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The Storyteller


Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama

Theaters: 29 (3/22), 304 (3/29), 1,285 (4/5), 2,098 (4/12)

Director: Tarsem Singh

Cast: Christopher Eccleston (The Storyteller), Storm Reid (The Girl), Paul Bettany (The Head Guard), Lupita Nyong'o (The Mother)

Composer: Mychael Danna

Rating: PG-13 for some thematic material and a violent scene

Runtime: 126min (2hr, 6min)

Budget: $45 million




We see a mysterious man traveling through the vast expanse of the Sahara desert, he appears to be pulling a large carriage full of all kinds of things: books, trinkets, lights, works of art, and so on. The man is wearing a colorful robe and a blue hat, and he appears to be in his late 40s. He appears to be sweating heavily, as the heat of the desert is getting to him, and he soon falls to the sand. However, he tells himself that the people need him, and that he must find the will to keep going. He soon witnesses the light of the desert transform into an odd vision of the entire world and the universe, through stories, sights, joy, heartbreak, and so on.


We cut now to what appears to be some kind of futuristic city, under the cruel control of massive industry. The fervor of a strict work schedule in the factories is really taking a massive toll on the workers, reducing the general morale of the people in the town, and the children of the workers are sad, lonely, and hungry. The Storyteller is seen walking through the streets of this city, and he is shocked and saddened by the cruelty of the place, and the coldness of the hearts of the people. He tries to speak out to the people in the public square, saying that he has various stories to tell all of the people, but no one is willing to listen to him. He is even attacked by some of the guards in the city. The Head Guard warns The Storyteller that no one wants to listen to his tales of nonsense and blasphemy.


Soon, The Storyteller, feeling rather heartbroken, returns to his cart, realizing that he must go to another city, feeling heartbroken. However, a young child, The Girl, tries to stop her before he leaves, saying that she would like to hear the stories. The Girl looks inside the storyteller’s cart, and she is delighted to see all of the wonders inside. The Storyteller tells her that he collects all kinds of wonders, from toys to ancient puzzles, but above all, he has traveled the world, collecting stories to tell people all over the world, hoping to recreate the sense of joy and wonder that seemed to be whisked away from the world. The Girl tells the storyteller to follow her.


The Girl leads the mysterious man through the alleyways of the city, eventually leading him to a small shelter for the homeless in the lower parts of the city, where few people have the technology of those from above, leading to them to have a worse off life. There is much sadness throughout. The Girl tells the other children that this man is here to show him wonders from another place, and they are all very excited. None of them have had any form of delight or entertainment in so long. Even some of the adults in the community are excited to hear to stories being told.


The Storyteller tells everyone that he brings good tidings from another world, and he wishes to enlighten these people with tales from beyond. As he speaks, we see imagery of the man’s travels and visions, each one demonstrating a very distinct place and time. It is also interesting how the time periods appear to be vastly different. The storyteller then proceeds to ask the children what they are very interested in. One of the boys in the group says that he likes stories about brave warriors who will free people from sadness. The Storyteller says that he knows just the story to tell.


The first story is about the prince of a far off kingdom in a different time. His father was a very brave king, but the prince was scared of taking over his throne when evil struck. An evil neighboring kingdom would soon strike his, killing his father and several innocents. The prince was left brokenhearted and saddened at his father’s death, but he soon learned that he had to remain strong. He mobilized his armies to fight the kingdom of evil, eventually bringing peace to the land through an bravery and deftness.


The children clap as the story ends, as they had liked it very much. Soon, the girl returns to her mother, telling her about the story that she was told. The mother tells her that it is getting rather late, and that she should go to bed. The girl obliges, going to her room. The mother soon comes to talk to the storyteller. She says that it is very nice of him to be telling the children stories, but he warns him that the city does not take kindly to people like him, and that he needs to be careful. The storyteller tells her that she need not worry, because all unique thinkers were met with opposition, but soon met wide acclaim. The mother said that she hopes this is true, and she wishes the storyteller a good night.


That night, we see The Head Guard reporting to his officials in a darkly lit and ominous room, resembling a court somewhat. He informs them that this mysterious newcomer may be inciting citizen unrest in the town, forcing the lower classes to feel different and rise against the city. His officials order him to bring the man to rest, and force him to leave the city or else. The Head Guard, after hesitating for a moment, says that he understands, and that he will attend to the matter the next day. The head guard receives his approval, and he is dismissed from the dark room.


The next day, the storyteller is seen showing the people in his community some of his magical belongings, and the various times and places where each one came. The Girl is most enchanted by what the storyteller is showing, while one of the children asks if they can hear another story. The Storyteller obliges, gathering all of the children around a corner, looking in his large book of stories to tell. As this is happening, the mother is smiling at him, and the joy that he is bringing the children of the community, but the head guard is not very far away, observing each action.


The second story focuses on seven spirits who watch over the universe, protecting the innocent from harm. One day, the god hears a wish from a young child to be removed from the evil city that he is in. The children connect this fictional city to the one where they are currently living. The spirits soon created a magical flood that covers the city. It drowned the cruel hearted and brought the good hearted away from the city and into a place of wonder, containing a beautiful garden and a warm place to live. The people didn’t understand how it happened, but they were grateful for this change of fate.


After the story, we see the head guard look back towards the storyteller, although he cannot bring himself to arrest him, being enchanted by the story himself. This causes something within him to resist arresting this man. That night, the people in the shelter bring together what they have to have a nice feast for what they have to celebrate the Storyteller. The mother also comes up to the storyteller, and she tells him how grateful she is for bringing some kind of hope to this community. She soon gives him a kiss as the storyteller hugs her. She bids farewell for the night.


Weeks pass, and the storyteller continues to enchant the townspeople, with his audience becoming larger and larger each day. He tells stories from all over the world, each one with a unique style, and  some teaching the children to love one another and remain hopeful even in the darkest situations. The mother also finds that she is falling in love with the storyteller, still trying to move on from her husband’s death as a result of a workplace accident. The Head Guard still tries to arrest the man on many occasions, although he cannot bring himself to do so.


That night, we see the head guard in the ominous room once more, where he is yelled at by his officials for having yet to bring this man to justice, especially as he is causing increased unrest in the community. The Head Guard thinks for a moment, but he soon tells them that he will attend to the matter immediately, and that the storyteller will be removed from this town. His officials nod in approval, casting him aside and ordering him to make the arrest tomorrow. He nods, and he leaves the room feeling somewhat down.


The next day, as The Storyteller is telling another story to the children, he is found by the guards who arrests him for causing unrest in the community. One of the children says that he’s not doing anything bad, and a teenager attacks him. However, this causes several guards to come in and attack the people. Some cower and try to hide away, while others are killed by the guards’ brutal ways of crowd control. The Head Guard orders The Storyteller that he must leave town tonight, and stop filling the heads of these people with foreign ideas.


The Storyteller obliges, requesting that he tell one last story before he departs. The Head Guard, after being begged by some of the children, reluctantly confirms his request. The Storyteller begins to tell a story about a ruthless king in medieval times, who wanted to shut out the voices of those whom he considered to be dangerous and potentially insane. In reality, these men were just bright thinkers who found light in new situations, full of ideas that contradicted what the king believed in. However, the man wanted to block out all who thought otherwise. He led a war against these men, killing them brutally and sparing no lives. As he tells his story, The Storyteller, usually calm and gentle, became very angry and cold, raising his voice as the story progressed and scaring some of the people.


As the man continued to block out all who thought differently from the rest, he removed the world from a great deal of its magic, and how he soon would control the world with an iron fist. When all was done, he felt empty and hopeless. The Storyteller asked him if this is what he wanted the city to be, bringing his story to an end. This was an odd story for him to tell, one that had no happy ending. The Head Guard is left cold, but he still must obey his orders. He orders the man to leave immediately, and The Storyteller nods, saying that he apologizes to all for saying farewell. He pulls his colorful carriage and leaves the city, as the townspeople watch blankly as he leaves.


However, The Girl looks inside her room, and she finds a present left by the Storyteller. She opens it and finds the book of stories that the Storyteller had. She smiles, and she calls the children together to tell more stories. What follows is another scene of the storyteller wandering through the desert, much like in the prologue. He becomes rather weak, but he has the will to keep moving and continue to bring hope to the people in the world who need it.

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16 minutes ago, Isle of Pasta said:

The Storyteller


Genre: Fantasy/Drama

Date: November 3rd

Theaters: 29 (3/22), 304 (3/29), 1,285 (4/5), 2,098 (4/12)

Director: Tarsem Singh

Cast: Christopher Eccleston (The Storyteller), Storm Reid (The Girl), Paul Bettany (The Head Guard), Lupita Nyong'o (The Mother)

Composer: Mychael Danna

Rating: PG-13 for some thematic material and a violent scene

Runtime: 126min (2hr, 6min)

Budget: $45 million


Hidden Content

So is it March or November?

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Date: January 11th

Theaters: 3,224

Genre: Animation/Fantasy/Comedy

Director: Eric Summers and Eric Warin

Composer: Theodore Sharpio

Cast: Nicholas Hoult (Percival), Danny McBride (Arthur), Chris Redd (Nicholas), Victoria Justice (Rowena), Emma Thompson (The Black Queen), Stephen Fry (The Black King), Sofia Vergara (The White Queen), Will Arnett (Peter)

Rating: PG for some comic action and mild language

Runtime: 91min (1hr, 31min)

Budget: $40 million




The film begins with two old men are playing Chess inside their retirement home. One of them appears to be a bit more arrogant than the other, and he is playing with white pieces, whereas the other man is using black pieces. Neither is aware that the chessboard represents a world of medieval battles through the eyes of the chess pieces, who become full out warriors in this new world. Our story begins with Percival, an enthusiastic, if a little naive, black chess piece who dreams of becoming the strongest player in the battle, delivering the move that will attain victory for his side. There's only one problem: all of the strong players are knights, rooks, and bishops, while he is a mere pawn.


Percival often recieves mockery for his claims of strength, especially from the lead rook on his team, Arthur, and his bishop sidekick, Nicholas. At one point, Percival gets into an argument with Arthur, which is soon interrupted by one of the black queen's finest knights, Peter. Peter talks to Percival as a friend, trying to help him realize how hard it is for a pawn to take on the opposing forces. Percival ignores him, saying that he's been training very hard, and he's certain that the master above will guide him to a path of glory and success. Peter expresses concern, but warns Percival that he must get ready, as preparations for the war are about to start. Peter asks about the master above, and Nicholas remarks that it could be like 20 different things. He shouldn't read too much into it.


In a training scene, all of the non King/Queen players are lined up, as the Black King and Queen motivate their forces for the battle. The Queen is a kind and loving, yet passionate and determined ruler, much in contrast to the seemingly absent minded king. The men continue to prepare, with the pawns continuing to be picked on, reminded that they will likely be the first to be taken away by the master. Percival gets through training with some humorous struggle, and he soon meets the other bishop, Rowena. The two become friends instantly, giving each other extra help and strategies as the battle comes closer to becoming a reality. Nicholas and Arthur soon find out about their relationship, and an angry Arthur, who had feelings for Rowena before Percy ever did, says that he's going to make sure he goes first once the battle begins.


The next day in Chess world, or a few moments later in the real world, the battle begins. On each team, the army and royals are lined up just as they are on a regular chessboard. The two queens come up to one another to begin their battle. The White Queen proves to be quite ruthless and she wants to see the enemies burned to dust, much to the creeped out reactions of several forces on the black team, and even some on white. As Percival readies himself for battle, Rowena gives him a look of faith and trust, whereas Nicholas and Arthur glare at him. The battle in the chess board has commenced.


At first, Percival does show some nervousness, being nearly captured several times. Most of the battling and captures in the game are played in a humorous manner, with over exaggerated acting and rising up to the sky after being captured. (being lifted off the board in real life) At first, Arthur is a commanding force on the team, but he's too willing to sacrifice other players for his own gain, much to the annoyance of others on his team. It eventually comes that Rowena, Arthur, Percival, and the king and queen are the only remaining forces on the team. Their odds have never looked so bleak, especially after Arthur is captured. The Queen is soon captured as well, leaving only three pieces left.


Percival soon develops a strategy to win the game, trying to get to the other side to resurrect the queen and win the game, while Rowena stays behind to protect the king. Through a series of close encounters, Percival soon finds a chance, albeit a dangerous one, to defeat the white king, and he manages to get a checkmate on the king with the help of his new friend. As the two old men become shocked at this surprise victory, Percival is celebrated by the black team, as Arthur is ridiculed for still refusing to open up to him, even when Nicholas has. Rowena decides to build a school to teach the village children chess strategies, as Percival helps teach. This is shown as the old man with the black pieces comes in, as one student tells the class: "This is my grandpa, and he's going to teach us how to play chess!"

