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The Cookie Pictures Power Expo - Day 2: Dem dinos

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Hit a major snag in the reveal schedule (I had this whole huge bit for TaleSpin but lost it unfortunately) so I have to delay it and John Krasinski of Mars to tomorrow and push some stuff to Friday (yay, I'm extending things!).


But for now, the TaleSpin cast list:





Ed O'Neill as Baloo

Noah Jupe as Kit Cloudkicker

Mary Louise Parker as Rebecca Cunningham

Abby Ryder Fortson as Molly Cunningham

John C. Reilly as Wildcat

Taika Waititi as Don Karnage

and Idris Elba as Shere Khan


More once I wake up.

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3 minutes ago, cookie said:

Hit a major snag in the reveal schedule (I had this whole huge bit for TaleSpin but lost it unfortunately) so I have to delay it and John Krasinski of Mars to tomorrow and push some stuff to Friday (yay, I'm extending things!).


But for now, the TaleSpin cast list:

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Ed O'Neill as Baloo

Noah Jupe as Kit Cloudkicker

Mary Louise Parker as Rebecca Cunningham

Abby Ryder Fortson as Molly Cunningham

John C. Reilly as Wildcat

Taika Waititi as Don Karnage

and Idris Elba as Shere Khan


More once I wake up.

Are the Oscars being pushed?

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2 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Are the Oscars being pushed?

Oscars are already done minus the winners (since everyone still have until Friday to send their ballots) so no.

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"It is the nature of humankind to fear what they do not understand."


"Their ways... are not our ways."


Open to a shot of the Scottish highlands. A lone fancy sports car speeds past a crystal clear lake and heads towards the mountains. We fly across the summits and discover the car is heading towards the ruins of an old Scottish castle.




The car pulls up a few miles away from the castle, and two people we only see from the waist down exit the car. One of them heads to the back of the car and opens up the trunk. The trunk is revealed to contain a briefcase with some documents and a load of cash stored in it.




We follow those same footsteps as they make their way back around the car before stopping in place for the camera to reveal his companion in full from the back. His coat and ponytail hair both blow in rhythm with the breezing winds as he appears to be staring at something in the distance. The footsteps approach as the camera tilts upwards to reveal it's a short-haired blond man who hands the ponytail guy a pair of goggles.


We see through the goggles as the ponytail man is gazing at the castle, taking particular interest in what looks like a Gargoyle statue positioned like the Thinker statue on top of the castle's tallest tower.


We cut to a frontal shot of the man with the ponytail as he lowers his goggles... to reveal it's Jon Hamm with the most striking Ryker-esque beard. The blond man behind him is Michael Emerson.


Owen Burnett: Have you found what you've been looking for, Mr. Xanatos?

David Xanatos: Castle Wyvern...


David Xanatos turns back to Owen with a smug, almost sinister smile while a dramatic cue plays.


Xanatos: It's more than I could've ever bargained for.


Xanatos and Owen get back in the car and begin speeding off towards the castle. Once they arrive, Xanatos dashes out of his car and runs through the ruins of the castle, quickly ascending the stairs to the tallest tower and emerging at the top seeing the Gargoyle statue up in person. Owen soon catches up to him.


Xanatos: [ rips the vines off the statue ] ...Magnificent.

Owen: It's... smaller than I imagined.

Xanatos: They were known to be fierce and fast creatures of the night. Not towering giants.

Owen: This one does look particularly... frightening.

Xanatos: Make the offer now, Owen! This instant!

Owen: May I remind you one more time, Mr. Xanatos... [ pulls out phone ] That the cost this venture will be astronomical.

Xanatos: A small price to pay when you consider the long term gain. Start hiring crew! I want machines on site at dawn!

Owen: You might have difficulty accumulating the right manpower in that short amount of time. This castle has a bad reputation, the locals considers this place haunted.

Xanatos: You already know my rebuttal to that, Owen. Pay a man enough... and they'll walk barefoot into hell.


Cut to black.


* We open again to see Xanatos on the top of his tall tower in central New York city, having rebuilt the castle brick by brick far above the clouds and awaiting the sun to set. *


Xanatos (V.O): I have spent many years chasing the legend of your kind.


* He's placed the gargoyle statue along with several others in a row on top of the tower, watching the sun set and a storm beginning to brew among the clouds. *


Xanatos (V.O): I hope for your own sake you don't let me down.


