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Box Office Theory Forum’s Top 100 LGBT+ films of all time | a countdown 🌈 💗 | #40! page 6

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14 hours ago, von Kenni said:

Seeing the two all-time best Italian actors and my personal favorites in the movie is a joy to watch. I still wonder how Marcello Mastroianni was able to act a gay in the 70s Italian macho culture. It was beautifully done.


Marcello - a god of cinema could do whatever he wanted on screen.  His multi film pairing with Loren is one of my all time favorites - they're magic together.

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14 hours ago, Eric McCall said:

Another interesting detail I'm surprised you didn't mention was how the film sadly destroyed finances and grants given to films by the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) because of bigotry and Republicans being Republicans. A lesbian sex scene was in this, some Washington Times writer threw a fit because lesbians and Black women and sex, then Republican rep Peter Hoekstra used this as a vessel that led to the NEA using their funding on a "case-by-case basis", rather than giving funds to art groups in general, which only hurt the diversity of all the projects for everybody.


It's a very sad part of this film's legacy, but a necessary one to show how evil conservatism can be in terms of censoring art and the long-lasting damages they have given towards tons of queer artists and queer people in general.


I didn't know that that is unfortunate, and sad. politics as done so much damage. 


But I would be careful how I word that. I'm not sure I would say that conservativism in and of itself is evil. 


but censorship certainly is and has been used heavily in both political spectrums.  

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#93 The Servant (1963) - Directed by Joseph Losey


103 Points | 2 Lists (beats crash at #94 for having a slightly higher average of 19.5 vs 23.5) 


The Servant (1963) - IMDb


"I'll tell you what I am. I'm a gentleman's gentleman, and you're no bloody GENTLEMAN!"



Country of Origin: UK

Language: English

Awards: Won 3 BAFTA's including a win for actor Dirk Bogarde, most promising newcomer James Fox, and best cinematography   the film received 8 BAFTA nominations total. 

Box Office: Budget £138k Gross £238k (UK) £389k WW

Availability: Amazon on DISC

Genre: Drama

"A superb performance from Bogarde, this icy but complex character maintains the homoeroticism of its origins, even if it doesn't play them out literally." - Ben Turner; The Pink Lens


Rotten Tomatoes: 90%


LETERBOXD: 4.1 out of 5




A London Aristocrat hires a manservant, however the balance of power begins to shift when Hugo the butler appears to have an ulterior motive.


What I know about the film:


I had not heard of this film until it was listed in this countdown, but this kind of twisted drama sounds like something that would be right up my alley. Apparently director Joseph Losey was blacklisted in Hollywood in the early 1950s, for suspicion of ties to the communist party. and as such made the remainder of his films in Europe.


Director Joseph Losey was hospitalised for two weeks during filming as for which Bogarde continued filming via instruction over the phone by Loser from his hospital bed, those scenes apparently were used in the final cut and not reshot.




Cultural Impact/Relevance 



Was director Joseph Losey's 10th film made in Europe after being blacklisted in the US. Actor Dirk Bogarde's first of 2 BAFTAS (second for 1965's "Darling" is historically significant for being one of the first films that features homosexual subtext, homoeroticisms and it's portrayal of a repressed homosexual, if not explicitly.


This makes the film all the more extraordinary when you take into account that anti-sodomy laws were still present at the time of release, in fact it was technically still considered a punishment offence by death until 1961 (just prior to this films production). it would not being until 1967, that homosexual activity between men would be decriminalised (sexual activity between woman was not technically included in sodomy laws).


Was the only film of Losey career to be a large enough success to make him money. 





















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#94 Crash (1996) - Directed by David Cronenberg


103 Points | 2 Lists 


Crash (1996) - IMDb


"I've always wanted to drive a crashed car."