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54 minutes ago, cookie said:

ME2 is finished. @Xillix

It's on the schedule now, but you can't get IMAX. November 22nd is a blackout date because Bartimaeus was pre-booked for the two weekend with the Advance Schedule thread.

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5 hours ago, Xillix said:

It's on the schedule now, but you can't get IMAX. November 22nd is a blackout date because Bartimaeus was pre-booked for the two weekend with the Advance Schedule thread.

Fair enough.

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Genre: Action/Horror/Comedy

Date: October 18th

Theaters: 3,582 (Including IMAX)

Director: Eli Craig

Cast: Al Pacino (Vincent Haverford), Leslie Jones (Patricia Hoffman), Timothee Chalamet (Jean-Pierre), Alexandra Shipp (Emily), Pete Davidson (Matt), Vanessa Bayer (Amy), Danny Pudi (Gavin), Jesse Plemons (Sunny), Tyler Labine (Freddie), Jillian Bell (Starley), ??? (Chrome)

Rating: R for strong bloody violence throughout and pervasive language

Runtime: 96min (1hr, 36min)

Budget: $25 million



We open right where the last movie left off. Emily and Matt spend the day around Seattle, WA, as they decide to enjoy a fun vacation upon their graduation at college. Over their day, we find out that Patricia Hoffman, an aspiring Presidential candidate, is speaking in town today. She had been a skilled mayor and champion for progressive causes, so Emily and Matt admire her greatly. Matt tries to get last-minute tickets, but everything is sold out. Someone overhears their conversation, introducing himself as Leon. He had an event come up today and can’t go to the speech, but they did have two extra tickets. Matt and Emily are grateful and excited, hoping that whatever he does today is fun. Leon then reveals himself to be the man behind the fursona of Freddie in the previous movies. The Seattle Scales and Tails Convention is back into town.


As we see the convention into full swing, we cut to Patricia Hoffman’s speech at a large theatre, giving a comprehensive and exciting plan for social reform, from decriminalizing marijuana and ending the war on drugs to creating funding for anti-climate change measures. Far backstage, we see an intern in Hoffman’s staff, Jean-Pierre, swooning as she speaks, also eating a peach. However, he gets startled when a man comes up to him, asking to see her up close. It is Vincent Haverford, who snuck in from the back. Jean-Pierre Caron recognizes him from news of the previous events, getting some guards to escort him out. Haverford effortlessly zaps them, as Jean-Pierre panics, wetting himself. He zaps Jean-Pierre unconscious and decides to flee before someone else sees him. However, he doesn't leave before leaving him with a message to stay out of his way. “I will have...MY REVENGE!!!” He zaps a light and disappears. No one had seen the incident, but it seems that he was trying to get to Hoffman.


As the speech ends, Hoffman sees Jean-Pierre on the ground, snickering that he wet himself. He doesn’t remember a thing about what happened. Meanwhile, at an abandoned warehouse filled with TV sets and a large satellite, Haverford is hard at work on his true plan. He sees a small town in the middle of nowhere on one of the TV sets. Using his electrical powers, which he had gotten inadvertently after being zapped in the pool at the end of the first movie, he hijacks the signal of TV sets and smartphones in a certain area by zapping the satellite. Then, it films him giving a hypnotic message. He hypnotizes the townspeople into hating animals and becoming neo-Nazis. A Latino family watching the message goes to their computer and begins looking up pricing information for the next train out of town. One family is clearly hypnotized, as they scream incoherently at the family dog. “I HATE POOR PEOPLE!!!” They scream. Back at the warehouse, Haverford makes a call, thanking his contact for the easy set up. Originally, he planned to kill Hoffman and risk being exposed once again, but with this set up, it seems that it would hardly be necessary to execute that plan. He can let the problem sort itself out. 


Back at the furry convention, we meet up again with the protagonists of the first movie, Amy, Gavin, and Lena, who all work for the Starlight Promenade Hotel (the site of the convention, once again) as two co-managers and a janitor respectively. The Furries celebrate and have fun over the night. Two of the furries, Starley (a wolf) and Freddie (a porcupine), meet up with the staff and thank them for their service and support, even after everything went down a few years abo. Amy is happy to help, as the two offer to call them out at the convention room. The three are cheered for there, as Lena remarks that it reminds her of being in high school all over again. We also meet two new furries, Sunny the Orange Fox and Chrome, a raccoon with green hair and a blue shirt. Chrome is silent, as Sunny is eager to thank the people who helped make this event possible.


The next day, a newspaper arrives that discusses the madness that went down at some small village in the Midwest. We see a flashback of the hypnotized townspeople attacking everything willy-nilly, destroying public spaces and shouting bigoted, hateful speech. They are clearly hypnotized by Haverford. Amy remarks that it sounds like something Haverford would do, but they saw him die. They don’t know where to even look but know that something strange is going on.


Emily and Matt return to the hotel, happy to see the furries again. They become geeked out as Patricia Hoffman and her staff are also staying at the hotel. The candidate and her staff come in, as Emily freaks out. She asks for an autograph, as Hoffman happily obliges. However, as soon as Jean-Pierre sees the furries, he panics, remembering everything. As he babbles on his experience, Starley recalls Haverford, shocked that he couldn’t have died from before. Sunny tells them that he must be dead – Jean-Pierre may be seeing things, and things could just be a bit crazy. Hoffman is confused as to what is going on, but Amy suggest that they head to bed soon and look more into this tomorrow, especially with how late it’s getting.


As they go to bed and clean the convention room for the night, a squadron of armed neo-Nazis infiltrate the hotel. Starley, Freddie, and Sunny are picking up after the convention room, only to be ambushed. Having brought weapons to this event, lamp-shading that this keeps happening and should hopefully stop, they get into a big shootout in the lobby. One of the janitors calls the police. The fight continues, moving toward the lobby. Starley manages to hurl one of the brutes into the hotel fireplace, while Freddie decapitates one using a revolving door. The bloodshed continues as the police arrive.


People in the upper levels hear the commotion but are ordered by Freddy to stay on alert. People line the room hallways as they try to figure out what’s going on. Hoffman is even asked to do an air-pickup at the top of the hotel, but she needs to make sure that everyone is safe. The police don’t know who the main target should be, seeing the fight, but the neo-Nazis plays a hypnotic recording on the TV set in the hotel lobby, and it makes the police officers side with the neo-Nazis and start attacking the furries. The furries retreat into the elevator, as one person almost gets inside. Freddie drags his head in, and Starley headshots him. Sunny freaks out, as Freddie tries to help relax his nerves. He does so in an oddly quick manner. They decide to get everyone upstairs to safety and join the others.


Soon, the guests meet by the indoor pool and fitness center on an upper level. As crowds figure out what is going on, normal people intermixed with furries, Chrome still says nothing, feeling nervous. Patricia learns of the attack, realizing that the furries have stopped these guys before. She can contact air support to get everyone out of the hotel, knowing the brainwashed police force is guarding the bottom floor.  (We oversee the police killing anyone who even looks toward the hotel) Patricia makes the call and tells everyone to go to the roof.


As Emily and Matt panic, while Amy, Gavin, and Lena discuss that they are so getting fired after this, everyone is guided to the rooftop. Some helicopters and small planes arrive to get everyone to safety, but a police helicopter attacks. After an intense dogfight (with dogs and wolves shooting at the helicopter), they soon safely arrive near the Seattle airport, where they will stay until the mess gets further sorted out. Not knowing how this is happening, they see news of more cities across the country becoming suddenly violent and hostile. Suddenly, the news is interrupted by Haverford coming on the TV. He hypnotizes everyone to attack the furries and their allies at the airport. Gavin tells everyone to plug their ears so they don’t see the message. Amy, Hoffman, Jean-Pierre, and Emily manage to do so in time, but Matt and Lena do not.


Hoffman, feeling more agitated than ever, decides to join the fight. She somehow excels brilliantly at unarmed combat and can fight people off easily, making sure not to cause any fatalities. She’s careful not to punch anyone in the head, as her family told her that it’s in bad form. As they escape, Jean-Pierre tries to figure out what happened after he was zapped by Haverford. Everyone realizes that Haverford is brainwashing these cities to become violent, but they don’t know how he’s doing it. Suddenly, Jean-Pierre gets a vision, thanks to the electrical attack from Haverford messing with his brain, of the warehouse that he may be working in. Apparently the attack made him see things from Haverford's memory. Gavin recognizes the location of the place, as they attempt to head out. However, they are horrified to discover that Matt and Lena have fallen under the spell of the brainwashing.


In a car chase to find the warehouse, Matt and Lena, both hypnotized to the point of hilarious efficiency, attacks the caravan of people trying to get to safety, as a massive pile-up is created, all with over the top explosions and deaths on the highway. At this point, many of the regular hotel guests have bailed, as Jean-Pierre managed to find a place for alternate lodging. However, Matt and Lena are distracted by Emily, who allows herself to be kidnapped to distract them and let the others get to safety. Amy, Gavin, Hoffman, and Jean-Pierre make it to the warehouse with the furries, finding Haverford continuing to hit nearly every city in the country, soon taking over the nation.


He is planning to soon place his control on Washington DC and the Kennedy Space Center. He will hit DC  to hypnotize the nation’s leaders and begin a violent war, setting off the nuclear bombs. Finally, he will send hypnotization to the Kennedy Space Center and brainwash NASA to turn even aliens into Neo-Nazis! Perhaps more horrifically, we find out that Sunny had been working with Haverford the whole time, working as a mole (A mole furry gets confused) so he could inform them of their location and keep tabs on them from the start. Haverford attacks using an army of brainwashed goons, leading to more bloodshed. Emily is held up by Matt and Lena in another room, threatening to kill her if they don’t let Haverford get away. Eventually, they let him get away. Sunny takes off his fur suit head and makes plans to finalize the attack. They will need to go to an electrical power plant to get the signal large enough to eventually enslave the world.


However, as Emily tries to talk Matt and Lena out of their brainwashing, very little works. However, Emily eventually gets so frustrated she decides to punch Matt in the face. Like this:



Lo and behold, it works. Matt apologizes for his bad trip, but Emily knows that things should be back to normal after some big climax. She playfully remarks that she means it in both senses of the word. They soon punch Lena too, who realizes that punching was actually her kink. They keep up the act so when Haverford checks in, he is giddy and pleased that he will finally beat those furry f-ckers.


As they regroup, people find out that Hoffman was fighting people at the airport, creating a wave of bad publicity instantly and almost killing her chances of winning the election. As everyone begins to lose hope, Jean-Pierre gives an epic speech telling everyone not to give up, as they must never surrender and let the evil win. Chrome the raccoon stands by him, followed by Amy. The others eventually rise up and plan to follow Haverford to the power plant.


At the massive power plant, he creates a massive signal that effectively broadcasts over the entire nation, including DC and Florida, and perhaps even some in Canada and Mexico. He casts an epic message of hatred and violence, wanting everyone to die. We also see that he is guarded by several neo-nazi guards, all excited to support the new age of the universe. Suddenly, the furries arrive, and Haverford keeps going, making the guards fight them.


We see an epic battle, including the following:


·        A few soldiers explode while crashing into power circuit grids and making bloody explosions.

·        A vat of oil is shot at, covering a few people in oil and burning them brutally.

·        Intense and chaotic gunfire in general, with several bullets traveling through multiple people.


Emily, Matt, and Lena face Sunny together, their ruse being exposed. After an intense fight, Sunny stabs Lena fatally, who admits that she has enjoyed a wife well lived in her final breaths, also asking Emily and Matt to trigger the trap. Using wires, Sunny is slingshotted into a power plant stack and presumably roasted alive.


However, things otherwise look bleak, as Haverford decides to halt the message and kill them once and for all by sending even more powerful guards. However, Chrome the raccoon admits that he needs to take of his fur-suit head to properly speak. He takes off his mask in a dramatic setting, as the furries crowd around him. The Neo-Nazis are ready to fire at him, but wait to see what’s underneath...


...Chrome has been Tom Hanks the whole time. He throws his head to the ground, pulls out a machete that’s been hiding inside his suit, and he says, “It’s time for you neo-Nazi pieces of shit to meet your mother-fucking grave.” (This is his only line in the movie besides a few grunts and screams in the fight.)


