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Chile Box Office

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This is a thread I wanted to create but was wary of doing it due to the lack of regular information on chilean box office (and that Mojo always posts Chile's numbers really late). However, I found that Comscore Chile's twitter updates the top ten daily. With that regular source of info + mojo + news + government reports I think I can sustain this thread. 


As general info, the chilean market tends to be relatively backloaded, walkup based and dominated by animation (you can clearly see that in the top 10). Chilean local films usually are really small portion of the market (just 0,42% in 2017) because they tend to be very artsy and more concerned about the oscars and awards than reaching general audiences (tough to be fair, they have been very successful on that front, crowned by "A Fantastic Woman" win at the Oscars for best foreign picture in 2018 and "Bear Story" for best animated short in 2016). However, from time to time, some films manage to be hits, usually comedies. 


Chile All-Time Top 10 by admission.


1.-Avengers: Infinity War (2018): 2.324.893+**

2.-Coco (2017) – 2.241.155

3.-Minions (2015) – 2.086.540 

4.-Stefan vs. Kramer (2012)  – 2.076.061 

5.-Ice Age 4 (2012) – 2.068.957 

6.-Incredibles 2 (2018) - 1,777,115+**

7.-Avatar (2009) – 1.653.130

8.-Despicable Me 3 (2017) - 1.646.915

9.-Inside Out (2015) - 1.578.130

10.-Fast and Furious 7 (2015) - 1.539.128


** Until August 6th. 


Highest Grossing movies of all time in USD


1.-Avengers: Infinity War (2018) : $14,588,720  | ER at release: 630 CLP = 1 USD

2.-Ice Age 4 (2012): $13,783,204 |  505 CLP     

3.-Stefan vs Kramer (2012) : $11,959,834 |  480 CLP 

4.-Avatar (2009) $10,491,936 | 501 CLP

5.-Minions (2015): $10,244,790 | 650 CLP   

6.-Coco (2017) : $10,009,654 | 633 CLP   

7.-Furious 7 (2015): $9,659,056  | 614 CLP  

8.-The Avengers (2012) $9,247,146 | 486 CLP 

9.-Incredibles 2 (2018) $8,732,008 | 633 CLP  

10.-Toy Story 3 (2010) $8,755,357 | 536 CLP 



Franchises grosses and multipliers: 


Marvel Cinematic Universe

Pixar Movies (since 2010) | Admissions

Disney's Star Wars


Gross in 2017: 148M USD |  Domestic to Chilean ratio: 1:75 


Admissions in 2017: 27.744.674 | Per capita average 1,58. 


Comscore's Daily Top 10


Government reports on chilean box office and data from previous years (since 2010)


Weekly data on admissions and gross in local currency from 2016-2017 (let's hope it gets updated again someday)


Annual Report by theather's chains.. (2017)

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Infinity War is getting crazy numbers everywhere and Chile is no exception. In IW thread i mentioned that it broke the Opening Day record with 130k admissions. 


But its gross is what is really impressive. It got a $4,5M USD OW, totally destroying the record previously held by FF8 by 66%. It already grossed 65% of Ultron gross and it's the second highest grossing movie of the year behind Black Panther, and it will surpass it this weekend.


Right now I don't see how this don't beat Avengers gross (9,3M). I still think this will be very frontloaded, but I never, never seen a blockbuster getting less than 2.0 multiplier, in fact one of the worst is Ultron's 2.78 and that would get IW to 12.51M, the second highest grossing movie in USD of all time. And with trash ER! Again, there is a fair chance that IW will be historically frontloaded, but it has a lot of error range. 


As a side note, Coco lives to see another week, tough with only one screen. It will be its weekend 24, a record, outliving domestic. IW probably will best it in gross but its admission record is very safe. 


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Thursday Top 10.




Infinity War remains number 1, as it has done since its release. 

"Love, Simon" debuts at third place 

"The lodgers" at sixth. 

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According to Deadline, IW had an excellent hold, -37%, and grossed 2,85M . While is not exactly matching the original Avengers (-19%) its opening was so huge that its second weekend was bigger than the previous OW record! Becoming the highest grossing movie of all time is looking more likely. In admissions I would be no surprised at all if it cross the 2M milestone.  


During the weekend, "Rampage" managed to hold on second place, leaving the new releases "Love, Simon" on third and "The lodgers" on fouth place.

