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1 hour ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:


@Xillix move Miraculous to November 27th.

Okay, but... you'd rather open directly against Street Sharks and The Raven Boys than say, The Meteor Manhunt over Veterans Day weekend?

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3 minutes ago, Xillix said:

Okay, but... you'd rather open directly against Street Sharks and The Raven Boys than say, The Meteor Manhunt over Veterans Day weekend?

Street Sharks and Raven Boys focus on the male demo while Miraculous focuses on girls and families. And besides I want Pigeon to have strong legs, it’d be unwise to give a week.

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Just now, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Street Sharks and Raven Boys focus on the male demo while Miraculous focuses on girls and families. And besides I want Pigeon to have strong legs, it’d be unwise to give a week.

Kay then!

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2 minutes ago, Xillix said:

Kay then!

However I may move it up to the November 22nd slot but I’m undecided.


Actually is TRB a YA movie? @Ethan Hunt

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Huge slate change:

Miraculous (in 3D and IMAX) to August 2nd Y3

Kim Possible to September 27th Y3 in IMAX 

Things Fall Apart to August 9th (in 20 theaters), 16th (in 500 theaters) and 23rd (in 2,834 theaters).

Dazzled is moving to September 6th Y3.

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22 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Huge slate change:

Miraculous (in 3D and IMAX) to August 2nd Y3

Kim Possible to September 27th Y3 in IMAX 

Things Fall Apart to August 9th (in 20 theaters), 16th (in 500 theaters) and 23rd (in 2,834 theaters).

Dazzled is moving to September 6th Y3.

If you move Dazzled then there's nothing coming out on the 20th.

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Bro Time

Studio: Infinite Studios 

Release Date: 12/25/Y3

Genre: Sci-Fi/Comedy

Director: Dan Mazer

Rating: R

Budget: $20M

Theater Count: 2,631

Format: 2D

Runtime: 96 minutes


B grade actors 


A wise alien invades Earth and chooses 5 run of the mill slackers to become saviors of the world known as the Bros to stop a group of biker aliens called the Xenblorts from taking over the galaxy. The frat boys learn lessons along the way like humility and respect and not being complete douchebags. The frat boys stop the Xenblorts and save Earth and have a crazy keger party.


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Garden of Eden


Date: December 25th

Theaters: 2,964

Genre: Drama/Thriller

Director: Jeff Nichols

Composer: Max Richter

Cast: Kathryn Newton (Izzy), Paul Rudd (Vincent), Regina Hall (Charlotte), Paul Bettany (Darren), Zendaya (Quinn)

Rating: R for language and some violent content

Runtime: 108min (1hr, 48min)

Budget: $30 million



For as long as she could remember, Izzy lived in a secluded home somewhere in the coastal forests of New England, only with her father, Vincent. Vincent had home schooled and educated Izzy in their life off the grid, where he had a resentment for modern western society. Vincent had taught her everything she knows, and the two legitimately do have a close relationship. Each day would start with breakfast, then lessons, hunting, a swim in the Atlantic Ocean, and dinner. They would then play games with each other, such as Chess or Go.


Izzy seems to love life with Vincent, even as he can be rough and abusive at times, but she keeps wondering about who her birth mother was. Vincent finds it a sore spot, telling her that she died when Izzy was very young. In their grief, they moved to an area of isolation and seclusion. However, one day, Izzy finds letters from their mother in a closet, postmarked at a date when Izzy would be about 5 years old. As she is about to read them, Vincent stops her. Izzy was just curious and wanted to see what was in there, but Vincent tells her that the closet is off limits. They get into a fight as Vincent tells her that life in the “modern world” was brutal, cruel, and violent. He only took her out here to create a better life for both of them.


As Izzy is swimming one day, she sees a boat of people coming by, full of people smiling and celebrating something. Now with more encounters with the outside world and feeling more burning questions about her mother, she decides that she needs to see what this world is like once and for all. After Vincent refuses to let her go, they get into another fight. As a last resort, Izzy uses tools that Vincent taught her to make it seem like she commits suicide by drowning in the ocean. She also sees a box of cash in an emergency box in the closet, as Izzy takes a bit of the money. She runs out with a lantern in the middle of the night, throwing some clothes into the ocean and packing a suitcase, proceeding wander into the woods to begin her journey. Eventually, she finds a greyhound bus going to New York City, getting on it.