Chrome charges at the neo-Nazis and slices them all brutally, enough to make Quentin Tarantino blush. The furries charge at the rest of Haverford’s men, while Amy, Gavin, Jean-Pierre, Starly, Freddie, and Hoffman face off Haverford once and for all. They smile at one another as they manage to stun him. Suddenly, Emily and Matt appear, regretting that Lena didn’t make it. Amy remarks that it’s just one more thing that he’s gonna pay for.


They all smile at one another as they shoot Haverford to death, making sure he’s truly dead this time. Realizing that the people are still brainwashed, Emily sends a message to the TV projection to reverse the message of Haverford’s hypnosis, and if that doesn’t work for anyone, that they should punch any remaining neo-Nazis in the face. The world is seemingly sent back to normal, and in a few months, we find out that Hoffman wins the election after all, being praised as a hero for her actions to save the world. Jean-Pierre is promoted to be part of her staff.


Amy and Gavin receive promotions within Starwood Hotels, while Emily and Matt get married once and for all. A monument is made for Lena at the lobby of the hotel. As for the furries, they have not had any incidents come up like that in years but came prepared just to be safe. The film ends with Chrome, Starley, and Freddie finding themselves at a bar full of neo-Nazis. They prepare to attack, but Chrome grabs a machete and moves toward the screen.

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Zoldar: Warrior Beast from Outer Space

Release Date: May 24, Y3

Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Monster/Sci-Fi/Comedy

Director: Adam Green

Theater Count: 2,425

Shooting Format: 35mm 2-perf Techniscope

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1

Image Release Formats: 2K DCP, 4K DCP, 35mm film prints in select venues

Audio Release Format: 4-Channel Stereo (In 5.1 container)

Production Budget: $20 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for fantasy violence, language, destruction, and suggestive content

Running Time: 85 minutes

Major Cast:

Danielle Harris (Dr. Anna Miller), Kevin Bacon (Commander Keith Armstrong), Tara Reid (Stacy Horne), Meat Loaf (Dr. Jim Garris), Kane Hodder (Zoldar), Neil Patrick Harris (Dr. Calvin Kern)




Note: The film is a tongue-in-cheek homage to the monster movies of the 50s and 60s. Shot, processed, and edited on grainy film stock, it uses only practical special effects like suits, makeup, pyrotechnics, and miniatures. The only digital work done on the film was compositing work, i.e., taking a shot of an actor against a green screen and pasting it into footage shot on miniatures. The sound is encoded in 5.1 surround but does not use the low-frequency-effects (subwoofer) channel and plays the same single surround track from the left and right surround channel speakers to emulate the four-channel stereo in use at the time. Despite this, it is still set in the present day.




When a meteorite crashes into a remote desert area near Reno, Nevada, astrophysicist Dr. Anna Miller (Danielle Harris) and her team are first on the scene to document and study it. While they're taking samples, though, the space rock bursts open to reveal it is really a small spacecraft! Out storms Zoldar (Kane Hodder in a full-body suit and makeup), a beastly alien warrior with his mighty sword and armor made from an unbreakable space metal! He attacks the research team, killing a few of its members and destroying their equipment, before fleeing the scene. Dr. Harris remembers a smaller part of the meteorite broke off in the atmosphere and crashed several dozens of miles away. By examining the spacecraft, she determines this fragment was a critical component and that Zoldar has likely gone to retrieve it.


Before she can go to look for the missing component, though, the military sweeps in and takes over the operation, led by Commander Keith Armstrong (Kevin Bacon). They confiscate the meteor-ship and take Dr. Miller and her team into custody. She informs them that the alien is looking for the missing fragment, but Commander Armstrong condescendingly tells her that they're already on top of it. It turns out the fragment landed on the property of one Stacy Horne (Tara Reid), who ironically lives out in the Nevada desert specifically because she's hiding from the government. She owns a small cactus farm where she grows peyote and refines it into a super-concentrated drug she calls "SpaceBomb." Zoldar arrives and tears apart her home, searching for the missing piece. Stacy manages to hide from the alien monster, which eventually gives up and leaves, apparently having picked up a trace on whatever he's looking for.


When Commander Armstrong and his squad arrive at Stacy's ranch, they take her into custody as well and confiscate all of her drug-making equipment, most of which is still intact. When asked about the meteor fragment, she explains it was some sort of glowing, gold-colored crystal in a weird hi-tech container, and that she'd sold it to a "creepy weird old guy" who arrived on the ranch shortly after its impact looking for it. She apparently took $20 for it just to get him to go away. She doesn't know who he was, but based on her description, Commander Armstrong is able to realize she's talking about Dr. Jim Garris (Meat Loaf), a scientist who used to work in Area 51 but was fired for "inappropriate contact with some of the more feminine extraterrestrials." They've had tabs on a new underground laboratory he'd set up in the desert for years, but never had a reason to confront him and risk exposing their whole operation - until now!


Zoldar arrives at Dr. Garris' lab, breaking in through all of the crazy scientist's high-tech defense systems. Zoldar searches the lab, tearing everything up, but can't find what he's looking for. When Dr. Garris arrives, the alien begins screaming at him in his space language. Dr. Garris uses an invention of his to grant Zoldar the ability to speak English so that they can communicate. Zoldar reveals his name and the fact he is a traveling space-warrior from the mighty Gildax Empire, sent to Earth to destroy human civilization and ready the planet for colonization. He demands to be given his "Zeddium Crystal" so that he can absorb the power it holds and proceed with his mission.


Dr. Garris says that if Zoldar kills him, he will never find the crystal. However, he claims he is open to making a deal. If he gives Zoldar the crystal and aids him in his mission, he wants to be spared annihilation and given a place of honor within the Gildax Empire. Noting Zoldar's muscular physique and calling him a "fine specimen," he asks if the women of the empire are so ravishing, and, when Zoldar claims they are the most beautiful women in the universe, requests he be given an alien harem. Zoldar agrees, and Dr. Garris leads him to the place where he's hidden the Zeddium Crystal.


Just then, Commander Armstrong and his squad burst in, opening fire and destroying most of the lab that hasn't already been torn up by Zoldar. They interrupt the exchange of the crystal, which Dr. Garris is retrieving from a special pocket dimension he'd created with stolen alien tech. In the chaos, Dr. Garris is killed and the container holding the Zeddium Crystal shatters, unleashing its energy throughout the room and vaporizing most of the soldiers. Still, Zoldar is able to absorb most of the residual energy and grows to gigantic size, bursting through the ceiling of the underground lab as he becomes a 300-foot-tall mega-warrior!


Commander Armstrong has had attack helicopters and fighter jets on standby, and they're called in to engage the enormous alien. However, he seems to be totally impervious to their weapons, and easily swats them out of the sky with his sword, shield, and arms. He's even developed the ability to fire blasts of golden energy from his eyes. The military strike force is devastated, with most of the aircraft destroyed and only Commander Armstrong and a handful of his subordinates left as survivors.


As Zoldar heads for Reno to begin the destruction of humanity, Armstrong returns to the military base where Dr. Miller and Stacy are being held. Thankfully, the unlikely duo have had a breakthrough. They realized that Zoldar had avoided touching any of Stacy's cacti and any equipment containing peyote. They theorize his alien biology may have an adverse reaction to it. With the help of the military, Stacy and Dr. Miller work on producing a huge quantity of Stacy's concentrated "SpaceBomb" peyote drug to use against the giant monster.


Zoldar arrives in Reno while the city is still being evacuated, causing huge mayhem as he rampages through the city. He smashes through hotels and casinos, blowing up buildings with his eye-blasts and crushing cars, people, and Army tanks underfoot. As television news cameras record his assault, he addresses them directly, offering a message to the people of Earth, telling them fighting their doom is worthless because no Earth technology can stop the mighty Zoldar! 


Finally Stacy and Dr. Miller have produced enough SpaceBomb to load up two missiles. With a shortage of manpower, Commander Armstrong decides to fly the fighter jet bearing the missiles himself. He soars into the city and tries to sneak up on Zoldar, which works about as well as you'd expect. Zoldar dodges the first missile, which harmlessly hits the ruins of a casino. Armstrong is forced into a series of intense evasive maneuvers to avoid Zoldar's attacks, nearly blacking out from the high G-forces. One of Zoldar's energy blasts grazes his wing, and his flight becomes unsteady, leaving him sure to crash soon. Just in the nick of time, he manages to fire the remaining SpaceBomb missile right into Zoldar's mouth.


Commander Armstrong ejects from the plane, which crashes. Meanwhile, Zoldar has an allergic reaction to the drug at the same time as a very bad trip. He shrinks back down to normal size and collapses, hallucinating about a date he once had on the Gildax homeworld with one of the "beautiful" females (who are much more monstrous-looking even than he is, and hideous by human standards). Just as he takes the alien woman home in his vision, she transforms into Dr. Garris, and Zoldar screams and passes out.


The world is saved (except for Reno, but whatever) and Zoldar is imprisoned in Area 51. He is put under the supervision of Dr. Calvin Kern (Neil Patrick Harris). Once Dr. Kern and Zoldar are left alone in his containment room, Dr. Kern reveals to Zoldar that Dr. Garris was his old friend and mentor, and that they shared many of the same ideas. He asks if Zoldar is interested in "the sort of things Dr. Garris offered," and Zoldar happily agrees, thinking Dr. Kern wants to help him escape and take over Earth. It's only once Dr. Kern takes off his lab coat and begins slowly removing Zoldar's armor that the alien realizes what he'd actually just gotten himself into. The film fades to black on his shocked look of realization.



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Genre: Sci-Fi/Romance/Drama/Fantasy

Date: July 12th

Theaters: 3,138

Director: Garth Davis

Cast: Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Selene), James McAvoy (Leo)

Rating: PG-13 for brief strong language and some sexual content

Runtime: 105min (1hr, 45min)

Budget: $35 million



Selene is a woman running a flower shop in present day London. She is good friends with her employees, but lives an otherwise individualistic lifestyle, to the point where no one even knows where she lives. At night, Leo works as a DJ in London’s bustling night club scene, eventually moving to become a taxi driver when the night gets late. Like Selene, he lives a personal life without many close connections. However, Selene and Leo have encountered several strange thoughts about one another, but struggle to face a harsh reality keeping them apart.


As we learn about their lives, we realize that they have been re-incarnated several times through the history of life itself, each taking on hundreds of lives to this date. All their lives, they have had visions of the other, but a sad truth keeps them apart: Selene can only exist during the daytime, and Leo can only exist at night; neither can be on the Earth at the same time. As night strikes, Selene fades away and Leo materializes, and vice versa in the morning. Both materialize in the last place they were found. No one knows about their secret, but it has been a key difficulty in their search to find any close connection.


One day, Selene finds Leo on social media, managing to find his account and send him a friend request. Knowing that he will not reply until tomorrow, if he even does see it, she sends a long message explaining her situation. As the day comes to an end, she explores the city of London, trying to find the club he will be performing at. She leaves a rose in the alley-way by the club that he performs at.


We then see Leo’s DJ set, which goes very well and plays to a lively crowd. Apparently, a major producer had been present and may be interested in setting up a deal with him. He isn’t interested, simply in knowing how his secret would make it completely impossible. However, he does find the text message and becomes pretty surprised. He calls the cab company he works for and reports that he’s feeling a bit sick.


The next day, Selene finds a message from Leo, who accepted her request. He sent a picture of the rose she left in the alley saying, “You dropped something.” Selene is overjoyed at the message but knows that it would be so difficult to have to wait and message every night, fearing that they cannot make this work easily. Either way, she can’t shake the connection that the two seem to have.


Leo suggests that they send each other video messages and letters to share their world and lives. Realizing that with their lives in this flow, they have an unexpected freedom that so many people would die for. They suggest that they should see the world and follow one another. “I need to have this adventure, I need to feel like there is something amazing that we can do together. All my life, I didn’t think it was possible, but I want to find any way I can be with you.”


Eventually, Selene decides to leave the flower shop to a close friend, and Leo quits his gig as a DJ and cab driver. They begin to travel around the world and write letters and songs to one-another, knowing that they cannot possibly ever see one another in the real but knowing that having these adventures together may be the next best thing. As they reach New York City around winter time, they decide to skate around the Rockefeller Ice Rink individually. Both feel somewhat depressed upon seeing couples embracing and holding hands, knowing that they cannot ever do that.


As they return to London, they both make a pact. They will try to find someone who closely resembles the other, and they will try to form some kind of intimate connection with them. It will not be perfect, but it may be the only way to find what they truly want with one another. Over a few weeks, they find the doubles and try to go out with them. However, the alternate Leo becomes disinterested after Selene accidentally admits that he was a doppleganger for someone else she truly cared about. The alternate Selene decides that she cannot be with someone who disappears throughout the entire day. Both fall into a deep depression as they realize that they may have no purpose and no identity aside from each other.