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Infinity War sold 1.028.114 tickets on its first week, again destroying previous record. For comparison, the original Avengers had 1.378.556 admissions and Ultron 1.217.500 at the end of their runs. 


After its second weekend it has grossed $9,997,180 USD, it is the fastest movie to reach 10M USD and unless it totally colapses it will be the highest grossing movie of all time. 


Usually big blockbusters have softer drops on its third weekend due to restrictions on discounts and promotions being lifted, so it will be interesting seeing this weekend drop. Next weekend has a holiday on monday, that's has helped Avengers movies before, but Deadpool opens the same weekend and it will take away a lot of screens and public, if IW can cope with that then the sky is the limit. 


There are several new releases this week: The Strangers: Prey at Night; Isla de los Pinguinos (limited release, local movie); Sherlock Gnomes; I feel pretty; and Isle of Dogs. 


I feel pretty should do good on Mother's Days, the rest will have unremarkable runs 


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@lor15 Is not totally impossible but the chilean currency is also very unstable for the moment. It fell a lot (not as much as Argentina, "just" 5%) but has recovered these last two days. It would require a lot of ER shenaningans, and I'd say that is highly unlikely unless Mojo get stupid and adjust Argentina's total but not Chile's. 

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Infinity War continues its record breaking pace, it had 1.535.657 admissions before entering this weekend, already 9th movie of all time in just two weeks, knocking Dory out of the top ten. Is the only superhero movie on the top 10 and should easily get to at least 5th place, but 2nd of all time is a very real possibility. 


This achievement is really convinient since we now have fresh info on the top ten. Notably, my projection about Coco was right, it has an astounding 2.239.755 admissions and is still clinging to 2 screens (up from 1 last week!) so it will make a little bit more. 


I'll update the top 10 with the new numbers (all movies will change a little since distribuitor numbers differ a bit from government data)

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10 hours ago, Mrstickball said:

How many admissions do you think it'll achieve over this weekend? Great numbers in Chile, and its great to see the movie market continues to grow in the country!

It depends, last weekend it was aprox 420k. If it follows the standard blockbuster route (soft third weekend drop) around 340k admissions. If it already has burned most of the demand then it would be closer to 200k. 


From now on it will be hard to have admissions estimates unless it breaks another record (probably if/when it reaches 2M admissions) and make it to the news again. But I talked with the guys that ran the weekly admission data from 2016-2017 and they say that is coming back soontm so let's hope we doesn't have to wait too much. 

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Infinity War made it to the news again, it made 228.719 admissions on the weekend. Unfortunately, that's a rather harsh drop that puts it on the "already burned most of the demand" route. Is one of the few blockbusters that has dropped more on its third weekend than in the second. 


The tally, however, is as impressive as ever, 1.764.376 admissions and the fifth movie of all time. Reaching #2 of all time is not a lock but should still be doable. On local currency, it must be already the highest grossing movie ever (but here sadly people and media just care about admissions). Still on track to be the highest grossing movie in USD unless the ER keeps falling hard, it needs 13,8M USD and it should be around 12M USD already.


During the weekend, Sherlock Gnomes debuted at second place, showing that families are desperate for any animated movie. I feel pretty landed third helped by Mother's day and Nada que Perder was fourth, much like Argentina, a surprisingly strong performance.

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Deadpool 2 was released yesterday, here is how the first one did: 

Deadpool: $1,017,703 OW |  $4,205,061 Total | 4.13 Multiplier
The first one had few screens, this one has a lot.  I expect a bigger opening but fewer legs, though overall an increase from the first one. Is rated +14, the same as its predecessor. (have in mind that age restrictions in Chile are a joke)
On its first day, it dethroned Infinity War after a 20-day long reign. Unfortunately, is very unlikely this one will make it to the news, so I'll have to settle with Mojo updates next week and whatever bone Deadline throws. 
Other notables in the top are Coco, who jumped to third out of nowhere... I don't know what happened there, it has the same 2 screens from last week and I have not seen any promo o something like that. Maybe special functions? Gross of small cinemas being reported? I honestly don't know. 
Apostle Paul debuts at fifth, good for what it is. Local movie from director Sebastian Lelio (the one from Una Mujer Fantastica) Desbodiencia, debuts at 8th place. Good, considering it was released only in the capital Santiago. Another good performance is Isle of Dogs, it has very few screens but remains in the top 10.


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We are very lucky, BOM released info on both Deadpool 2 and Infinity War.  


