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1 hour ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


I don't have idea why you're using BKB as the voice of reason, he's the most delusional person here, God, we're talking about the man who predicted an OW above $250m for Ultron and a $300m total for Ant Man, even Napoleon has more credibility than him, it's obvious that he will expect big numbers for BVS, so, when the movies fails to meet his expectations, he will be the first calling it of 'flop'.


No, the performance of this movie at social media has been lackluster to say the minimum, the movie is always behind X-Men and CW at Twitter tracking, despite the fact that these movies won't open untill May and April, let's read some REAL facts about it's performance at social medias?





Jesus Christ, the movie is not even in the TOP 10 of Facebook's biggest increases per week

Actually, the movie only started now to be ahead SQ at Twitter, because few weeks ago, it was always behind this movie as well

Anyway you bring tweets I'll brin in google searches where the film and any on its parts and have constently been searched higher than the film or parts of any other major movie of the past two year save for the month of thier release, excluding star wars. In addition youtube views and views on facebook which are also higher than any movie not named star wars

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2 hours ago, boomboom234 said:

Bkb isn't the voice of reason he the most negative dc person on here and he saying that low he is the lower bound. In Facebook likes its higher than JW and honestly those tweets reflect news there has been no news in regards to this movie during that week I'm sure this week this is number 1. What about the YouTube view argument which you conveniently ignore 


Wrong, the movie has been running below most of movies at Twitter for a long time, as you can see here:


December >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2015-12-11-twitter-futures-star-wars-the-force-continues-to-be-strong?q=Twitter+Futures


#5, below CW and X-Men


January >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2016-01-08-twitter-futures-revenant-poised-for-breakout?q=Twitter+Futures


Not even Top 5, below CW, X-Men and Zootopia


February >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2016-02-05-twitter-futures-deadpool-deja-vu?q=Twitter+Futures


#7, behind CW, X-Men, and SQ


So, what you're talking about? The movie has no news since December?


And, you're wrong, the movie won't be #1 at Twitter this week, once again, actually, not even close, as it is currently at #5

>> http://pro.boxoffice.com/statistics/analysis/twitter


Oh, and how can you say that the movie had nothing new this week? I thought that the pre-sales started this week


I'm ignoring YouTube views because it has been proved A LOT of times that Twitter is the best indicator to when a movie is about to break out or don't, actually, YouTube's views are not even THAT massive, the biggest trailer has 51M views while a movie like Furious 7 has a trailer with 65M views, so, are you saying that it is going to make less than F7? If so, then, I have to agree


And you should not even bring Facebook to discussion, it's ridiculous that it was not able to be even in the Top 10 of week, 3 weeks before the release, behind even movies like Allegiant, actually, just for the record, Deadpool has more likes at Facebook, and the official page was created after BVS, oh, and Deadpool dominated Facebook for ONE month before the release, while BVS is not able to get even a Top 10

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27 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

What the hell? Just because it's not making ticket sales sites slow, does it mean the movie is not doing well? LOL


Of course not, it means that the movie is going to open in the range of Deadline's tracking, not in the $170m+ one that most of persons here still believe that is possible

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3 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


Wrong, the movie has been running below most of movies at Twitter for a long time, as you can see here:


December >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2015-12-11-twitter-futures-star-wars-the-force-continues-to-be-strong?q=Twitter+Futures


#5, below CW and X-Men


January >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2016-01-08-twitter-futures-revenant-poised-for-breakout?q=Twitter+Futures


Not even Top 5, below CW, X-Men and Zootopia


February >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2016-02-05-twitter-futures-deadpool-deja-vu?q=Twitter+Futures


#7, behind CW, X-Men, and SQ


So, what you're talking about? The movie has no news since December?


And, you're wrong, the movie won't be #1 at Twitter this week, once again, actually, not even close, as it is currently at #5

>> http://pro.boxoffice.com/statistics/analysis/twitter


Oh, and how can you say that the movie had nothing new this week? I thought that the pre-sales started this week


I'm ignoring YouTube views because it has been proved A LOT of times that Twitter is the best indicator to when a movie is about to break out or don't, actually, YouTube's views are not even THAT massive, the biggest trailer has 51M views while a movie like Furious 7 has a trailer with 65M views, so, are you saying that it is going to make less than F7? If so, then, I have to agree