At an art exhibit in London, there is an exhibit about the mythology of the sun and the moon. Some storytellers have suggested that the sun and the moon are two lovers, doomed to never see one another due to the destinies that they must fill. The day has been warm, loving, and open-minded, while the night was mysterious, exciting, and righteous. Leo tells Selene in a heartbroken message that no matter what happens, he cannot throw his life away to something that he can never truly experience. He realizes that some of their past lives must have attempted this before, but they must have come to the same conclusion. He is truly sorry for everything, but he promises that their life must still be worth living. He wishes her the best.


As Selene grieves for what could have been, she decides that she will no longer mourn the inevitable. She spends a great deal of time volunteering and helping people around the world, as Leo soon decides to do the same. They had the rare privilege of seeing the world grow from the start and possess a staggering display of knowledge that they can share. Their lives begin to move away from one another, but they finally feel at piece with their own lives.


We then see a montage of billions and billions of years passing, as humanity evolves rapidly and the world changes in insane, jaw dropping ways. Selene and Leo reincarnate as several different humans and even species, eventually learning to craft an ideal life on their own but never forgetting about the other. Eventually, the universe comes to an end and is left as a cold, empty husk.


We see all black, as Leo appears. A figure comes up to him from the horizon, who is soon revealed to be Selene. They are in tears as they slowly run to one another and embrace for the first time ever. As they hug, the camera zooms out, as Selene narrates. “This is the beginning of a new era for existence, once that will completely redefine everything that we thought we knew. One even we are struggling to comprehend, but I know that for the first time, I feel a joy in my heart like never. For we are now together.”


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Le Grand Ecran


Genre: Animation/Romance/Comedy/Drama

Date: November 8th

Theaters: 16 (11/8), 285 (11/15), 1,759 (11/22)

Director: Sylvian Chomet

Rating: PG for some smoking and sensuality

Runtime: 89min (1hr, 29min)

Budget: $25 million


NOTE: Much of the film's audio is music - the dialogue is very limited, and much of what people "say" is conveyed physically and by music.




In black and white, the reel of an old-fashioned movie takes over the screen. The movie is called “Blossoms In War.” The story follows a pair of two young lovers who are separated when the boy is forced into the battlefield of WWI. The film is an extravagant love with sweeping emotion and true love. Throughout the film, we see a 19-year old girl, Angelique, watching the film in excitement with a crowd of French moviegoers. One old woman is crying humorously throughout the entire film. This is shown in color. As the film ends, there is a big applause by the audience, and Angelique is still mystified and amazed by the magic of cinema. She returns home to her small home, inhabited only by her and her odd cat, Cosette. As she arrives home, she hums some of the music from the movie and dances around with a coat hanger with a top hat, as if it is the man she loves. She also plays with Cosette, who is kind of annoyed by all of this. She accidentally drops the coat hanger, starling the cat. She laughs at this moment, soon falling asleep, dreaming about becoming a big movie star.


We now cut to Hollywood, where we see shots of a large backlot for the fictional Sampson Brothers Productions. We see several famous actors and eccentric performers scurrying around the studio, each filming a wide variety of movies, from monster movies to musicals. We see the office of one director, Oliver McClackford, meeting with his producer, Freddie Slipps. Oliver is trying to come up with a brand new idea for a motion picture. Because he has had a few bad hits, the studio will fire him if his next film is not a big success. McClackford, known for making fantasy movies and thrilling westerns, felt the desire to shake things up and make a new romance film that vows to be the finest musical Hollywood has ever seen: “Magic In The City.” The film follows a New York banker who loses everything in the great depression but regains hope after falling in love with a beautiful woman. The man is played by young and coming star Frankie Johanson, and the girl will be portrayed by Hollywood starlet Elena Von Pellan. Audiences love young attractive actors! McClackford soon goes out to film a scene on the backlot.


We see Johanson and Von Pellan performing a dance number near The Empire State Building, cumulating in a kiss. This dance features exquisite choreography, and both actors have a lovely voice. McClackford calls cut at the scene, feeling as if some aspects needed work, particularly in Johanson’s dancing. With this, he becomes absolutely furious, complaining that the crew members can’t comprehend his amazing perfection. Johanson tries to comfort him, telling him that he will be better next time, but Johanson ignores her. He has had enough of working on this silly film, and he runs out of the studio. Johanson is soon let go in production, just as he had wanted. Everyone looks at each other awkwardly, soon breaking into panic. The film can’t be released without a male lead! We need a second audition immediately! McClackford hopes to find a new actor, one that would completely blow the movie world off of its feet. Meanwhile, Von Pellan is saddened at Johanson’s personality, all while noting that few people listen to what she has to say.


We cut back to Paris, France. Angelique is reading a review of a movie in the newspaper with her cat, and she becomes excited to see this movie. She soon flips back to the front page, saying how emigrations to the United States will likely increase over the next few years, due to the Nazi party gaining power in Germany. Angelique, having heard news about the Nazis, becomes rather scared. She decides that even though she had spent her whole life in Paris, is may be safer to go to America. Besides, she could finally have the chance to visit Hollywood! Upon this realization, Angelique begins to pack her bags and start a new life in America, accompanied by Cosette, of course. The boat to the United States is filled with eccentric characters, such as a juggler, a snake whisperer, and so on. Upon arriving, Angelique becomes annoyed that she must take a long train ride to Hollywood. Ironically, the juggler and the snake whisperer are also there. The snake and Cosette get into a fight, while the two humans are looking at each other awkwardly. She soon arrives in Hollywood, falling in love with the glorious lights of the city. She must stay at a rundown hotel for the time being, however, run by a snarky man, and take a thankless job as a waitress in a nearby diner.


Meanwhile, McClarkford is sitting at his desk, feeling very stressed. The film is being delayed, and they’re trying to recast the role. The new auditions are tomorrow, and he hopes that he can find the perfect guy. Freddie Slipps re-assures him that he will be there. Even if there’s no perfect Hollywood actor for the role, there might be some young, beautiful, inexperienced soul stepping off of the last train. However, if they don’t find a new actor within the month, the studio will shut down production and fire Oliver. Tomorrow is the day of the first audition, and none of the actors are working so far, some of them hilariously so. Finally, just as auditions are ending, Angelique comes in. She becomes nervous, and everyone looks at her oddly, including her cat. Slipps remarks that they’re only looking for male actors, but Angelique tries to say that there could be other films she could audition for.


This may be her only chance at getting a role. Angelique soon takes a breath and does an amazing song and dance solo. After the two stares at her in disbelief, they applaud wildly. Oliver comes up to Angelique, simply saying, “You’ll be fitted for costumes tomorrow. I’ve got a special place for you to stay.” Slipps warns that people may be shocked that they are going to create a love story between two women, but McClackford will disguise Angelique as a man and given the identity, John Laznik. With timing constraints, she may be their last hope.


The two go out to Oliver’s fancy car, while Angelique cannot contain her excitement. The two soon arrive at a luxurious apartment, where Angelique will be able to stay while they are working on the movie. The place is near the top of a tall building, and the room is very large, like a fancy hotel room. After exploring her new room, she soon crashes immediately on her bed. This was a definite step up from where she had stayed last night, and she absolutely loved it. Oliver sees her on the bed, and she smiles, turning off the lights and closing the door. Meanwhile, Cosette sneaks out of the hotel room to explore the alleyways. There, she finds danger when a group of three aggressive dogs chase her. However, she is rescued by another cat, who exploits a weak point in a stack of boxes to create a barrier against the dogs. The alley cat and Cosette look at each other, as if this were love at first sight.


Production goes on as Angelique is still thought to be a boy. Trying on costumes is a very exciting experience, and the costume designer notes her incredible beauty. In fact, all the preliminary work goes well. Angelique finds the bright red dress that she is wearing to be absolutely beautiful. However, when she begins filming her scene with Elena Von Pellan, difficulties begin to arise. She has a hard time memorizing her lines, and she has an even harder time moving in her dress. The crew starts to lose patience in her, but Von Pellan insists that she can get it right. She keeps trying very hard, but it’s not working out the way she had hoped, and almost no usable footage was filmed that day. Elena finds her crying outside the backlot, feeling embarrassed for her mistakes. Elena decides to help her become a better actress, especially as how there are so few women in this industry to help. She has the singing and dancing down, but there are a few things that she might need to work on. Elena sees Oliver in the distance, giving him an enthusiastic thumbs-up. The crew decides to keep working at some of the technical elements while Elena helps Angelique.


At his own fancy house, Elena teaches Angelique some basic acting skills, such as dialects, movement, and so on. She is not quite having an easy time with it at first, but thanks to strong moral support, she begins to become a much better actress than she was when she got off the train. The two have also grown very close to each other. In fact, when the two are practicing a dance routine, the two are supposed to kiss at the end of it. Indeed, they have no reservations and are glad to give each other a kiss, even if they just want to be friends. Soon, filming can get back on track. We see a montage of scenes being filmed in the movie, depicting the story of the woman’s loss of everything, and the introduction of a new wonder-girl into her life. Both of their lives have improved upon meeting each other. Everything is going swimmingly on the set and in real life as well. Frankie and Angelique are growing closer together, and the studio executives are approving of how production is going, getting over the shock of seeing two women in love by how well made the film is.


Also, Cosette and the cat she met in the alley are also playing together while her owner is out shooting the movie. At this rate, things are going very well for everyone. One night, Elena and Angelique have a dinner out at a fancy restaurant, where a group of female singers is performing a dance song. After eating, the two take to the dance floor, showing off their moves from their film. People are very impressed with what they see. Meanwhile, Cosette and the other cat enjoy a fish left outside in the dumpster and eat it on a rooftop, with a great view of the “HOLLYWOODLAND” sign.


Frankie Johanson is still furious about the production, and she becomes increasingly jealous of Angelique’s performance, realizing that it’s a girl in the role. If he couldn’t be the star of the movie, no one else could be. His butler insists that he actually wanted to leave the movie, but Frankie is still outraged. He soon hatches a master plan to sabotage the production and expose Angelique. There was a scene in the script where the man must rescue the girl from a burning mansion, and the scene will be done using especially safe fire equipment. If he can manipulate the set-up, then Angelique’s suit would snag and expose her! This would be his ticket to getting revenge on her awful experience with the film.


The day soon comes when this scene is filmed, and everyone has prepared a lot for this scene. The director calls action, not knowing that Frankie is sneaking around the studio. Elena is tied to a chair and has been kidnapped by a group of thugs. One of them is supposed to accidentally set the place on fire in the script, and this actor follows the script. However, he is unaware of the removed safety caused by Frankie’s tampering, and the fire spreads out of control. Everyone panics, especially Elena. Angelique unties her and helps her escape the building.


Everyone is safely evacuated, and a fire brigade arrives soon enough to save the sets. However, Angelique’s suit is ripped, revealing her true identity. Many of the actors and crew members, including Elena, are shocked and somewhat disgusted, and the studio president fires Oliver and shuts down production. Trying to hold back tears, he tells everyone to leave.


Angelique returns to her apartment in tears, while Cosette tries to comfort her. This was her big chance of fame, and she completely blew it. Words could not describe her current state of sadness. She would also have to leave Hollywood and find a different place to live. She could not afford to live here if the movie didn’t work out. She sends Elena and Oliver a letter saying that she is going to move to northern California, and she’s taking a train out of town soon.


At the train station, Oliver and Elena meet her. They’re not going to stop her from leaving, but they do want to say goodbye first. She hugs both of them. However, Elena stops Angelique as she is about to leave. She decides that they should make the movie anyway, and she would be totally fine to give her a kiss. Oliver agrees, deciding to make the film a love story between two women. People gasp on the train, but Elena and Angelique both agree that they’re willing to tell this story, and that the audience will love it.


After some serious negotiation, Oliver is able to amend the script and continue filming with a new studio, and everything starts to work out. In fact, the film is completed, and the red-carpet premiere arrives! At the premiere, Frankie is arrested after a detective finds out about what he did to the studio, and he is angrier than ever! The idea of the film is still very controversial, but once people see the final product, they can’t help but fall in love. Even the cats in the neighborhood watch the movie from the lobby, amazed by it. The film gets a standing ovation.