Deadpool 2 opened with 1,9M USD, an amazing number that is the 11th highest opening of all time, aided by a holiday today, and also a record for Fox in local currency. It is an 87% increase from the original and already grossed 45% of what the first one did. I don't have any good comparison but with standard superhero legs (3x) could get close to 6M USD. It won't have much competition besides Solo. 


Infinity War became the highest grossing movie of all time in local currency and has grossed 12.9M USD so far. It grossed 1,1M USD in the last 7 days, a drop of 39% from the last week. It will get a boost from today's holiday  


Using average ticket price from last weekend I get 197k admissions this week, putting its total cume to approx 1,96 million admissions. If it stabilizes with drops of 50% from now on it will get around 2,16 million tickets sold and just above 14M in USD, just enough for the record in dollars. Although, since Deadpool opened so well, Infinity War will be the most affected by the loss of screens to Solo next weekend.


Nothing else relevant in the top 10, besides that Sherlock Gnomes was third during the weekend thanks to kids and Coco disappeared as quickly as it appeared

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Disney's Star Wars Movies 


The Force Awakens: $2,338,662 OW | $8,463,006 Total | 3.62 Multiplier 

Rogue One: $1,105,724 OW | $3,482,299 Total | 3.15 Multiplier 

The Last Jedi: $1,475,075 | $4,981,243 Total | 3.38 Multiplier 


Solo opens this Thursday. While is generally said that Latin America doesn't care for Star Wars, the brand used to be HUGE in Chile and it still does well comparatively speaking. 


Star Wars, however, has failed to grow on par with the Market: The prequels did ridiculous numbers for the size of the market back then. Phantom Menace did 3,4M USD in 1999, a mark that movies just started to cross regularly in 2010. But today, Star Wars movies are outsold and even outgrossed by any decent-sized animated flick. The nostalgia is there, that's why it still does well, but it has failed to attract new audience and apparently the problem is only getting worse. 


I have low expectations for Solo, hype is very low and I think that at best it can match Rogue One numbers. To its favor, it has little competition for family audiences besides Sherlock Gnomes... At least until the Incredibles 2 opens, but by that time it will be almost done. 

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1 hour ago, Purple Minion said:

Don't think Solo is going to do well in the whole region.


What is the average ticket price in pesos these days?



Varies a lot. I don't know what the national average is, I see a source saying 9,20 dollars but that's way too high. In pesos normal tickets cost around 4000 CLP (approx 6-7 dollars). Premium formats can go as high as 13 dollars but besides 3d (like 8 dollars, or 5000+ CLP) those are mostly limited to the capital Santiago. There are lower prices for kids, elderly, students and everyone from Monday to Wednesday (not "weekend").


Big blockbusters usually come with "restrictions" from distributors, not allowing any kind of discounts on ticket prices for the first two weeks. For example, IW avg ticket price while on restriction was 6,86 dollars, which dropped to 5,5 dollars after the restrictions were lifted.


Generally, animated movies have lower avg. As a rule of thumb, a live-action blockbuster has to outgross by around $2M USD an animated film to match it in admissions. But there are some extreme cases like IW outgrossing Coco when it had 700k fewer admissions! Also, the leggier the run, lower avg price. 

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Infinity War got a HUGE boost from 21st May Holiday. Assuming BOM weekend estimate was correct it grossed 0,3M USD on Monday. Now it has 2.041.937 admissions and 13,2M USD gross. 


With this total, it now has a chance to beat Coco's admissions record. This weekend will be crucial, It needs to hold its ground with a drop close to 50%. If it manages that, it will be doable. 


Interesting thing is that IW was actually second on Monday, that means that Deadpool 2 got an even bigger boost.  

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Coco left theaters on Tuesday after more than 6 months and 26 weekends at the box office. Now that his record is threatened by Infinity War I wanted to highlight how historic Coco's run was:


  • It's highest grossing weekend, the third one, would rank as the second lowest opening for a Pixar film in this decade. 
  • Despite the above, it's the highest grossing Pixar movie of all time. 
  • Until its ninth weekend, Coco had more increases than drops on weekends.
  • Excluding a drop on its fourth weekend induced by the closing of cinemas for elections, Coco dropped more than 20% for the first time on its 12th weekend. It dropped more than 30% for the first time on its 17th weekend 
  • It's six months at the box office and four months on wide release are by far the longest any movie has stayed at the Chilean box office since there are registers. 


Goodbye Coco, your records may be broken but this kind of run probably won't be repeated in a looong time. I will remember you.



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