* In a flash, a lightning strikes the top of the castle forcing Xanatos to take cover. Once the explosion settles, he peeks out and, to his shock, sees the statues beginning to shake. Cut to black. *


Xanatos (V.O): ...Awaken, Goliath.


* A DRAMATIC 360 SHOT reveals all the gargoyles (Goliath (Idris Elba), Hudson (Christopher Lambert), Brooklyn (Daniel Kaluuya), Lexington (Alex Wolff), Broadway (Kristian Nairn) and Bronx (Terry Notary)) all bursting out of their stone confinements in order, Goliath ending the shot by letting out a harrowing roar. *


 * Cut to the gargoyles looking out from the tower to discover they're not in Scotland anymore. *


Lexington: Where are we?!

Hudson: This is not how I remember Castle Wyvern...

Goliath: Whatever this is... this is not home.


* Xanatos is seen standing behind the gargoyles. Goliath turns to him. *


Xanatos: I'm afraid you've been asleep for a long time.

Goliath: How long?

Xanatos: A thousand years, give or take. [ cut a close up of Xanatos' smug face ] ...Welcome to Manhattan.


* We see Detective Elisa Maza (Genesis Rodriguez) arriving at Xanatos' tower to interrogate him. *


Elisa: Something happened here last night.


* Quick shots of people fleeing the streets as rubble comes crashing down from Xanatos' tower. *


Elisa: ...And I'm going to find out what.

Xanatos: They say those who try to untangle a web only find themselves caught in it.


* Cut to Elisa snooping around at the castle. *


Xanatos (V.O): Trust me...


* Elisa is attacked by Bronx in a dark corridor and she pulls her gun, only to be stopped by Goliath appearing from behind. *


Xanatos (V.O): You do not want to get caught.


* Goliath crushes Elisa's gun in his hand, horrifying her. *


* Cut to Elisa, standing on a tall ledge and seeing Goliath land near her. *


Elisa: What... what are you?


* Cut to Goliath's reaction, appearing forlorn. *


The music from this point on is a re-orchestrated version of the original series theme. ]



* Montage of various quick action bits and profile shots of the main characters *


Xanatos (V.O): I didn't bring you to Manhattan without purpose...


* Cut to the gargoyles all meeting Xanatos at his office *


Xanatos: I need you to retrieve something for me.


* The gargoyles all look at each other wondering about Xanatos' request. *




* Scenes of Goliath and Eliza interacting and growing a bond between one another. *


Elisa: This city could need someone like you...


* Quick shots of Elisa stopping a mugging with Goliath's help. *


Elisa: Xanatos is not who he appears to be.


* Quick shot of Xanatos leaning back in his chair with a sinister grin. *


* Cut to Goliath arguing with Hudson *


Hudson: You do not trust her! You do not trust any of them! Remember how they betrayed us!


* Flashback clip of Goliath's gargoyle brethren being smashed to pieces by Scottish soldiers and a clip of him roaring in rage over their loss. *


Goliath: ...What if this is different?

Hudson: You already know the answer to that, Goliath.

* Goliath ponders *




* More action bits of the gargoyles engaging in battle against human soldiers, cutting between them, Xanatos, Elisa and Owen. *


Xanatos: You can trust me, Goliath. As a friend.

Goliath: I've yet to see a reason why I should.

Xanatos: ...Then that makes the two of us.




* Elisa discovers a hidden truth about Xanatos' scheme. *


Xanatos (V.O): But remember... without me...


* The gargoyles face a large robot which is sent at them by Xanatos before the screen cuts to black. *

[ stop music at 0:58 ]


* Fade in to a shot of Xanatos being dangled over the edge of his tower by Goliath. *


Xanatos: ...You'd still be gathering moss.


* Goliath's eyes start glowing and he growls at Xanatos as he prepares to drop him. *





"We've lived in isolation for far too long, my beloved."


* Goliath hears the familiar voice, displaying shock on his face. *


Goliath: ...Demona?


* Cut to Demona (Charlize Theron) emerging out from the shadows. *


Goliath: You're alive...

Demona: ...And I've been waiting.





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8 minutes ago, cookie said:


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"It is the nature of humankind to fear what they do not understand."


"Their ways... are not our ways."