Top 10 placements: 1



Country of Origin: Canada, UK, USA

Language: English

Awards: Winner Cannes film festival David Cronenberg Special jury prize

Box Office: $2.7m

Availability: Amazon on DISC

Genre: Drama


"It risks being laughed at, and there is a definite, tiny grain of Razzie absurdity that is a part of its weirdly hypnotic high-porn torpor." Peter Bradshaw, Guardian 



Rotten Tomatoes: 63%


LETERBOXD: 3.7 out of 5




James Spader plays James Ballard, a tv director, who after a getting into a serious car accident  discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims who use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife.


What I Know about the film: 


I have heard of it, but didn't know about about it before this countdown, I have been in a couple serious car accidents, one in particularity where I saw the car about to crash into, and saw my life flash before my eyes. it was one of the most surreal, spiritual experiences I've ever had. I did not however ever want to get in another one or did I find it sexual lol. But this is about a small sub-culture of people, so I guess it is a real thing.


This is actually an adaption of a 1973 British novel of the same name by  J. G. Ballard, which was considered very controversy at the time of release


I really like James Spader and this movies does intrigue me. so I will need to watch it. it can't be worse than the 2004 "Crash" I have actually only seen a couple of David Cronenberg films, I liked them both, So I would like to see more of his work as well. 


Crash (1996) - Photo Gallery - IMDb


Cultural Relevance/ Impact 


like the book the film was very controversy upon release mostly for it's graphic sexual acts that were instigated by violence and was actually booed by angry viewers at the Cannes Film Festival, Francis Ford Coppola, president of the jury at the Cannes film festival hated the film. but despite this other members of the jury banded together against his wishes and awarded this film the special Jury Price.


is David Cronenberg's 14th of 22 released films, many of which explore bizarre and sexual premises. 


 Roger Ebert's review: (for which he gave 3.5 out of 4 stars: 

"Crash" is about characters entranced by a sexual fetish that, in fact, no one has. Cronenberg has made a movie that is pornographic in form, but not in result ... [Crash is] like a porno movie made by a computer: It downloads gigabytes of information about sex, it discovers our love affair with cars, and it combines them in a mistaken algorithm. The result is challenging, courageous and original—a dissection of the mechanics of pornography. I admired it, although I cannot say I "liked" it.







I made a boo boo I thought this won the tie breaker, but The Servant actually had a higher average of 19.5 whereas Cash has an average of 23.5. however it does have a placement in the top 10, which is probably what threw me off. 


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8 hours ago, Kalo said:

#94 Crash (1996) - Directed by David Cronenberg


103 Points | 2 Lists 


Crash (1996) - IMDb


"I've always wanted to drive a crashed car."


Top 10 placements: 1



Country of Origin: Canada, UK, USA

Language: English

Awards: Winner Cannes film festival David Cronenberg Special jury prize

Box Office: $2.7m

Availability: Amazon on DISC

Genre: Drama


"It risks being laughed at, and there is a definite, tiny grain of Razzie absurdity that is a part of its weirdly hypnotic high-porn torpor." Peter Bradshaw, Guardian 



Rotten Tomatoes: 63%


LETERBOXD: 3.7 out of 5




James Spader plays James Ballard, a tv director, who after a getting into a serious car accident  discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims who use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife.


What I Know about the film: 


I have heard of it, but didn't know about about it before this countdown, I have been in a couple serious car accidents, one in particularity where I saw the car about to crash into, and saw my life flash before my eyes. it was one of the most surreal, spiritual experiences I've ever had. I did not however ever want to get in another one or did I find it sexual lol. But this is about a small sub-culture of people, so I guess it is a real thing.


This is actually an adaption of a 1973 British novel of the same name by  J. G. Ballard, which was considered very controversy at the time of release


I really like James Spader and this movies does intrigue me. so I will need to watch it. it can't be worse than the 2004 "Crash" I have actually only seen a couple of David Cronenberg films, I liked them both, So I would like to see more of his work as well. 