As they arrive, Izzy is overwhelmed at the senses that are in the city, feeling shocked and overwhelmed at how different the world is than what Vincent had told her. In her travels across the city, she goes into a store and tries to get some fruit, confused by the different kinds of food in the aisle. Realizing that the money she had was only enough to cover the bus ticket, she decides to steal the fruit, and the police get called on her. Izzy tries to outrun the police, but they catch her. At the station, they are confused as they cannot possibly identify the girl with any means they have. Even her DNA matches with no living person. They soon decide to have her placed in a foster home as soon as possible, as they continue to piece together the story of the girl. Izzy doesn’t say anything about Vincent, worried that she will get him hurt.


The next morning, Vincent discovers Izzy’s suicide, mourning by the beach and feeling utterly heartbroken. As he goes inside to clear things up and create a burial, he soon uncovers the unlocked cash box, soon uncovering a trail of footprints by his house. Vincent follows the and finds that it leads to a Greyhound station. Suspecting that she went to New York City, he arrives at a car parked somewhat far from the house in a secluded, private driveway, hellbent on finding his daughter.


The next day, Izzy is placed in a home with Charlotte and Darren Westwick, who work at the public library, as well as their daughter, Quinn. Taking the day off to meet with Izzy, they have a somewhat uneasy start to their relationship, as Izzy sees a world of difference in the parenting style – let alone the surroundings - from before, but she sees affection and comfort in their new lives. The family is quite easy-going and open-minded, but Izzy knows that she cannot stay with them for long. She needs to find information about their mother and return to her father. Quinn is interested in understanding her plight, trying to find out if there is any way they can find out her parents’ identity.


Soon, Izzy gets enrolled into the same school as Quinn. Izzy is very confused and flustered as for how school works, and she gets bullied a bit. Quinn stands up for her, smacking a bully in the face. She gets sent to the principal’s office, but Izzy, as well as her parents, admit that she secretly did the right thing. As we see Vincent search the city desperately for her daughter, we see Izzy fall into a more domestic life. Quinn even makes her a list of all the songs, videos, and books she needs to know about.


Izzy admits that there are some things she misses about her life with Vincent but tells Quinn that she just wants to see what the world has to offer and is enjoying it so far. She feels guilty about not returning to Vincent, but almost prefers this new life. She spends a lot of time at the library searching public records for her mother but cannot find anything easy to go off, besides news articles about her apparent suicide.


Eventually, Vincent gives up on trying to find Izzy, but he returns home a pre-paid cell phone. He uses it to desperately search social media sites for her daughter, managing to get a lead. Izzy and Quinn go to a party, as Izzy lets loose in music she never heard before. She and Quinn grow a tighter bond than before, also taking a picture and posting it to Quinn’s Facebook profile. Vincent sees this post, captioned as: “Hanging out with my bff Izzy!”


A few days after the party, someone comes to the Westwick’s apartment. Vincent arrives, furious that Izzy lied to him and stole his money. Izzy feels sorry but admits that she just wanted to find out about what happened to her mother and actually see this world he so hated. She didn’t even have a choice to be here – the police forced her in after they couldn’t find anything on her. Vincent seems somewhat relieved after the police didn’t say anything about him but tells Izzy that she is coming home with him. Darren begins to call the police, but Vincent attacks him, much to the horror of Charlotte and Quinn. Izzy agrees to go home and tells the Westwicks that they shouldn’t follow them or contact the police – she’s so worried about everything that happened. She’s sorry for everything.  


On the drive home, Izzy didn’t realize that Vincent had a car. She tells Vincent that people aren’t as bad as he thinks they are, but Vincent remarks that they don’t seem bad on the surface, but you soon see their true colors in a matter of time. Feeling even worse that she couldn’t find anything about her mother, she resigns and decides to stay with Vincent, never talking about the outside world again. However, she sneaks into the closet to find the letters as Vincent is asleep.


In the letters, we find out that their mother, Wendy, truly loved Vincent deeply, enough to marry him and have a child. However, we see a letter after they had apparently gotten a divorce over having starkly different opinions on how to raise Izzy. This letter had the most recent date. The letter desperately pleaded for Vincent to let Wendy see their daughter, as apparently, he was keeping Izzy from her. She was staying at a motel somewhat close to the house Vincent is currently living in when she asked him to come visit. Wendy sneaks out to find the hotel in the dead of the night, grabbing a flashlight.