And you should not even bring Facebook to discussion, it's ridiculous that it was not able to be even in the Top 10 of week, 3 weeks before the release, behind even movies like Allegiant, actually, just for the record, Deadpool has more likes at Facebook, and the official page was created after BVS, oh, and Deadpool dominated Facebook for ONE month before the release, while BVS is not able to get even a Top 10


here it is at number 3 behind two moives whose trailers dropped, Allegiant captain america and other sequel movies simply remake the page into the next movie in the series keeping the likes, in addition on facebook deadpool is post release people like it then. Movies post release get more likes at the day of release batman is ahead of jurassic world and what avengers was at. YOu are looking at the last three months the biggest social media boom for this movie was from the day it was annouced to after the second trailer after that everyhting regarding the moive had come out while those other movies still had big news and were annoucning thier content. Post comic con mockinjay part 2 had a much bigger social media output than TFA but that changed once the marketing blitz started its about to start for this movie now. Okay on youtube views, Grim has a pretty clear tracking total where you take the biggest three trailer views and add them up in which case BVS is #2 behind BVS, for that trailer you see yes it at 51 but on another page its at 25 then on another its at 15 and so on. You're honeslty making stuff up every trailer on facebook has over 20 million views which no thing compares to

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here is grim post 

Unofficial trailer views count (official channel + Movieclips + 3rd largest channel whichever that might be) I maintained for the big movies from last year and next year. I looked at the total views on the day of release for movies already released, and current counts for movies yet to release:

teaser views:
Episode 7: 103M (2 weeks before release) 
Suicide Squad: 94M so far
BvS: 85M so far
Jurassic World (day of movie release): 73M
AOU (day of movie release): 73M
Civil War: 64M so far
Furious 7 (day of movie release): 62M 
Apocalypse: 53M so far

Trailer #1:
Episode 7: 96M (2 weeks before release)
BvS: 78M to date
AOU: 49M day of movie release
Jurassic World: 40M day of movie release
Suicide Squad: 5.7M in 14 hours

Trailer #2:
Episode 7: 85M (2 weeks before release)
BvS: 44M so far 
AOU: 41M day of release
Jurassic World: 37M day of release




Facebook views

25-21-18 BVS

CW 6

AOU 7-3

Furious 7 nothing over 8



I've already gone over google searches but you are ignoring that it seems but it still holds true more searched than anything but star wars, whether it be the film or its parts.





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3 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:


here it is at number 3 behind two moives whose trailers dropped, Allegiant captain america and other sequel movies simply remake the page into the next movie in the series keeping the likes, in addition on facebook deadpool is post release people like it then. Movies post release get more likes at the day of release batman is ahead of jurassic world and what avengers was at. YOu are looking at the last three months the biggest social media boom for this movie was from the day it was annouced to after the second trailer after that everyhting regarding the moive had come out while those other movies still had big news and were annoucning thier content. Post comic con mockinjay part 2 had a much bigger social media output than TFA but that changed once the marketing blitz started its about to start for this movie now. Okay on youtube views, Grim has a pretty clear tracking total where you take the biggest three trailer views and add them up in which case BVS is #2 behind BVS, for that trailer you see yes it at 51 but on another page its at 25 then on another its at 15 and so on. You're honeslty making stuff up every trailer on facebook has over 20 million views which no thing compares to


Of course it increased to #3 this week, it had pre-orders starting this week, but, it was running behind X-Men last week, and this movie had nothing new last week, just to have an idea of how weak is the performance of BVS at Twitter so far, Insurgent leaded the tracking for 4 weeks, BVS, for one single week. 


Mockingjay had big numbers at social media, at some point, even bigger than SW7, that's why it's drop was such a surprise


Did you read what I said? Deadpool dominated Facebook for one month before the release, it was at 4M+ likes BEFORE the release, even Box Office said that it was a massive number, it received a push after the release, but it was way bigger than BVS even before this, and what is more worrying to me is that BVS was not able to reach even a Top 10, 3 weeks before the release, these views numbers are impressive indeed, but what matters in Facebook is likes


And you got my point, I'm saying that the buzz is weak FOR NOW, not saying that it will stay like this, I'm confident that WB will give to it a strong push till the OW, so, it can exceed most of expectations, that's what I'm expecting, and that's what I want to happen :)

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19 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


Of course not, it means that the movie is going to open in the range of Deadline's tracking, not in the $170m+ one that most of persons here still believe that is possible

We have other tracking giving it at 170 and deadline tracking always under predicts for big movies thats their whole buisness strategy. Plus it gets worse you don't even read the articles you post


In this one look at the two weeks ago section

where BVS is at 250 and nothing else breaks 100, and this is the week where CW trailer  dropped

or this one where it cleary states BVS was at four the previous week well ahead of CW


Still Possible? the average predition is in the 180's......