Angelique is overwhelmed at the reception she is getting for her role, and how her goal of fame has been achieved. The film’s viewing gets a standing ovation afterwards, and Oliver, Elena, and Angelique come out on stage. They all bow to the audience, and Elena and Angelique share a hug, just as Cosette and the alley cat are brushing up against each other outside the theater. The camera soon goes away from the excitement at the theater to the “HOLLYWOODLAND” sign once again, and two important words pop up on the screen:





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1 hour ago, Isle of Pasta said:

@Xillix can you move BAF3 to October 11? (IMAX can be removed so as not to interfere with Solitary)


Also you can remove Hadean, A Love Worth Killing For, and The Retreat. Those aren’t happening.

I'll give you back the IMAX release if @Ethan Hunt doesn't finish Solitary.

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That Was a Long Time Ago

Studio: Hunt Productions

Genre: Rom-com

Director: Luke Greenfield

Release date: December 25th

Theatre Count: 3,400

Rating: pg-13

Budget: 30M

Runtime: 104 minutes


Adam DeVine- Grant Klein

Emily Blunt- Kori Merriman

Zac Efron- Sean Price

Robbie Amell- Jake Thomas

Daniela Ruah- Michalea



Grant and Kori are high school sweethearts and have dated throughout there junior and senior years of highschool. Though after they graduate Kori decides to break up with Grant because they are going two different directions in life.

10 years later we see the dorky Grant driving into New York City while his stylish friend Sean sleeps in the back seat. Grant shakes Sean awake screaming “we're here". After driving a little bit farther into the city and pointingl out a few famous locations to Sean he asks him for directions to the hotel. Sean complys with Grant's request shortly the arrive at the hotel.

Both men are astonished by how big the building is. They walk insides and see how fancy and nice of a place it is. Grant asks Sean “How did you afford this place?" Sean replies smoothly “I've got friends." They make their way up to the floor where they are staying. Both are very impressed with the room.

Next we see the two individuals visiting several locations around the area including; The Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, and Time Square. They had back to the hotel, go up to their room and pass out.

The next morning they get up and go out to a nice restaurant together. Sean mentions that New Year's eve is today and asks Grant “How many girls are you gonna make out with tonight?" Grant waves his hand dismissing Sean's comment.

You see both of the individuals getting dressed up to go out for New Year's celebration. They head out to time square. While they are there Grant runs into Kori. The two of them reignite their flirtatious spark immediately. Kori and Grant ditch Sean using the excuse that he'll find a.girl to hook up with. Kori and Grant share a kiss as the ball drops and then they head back to the bar at Grant's hotel to get drinks. After they share a few Kori admits to Grant that she has a boyfriend who is in California on a job. They finish there night on that not so positive note (at least from Grant's point of view) but they do promise to keep in touch.

Grant and Sean head back to there hometown. Grant and Kori talk to each other over Skype from time to time. Kori eventually admits to Grant that she is not happy with her current relationship. Meanwhile Sean has begun dating Grant's dentist Michalea. Grant is not happy about this because he thinks that Sean will just “Screw her and leave her" creating an untrusting relationship between Grant and Michalea.

When Sean and Michalea go in a date Grant follows them watching them. Sean realizes that Grant is following them..Sean slips away from Michalea and goes and beats Grant up out I'm the alleyway. Sean goes back inside to his unknowing date and Grant walks home in the rain.

That night over Skype Grant and Kori have a heart to hart over there difficult experiences of the day and they find comfort in each others presence and spend all night talking to each other. Kori expresses even more frustration with her boyfriend, Grant tries to tell her that she should end it with him. Kori says she appreciated his advice but does not suggest whether she well use it or not.

After that night Grant and Sean don't talk to each other. Despite many efforts from Grant Kori no longer responds to his attempts at communication. Grant goes through a period of time where he is unsure about many things in his life.

Michalea convinces the two boys ( Grant and Sean) that they need to rekindle their relationship. The two meet at a bar. Grant sits silently and ignores Sean while he goes on a speech about all important Grant is to him. When Sean finishes with “ I've missed you man" He and Grant finally reach a connections and revitalize their friendship

Some time later when Grant goes to a high school graduation he sees Kori there. They get drinks and she tells that she tried to leave her boyfriend but he threatened her and she became scared. Eventually she had broken free and been roaming the world since.

They walk out to the football stadium of their old school. They both start going through a bunch “Do you.remember... " Scenarios of things from when they were in high school. The both laugh and giggle and hold each other tight.

The movie ends with Sean and Michalea's wedding (where Grant is the best man)

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The Raven Boys

Studio: Hunt Productions

Director: Jon Watts

Composer: Michael Giacchino

Genre: Fantasy

Release date: November 27th

Runtime: 132 minutes

Theatres: 3415

Rating: pg-13

Budget: 40M


Shailene Woodley - Blue

Miles Teller - Gansey

Masam Holden - Adam

Austin Abrams- Noah

Christian Madsen - Ronan

Vera Farmiga- Maura



We see a shot of the outside of 300 Fox Way, it’s not a big house but it sits back on a bit of a hill. Inside the house we see two women (Jimi and Orla) fighting over the telephone, then our focus shifts to Maura cooking something in the kitchen and yelling “Where is Neeve at!?" The camera moves throughout the house showing various location. The house is far from tidy but its occupants seem to feel comfortable with it. The five women (Maura , Jimi, Orla, Persephone, and Cala)run a business telling people vague facts about their future (fortune telling.) Neeve also possesses similar abilities to the other three but she is only living at the house momentarily (and also seems like she has a few screws loose.) Finally the camera brings us into Blue's room which is nice and tidy not looking like the rest of the house. Blue herself is sitting over on her bed.       

            Narration (from Blue) is audible. “I had always been told that I would kill my true love, that I would kiss them and then their life would end. Now no one was very specific about how long after the kiss he would live or where the kiss had to be. I had decided that I was going to avoid love for as long as I could." A voice from the other room calls “Blue! It's time to go."       

            Neeve and Blue appeared at an abandoned church. It was Saint Mark's Eve, the night when all the souls of the people who were going to die within the next year (365 days) walked through this area along the ley line. Neeve mutters “Tonight is a night" putting a specific emphasis on the word night. The two waited silently. Suddenly Neeve put her hands up and made eye contact with Blue and began listing names. Blue grabbed up her paper and began to write down as many names that Neeve listed as she could. Blue could not actually see the souls that walked through on this night but Nerve/Maura claimed that Blue worked as a battery making their powers stronger to easier to use. Neeve continues listing names of the dead souls that ( supposedly) walk by her as Blue notices a confused looking boy moving in her direction. As he came closer she realized that he seemed almost transparent. Blue screams to Neeve “I see him!" “Well go ask him his name" Neeve replies.       

            Blue slowly makes her way towards the boy. He is dressed nice but he has a look of bewilderment on his face and is stumbling across the field. Blue can feel his soul feeding in her energy. “Can... Can I have your name?" She asks. The boy looks at her mesmerized for a moment and says in a monotone voice “Gansey." Gansey walks off past the church. Blue walks back towards Neeve and they continue to collect a few more names before Blue asks “Why could I see him?"       

            Unphased Nerve replies “There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark's Day, Blue, either you're his true love or you killed him."   


            We see (an alive and well) Gansey step out of his bright orange Camaro ( 1970s, pretty beat up) which he always refers to as Pig. Standing along the road and surveying the vehicle. Gansey notes that Pig has a flat tire. Gansey checks his watch before taking out his phone and calling Roman       

            Ronan: You missed World History. I thought you were dead in a ditch       

            Gansey: Did you get notes for me       

            Ronan: No, I thought you were dead in a ditch       

            Gansey: The Pig stopped come get me... Its not like you're going back to class anyway       

            After a long silence Ronan asks “Where are you?" To which Gansey replies “ Next to the Henrietta sign in 64. Bring me a burger and a couple gallons of gas. Ronan responds “OK" Gansey adds “Bring Adam." Before hanging up.       

            We see Gansey, Adam, and Ronan enter Monmouth where Gansey lived. Adam looks out of place with the other two boys. Gansey and Ronan both come from rich families and it shows. Gansey has a certain naive swagger about him, while Ronan was big, muscular, and seemed to give no fucks about the world around him. Adam on the other hand came from a family with very little money and was stubborn as a mule with a strong sense of pride. They walk into the building which is very open with a high ceiling, Its in a bit of a clutter with many books sitting around. Ronan walks over a flips through one of the books before walking back over to an old ugly looking chair and sitting down. Adam stands back near the entrance admiring the way that Gansey just seems to fit in this room. There is a knock in the door. Gansey turns around and says “Can you answer that Adam?" Adam returns with Declan (Roman's older brother) and his pretty new girlfriend who honestly isn't very distinguishable from his last few. Adam awkwardly introduces himself to her. Neither one of the Lynch brothers makes any kind of acknowledgement of the other. Declan nods and says “Gansey... What are you up to over there." Without looking up from his notes Gansey says “The usual." Declan's girlfriend asks “What's the usual?" Declan dismissively says “Gasey has some strange hobbies." Ronan snorts from the other side of the room and Gansey stands up making his way towards Declan's girlfriend. Adam just took another step back to watch these events go down. Adam was both amazed and jealous o Gansey's ability to be so cool and charming while being quite obsessive and condescending. Gansey asks “How much do you know about Welsh kings?" She shakes her head are responds “Very little." Gansey begins to pace “Have you heard of the legend of the sleeping kings? The legends that heroes like Llewellyn and Glendower and Arthur aren't really dead, but instead are sleeping in their tombs waiting to be woken up." Gansey was insanely passionate in this matter that when he got going like this it was hard not to find yourself becoming invested in it yourself. Declan's girlfriend muses “it sounds like a metaphor." Gansey says “This may be true..." He walks towards a map “... But we think that Glendower was brought here, more specifically Virginia, I want to find where he is buried."       

            She asks “Why do you think he's here?" Gansey, Adam, and Roman all share a look trying to decide how to avoid answering this question. Thankfully at that time Noah walks in the room. Declan also wanting to avoid having the boys answer that question says to his girlfriend “ That's Noah" Noah approaches her and they shake hands. She says “Your hands are cold." Noah just shrugs. Declan feeling awkward decides to make a smartass comment about Ronan not being very verbal while he was around. Ronan gets up and gets in Declan's face and says “ At least I ain't bringing a different girl home every damn night." The two continue to have a verbal altercation and threaten to take out to the parking lot and have a physical fight but with prying from Gansey and Adam Ronan finally backs down. Declan and his girlfriend leave. Gansey looks around at the group around him (Noah, Adam, and Ronan)       

            Blue was getting when ready to go leave for work when Maura knocked on the door and came in before receiving a response. Blue looks at her mother quizzically “Guess who just called to schedule a fortune telling appointment tomorrow afternoon?" Blue responds “Probably not someone who is gonna donate a million dollars to us so you can do fortune telling on a larger scale." Maura laughs uneasily before saying “ Blue, honey, it was Gansey. It was Gansey who scheduled an appointment for tomorrow afternoon." Blue's head begins to whirl. She could not believe that she was going to meat the boy who she would either love or be killed by her tomorrow. All of this excitement lessened Blue's already low desire to go to work       

            Blue worked as a waitress at a Nino's a restaurant down by the Aglionby campus. Blue hated working at the restaurant because it was always loud, the Aglionby boys were typically rude, rich. And snobby. Blue continued to work the job simply because her family needed the money. This particular night it was especially frustrating to have to be working because all she wanted to do was sit up against a wall and fantasize different scenarios for how tomorrow could possibly go. One moment when Blue was not busy with work but a preoccupied with day dreaming she feels a hand tap her shoulder she whirls around and says furiously “ Can I help you?" The person she looks upon (whom is Gansey but she doesn't recognize him as he looks far better than he did when she saw his spirit in St. Mark's Eve) appears to be a typical top of the line Raven boy ( a boy that attends Aglionby) Everything about him looked expensive. Blue instantly hated him       

            Gansey: I certainly hope so. My socially inhibited friend Adam thinks you're cute, but he's unwilling to make a move. Over there. Not the smudgy one. Not the Sulky one.       

            Blue: So?       

            Gansey: So would you do me a favor and go talk to him?       

            Blue: What exactly is it you think I'm going to talk to him about?       

            Gansey: We'll think of something, we're interesting people.       

            Blue looks over at the table and noticing that the specific boy does look different from the normal Raven boy and she thinks about it for a second before she turns back       

            Blue: Do you see how I'm wearing this apron? It means I'm working. For a living.       

            Gansey: I'll take care of it       

            Blue: Take care of it?       

            Gansey: Yeah. How much do you make by the hour? I'll take care of it and I'll talk to your manager.       

            Blue: I am not a prostitute!       

            Gansey: Oh, that was not how I meant it. That is not what I said."       

