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Brazil Box Office Thread

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I think that's inevitable. This week, the biggest magazine of the country released  an issue that said that Dilma and Lula knew about Petrobras corruption case, based on a leaked informal testimony by a guy involved in the corruption (two public authorities were present). She did everything to stop the magazine (and succeeded this morning), dedicated a big chunck of her free time on TV to say that "justice" will be made (on other words, the magazine will pay for its actions)

Last night, Abril (the magazine's publisher) head office  was spraypainted with the words "Veja (the magazine) lies".

Dilma's "us agaisn't them" strategy works.


How can people be so ignorant and naive??

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How can people be so ignorant and naive??

I don't think they are ignorant or naive. Most people vote with their gut. I mean, the campaign does little to help them. For example, we have presidential elections this year and from the three major candidates I'll choose the one I like most. One of them is part of a minority and we already have enough talk of regional indepenence (my ass). The second one - I hate him with a burning passion, to the point of wanting to smash his face every time I see him. The third one is a woman. I'll vote for her despite the fact that it is said (and quite true) that she got where she got by being pretty much a slut and sleeping with various influential people. She's not that great of a politician, but I don't dislike her as much as the others.

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I don't think they are ignorant or naive. Most people vote with their gut. I mean, the campaign does little to help them. For example, we have presidential elections this year and from the three major candidates I'll choose the one I like most. One of them is part of a minority and we already have enough talk of regional indepenence (my ass). The second one - I hate him with a burning passion, to the point of wanting to smash his face every time I see him. The third one is a woman. I'll vote for her despite the fact that it is said (and quite true) that she got where she got by being pretty much a slut and sleeping with various influential people. She's not that great of a politician, but I don't dislike her as much as the others.


I see your point, many people vote this way I guess.

Personally I never cared about their parties or their personalities, I just vote for a program, mostly an economic problem because I don't care about their politicians, just want the best for my country, my family and myself.

In 2012 in France, for example, I didn't vote because all of them showed a real economic ignorance, the one which slowly destroyed the French economy and led it to what it is now : Europe's sick man. And they were lying by the way so that didn't help.

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I think that's inevitable. This week, the biggest magazine of the country released an issue that said that Dilma and Lula knew about Petrobras corruption case, based on a leaked informal testimony by a guy involved in the corruption (two public authorities were present). She did everything to stop the magazine (and succeeded this morning), dedicated a big chunck of her free time on TV to say that "justice" will be made (on other words, the magazine will pay for its actions)

Last night, Abril (the magazine's publisher) head office was spraypainted with the words "Veja (the magazine) lies".

Dilma's "us agaisn't them" strategy works.

I actually though that would be difficult for anyone to take serious this story, but it seems that the some people can be always worst than we think. I just want to clarify that it was nothing more than a desperate attempt by a corrupt Brazilian media trying change the elections again, since 2002 this magazine is known for inventing lies on the eve of elections in an attempt to manipulate the population, but this time they went too far and invented a story without any basis just to harm the PT. And for you all have notion of the lie, the justice commanded a right of reply by the President in this journal site as you can see here:



And here:


I always thought you were just a child misinformed, but apparently your case is sadder than we thought. I suggest you leave that bubble you live, my dear.

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I actually though that would be difficult for anyone to take serious this story, but it seems that the some people can be always worst than we think. I just want to clarify that it was nothing more than a desperate attempt by a corrupt Brazilian media trying change the elections again, since 2002 this magazine is known for inventing lies on the eve of elections in an attempt to manipulate the population, but this time they went too far and invented a story without any basis just to harm the PT. And for you all have notion of the lie, the justice commanded a right of reply by the President in this journal site as you can see here:



And here:


I always thought you were just a child misinformed, but apparently your case is sadder than we thought. I suggest you leave that bubble you live, my dear.


The corruption of Petrobras is real you know, and as President she couldn't be ignorant of it, it's just not possible.

Petrobras being a state-owned firm it's just not possible, or you're naive.

Many governments with state-owned energy firms use them for political leverage because there is a lack of check and balance, you can see the same thing in Venezuela, Argentina, Russia...Now the question is : Do you want Brazil to be like these countries?


Lies and propaganda can work for a while but truth is always revealed one day or another, and most economic experts don't even have a doubt about Dilma being involved in this because she had to know given its position and Petrobras', unless she's blind and completely manipulated by her political allies...and that seems very unlikely.

Edited by Fullbuster
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The corruption of Petrobras is real you know, and as President she couldn't be ignorant of it, it's just not possible.

Petrobras being a state-owned firm it's just not possible, or you're naive.

Many governments with state-owned energy firms use them for political leverage because there is a lack of check and balance, you can see the same thing in Venezuela, Argentina, Russia...Now the question is : Do you want Brazil to be like these countries?

Lies and propaganda can work for a while but truth is always revealed one day or another, and most economic experts don't even have a doubt about Dilma being involved in this because she had to know given its position and Petrobras', unless she's blind and completely manipulated by her political allies...and that seems very unlikely.


Text of Justice:

"A publicação faz referência a um suposto depoimento de Alberto Youssef, no âmbito de um processo de delação premiada ainda em negociação, para tentar implicar a Presidenta Dilma Rousseff e o ex-Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva em ilicitudes. Ocorre que o próprio advogado do investigado, Antônio Figueiredo Basto, rechaça a veracidade desse relato, uma vez que todos os depoimentos prestados por Yousseff foram acompanhados por Basto e/ou por sua equipe, que jamais presenciaram conversas com esse teor”.

Segundo o ministro, o direito de resposta é medida que se ajusta a tal situação de extravasamento da liberdade jornalística, na medida em que a liberdade de expressão do pensamento e de informação (art. 220 CF.) não são direitos absolutos, conforme assentado em precedentes das mais altas Cortes de Justiça do país.

O texto deverá ser publicado no mesmo lugar e tamanho em que exibida a capa do periódico, bem como com a utilização de caracteres que permitam a ocupação de todo o espaço indicado.


Edited by MazeRunner23
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see what I'm talking about Fullbuster?


"by a corrupt Brazilian media"

"this magazine is known for inventing lies"

"invented a story without any basis"


O Ministro considera que os contornos de propaganda eleitoral contidos na divulgação da revista Veja interferem de forma indevida e grave em detrimento da candidatura da presidenta Dilma Rousseff.
“Considerando estarmos na antevéspera do pleito presidencial, a realização de propaganda eleitoral de conteúdo negativo poderá acarretar prejuízo irreparável ao equilíbrio e lisura do pleito”.
It doesn't say anything about the veracity of facts.

"não nego nem confirmo se esse depoimento é verdadeiro, se essa informação foi dada ou não e se sim, em quais circunstâncias"



Note: The TSE minister, who conceded the "liminar", was Dilma's lawyer in 2010 campaign. He's a TSE minister because Dilma indicated him.

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I don't know, just wait MazeRunner here and you'll see.



see what I'm talking about Fullbuster?


"by a corrupt Brazilian media"

"this magazine is known for inventing lies"

"invented a story without any basis"




Indeed I can see that :lol:

Some people are really hopeless, they just believe what they want to believe, truth is not important for them....It's really sad.

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Annabelle is numbers #3 on Twitter's Trend Topics in Brazil.


I think we will see a great hold for it tomorrow.


This movie never ceases to amaze me in Brazil ^^

And by the way Sabrina I forgot to tell you I watched Dragon 2, I loved it :wub:

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Voted for Dilma. I know she's corrupted, but so is Aécio. 


In the end of the day, I voted for her because I like her more.


At least you're honest, you don't vote for a program, just for your favorite face.

You guys in Brazil are really weird ^^"

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