I guess my argument you're limiting online buzz to specific weeks and ignoring other key information like the youtube, facebook views and google searches

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6 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

We have other tracking giving it at 170 and deadline tracking always under predicts for big movies thats thier whole buisness strategy. Plus it gets worse you don't even read the articles you post


In this one look at the two weeks ago section

where BVS is at 250 and nothing else breaks 100, and this is the week where CW trailer  dropped

or this one where it cleary states BVS was at four the previous week well ahead of CW


Still Possible? the average predition is in the 180's......


Yeah, I read what I post, it had 250k Tweets in the release of a trailer, that's good but nothing extraordinary, X-Men had 230k in one week where it didn't have nothing new >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2016-02-19-twitter-futures-apocalypse-continues-reign?q=Twitter+Futures


And this one will be released only in May 


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23 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


Of course it increased to #3 this week, it had pre-orders starting this week, but, it was running behind X-Men last week, and this movie had nothing new last week, just to have an idea of how weak is the performance of BVS at Twitter so far, Insurgent leaded the tracking for 4 weeks, BVS, for one single week. 


Mockingjay had big numbers at social media, at some point, even bigger than SW7, that's why it's drop was such a surprise


Did you read what I said? Deadpool dominated Facebook for one month before the release, it was at 4M+ likes BEFORE the release, even Box Office said that it was a massive number, it received a push after the release, but it was way bigger than BVS even before this, and what is more worrying to me is that BVS was not able to reach even a Top 10, 3 weeks before the release, these views numbers are impressive indeed, but what matters in Facebook is likes


And you got my point, I'm saying that the buzz is weak FOR NOW, not saying that it will stay like this, I'm confident that WB will give to it a strong push till the OW, so, it can exceed most of expectations, that's what I'm expecting, and that's what I want to happen :)

Superbowl week remember X men and Civil war spots only Turkish airlines promotion BVS


Second place three weeks ago


a thousand tweets behind civil war a head previous week





Honestly for the past two months its been consistnelty in the top 5 searches and ahead of CW, behind X men for some reason though that can't be more than 250 max so can ignore. I guess the argument its views vs likes on facebook in terms of views as i've shown no movie comes close but in likes terms in middle of the road pre realase

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4 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


Yeah, I read what I post, it had 250k Tweets in the release of a trailer, that's good but nothing extraordinary, X-Men had 230k in one week where it didn't have nothing new >> http://pro.boxoffice.com/latest-news/2016-02-19-twitter-futures-apocalypse-continues-reign?q=Twitter+Futures


And this one will be released only in May 


But its only X men that's behaving that way this is consistently above Civil war as i proved and always in the top 5 these last two months despite absolutely nothing new being released or shown, I'm willing to just say X men is weird and move on unless you're going to claim that it will do better than this and Civil war. I've addressed your twitter point can you argue against me YT, Facebook view and google search point or not

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12 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

Just checked YouTube and I'm shocked, CW released a trailer 3 months ago and barely has 47M views, while X-Men released a trailer just 2 months ago and it's already surpassing it, JLaw, her power, killed Marvel in 2013, 2014 and it's going to kill this shit again this year  L7Yz2f9.gif

I don't understand you, you say you're a dc fan and destroy marvel  which I don't say, but you pick and choose the evidence you're not even consistent on the evidence you do pick such as twitter to support a pessimistic conclusion where there is more evidence to support a more positive conclusion. To sum up YT, Facebook views, google searches, Twitter, all are positive signs. Twitter isn't perfect but consistently top 5 behind the new releases, trailer drops, and X- men for some reason is pretty solid. This is ignoring ROlling thunder's tracking of 170 and presales higher than TDKR day to day and 4-5 deadpool's entire run

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1 hour ago, boomboom234 said:

I don't understand you, you say you're a dc fan and destroy marvel  which I don't say, but you pick and choose the evidence you're not even consistent on the evidence you do pick such as twitter to support a pessimistic conclusion where there is more evidence to support a more positive conclusion. To sum up YT, Facebook views, google searches, Twitter, all are positive signs. Twitter isn't perfect but consistently top 5 behind the new releases, trailer drops, and X- men for some reason is pretty solid. This is ignoring ROlling thunder's tracking of 170 and presales higher than TDKR day to day and 4-5 deadpool's entire run


I'm glad for that $170m tracking, I really hope it will end way above this, I also hope it will be back to MT asap, and I really hope it will reach #1 at Twitter next week and a I hope for a Top 10 at Facebook as well. :)

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