Crash (1996) - Photo Gallery - IMDb


Cultural Relevance/ Impact 


like the book the film was very controversy upon release mostly for it's graphic sexual acts that were instigated by violence and was actually booed by angry viewers at the Cannes Film Festival, Francis Ford Coppola, president of the jury at the Cannes film festival hated the film. but despite this other members of the jury banded together against his wishes and awarded this film the special Jury Price.


is David Cronenberg's 14th of 22 released films, many of which explore bizarre and sexual premises. 


 Roger Ebert's review: (for which he gave 3.5 out of 4 stars: 

"Crash" is about characters entranced by a sexual fetish that, in fact, no one has. Cronenberg has made a movie that is pornographic in form, but not in result ... [Crash is] like a porno movie made by a computer: It downloads gigabytes of information about sex, it discovers our love affair with cars, and it combines them in a mistaken algorithm. The result is challenging, courageous and original—a dissection of the mechanics of pornography. I admired it, although I cannot say I "liked" it.






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I don't know why I haven't ever seen this. I'm a fan of Spader and looks like on par with the Secretary movie with Maggie Gyllenhaal which was a treat too.

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I have been busier than planned to the last couple of days. I am going on a short vacation this weekend so I will need to take a quick break. but I do plan to get a least a couple more in before I go. one write up is almost done so that will be posted either late tonight or sometime tomorrow. 

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#92 Rope (1948) - Directed by Alfred Hitchcock


103 Points | 7 Lists 


Rope - Rotten Tomatoes


"Nobody commits a murder just for the experiment of committing it. Nobody except us."



Country of Origin: USA

Language: English

Awards: Winner OFTA Hall of Fame Winner

Box Office: $2.7m

Availability: Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Drama | Crime | Thriller 


"This still underrated masterpiece is both a brilliant technical experiment and a perverse manifesto, with James Stewart in typically ambiguous form as the lads' intellectual mentor" - Jack Wilson, The Age (Australia) 



Rotten Tomatoes: 92%


LETERBOXD: 4.1 out of 5


About the film:

Two men attempt to commit the perfect crime, by staging a dinner party after strangling their classmate, in the same room as the dinner party.


What I know about the film:


This movie is fascinating on a lot of levels, it's a great crime film, a great technical achievement for the time and quietly portrayals one of the first gay couples in a main stream film in history. even if they are psychopathic murderers.  what's interesting about this film is it was released when the MPAA had strict rules about including gay characters, you could not use the word "Gay" in 1940s American films. but there were ways to get around this and Alfred Hitchcock practically invited the term "Queer Coding" granted the way the film is presented that it is entirely possible not to pick on the alleged homosexual traits of our characters, but it is there. and in fact the play on which this film is based has them portrayed as explicitly gay lovers. Hitchcock was able to bypass some of the film being cut, because the way this film was shot, to look as though it was on a contentious loop, therefore there was extremely long takes that made it almost impossible to cut scenes. but it was just covered up enough to pull the wool over most mainstream audiences eyes (not all because this film was banned in several cities upon release for that very reason). 


𓆑 — Rope (1948) + Letterboxd reviews


Here is a great article further explaining gay coding in Hitchcock films:




Cultural Relevance/Impact


Would go down in history as one of Hitchcock's best reviewed films, despite not wining any major awards. gave a rare opportunity for now revealed to be gay screen writer, Arthur Laurents to write queer characters, subverting crime drama troupe, by letting the audience know from the beginning who the killers are, instead the suspense is placed on if they get caught. Farley Granger later came out as "bisexual" years after his portrayal of Phillip, Brandon's lover in the film. Co-Star John Dall also later came out as gay, this movie was just a gay old-time!





Being released in 1948 it is the second oldest film to make the top 100.


It is the first of 3 Hitchcock films to make the top 100.


it's is also one out of two starring Farley Granger to make the top 100.


Also Farley Granger being gorgeous:



Favorite Hunks & Other Things: Just Because: Farley Granger

The ins and outs of Farley Granger | amNewYork

Attractive Stranger: RIP Farley Granger | Comet Over Hollywood

In Memoriam: actor Farley Granger, 85



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On 9/6/2023 at 2:35 PM, Kalo said:

#92 Rope (1948) - Directed by Alfred Hitchcock


103 Points | 7 Lists 


Rope - Rotten Tomatoes


"Nobody commits a murder just for the experiment of committing it. Nobody except us."



