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CAYOM Year 3: Discussion

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To quell y'all thirst, here's what happens right after the "Egg Travels" scene. Can't really show you much else because all that's complete are the big spoiler-y parts and I needed time to complete the meat in between.



The three enter the valley, all amazed, and Chester immediately rushes over to a pair of Talarurus and attempts to mount one of them, only to be thrown off immediately. Aaron tells him to think of the dinos like wild horses, you can’t just leap onto them and expect them to comply. Chester moans and says that riding a dinosaur has always been on his bucket list. Chester runs off again, gleeful like an eight-year old child.



(0:00) Aaron stops, seemingly staring off into the distance. “What is it?” Sue asks. “Look” Aaron says as he points off camera.

(0:11) It’s a nesting ground. At the center is an Iguanodon watching and caring for her eggs. Aaron begins slowly approaching the mother despite Sue warning him not to. The mother is apprehensive of his presence at first and bellows at him to go away, but Aaron crouches down in a display of humility to show the mother that he means no harm. Deeming him not to be a threat, the mother allows him to slowly approach the nest. Sue follows Aaron’s lead, taking the opportunity to photograph the mother with her phone in the process. (1:01) The camera follows Aaron from behind as he slowly crouches towards the nest, panning down to reveal the nest with the eggs placed in a circle and a lone one in the middle.

(1:17) We cut to Aaron’s reaction. He’s clearly moved by what he sees, putting his hand over his mouth and attempting to hold back tears. The mother pushes the lone egg to join the others, completing the circle. Sue crouches up to Aaron, seeing him clearly fragile and emotional. (1:47) Without saying a word she grabs Aaron’s hand and gives him a warm smile, which he returns.

(2:02) An infant parasaur appears and tries to sniff at the eggs, but unlike her human guests the Iguanodon mother pushes it away, so instead the parasaur approaches Sue and Aaron. Chester emerges, happy as a man can be, telling the others he managed to successfully mount a juvenile titanosaur, at least before its much larger mother showed up and told him to scram.

Chester: [ sees the baby parasaur ] Well, aren’t you a cute one! [ takes out a toy ball ] Wanna play fetch, little guy?
Aaron: Chester, it’s not a dog, you can’t just-
Chester: Fetch!
[ Chester throws the ball and the parasaur chases after it, soon returning it like a dog would. ]
Aaron: ...I’ll be damned.
Sue: Parasaurs display fetch behavior at a juvenile stage… Probably should write that down.
Chester: [ pets the parasaur ] Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?! Fetch!
[ Chester throws the ball and the parasaur retrieves it but this time doesn’t return it. ]
Chester: Wait, where’s he going?
Sue: I guess once was enough.
Chester: Aw man, that was my best ball too!


The parasaur runs off with the ball into the woods, running past several other dinosaurs along the way. He plays with it for himself over by a creek, only to see slime dripping at a nearby log. He looks up and sees something, something huge, glaring down at him.

Edited by cookie
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Did my last bit of editing today. Changed the opening to Lilo and Stitch.


I remove the scene of the parents dying but after the car crash we immediately cut to the funeral.


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Yeah it'll be interesting if I can finish 24 Hours in time, with the expanded subplots I am doing in the rewrites. It's possible I might be able to get it complete, but if I do it'll be because I'll have to axe one subplot I had in mind. We'll see.


If it doesn't look like I'll get it done I will look into my archives and see what else I can drop in without much revision. But the work I have done will make it a no doubt Year 4 entry at worst.



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24 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:

Yeah it'll be interesting if I can finish 24 Hours in time, with the expanded subplots I am doing in the rewrites. It's possible I might be able to get it complete, but if I do it'll be because I'll have to axe one subplot I had in mind. We'll see.


If it doesn't look like I'll get it done I will look into my archives and see what else I can drop in without much revision. But the work I have done will make it a no doubt Year 4 entry at worst.



I really liked the 2.0 version so if all else fails I'd be down to see it again in its original version.

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10 minutes ago, Isle of Pasta said:

I really liked the 2.0 version so if all else fails I'd be down to see it again in its original version.


That is the handy thing about the 2.0 archive....



But I don't like just doing a C&P of the old version if I can think of ways to improve it.

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7 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

In terms of blockbusters?

Can't think of anything from 3.0 that particularly stands out. From the one year of 2.0 I participated in @4815162342 had a film called The Line (which was super good as well like A+ material) that I would consider probably

Edited by Ethan Hunt
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