and says “Think about it" and they both laugh

Later that Night we see Ryan pulling into a K-Mart parking lot and get out of his car. He walks down the isles of the store grabs a carton of Milk from the fridge and on the way back up front he stops and looks at a box of doughnuts. After looking over the nutrition facts he takes those up with him to the cash register.

Next we see Ryan sitting alone in his apartment drinking milk straight out of the jug which is only 1/3 full and eating a eating half of a doughnut before throwing the other half back down in the box. A few moments later his alarm clock starts ringing. Ryan sighs.

Now we see Ryan walking through the room where he once again sees Jack talking about manatees. Ryan gives Jack a wave as he walks by

Now we see Ryan and Jenifer feeding the lemurs. “They're slightly cantankerous aren't they?" Jenifer laughs and replies “But they're cute too." Ryan finds himself smiling for a brief moment but then it fades into a kind of disappointed look. He moves on to the next cage. Jenifer follows behind him and they stand in silence for a few moments before Ryan asks “Do you like being a Zookeeper here?" Jenifer muses this thought for a moment before saying “I suppose I do, what about you are you enjoying it?" Ryan continues to feed the animals but replies “I'm really beginning to."

We see Ryan walk into the office where we learned he got the job he walks by an open door and sees Jack and Ron talking sternly neither one of them looking happy Ryan grabs the papers he came for off of a cabinet and begins to walk back towards the door out he hears Jack say “Damn it."

Next we see Jack hunched over a beer at the bar (the same bar from earlier in the film.) “Are you sure everything is alright?" Ryan asks. “Yeah it was just a minor issue." Jack mutters. Ryan looks at the bartender and says “Two shots please." Jack looks at Ryan questioningly as there shots arrive in front of them Ryan enthusiastically speaks “ Come on man, let's have a good time tonight." The two down their shots. They smile giddily at each other. Jack turns to the bartender and says “Two more shots please."

Now we see Ryan stumble out of his car and up the stairs to his apartment and unlock the door. He steps on an empty milk carton down the whole and he falls into bed.

We see Ryan drive into the K-Mart parking lot the next morning, he comes back our of K-Mart with a carton of milk which he starts drinking on the way to work.

Skip through Ryan's day at work and we see him in Jenifer after they've finished feeding the animals. He and Jenifer spend a few minutes talking before Ryan asks “Ummm... Would you like to go on a date with me some time? ” Jenifer looks around and excitedly replies “Yes." Ryan smiles and says “Awsome can you do Friday evening?" Jenifer checks her calendrr on her phone “I sure can."

“Great" Ryan says “Great" Jenifer repeats back and they walk their separate ways

Jack is sitting on a picnic table near the front of the zoo with a bag of M&Ms. Ryan comes up slides on to the table and says “I took your advise." Jack asks “What advise?Ryan says “I asked Jenifer out in a date" Jack smiles and says “I figured you would" Ryan spots the bag of M&Ms in Jack's hand.“Toss me one" he says. Jack looks at him questioningly. Ryan says “toss it up in the air I'll catch it in my mouth."Jack still looks skeptical. “Here I'll shown you." Ryan requests. Jack hands Ryan the bag. Ryan tosses an M&M high up the air leans back and catches it in his mouth. Ryan grabs another one out if the bag holds it and tosses it up and there for Jack to catch but it just bounces off his teeth and lands in the ground. Ryan laughs saying “You'll get the hang if it."

We see Ryan preparing for his date stumbling around multiple empty milk cartons in the floor.

Ryan picks Jenifer up and they go to a semi-Fancy Italian restaurant. The two sit down and share a little small talk and eat their meals. On the way out in the parking lot Ryan says “That food was garbage" she replies “Yeah... It was gross"

Ryan takes her home and heads back to his apartment. He walks inside looks in the fridge and grabs out a half empty carton of milk.

“How was the date?" Jack asks as Ryan slides next to him at the bar. “it was alright" Ryan responds as he waves the bartender over. “It didn't go well did it?" Jack asks knowingly. Ryan shrugs and says ,“It was fine... It just felt too much like a date at a nice restaurant with nice people yet everything seems so calculated." Jack nods in response. “I wanted it to go well I really did" Ryan adds. “ I know the feeling" Jack adds. They sip their drinks in silence

*montage * Ryan watching Jack talk about the animals, Ryan doing stuff with the animals, Ryan and Jack at the bar, Ryan st his apartment (sleeping, drinking milk, ect.)