At the motel, the manager is on duty. Izzy asks her about what had happened that night. Apparently, Vincent and Wendy met there and got into a brutal fight that could be heard across the hotel. The next morning, Wendy’s body is found in the room, set up to look like a suicide. The manager suspects that Vincent had murdered her, but as the police were starting to agree with that conclusion, Vincent and Izzy apparently drove away and drowned in a local river. As the manager realizes that Izzy was their daughter, clearly alive, she tells him to call the police. He does so, but the phone line fails.


Izzy runs outside to find her father tampering with the hotel’s electricity. She confronts him for murdering her mother, but Vincent forces her into his car and drives back to their home. He locks her inside the house, admitting that he killed Wendy in a regrettable fit of rage, but remarking that he regrets it sorely, and that if Izzy leaves, he will lose the one good thing he had in his life. She is manipulated by Vincent into feeling guilty but is still desperate to escape. Now trapped in home, she makes a plan to steal Vincent’s smartphone, using it to call the police. The plan goes successfully, but Vincent catches her as she is about to make the call.


After the call is made, Vincent violently grabs Izzy and locks her inside the car. Grabbing some belongings, they flee the house and begin to make plans to move far away from here. Izzy is desperate to escape, Vincent tells her that if she attempts to escape, he will kill her. Soon, the police get to the car as it begins to go over the speed limit, and Vincent feigns pulling over. However, he drives even faster into a lake.


As the car begins to drown, Izzy tries to escape. Vincent grabs her leg, threatening to drown her, but somehow, she finds away to escape. She offers to help Vincent make it to the surface, but he refuses. Izzy tries to convince him, but an officer rescues her from the water as she gets further separated from Vincent. Eventually, Izzy is rescued, and the police finally figure out her identity.


She moves back in with the Westwicks, and Izzy makes requests to do some of the things that she used to do with Vincent, to make her transition to a new life a bit easier. Despite what he had done, she misses him dearly. The film ends with the family on the beach, having a picnic as Izzy sees a boat like in the beginning of the movie. She smiles and waves at it.



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Under The Sea


Studio: Infinite Studios 

Release Date: 5/17/Y3

Genre: Documentary

Director: Drew Fellman

Rating: G

Budget: $5M

Theater Count: 1,525 

Format: 2D

Runtime: 85 minutes

Narrator: Benedict Cumberbatch

Composer: John Williams


The narrator tells us an informative and fun journey in the oceans in the world where we learn about marine life, the ocean and everything else in the ocean.

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Student Film


Genre: Comedy/Drama

Date: March 15th

Theaters: 2,735

Director: Craig Johnson

Cast: Teen Unknowns

Budget: $5 million

Rating: PG-13 for some language and mild sexuality

Runtime: 98min (1hr, 38min)


Zack is a huge movie buff. He's seen all the classics, he knows each job on the film set, and he's the president of his high school's film club. This obsession began when he was only five years old, where he watched the original Star Wars on VHS with his late father. The magic that was happening before his eyes was mind blowing. He knew that film was what he wanted to do with life. He started a massive collection of some of the best films ever, keeping track of all things film, even setting up a blog for his interest. He also made short films ever since he was a middle schooler, entering them in contests and winning major prizes.


During his high school career, he's been working on a script: the story of a teenage couple, where the boy is killed in a car accident, but he returns to his girlfriend as a ghost, and the two try to stay together. After posting about sign ups for the film in the high school, he gets a group of ten peers to help work on his film. Zack is able to direct and write the film, while Edith and Mark, two theater students, want to be the stars of the film. Filming gets off to a bumpy start, as doing a film with a crew of ten people is kind difficult. However, the group of friends soon becomes closer, filming on location in the city and in suburban streets.


Zack keeps a production diary of the film using his blog, and it eventually develops a great deal of interest. Filming is also making very good progress, thanks to the crew cooperating well. He also begins to fall for Edith, the female star. At a party they have at a laser tag arena, the two actually kiss in a corner in the dark, not caring that younger children are mercilessly shooting at them. After playing arcade games and getting coffee at a nearby cafe, they have silly conversations about their favorite movies, letting the night go by.


However, things take a turn for the worst when Zack is on the road with his camera in the back, his car gets rear-ended, damaging the camera beyond repair. After working for so long on the film, it cannot continue any more, and the film is far from complete. However, the crew starts a fundraiser for Zack to get a newer camera, so that the movie can be finished. Zack is amazed. His friends had kept hope even when he had lost it.