            Blue: That is what you said! You think you can just pay most of your female companions by the hour and don't know how it works in the real world but most girls when they're interested in a guy will sit with them for free.       

            Gansey: You said you were working for a living. I thought it would be rude not to take that into account. I'm sorry you're insulted. I see where you're coming from but I feel it's a little unfair that you're not doing the same for me.       

            Blue: I feel you're being condescending       

            Gansey: Dear God... I don't know what else to say       

            Blue: Sorry?       

            Gansey: I already said that.       

            Blue: then how about bye?       

            Gansey walks back to the table and pulls out s journal and starts talking about something in it. Blur can't help but stare at the one looks different- elegant almost. He notices her but she looks away shyly.       

            Blue stepped outside of Nino's after work. The air was cold and brisk, Blue took a moment to stare up in wonder at the stars. She began to unchain her bike when she hears a voice say “Excuse me, um,...hi" Blue turned around to see the elegant boy standing in the parking lot with his own bike. Blue noted that none of his other friends from earlier were there. Blue asked “Adam it is?" Adam gives Blue a slight little nod, he seems nervous.       

            Adam said “I was on my way home and I thought I recognized you, I wanted to say sorry about earlier." It struck Blue that he seemed oh so very different from all the other Raven Boys she had ever known. He didn't seem to have the same radiating self importance or the same flashy appearance.       

            Blue: Well that's nice of you, but it's not you that needs to apologize       

            Adam: I can't let him take all the blame, I mean I did want to talk to you... But I didn't want to just like pick you up       

            Blue: And what is it you wanted to do?       

            Adam: Talk       

            Blue: ... It wasn't about what he was saying about you... He offered me money       

            Adam: He doesn't know, he's stupid about money.       

            Blue: and you aren't?       

            Adam doesn't need to answer Blue's question because she already knows the answer       

            Blue: Are you coming back to Nino's?       

            Adam: am I invited?       

            Blue just smiles in reply. She pulls a napkin out of her pocket and writes down the phone number for 300 Fox Way and hands it to Adam. They share one last look at each other before Adam says “Well... I'll talk to you later." And bikes off. Blue stands there in the parking lot somewhat awe stricken by the events that had just occurred. Then one of her managers walks out the door towards her with a leather bound book and asks Blue “Do you happen to know who left this? Is it yours?" Blue asks “Mine?" The manager replies “Well I saw that it had... Well stuff about magic." Blue was a bit taken aback. Suddenly she remembered Adam's friend ( the one that had talked to her) had had it in his hand. “Actually I know who's that is. I'll take it." He hands her the book and walks back inside       

            Gansey was back at Monmouth where he Ronan, And Noah lived. Gansey had offered many times for Adam to stay there as well but Adam being Adam wouldn't live some place that he didn't feel like he had earned on his own. Gansey was looking through some of his books when he noticed something that he thought might be important. Assuming that (insomniac) Ronan would be awake he went and knocked in the door to his room. Gansey didn't get any response. He knocked again. After waiting patiently a little longer Gansey pushed the door open only to find that it was empty and Ronan wasn't there.       

            Gansey made his way to Noah's room and knocked on the door, as he was pulling out his phone and dialing Ronan. It went straight to voicemail. It wasn't that Ronan had disappeared that bothered Gansey its that he disappeared on a night after he had gotten in a fight with Declan. Ronan was such an unpredictable person who knew what kind of trouble he could get into. Gansey pulled out his phone again preparing to call Adam but he hesitated before dialing. He knew leaving the Parish house hold in the middle of the night would be punishable and he felt really bad for asking him to do this but Gansey called him anyways. While Gansey was explaining to Adam what had happened and asking Adam to try and look for him Noah came out to overhear the conversation. Gansey hung up the phone making a frustrated groan and looked at Noah “Has he talked to you since we came back here?" Noah shakes his head but after a few moments he adds uncertainly “I would look for him at the church." Noah wouldn't go with Gansey to look because last time this happened Noah was the one who found Ronan Laying in a puddle of his own blood and Noah was still haunted by that night. Gansey checked numerous closer locations on his way to the church but eventually he made his way there and he saw Ronan's black BMW sitting outside. Gansey could feel a panic begin to rise inside him. He rushed into the church and yelled “Ronan!" Gansey saw the outline of Ronan's limp body against one of the pews. Gansey rushed over and shook him “Ronan!" He screamed again. Ronan slowly opens his eyes. Gansey took a sigh of relief “You bastard. When I said don't get drunk at Monmouth I didn't mean get drunk somewhere else." A raven came up and flew landing on Ronan's arm startling Ganey. Gansey tried to shoo it away but Ronan stopped him. Gansey asked “ Where did that come from?" Ronan replies “I found him... I think I'm gonna name her Chainsaw." Gansey says both confused and frustrated “ People find pennies, or car keys, or four leaf clovers..." Ronan interrupts “Or Ravens... You're just jealous you didn't find one too." Gansey gathers up the drunken Ronan and says “You do realize there is a no pet policy?" Ronan shoots back “You can't just throw Noah out like that."       

            The next day at school Adam didn't show up. This made feel Gansey feel horrible about himself because he knew it was his fault.       

            Blue was in her bedroom doing nothing in particular when she heard the doorbell ring. Blue looked at the clock on the dresser and realized that it must be Gansey so she headed out to the other room to watch interestedly. As Blue entered the room Maura opens the door and three boys came walking in. Blue instantly recognized Gansey as the boy she had gotten in the fight with at Nino's the other night. They locked eyes both obviously shocked to see each other. Adam came in behind Gansey and the more muscular scary looking boy from the other night followed him (Ronan). Maura introduced herself to the three boys and they each gaver her their names (Gansey, Adam , Ronan) Maura turned and said “This is my daughter Blue she well he present in your reading today." Gansey gave a slight smile and said “This well be awkward." Although he didn't look as if he felt awkward at all, in fact he looked just as confident as ever. Maura questioned Blue and Gansey “You've met?" Gansey was the first to reply “ We had a discussion about alternative professions for women." Maura asked the group to follow her into the room where they would to the telling. Blue quietly asks Adam “ What happens to your face?" Adam just shrugs and says “Do you think it makes me look tougher?" Blue looked at him she didn't think it made him look tougher she actually thought it made him look more fragile. Ronan showing excellent hearing ability added his two cents “I think it makes you look like a loser." Gansey shoots Ronan a forceful glare.       

            The three boys sat down on one side of a table where Maura, Calla, and Persephone sat on the other side. Blue just kind of stood of in one of the corner of the room. Adam and Gansey seem to sit somewhat calmly but Ronan seems to sit anxiously surveying the women across the table as if they could bite his head off at any moment. They let Adam pull a card.       

            Persephone: You have a difficult choice to make. Some kind of conflict with someone close to you, possibly a brother. You think you only have two choices but there is a third one, you should go with that one.       

            Adam looks at Gansey but he says “I don't have a brother.       

            Ronan: Prove that isn't BS       

            Calla: Excuse me young man.       

            Ronan: Say something that can be proven. Anyone can have a fight with their brother say something we know to be true!       

            Calla: That's not exactly how it...       

            Persephone: A secret killed your father and you know what it is.       

            The fiery anger that fueled Ronan a moment ago was gone. Ronan says “I'm just gonna go wait in the car." Gansey looks a bit taken aback by everything that just occurred. But he says “We didn't come here to look at out features anyways. I actually wanted to ask you about energy, more specifically ley lines." All three women stopped in their tracks. “I think it's best you go" Maura said. Calla and Persephone both nodded in agreement. Gansey seemed a bit disappointed but shook it off. He stood up quickly and said “How much would that be?" Maura shrugged and said “ Twenty dollars." Gansey opens up his wallet and began to thumb through before Blue added venomously “Each" Gansey looked up and smiled at her before throwing sixty dollars on the table. After Gansey and Adam had left the house Maura said to Blue “ I don't want you to ever see those boys again."       

            A woman comes up to the door band rings the doorbell. Blue answers it. "Are you Blue Sargent?" The woman asks. “Yes I am" Blue replies. The woman hands Blue a flowers arrangement and says “This is for you." Blue looks over the flowers and sees there is a note attached to the flowers reading: I hope you still want me to call- Adam       

            Adam rode his bike into the parking lot of Monmouth to see Ronan and Noah messing around. It turns out that Ronan was building a ramp in the parking lot. Adam gave Ronan some crap about his ramp before Ronan asked Adam “What's your problem anyway?" Adam replies “I'm trying to decide when I should call Blue." Ronan makes a rude comment about the psychics.       

            Adam: you're a Neanderthal       

            Ronan: Sometimes you sound like Gansey       

            Adam: Sometimes you don't       

            Adam: Give me your phone       

            Ronan pull out his phone and hands it to Adam. Adam dials the number that Blue gave him       

            Persephone: Adam?       

            Adam: Blue?       

            Persephone: No Persephone... *background * ten dollars Orla... No the caller ID does not say anything. *not background * you're the coke shirt one , right? Wonderful I'll go get Blue.       

            Blue: I didn't think you'd call       

            Adam: I said I would       

            Blue: thanks for the flowers. They were pretty       

            Adam: it seems busy there       

            Blue: It's always busy here, what are you doing today?       

            Adam: Exploring do you wanna come with       

            Blue: What sort of exploring?       

            Adam: Mountains. How do you feel about helicopters       

            Blue: Ethically?       

            Adam: As a mode of transportation       

            Blue: Faster than camels, but less sustainable, Is there going to be a helicopter in your future today?       

            Adam: yeah Gansey wanted to go looking for ley lines and they're easier to spot from the air       

            Blue: And naturally he has access to a helicopter...       

            Adam: that's Ganesy for you       

            Blue joined Adam, Gansey, Ronan and Adam in the Pig. Blue was nervous but the boys didn't seem to have a problem with her. Ronan could care less that she was there, Gansey seemed mostly amused by her coming along but Blue found comfort with Adam and Noah. While Adam was quite and gracious, Noah was funny and outgoing. When they arrived at the place, they loaded on to the helicopter “I've never flown before." Blue confessed to Adam. Adam replies “I've flown once." As he takes her hand. The helicopter took off into the sky. After a few moments Adam screamed over the noise “I hate this!" Gasey gracefully calls back “I know you do."       

            The pilot says to Gansey “Aren't you going to introduce us, Dick?" Gansey makes a face but says “Blue, I'd like you to meet my sister Helen. The group flew out into the distance. Most of the conversation really ended up being split into three groups: Adam and Blue, Noah and Ronan , and Gansey and Helen.       

            Eventually Gansey says “I do believe that a lay line runs through this area” he looks to Blue for reassurance. Blue nods though she doesn't seem overly confident. Gansey gives Helen instructions to land the helicopter which she does. They land at the outskirts of what appears to be a large forest. Before Blue walks into forest she asks “What exactly are we looking for?" Gansey says “Glendower the sleeping Welsh king. We believe that he is buried along the lay line so that he wouldn't die and that when we can find him we can wake him up." Gansey turns around and continues walking before Ronan adds “And when we do wake him up, we get a wish." Gansey yells joyously “Are you listening Glendower! I'm coming to find you!"       

            The group continues to walk forward. Gansey rambled on about rituals that could possibly wake the line but one of his scholarly friends from Scotland had told them that the ritual could probably only be performed in the heart of the lay line where it had the most energy while Adam and Blue half listen to him half discuss despite the incidental condescendingness of Gansey that he is actually a good person, Ronan and Noah kind of walk behind aimlessly studying the forest around them. Adam pauses clearly taking consideration onto something which Gansey said       

            Adam: what about your energy, you said that you made things louder for the other physics       

            Blue: yeah, I guess you could say I'm like a walking battery       

            Gansey: You're the table at Starbucks that everyone wants.       

            Blue: What       

            Gansey: the table next to the wall plug.       

            They came to a clearing in the forest that was truly beautiful. The trees all looked so perfect and there was a little pond with fish in it over the boys and Blue took time to admire the beauty that was in front of them. Gansey noted that his watch was not working properly and that Helen would be furious if they can back to the helicopter at an unreasonable time. Well as it turns out when they got back Helen was already furious about what time it was and the mood on the way back was very dower. Helen dropped them off back by the Pig. Gansey was about to say something to Blue when he lauded for a moment to think       

            Gansey: Is Blue a nickname       

            Blue raises her eyebrows       

            Gansey: Not that it's not a cool name... It's just unusual.       