Open to a shot of the Scottish highlands. A lone fancy sports car speeds past a crystal clear lake and heads towards the mountains. We fly across the summits and discover the car is heading towards the ruins of an old Scottish castle.




The car pulls up a few miles away from the castle, and two people we only see from the waist down exit the car. One of them heads to the back of the car and opens up the trunk. The trunk is revealed to contain a briefcase with some documents and a load of cash stored in it.




We follow those same footsteps as they make their way back around the car before stopping in place for the camera to reveal his companion in full from the back. His coat and ponytail hair both blow in rhythm with the breezing winds as he appears to be staring at something in the distance. The footsteps approach as the camera tilts upwards to reveal it's a short-haired blond man who hands the ponytail guy a pair of goggles.


We see through the goggles as the ponytail man is gazing at the castle, taking particular interest in what looks like a Gargoyle statue positioned like the Thinker statue on top of the castle's tallest tower.


We cut to a frontal shot of the man with the ponytail as he lowers his goggles... to reveal it's Jon Hamm with the most striking Ryker-esque beard. The blond man behind him is Michael Emerson.


Owen Burnett: Have you found what you've been looking for, Mr. Xanatos?

David Xanatos: Castle Wyvern...


David Xanatos turns back to Owen with a smug, almost sinister smile while a dramatic cue plays.


Xanatos: It's more than I could've ever bargained for.


Xanatos and Owen get back in the car and begin speeding off towards the castle. Once they arrive, Xanatos dashes out of his car and runs through the ruins of the castle, quickly ascending the stairs to the tallest tower and emerging at the top seeing the Gargoyle statue up in person. Owen soon catches up to him.


Xanatos: [ rips the vines off the statue ] ...Magnificent.

Owen: It's... smaller than I imagined.

Xanatos: They were known to be fierce and fast creatures of the night. Not towering giants.

Owen: This one does look particularly... frightening.

Xanatos: Make the offer now, Owen! This instant!

Owen: May I remind you one more time, Mr. Xanatos... [ pulls out phone ] That the cost this venture will be astronomical.

Xanatos: A small price to pay when you consider the long term gain. Start hiring crew! I want machines on site at dawn!

Owen: You might have difficulty accumulating the right manpower in that short amount of time. This castle has a bad reputation, the locals considers this place haunted.

Xanatos: You already know my rebuttal to that, Owen. Pay a man enough... and they'll walk barefoot into hell.


Cut to black.


* We open again to see Xanatos on the top of his tall tower in central New York city, having rebuilt the castle brick by brick far above the clouds and awaiting the sun to set. *


Xanatos (V.O): I have spent many years chasing the legend of your kind.


* He's placed the gargoyle statue along with several others in a row on top of the tower, watching the sun set and a storm beginning to brew among the clouds. *


Xanatos (V.O): I hope for your own sake you don't let down.


* In a flash, a lightning strikes the top of the castle forcing Xanatos to take cover. Once the explosion settles, he peeks out and, to his shock, sees the statues beginning to shake. Cut to black. *


Xanatos (V.O): ...Awaken, Goliath.


* A DRAMATIC 360 SHOT reveals all the gargoyles (Goliath (Idris Elba), Hudson (Christopher Lambert), Brooklyn (Daniel Kaluuya), Lexington (Alex Wolff), Broadway (Kristian Nairn) and Bronx (Terry Notary)) all bursting out of their stone confinements in order, Goliath ending the shot by letting out a harrowing roar. *


 * Cut to the gargoyles looking out from the tower to discover they're not in Scotland anymore. *


Lexington: Where are we?!

Hudson: This is not how I remember Castle Wyvern...

Goliath: Whatever this is... this is not home.


* Xanatos is seen standing behind the gargoyles. Goliath turns to him. *


Xanatos: I'm afraid you've been asleep for a long time.

Goliath: How long?

Xanatos: A thousand years, give or take. [ cut a close up of Xanatos' smug face ] ...Welcome to Manhattan.


* We see Detective Elisa Maza (Genesis Rodriguez) arriving at Xanatos' tower to interrogate him. *


Elisa: Something happened here last night.


* Quick shots of people fleeing the streets as rubble comes crashing down from Xanatos' tower. *


Elisa: ...And I'm going to find out what.

Xanatos: They say those who try to untangle a web only find themselves caught in it.


* Cut to Elisa snooping around at the castle. *


Xanatos (V.O): Trust me...