We see Ryan walk into work, he sees that there is a meeting with all staff required after the park closes tonight. As he is entering the zoo Jack spots him and makes his way towards him. Jack asks “Can you take over my morning aquatic anima tour?" Ryan looks hesitant burn replies “of course." Jack puts his hand on Ryan's shoulder and says “I know you've watched me do it plenty of times. You got this." Ryan nods and Jack “Thanks" and heads off in the other direction"

We see Ryan standing in the aquatic life section waiting nervously as a few visitors trickle in. He checks his watch, 2 minutes until the tour was supposed to start a few more families came in. Ryan takes a deep breath and begins. “ Welcomed to today's first aquatic life tour where you'll see are many marvelous creatures that dwell under the sea let's start over here with the manatees." As Ryan makes his way over to the manatees he begins to get nervous. Once they get there he stammers trying to remember how Jack usually startsRyan looks up at his audience (which isn't large in size) and says “ Anyone have any good jokes about Manatees?" No one in the audience said a word. Ryan laughs and says “That's a shame the last tour group had aggregation of them." When no one in the audience laughed Ryan added “You'all understand joke when I get finished talking about manatees" By this point Ryan had gained his footing and began to go into his dissertation on manatees. When he was finished the audience applauded him

We see Ron at the front and center of a room with all the employees of the zoo bunched together I'm the room. Ron looks over the faces of the people in the room and sighs. I am so sorry to tell all of my dedicated employees here that when the season is over our beloved zoo will be closing." The workers looked shocked. Ron continues “Our attendance is at an all time low and I've put a lot of effort over the last few years to justify..." Ron begins crying but continues speaking “... To justify keeping this place going, hoping that people would return things would change but I can say now that I can't justify it..." He begins to sob harder “I can't justify not anymore." Ryan walks to Ron and gives him a hug.

Ryan goes to the bar that night to find that Jack isn't there. The bartender asks Ryan “Is there anything I can get you" Ryan shakes his head and stares off in the distance.

We see a couple shots of Ryan doing things in his apartment to establish passage of time. The tone is kind of dreary and hollow

Now we see Jack and Ryan sitting at a table alone. Jack looks up at the sky. The two remain silent. Finally Jack says “How long till the zoo closes?" Ryan checks his watch and replies “15 minutes" Jack nods and stands up “Come this way" Ryan gets up and follows. The two of them walk through the empty aquatic area. Jack says “Isn't striking to see them without anyone else here he says nodding towards the Manatees. Ryan turns around to watch. “ Watching them, observing them without distraction you can almost get lost and forget that you're human." The two just stand there in the dark room watching the Manatees swim for a while.

Finally the two walk out of the aquatic area and Ryan asks “Where are we going now." Jack responds “To see the Polar Bears."

The two of them enter the Polar Bear pin. Beeman and Koda were sleeping down on the rocks but Maya notices them right away and walked up towards them. Jack held out his hand and Maya came up and nuzzeled her head against his hand. Ryan looks in awe. Jack leans down and whispers and Maya's ear while pointing at Ryan. Maya slowly makes her way over to Ryan. Ryan takes a couple quick steps back. Jack says quietly but assertively “Just be calm and do what I did." Ryan sticks his hand out shaking. He takes a couple deep breath and he begins to stand more steady. He closes his eyes. He opens then when Maya's head reaches his hand. Maya's eyes meet Ryan's and Ryan smiles. Maya lays down right where she stood. Jack comes up and sits down next to Maya and pets her playfully. Ryan sits down next Jack and follow his lead.

Jack sighs and says “Sometimes I wish I could be Polar Bear or a Manatee." Ryan and Jack lock eyes. Jack says “I'm not coming to work the rest of this week."

“What? Why?" Ryan asks. Jack looks back up in the sky and says “This polar bear here..." Placing his hand on Maya “Ron let me name her when we first got her. I decided to name her after my one and only child." Ryan looks at Jack completely dumbfounded “I.didn't realize you had a child" Jack replied “Well I haven't seen her for many years, Tomorrow will be the first time in forever that I get to see her" Ryan sits up and says “Wow." Then he lays back down. Jack laughs “I really want things to go well tomorrow, but I'm prepared for anything I always have been." The two spend most of the rest of the night laying In that Polar Bear pen.