The film finishes swiftly just before the end of summer. The crew dedicated a lot of time into the project, even before summer started, and many jobs had to be done at the same time to compensate for the lack of crew members and time that they had. Zack is able to submit the film to a film festival, where it plays a packed theater in a local auditorium. As the film ends. Zack begins to think for a minute: Should he really worry about how the audience is going to react?


Considering everything that happened these past few months, Zack already has reason to be proud of himself. He and his new friends created a full length film in less than a year, and he believed that it was pretty darn good in its result. Even if this was well received, he still has much to learn about film making. He's been accepted with a scholarship into a film school near Los Angeles. This was an incredible summer, and he couldn't have wanted it to be any other way, thinking of his life as a movie, and this was the happy ending to the first part. 

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Finding Gobi


Genre: Drama

Date: June 21st

Theaters: 3,188

Director: Niki Caro

Cast: Hugh Jackman (Dion Leonard), Toni Collette (Lucja Leonard)

Budget: $45 million

Rating: PG for thematic material, some language, and brief sensuality

Runtime: 110min (1hr, 50min)


NOTE: The film is based on a true story. Also, because of the unique appearance of Gobi, a CGI double is used in several shots to limit harm to actual animals as much as possible. Also, despite much of the story taking place in China, the film tries to avoid an Orientalist vibe.


Dion Leonard was an ultramarathon runner who participated in several marathons across the world. He gets excited to make his very first visit to China to participate in a marathon in the brutal Gobi desert. The night before the race, he meets with fellow racers and enjoys dinner with them as they exchange friendly boasts for the race. He is also there with his wife, Lucja, who shared a romantic moment with him before the race. That night, he thinks about the glory of the races he has done, but remembers how he tried to use running as a way to escape the trauma of his mother's emotional abuse onto him as a teenager after his stepfather died.


The race begins, and Dion is easily able to work through the beginning of the 250km race across the desert. On the third day, as he is crossing a river, he hears a dog barking. The dog was by the riverbank, clearly taking a liking to Dion. He looks around, realizing that the dog may not have a home. He pets the dog, but she decides to keep following him as the race progresses, much to Dion's surprise and delight. Dion decides to show the dog on social media as he begins to attract a great deal of attention around the world, deciding to name it Gobi. Gobi had a hip problem that made it a bit more difficult to run at certain parts of the race, but she was eager to keep going. Eventually, they make it to the finish line, as people celebrate Dion and Gobi.


Dion reunites with Lucja, admittedly feeling exhausted from the race. However, he has developed such a bond with Gobi that he wants to find a way to bring her home to Edinburgh. Especially considering his own traumatic past, he wanted to find a way to help someone who may very well be in the same situation. Dion realizes that in the complicated process of bringing Gobi to China, she would have to undergo surgery, a mandatory quarantine, and a great deal of paperwork. Moreover, Dion needed to fly back to the UK and plan for a leave of absence in the job to be able to coordinate the safe arrival of Gobi. He leaves her in the care of some race organizers until they can find a way to get Gobi to Dion in Europe.


However, Gobi goes missing shortly after Dion arrives in London, lost in the city of Urumqi. He returns to China to try and find Gobi, creating a social media campaign to help find the dog and crowdfund her deliver to be with Dion in Edinburgh. The campaign gets a lot of attention, and a group of Chinese volunteers begin to try and search for Gobi across the city any way they can, through fliers, social media, even driving around the city. Things begin to look bleak as the struggle to find the dog in a city of 3 million people becomes evident. They even receive several false alarms and threats, as Dion is shocked that such cruelty could even exist. Information on the dog's disappearance is unclear as ever.


Dion has nightmares about finding Gobi killed by a river, but he knows that he has to keep looking to try and prevent this from happening. Soon, Dion gives up and begins organizing his flight back to Edinburgh. However, he receives a tip from a Chinese man of a stray dog found. He sent pictures of what could be Gobi, but the lighting is off. Dion decides to go, not feeling hopeful on account of countless false leads and tips from before. A few people are at the man's house, as Dion arrives. He sits on their couch and hears a pitter-patter coming down the hall. The dog runs up to Dion excitedly, as he realizes that it is Gobi. After a tearful reunion, with volunteers cheering that the dog was found, Dion and Lucja finalize the details to have Gobi finally brought to a forever home.