* Elisa is attacked by Bronx in a dark corridor and she pulls her gun, only to be stopped by Goliath appearing from behind. *


Xanatos (V.O): You do not want to get caught.


* Goliath crushes Elisa's gun in his hand, horrifying her. *


* Cut to Elisa, standing on a tall ledge and seeing Goliath land near her. *


Elisa: What... what are you?


* Cut to Goliath's reaction, appearing forlorn. *


The music from this point on is a re-orchestrated version of the original series theme. ]



* Montage of various quick action bits and profile shots of the main characters *


Xanatos (V.O): I didn't bring you to Manhattan without purpose...


* Cut to the gargoyles all meeting Xanatos at his office *


Xanatos: I need you to retrieve something for me.


* The gargoyles all look at each other wondering about Xanatos' request. *




* Scenes of Goliath and Eliza interacting and growing a bond between one another. *


Elisa: This city could need someone like you...


* Quick shots of Elisa stopping a mugging with Goliath's help. *


Elisa: Xanatos is not who he appears to be.


* Quick shot of Xanatos leaning back in his chair with a sinister grin. *


* Cut to Goliath arguing with Hudson *


Hudson: You do not trust her! You do not trust any of them! Remember how they betrayed us!


* Flashback clip of Goliath's gargoyle brethren being smashed to pieces by Scottish soldiers and a clip of him roaring in rage over their loss. *


Goliath: ...What if this is different?

Hudson: You already know the answer to that, Goliath.

* Goliath ponders *




* More action bits of the gargoyles engaging in battle against human soldiers, cutting between them, Xanatos, Elisa and Owen. *


Xanatos: You can trust me, Goliath. As a friend.

Goliath: I've yet to see a reason why I should.

Xanatos: ...Then that makes the two of us.




* Elisa discovers a hidden truth about Xanatos' scheme. *


Xanatos (V.O): But remember... without me...


* The gargoyles face a large robot which is sent at them by Xanatos before the screen cuts to black. *

[ stop music at 0:58 ]


* Fade in to a shot of Xanatos being dangled over the edge of his tower by Goliath. *


Xanatos: ...You'd still be gathering moss.


* Goliath's eyes start glowing and he growls at Xanatos as he prepares to drop him. *





"We've lived in isolation for far too long, my beloved."


* Goliath hears the familiar voice, displaying shock on his face. *


Goliath: ...Demona?


* Cut to Demona (Charlize Theron) emerging out from the shadows. *


Goliath: You're alive...

Demona: ...And I've been waiting.





Called it.

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6 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Called it.

It was a coin toss between it and the Y5 bomb and I went with CGI gargoyles.

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37 minutes ago, Xillix said:

@cookie Wow I am really looking forward to your I, Frankenstein sequel

It took me until now to realize how similar the two properties are.


At least people remember Gargoyles though.

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20 minutes ago, cookie said:

It took me until now to realize how similar the two properties are.


At least people remember Gargoyles though.

I never watched it which is weird cuz it's pretty popular on FurAffinity

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7 minutes ago, Xillix said:

I never watched it which is weird cuz it's pretty popular on FurAffinity

It's TMNT but with the tone of Batman The Animated Series. Really good.

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7 hours ago, Reddroast said:

Any news for tonight?

Got my hands full with a job interview on Monday I’m pretty nervous about plus the Oscars so the rest will drop unscheduled between now and hopefully be done by Tuesday.

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BREAKING: Joe Johnston to direct ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE for a tentative Y5 release with Tom Holland and Sasha Lane as the leads.





Cookie Pictures is openly considering Endless Entertainment's offer to set up a potential crossover between Atlantis and Endless' own Treasure Planet franchise. Peters wishes to meet with Endless CEO Xavier Bartholomew in the future to discuss how this would be done.



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3 hours ago, cookie said:

BREAKING: Joe Johnston to direct ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE for a tentative Y5 release with Tom Holland and Sasha Lane as the leads.





Cookie Pictures is openly considering Endless Entertainment's offer to set up a potential crossover between Atlantis and Endless' own Treasure Planet franchise. Peters wishes to meet with Endless CEO Xavier Bartholomew in the future to discuss how this would be done.


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Perhaps later today...


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23 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:


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Perhaps later today...



Send in a new PM since I deleted our previous thread to save on space. (sorry)


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