            Ronan: Weird-ass       

            Blue: Unfortunately it's nothing normal like Gansey       

            Gansey: I've always liked the name Jane       

            Blue: Ja-What? You can't go around naming people other things because you don't like their real names       

            Gansey: I like Blue just fine, some of my favorite shirts are Blue, however I also like Jane       

            Blue: I'm not answering to that       

            Gansey: I didn't ask you to.       

            After this brief conversation Gansey stooped down inside of the door of the car and the rest followed his lead. When asked where they were going Gansey said “We're going to get some gelato and to pick Blue's brain about energy and lay lines."       

            That was not exactly how it happened. The group did stop at a local place and get gelato but the group didn't spend timing searching for any possible answers from Blue. Instead they just ate their gelato and hung out.       

            Blue began to start spending a lot of time with the boys over the next weeks They continued to search for information on Glendower and Ley Lines (though they did not feel prepared to return to the strange forest). Blue felt more a part of something than she ever had in her life, these boys were becoming her friends       

            One day after school had ended Blue headed over to Monmouth. As she started into the parking lot she saw Ronan and Adam stepping out of Ronan's BMW, while Noah and Gansey were talking quietly a few parking spaces away.       

            Ronan: For the love of... Parrish, take some care this isn't your mom's 1971 Honda Civic       

            Adam: They didn't start making the Civic until '73       

            Gansey: Jane! I thought you would never show up. Ronan is tutoring Adam in the ways of manual transmission       

            During the time Noah had walked over to greet Blue by petting her hair, which would seem strange if it were anyone else, but it was Noah so he could get away with it.       

            Gansey says suddenly and enthusiastically “Okay, let's go." The other four give him a blank look and Adam finally asks him the question that is on everyone else's mind “Where to today?" Gansey grins wildly and says “The wood... Time is wasting."       

            Blue looks at Adam and says quietly “Did you know this?" Adam replies quickly and nervously “I didn't know anything." Adam starts to add to his comment before he is interrupted by Ronan on the other side of the parking lot yelling “We'll have to be back in three hours! I just fed Chainsaw but she'll need it again!" Gansey glances at Ronan and says in a joking manner seemingly to think that bit was funnier than it actually was “ This is precisely why I didn't want to have a baby with you."       

            The five of them hop in The Pig and drive out to the strange forest. When they got there and they walked to the magical opening from the other day they all looked tense in and uncertain except for Noah who appeared just as awkwardly charming as usual. Blue says “I feel like I'm being watched." Gansey dismissively says “High EMF readings can do that."       

            The group difficult time deciding how to continue the search and finally it was Noah who began walking down a path and the rest of them followed. Adam and Blue (but mostly Adam) seemed a little nervous continuing into the mysterious forest. Blue takes Adam's hand as they continue to walk. As they were going Blue noted and pointed out to Adam that it was as if they were walking through the seasons. The farther in they went the farther into Fall they got and eventually they reached where it was winter and there was light snow on the ground.       

            Noah: Gansey! There's writing over here       

            Blue: What language is that?       

            Adam and Ronan: Latin       

            Gansey: What does it say       

            Ronan: its a joke, this first part. The Latin is pretty crappy       

            Gansey: A joke? About what?       

            Ronan: You wouldn't find it funny       

            Adam: Why is there a joke written in a random stone?       

            Ronan looked over the rock again moment before turning pale       

            Ronan: There's a joke, in case I didn't recognize my own handwriting... I don't understand       

            Gansey: We saw before how the ley line played with time. We can see it right now. It's flexible. You haven't been here before but that doesn't mean you didn't come here later       

            Blue: What does it say after the joke?       

            Ronan: The trees speak Latin       

            Gansey: And that last line? That last word doesn't look like Latin       

            Ronan: Call it by name Cabeswater.       

            Blue: Well... Say something to the trees in Latin       

            Ronan: Like what?       

            Blue: say hi, that's polite.       

            Ronan does as he is told. Blue then says “Ask them if they'll speak with us." Ronan again follows Blue's request. “Nothing" Ronan exclaims. Gansey puts his hands up and says “Wait! Ronan ask them to say that again." Suddenly they all heard it the rustle of the leaves, it didn't exactly sound like voiced but phonetically what they were saying       

            Gansey turned around to see if Ronan heard it but he, Blue, and Adam all looked clueless. Noah on the other hand appeared to be hearing the same thing as Gansey. Noah and Gansey repeated what the trees said to Romans and Ronan and Ronan translated it to the whole group       

            Ronan: We've been speaking the whole time, you just haven't been listening.       

            Ronan: they say they are happy to see the daughter of the psychic.       

            Blue: Me!       

            Gansey: Amazing! The trees ? Amazing!       

            Adam: Ask why only Gansey and Noah can hear them.       

            Ronan: They say the road isn't awake... It says that if we wake up the line it'll owe us a favor       

            Adam: That doesn't explain why only Gansey and Adam can hear them.       

            The group heads back to the car. On the way back they discuss how they could possibly go about waking the line, what use it would be to them and how much they could trust the trees. They all agreed that they should do more research before they could make any choices       

            One day when the other three were all busy (Adam had work and Ronan and Noah were at church.) Gansey and Blue decided to go to a not too far out of town that they thought was on the ley line. Gansey came by Blue's house to pick her up       

            Gansey: Thanks for coming Jane       

            Blue: You're welcome Dick       

            Gansey: I really do have to thank you, I've spent years looking for these ley lines. You're like a blessing from above. I could kiss you       

            Gansey was obviously joking but his comment still put Blue in edge       

            Gansey: What was that for       

            Blue: Do you still believe psychics       

            Gansey: Yeah, Why?       

            Blue: since I was young my mother has told me that if I kissed my true love he would die... Don't you dare laugh you...       

            Gansey: that just sounds like some precautionary thing to me       

            Blue: It's not just my mom, its every psychic I've ever met       

            Gansey: sorry... So do you know how sir prince charming is going to die       

            *Blue Shrugs *       

            Gansey: I'm not gonna lie Jane, that's some grim shit.       

            Blue: Don't tell Adam       

            Gansey: It's like that is it.       

            Blue: no..no..no, I just... Don't know       

            Gansey: Well if you killed Adam, I'd be quite upset       

            *A few moments of silence go by*       

            Blue: Why are you looking for Glendower       

            Gansey: To tell that story you must know that I am deathly allergic to bees       

            Blue: okay?       

            Gansey: I was about ten years old and I was at a party, I think because one of my dad's friends had gotten the Patty nomination for Congress. Anyways it was boring as hell so I went outside to play his and seek with some of the other kids when I stepped on a nest. They were everywhere Blue...       

            Blue: What'd you do?       

            Gansey: I died... This is then difficult part... I heard a voice in my head after my heart had stopped beating and it said “You will live because Glendower. Someone else on the ley line is dying when they should not, and so you will live when you should not."       

            Blue: Oh       

            Gansey: I told Helen... She tried to tell me it was just a hallucination... It wasn't just a hallucination       

            Blue: And that was enough for you to dedicate your life to searching for Glendower       

            Gansey: I have to       

            The rest of the car ride is spent in silence. When they reached the church they got out of the car and searched around the building. They didn't find much so they headed back in the wood behind the church. They happens in what appeared to be a dead body that had probably been there for a good long while. Blue was about to call the authorities       

            Gansey: No...no ...no... Fucking no no no!       

            Blue: What       

            Gansey: Come look at this       

            Blue came over and took the wallet out of Gansey's hand and saw that it had a driver's Licence that belonged to Noah. Blue looked at the body questioningly and Gansey nodded       

            Gansey drove down the the rode most certainly breaking the speed limit by at least twenty miles per hour. Clumsily he picked up his phone and called Adam ( who was at work.) Quickly Gansey stammered “ I'm coming to get you." And then hung up. Adam had never heard Gansey like this before he seemed panicked. Momentarily Gansey arrived, and Adam climbed into the shotgun seat. Gansey did indeed seem nervous to Adam. Gansey said “I'll explain when we get there." Adam wasn't sure where they were going or what had happened to put Gansey this on edge but he wasn't overly eager yo find out.       

            Gansey pulled the car in the parking lot of Monmouth at was surely a dangerous speed, slamming the breaks right in front of the building. Gansey sprinted out of the car and into the building.       

            * throughout this next bit of dialogue Gansey is very intense *       

            Gansey: Noah!! ... We need to talk! Noah!       

            Ronan: Man you're back late. Parrish? I thought you were working       

            Adam: I was       

            Gansey: Where's Noah?       

            Ronan: He's out.       

            Gansey: No... He is not. Noah! I know you're here Noah!       

            Ronan: Dude, you're flipped       

            Gansey: open his door. Tell me what's in there.       

            *Ronan follows Gansey's instructions *       

            Ronan: It looks like a nunnery as usual. All the personality of a mental facility. What am I looking for, drugs? Girls? Guns       

            Gansey: Tell me which classes you share with Noah       

            Roman: none       

            Gansey: Me either       

            Adam: Nope       

            Gansey: When does he eat? Have you ever seen him eat!       

            Ronan: I don't really care... Dude you've gone off the reservation       

            Gansey: I spent the afternoon with the police. I went out with Blue to the Church and...       

            Adam: You did what!?       

            Gansey: Don't look at me like that the point is we found a body, rotted to bones. Do you know who's it was?       

            Just then Noah appeared in the doorway of his room looking awfully pale       

            Noah: mine       

            Ronan: Your room was empty... I just looked in it.       

            Gansey looked slightly more under control now       

            Gansey: He's dead... You're really dead aren't you.       

            Noah: yes.       


            Ronan: shit...       

            Adam: How did you die?       

            Gansey: that's not the question is it? The question is who killed you.       

            Noah turned away from them obviously feeling uncomfortable with entire conversation. Gansey pleaded “ If you can tell me I'll find a way to put the police on their trail." Noah began to curl up in a little ball. Gansey was just about to ask him again when Adam placed a hand on Gansey's shoulder, silently advising Gansey not to push him.       

            Chainsaw began to scream. Ronan put his hand over the birds mouth while cursing adamantly.       

            Noah: I don't want to talk about it       

            Gansey: Okay. Okay. What would you like to do?       

            Noah: I'd like..       

            Suddenly Noah's physical appearance faded away... The three boys looked at each other.       

            Over the next couple of weeks Noah didn't show up much. He was only visible for short periods of time. Gansey chalked this up to his body being removed from the ley line. Him not having the energy. It was easier for him to show up while Blue was around, she worked as a battery for him similarly to the way she did for the psychics.       

            One day Blue walked up to Monmouth and knocked on the door. Ronan answered the door “You guys weren't waiting outside. I thought maybe you weren't here." Ronan replied “ Gansey's partying with his mother and Noah is fucking dead but Parrish is here." Adam appeared behind Roman “Let her in."       

            As Ronan allowed Blue to enter she looked in awe at the building around her. “What's the downstairs look like?" She asked. “Dust and concrete and more dust. And dirt." Adam retorted. Blue laughed at Adam's joke. From a ways back Roman added to the conversation “Also more dust." Ronan then exclaimed that he needed to feed Chainsaw and left the other two alone.       

            Adam: We're not doing anything today obviously. Do you just wanna hang out?       

            Blue: Has Noah...?       

            Adam: No       

            Blue: Is he here?       

            Adam: It feels like it. I don't know       

            Blue: You can use my energy, Noah. If that's what you need       

            Adam: That's brave of you       

            Blue: I like to be useful... So do you live here too?       

            Adam: Gansey would like me to. He likes all of his things in one place. I shouldn't say it like that, hr doesn't mean it badly and we're... It's just this place belongs to Gansey, everything in it belongs to Gansey. I need to be an equal and I can't be living here.       

            Blue: Where do you live       

            Adam: A place made for leaving       

            Blue: That's not really an answer       

            Adam: It's not really a place       

            Blue: And it would be terrible to live here?       

            Adam: yes, When I get out on my own, it well be to someplace I made myself       

            Blue: And that's why you go to Aglionby.       

            Adam: That's why I go to Aglionby       

            Blue: Even though you're not rich.       

            Adam looks away briefly       

            Blue: Adam I don't care, I know other people do but I don't       

            Adam: Even though I'm not rich       

            Blue: *laughs * We both know I'm not rich       

            Adam gathered up his confidence. He took Blue over to look a collection of random old things which Gansey had. Blue was looking over a seawater stone.       

            Adam: You sure are pretty       

            Blue: It's the stone... It's very flattering       

            Adam: My mother used to say Don't throw compliments always as long as they are free. That wasn't meant to cost you a thing, Blue       

            Blue: I don't know what to say when you say things like that       

            Adam: You can tell me if you want me to keep saying them       

            Blue: I like when you say things like that...       