Many months later, we find out that the leftover crowd-funded earnings were donated to a local shelter, and Gobi and Dion do a 2km run to help fund the shelter even further. Dion, Lucja, Gobi, and even their cat finally have a good life in Edinburgh, while Dion also keeps in touch with the Chinese volunteers who helped find his dog.

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Date- May 31st

Genre- Animation/Horror

Rating- R

Theaters- 2,454 theaters

Budget- 10 million

Running Time- 74 minutes or 1 hour and 14 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Jayson Thiessen


Plot: The film follows three people on a Trans Pacific flight to China from New York City. Some odd things begin to happen on the plane. The lights go out, the air will stop flowing, and the luggage drawers will fly opening dropping luggage out. Soon the plane flies into a storm over the Pacific oceans and the turbulence is awful. The people soon discover the plane is crushed and everyone on board will die. The people are slowly killed off and the plane begins to act weird like shooting straight up in the sky or dropping dizzily fast downward. In the end the plane falls apart in the sky and crashes onto the airport runway. This film is a nightmare to people afraid of flying and really weird and sort of artsy with the horror animation style. It is shot in the same style as Salad Fingers. 

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Cross Country


Genre: Action/Adventure/Thriller

Date: September 20th

Theaters: 3,314

Director: Martin Campbell

Cast: Dwayne Johnson (Ryan Shey), Hailee Steinfeld (Vanessa Harris), Sarah Paulson (Dr. Alice Wilson), Willem Dafoe (Howard Bencham)

Budget: $65 million

Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of action/violence, and brief strong language

Runtime: 109min (1hr, 49min)


Ryan Shey is one of the top secret agents for the FBI there is, but his work - and life - are thrown into chaos and despair when his wife and two children are killed in a car accident. Not having the heart to go on, he decides to retire early and live a quiet life. His supervisors will allow him to do that in exchange for doing one last job, ordered by his commander, Howard Bencham. An explosion occurred at a major medical research plant secluded in Colorado, and while the number of fatalities is unclear, one of the survivors may possess highly integral information in recent medical research. It will be a simple extraction mission - get her out of the complex, escort her to DC for questioning, then send her home. Ryan agrees to the mission. 


As he arrives at the complex, he meets with the survivor, a college student named Vanessa. She was a truly brilliant scholar working as an internship for the company, named MEDILAB. Another survivor, Dr. Alice Wilson, is forced to stay behind and continue his work, but Vanessa is ordered to be brought to safety. She is scared about going in to be questioned, but Shey ensures that they have nothing to be afraid of. However, as they move towards DC, they face several intense chases as they try to outrun an organization that caused the bombing, a radical terrorist group called The Brotherhood of Hope. It is soon revealed that there were actually no fatalities in the explosion, which conflicted with earlier reports and expectations. Vanessa and Ryan begin to bond as their travel continues.


As they arrive closer to DC, another chase occurs, as Shey provides a distraction to the terrorists so that Vanessa can get to the FBI center. Shey is taken by the Brotherhood, while Vanessa makes it into the FBI center. We then learn that the Brotherhood not only doesn't wish to harm Shey, but that the bombing itself was coordinated by Wilson herself. It was set to go off at night when no one would be at the facility, and the intention was to stop progress on their latest mission. They were working on an atrocious bioweapon that would act as an engineered plague. Forced to work on this horrifying weapon, Wilson set up the bombing to halt progress as much as she could. Meanwhile, at the FBI center, Vanessa refuses to give information on the bio-weapon, and gets kidnapped by Howard Bencham.


Shey soon learns that Vanessa is in danger, about to be taken on a flight to a new location to continue her work, and he goes on an epic climax to save her. After Shey and Bencham get into a fight at the airport, all while the plane is moving on the ground and starting to take off, Bencham slips as he tries to kill the two, falling to his death in a window opening. Shey holds onto Vanessa as the plane lands safely. The film ends with work on the bio-weapon being brought to a halt and Vanessa being re-united with her parents. Her parents offer to make Shey the godfather of Vanessa, and he happily accepts the offer.


As life returns to normal, Shey takes on work as a local firefighter, and he gets notified that Alice was in the area. They grab dinner together, as Alice thanks him for his work in stopping the weapon. She's now able to work on things like curing diseases and cleaning up the ecosystem - fun stuff, for a change! They smile as they continue to dine the night away.

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