We see Jack dressed up fairly nice driving through a downtown area. He finds a parking space a couple blocks away from his desired location and checks his watch. He climbs out of his car and looks at the sky around him. He begins to walk over to a nice restaurant which is kinds fancy but also has an urban feel to it. Jack walks inside. A hostess asks him “How many well it be today?" Jack replies “two." She takes him over to a two person table positioned next to a window where the street can be easily viewed. A waiter comes by and asks Jack “ Can I get you anything to drink?" Jack looks up and then back down st his menu and says “ Water will be fine for now." Jack checks his watch again and taps his fingers while he looks out the window. He observes a happy family walking on the msidewalk across the street with a father carrying a little girl on his shoulders. When he looks back he sees his daughter (Maya) making her way towards the table. He begins to stand up

and say “Hey honey" but she sits down at the table and begins to look at the menu before she even makes eye contact with him

Jack sits down taken aback. He looks up at her still apparently looking over the menu. He says “So its been a while. I hear that you and ..." Maya puts the menu down on the table and says to Jack sternly “I'm only hear because mom wanted me to." Just than the waiter comes back with Jack's water. The waitress asks Maya “Would you like anything to drink mam?" Maya smiles and says “Could I get Iced tea please." The waiter replies “sure can."

Jack takes a sip of water and says “Why the hell would mom want you to see me" Maya holds up two fingers and says “ Two things. One, I have absolutely no ides why she thinks I should come to see you. Two she's not your mom she's my mom she's my mom. Your mom died from cancer four years ago but you didn't bother to go to the funeral." Jack shakes his head in disbelief “ I regret not going to her funeral but I opted to sit at a bar and drink beer and pretend that it never happened." Maya nods her head and says “That's what me and mom guessed you ran away and pretended things were fine and what was happening, none of it concerned you. Did you even take off work the next day or did you get up bright and early so you could be there to talk to a handful of uneducated losers about your God damn manatees." The waiter cokes back again with Maya's tea and asks the pair if they're ready to order. Maya's voice shifts to a much sweeter tone and she says “Could you give us a few minutes please."

She looks at Jack intently and says “Well I'm here... Do you have anything you want to say to me."

Jack shakes his heat at a loss before starting “Look I know I wasn't the best father per say and I wasn't home a lot but that was my way of coping with everything that was going in in my life at the time. I didn't mean to hurt you or your mom in the process of it all." Maya looks at him with a different kind of fire in her eyes “Mom could never find it in herself to blame you, you meant to much to her. But I think you and I can both agree that this is all your fault. You were the one who spent long nights at the bar, you were the one who didn't show up until two hours after you were supposed to to pick your daughter up from school and you were the one who spent more time taking care of those fucking Zoo animals than you did your own family." Maya stands up and begins to walk away but she stops to turn around and say “You know I'm actually glad I came to meet you today so I could express to you just how much I fucking hate you" without another hesitation Maya turns around and heads straight to the door.

We see Ryan standing in front of the polar Bear pen on a rainy day looking intently through the glass. A little kid comes up and pokes Ryan. When Ryan turns around to look at him the kid asks “How much do you know about Pola Bears?" Ryan looks back towards the bears and says “Not as much as I should, I'll never know as much as I should." The kid looks through the glass silently

Now we see Ryan on the day of the zoos closing right after it closed to the public. Ryan is taking one last walk around the zoo. We see him standing at many exhibits from the zoo (flamingos, lions, tigers, monkeys, wolves, elephants , rhinos, Kangaroos, manatees, Polar Bears so on) finally we see him standing at the lemur cage. Looking at the ground he stands and sticks two fingers in the cage. One of the lemurs climbs up towards him and puts its hand on Ryan's fingers. Ryan looks up to see all of the lemurs looking at him. Ryan is beginning into tear up. “This is it guys" he chokes out before he begins to bawl

We see Ryan get out of his car in the K-Mart parking lot and just sit by his car and bawl. Once he calms down we see him pull out his phone and call someone, he says “ Do you wanna come over? I have beer."

Next we see the two sitting solemnly in Ryan's apartment (Jack with his beer Ryan with his milk) Jack says “Do you regret working at the zoo?" Ryan looks up and says “No, not at all."

Jack looks down at the table and says “Life is a bitch sometimes." Ryan laughs and replies “no shit" Ryan grabs a bag of M&Ms from the pantry. He smiles at Jack he tosses one up in the air and Jack catches it in his mouth.

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