            Adam: But?       

            Blue: I didn't say but.       

            Adam: You meant to. I heard it.       

            Blue: I like it when you say things like that but... I'm afraid you'll kiss me... We've just met and I...I'm... I'm very young.       

            Adam: That seems... Very sensible       

            Suddenly there was a loud knocking at the door. Adam mutters “shit, that's probably Declan" before he heads up stairs quickly, leaving Blue very confused. Only a few moments later though Noah appears out of thin air.       

            Blue: Noah!       

            Noah: Hey...       

            Blue: How long have you been here?       

            Noah: since before you got here       

            Blue: so... You saw all that with me and Adam?       

            Noah... Ummm...ahhhh... Yeah.       

            Blue appears to have gone mellow glancing around the room thinking about what just went down between her and Adam. The clear screaming voice from Ronan and another person (who Blue assumed was Declan) became audible from upstairs, something about Roman's grades.       

            Noah: What was that anyways       

            Blue: What was what?       

            Noah: Ummm... The whole being scared of kissing Adam thing.       

            Blue sighs and explains to Noah the details of why she is not only afraid to kiss Adam but just falling in love in general. Noah looks on silently but with a very understanding look in his eyes. Blue hadn't really ever seen Noah be dead serious before, he was always the charming, silly one, but now Noah was dead serious. Blue appreciated the way he handled it       

            Noah: I don't mean to bring myself into this whole thing but you do realize you're the only girl I've talked to over the past seven years.       

            Blue: Oh...       

            Noah: It's fine       

            Blue: So have you ever kissed a girl       

            Noah shakes his head       

            There Is a sense of complete openness and honesty between the two as their eyes meet.       

            Noah says in a way that is very melancholy “If I'm already dead then I suppose you couldn't kill me." Blue looks up and Noah adds “Of course if you wanted to that is... I mean as a first and probably last time experience for both of us." Blue laughs nervously but she nods her head. She says “Where are we going to do it." Noah looks around and says “Over on the couch?"       

            They both walk over to the old looking, tattered, burgundy couch. After they sit down they look at each other nervously for a few moments. Then it happens, the two kiss. It isn't very long before they pull away. They start looking around the room sheepishly. Blue says before realizing how silly and a bit obnoxious it sounds “ It's too bad you're dead." Noah doesn't seem offended though. They kiss again but for longer this time       

            They hear footsteps coming down the stairs and they separate, moving to opposite ends of the couch. Adam appears looking a bit out of breath “Blue we're going yo your house right now" he says.       

            When Blue, Adam, Ronan, and Noah arrive in Blue's kitchen they discover that the women of the house are already standing around the countertop (not surprising) what was a tad bit surprising (at least to Blue) was That Gansey stood facing her. He wore glasses and his hair seemed less fixed than usual. It was almost comforting to see Gansey appear a little sloppy for once. The women and Gansey seemed to have already had a large discussion and apparently mends had been made to their relationships.       

            Gansey: Noah, I was doing some research on the rituals that are used to wake up the ley line and I found reason to believe that someone was trying to use you as a sacrifice when you died.       

            Noah nods solemnly.       

            Gansey: So that means that this ritual... Can be rather dangerous.       

            Maura: We can't have just anyone waking up the ley line.       

            Calla: no definitely not.       

            Neeve: I think we should wake it, I mean it well have positive benefits on the flow of energy throughout the entire country.       

            Neeve: Whoever wakes the line, both the sacrificer and the sacrificed will be favored by the line.       

            Gansey: Favored how?       

            Maura: No one can really be certain       

            The group comes to the conclusion that they well all meet up again within the next few weeks to come up with a better plan.       

            Ronan drove his Black BMW down the long street of double wide trailers before he stopped to the side in front of one of them. “Home, shit, home." Ronan says to Adam (the only other occupant of the vehicle.) Adam looks out the window at the nearest trailer. “Thanks for the ride." Adam says halfheartedly. Ronan turns and looks Adam in the eye “You don't have to get out here."       

            Adam didn't acknowledge Roman's statement but he added “Don't you have homework to do. Ronan gives a ruthless smile “Yes Parrish. I believe I do." Adam just said “Thanks again" as he pushed open the car door and stated walking up to the trailer.       

            Suddenly A large man, Robert Parrish , came out the door of the trailer and Adam's body tensed immediately.       

            Adam: Hi dad       

            Robert: Don't hi dad me. Come home at midnight trying to hide from your lies.       

            Adam: What?       

            Robert: Your mother was in your took today and she found something, care to guess?       

            Adam couldn't meet his father's gaze       

            Robert: Look at me when I talk to you! She found your pay stub from the factory.       

            Adam: I don't understand why you're angry       

            Robert: You lied to your mother about how much you made       

            Adam: I didn't lie       

            Robert: Do not look in my face and lie to me!!!       

            Adam knew what was coming but still he couldn't move fast enough. Adam felt the force of his father's hand as it came across his face. Adam tried to gain his balance but he stepped back over a stair and fell hitting his head on the railing Adam's father shouted at him “Oh, come on. Get up really!" Adam slowly (and clearly in a lot of pain) regathered his bearings and tried to stand up but his knees collapsed back down where he had been. His father continued to yell at him about where the extra money was going. Adam's vision kinda starts blurring out. He sees flashes of Ronan appearing and beating the crap out of Robert, he sees a glimpse of his mother standing at the door waving a phone threatening to call the cops. And finally he here sirens.       

            Adam stands up as an officer approaches him. The officer asks “Son, are you okay." Adam mumbles “Yeah, I'm okay." The officer looks over Adam and says “Boy you're not okay, Have you been drinking?" Ronan (who is being escorted in handcuffs by another officer) overhears the questioning and yells something at the officer but Adam's ear us ringing so he can't make it out.       

            Adam looks at Ronan getting out in the back of the police car and then up at his mom crying up by the trailer. Adam struggles to say something mostly he is not sure what to say either way he loses. Finally Adam says hoarsely “Ronan was defending me... From my father. All this... Is from him My face my..." Adam could see his mother staring at him obviously upset over the choice that he had made, Adam continued “... Can I press charges?"       

            Adam sits in a chair in the lobby if a hospital shortly after being told that he was allowed to leave. Adam saw the unmistakable orange Camaro pull up in the pickup loop. Adam stood up made his way outside. Gansey rolls down the window and speaks cautiously       

            Gansey: They said you didn't have insurance...I umm... I took care of it.       

            Adam: You win.. Take me to get my stuff       

            Gansey: I didn't win anything. Do you think this is how I wanted it.       

            Adam: Yes, yes I do.       

            Gansey: Don't be shitty       

            Adam: I'm telling you that you can say I told you so.       

            Gansey: Did I say that before? You don't have to act like its the end of the world       

            Adam: It is the end of the world       

            Gansey: Moving out of your Dad's is the end of the world?       

            Adam: You know what I wanted. You know this wasn't it       

            Gansey: you act like this is my fault       

            Adam: Tell me you're unhappy about how this is going down.       

            Gansey looks up at Adam in concern searching for a way to right handel situation       

            Gansey: I'm unhappy about how it turned out.       

            Adam: Whatever       

            Gansey: Not like this... At least you have a place to go. Is there something too repugnant about my place for you to imagine living there. Why is everything kind I do pity? Why is everything charity? Why can't it just be kindness? I'm sick of tiptoeing around your principles.       

            Adam: repugnant? Who whips out repugnant? Are you trying to make me feel stupid       

            Gansey: This is the way I talk. I'm sorry your father never tought you the meaning of repugnant. He was too busy smashing your head against the wall of your trailer while you apologized for being alive!"       

            Adam's face changes. All the furry that was apparent a moment ago turned into something more subtle but equally negative. Adam just began walking. Gansey yelled after him but Adam kept walking. Adam was headed straight out to the highway. Gansey pulled up next to him. “Where are you going!? Where do you have to go!?” Adam didn't pay any attention to Gansey.“Adam. Just tell me not back there. " Still nothing from Adam. Gansey tried one last time “ It doesn't have to Monmouth, but let me take you wherever you're going." Gansey stops the car. Looking very defeated about the events Adam opens the door and slides into the car       

            Blue had gotten brief word of Adam's situation via a brief phone conversation with Gansey. She was of course upset by the information. Two days later Adam stopped by 300 Fox Way to give Blue a visit. They stood out in the back yard almost silently.       

            Blue: Your hair looks the color of dirt       

            Adam: It knows where it comes from.       

            Blue: Well then mine should be that color too.       

            Adam:    sometimes I'm afraid he'll never really understand me       

            Blue: I'm only gonna say this once and then be done with it; but I think you're awfully brave       

            Adam: I'd like to kiss you now Blue, young or not.       

            Blue: I don't want to hurt you       

            Adam: I'm already pretty hurt       

            Blue looks Adam and sees pain covering his face. She thinks it has always been there, it's just coming to the surface now.       

            Adam: Blue, I'm living with Gansey... But I feel homeless       

            Adam starts walking back towards the house and Blue exclaims to him “ Keep being brave Adam"       

            We see Adam lying awake in his new bad at Monmouth, staring at the ceiling       

            Eventually he gets ups and walks out the door       

            Gansey is sleeping when he hears a voice. Gansey sits up and looks around but there isn't anyone there. The voice speaks again and this time Gansey notices the voice. “Say that again Noah" Gansey requests. Noah's quite voice speaks again “Adam"       

            Gansey goes to check the room where Adam had been. All of Adam's stuff was still there but Adam was not. “shit!" Gansey exclaims. At this time Ronan comes stumbling out of his room saying “What is it? Where the hell is Parish?" Gansey looks up at Ronan and says “He went to wake the ley line."       

            Adam is standing up in the center of an opening in the trees at Cabeswater. Adam is looking around hesitantly. He takes a large bowl that he had brought with him over to the lake and uses it to scoop water. He brings it back to the center of the opening and sets it down carefully. Adam looks up at the trees around him. He closes his eyes, takes one final breathand then submerges his head into the bowl.       

            We see Blue tiredly climbing into the back of Roman's BMW and asking what's going on. All three of the cars occupants are clearly on edge as they drive to Cabeswater. When they arrive they sprint to the opening to see Adam's body lying there motionlessly. Blue and Ronan stop in there tracks but Gansey keeps going. After checking Gansey screams to them “He's breathing, He's alive!" Adam begins to hold his hands over his head and curl up in the fetal position. “Sensory overload?" Blue asks. Ronan nods while Gansey tries to communicate with Adam. Eventually they get him to get up and walk to the car.       

            After these events ( In which the ley line was successfully awoken) Adam had heightened senses, which were overwhelming at first but he got used to it. Noah is also able to be present at all times again. A few weeks later the entire group got to go to a burial of Noah's body. The whole group is in the parking lot after the event just talking. Ronan is stroking Chainsaw. Gansey asks “Really, where did you get that bird?" Ronan just gives an intimidating smile.


Edited by Ethan Hunt
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Dan the Alpaca 


Studio: Hunt Productions

Director: Cody Cameron 

Genre: Family/animation/musical 

Release Date: June 7th 

Runtime: 100 minutes

Rating: PG

Theatre Count: 3,250

Budget: 90M


Dan- Aaron Tveit

Dan's mother- Kerry Washington

Dan's brother- Michael Cera






Dan is an Alpaca that grew up living in an impoverished area of Peru with his Alpaca family. His parents encourage him to continue working on the farm in homeland but Dan aspires to do more. Dan dreams of getting into show business . One night after getting into a particularly heated argument with his parents Dan goes off into the night to blow off some steam. Dan breaks into a song called “Out There”


    When Dan becomes old enough to make his own decisions he decides to leave and head north to America. As he leaves his mom sings a song about wishing the best called “My son.” As Dan is heading north he struggles with heat and exhaustion but sings a song about his determination to go forward called “I Must Go On”


Dan eventually reaches America and gets a spot on a Broadway show. Several songs from the show are included in the movie. Dan is ecstatic and sings a song called “I’m rich” in which he braggadociously discusses how in love with  his life he is.


Dan’s brother finds Dan one night after his show and sings a song (“Not Much Longer”) in which he tells Dan that there mother is sick and urges Dan to come home. Dan and his brother are heading back home via boat when they get caught in a hurricane. They sing a respire of “I Must Go On”


They eventually reach their home. Dan sings an emotional song (“Always Mom”) to his mother expressing his guilt over not having stayed in contact in the midst of his fame and sharing his love for her. As the song closes she peacefully passes. Dan’s father tells Dan that he is proud of him. Dan decides that he is going to try and promote and strengthen show business in his own country singing a song “Something New”


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