Country of Origin: USA

Language: English

Awards: Winner OFTA Hall of Fame Winner

Box Office: $2.7m

Availability: Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Drama | Crime | Thriller 


"This still underrated masterpiece is both a brilliant technical experiment and a perverse manifesto, with James Stewart in typically ambiguous form as the lads' intellectual mentor" - Jack Wilson, The Age (Australia) 



Rotten Tomatoes: 92%


LETERBOXD: 4.1 out of 5


About the film:

Two men attempt to commit the perfect crime, by staging a dinner party after strangling their classmate, in the same room as the dinner party.


What I know about the film:


This movie is fascinating on a lot of levels, it's a great crime film, a great technical achievement for the time and quietly portrayals one of the first gay couples in a main stream film in history. even if they are psychopathic murderers.  what's interesting about this film is it was released when the MPAA had strict rules about including gay characters, you could not use the word "Gay" in 1940s American films. but there were ways to get around this and Alfred Hitchcock practically invited the term "Queer Coding" granted the way the film is presented that it is entirely possible not to pick on the alleged homosexual traits of our characters, but it is there. and in fact the play on which this film is based has them portrayed as explicitly gay lovers. Hitchcock was able to bypass some of the film being cut, because the way this film was shot, to look as though it was on a contentious loop, therefore there was extremely long takes that made it almost impossible to cut scenes. but it was just covered up enough to pull the wool over most mainstream audiences eyes (not all because this film was banned in several cities upon release for that very reason). 


𓆑 — Rope (1948) + Letterboxd reviews


Here is a great article further explaining gay coding in Hitchcock films:




Cultural Relevance/Impact


Would go down in history as one of Hitchcock's best reviewed films, despite not wining any major awards. gave a rare opportunity for now revealed to be gay screen writer, Arthur Laurents to write queer characters, subverting crime drama troupe, by letting the audience know from the beginning who the killers are, instead the suspense is placed on if they get caught. Farley Granger later came out as "bisexual" years after his portrayal of Phillip, Brandon's lover in the film. 





Being released in 1948 it is the second oldest film to make the top 100.


It is the first of 3 Hitchcock films to make the top 100.


it's is also one out of two starring Farley Granger to make the top 100.


Also Farley Granger being gorgeous:


  Hide contents

Favorite Hunks & Other Things: Just Because: Farley Granger

The ins and outs of Farley Granger | amNewYork

Attractive Stranger: RIP Farley Granger | Comet Over Hollywood

In Memoriam: actor Farley Granger, 85




John Dall who played Brandon was also gay.  He was Oscar nominated earlier in Supporting opposite Bette Davis in The Corn Is Green in 1945.

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#91 Rebel Without a Cause (1955) - Directed by Nicholas Ray


104 Points | 4 Lists 


Rebel Without a Cause - movie: watch stream online


"You're tearing me apart!"



Country of Origin: USA

Language: English

Awards: 3 Oscar Nominations, (including best Supporting actor for Sal Mineo and Supporting actress (Natalie Wood and best adapted screenplay, 2 BAFTA's including a nom for James Dean for best acting, and 1 Golden Globe win for Natalie Wood for most promising newcomer)

Box Office: $4.5m

Availability: Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Drama 


"With his slicked-up quiff, turned-up jeans and revved-up attitude, Dean instantly achieved icon status. - Kate Muir, Times (UK)



Rotten Tomatoes: 94%


LETERBOXD: 3.8 out of 5


About the film:

After moving to a new town an aimless teen with a troubled pasts. finds new friends, and enemies.


What I know about the film:


I am a pretty big James Dean fan, I watched all three of his major films in a over a short period of time a few years ago, all I can say is it is truly tragic that he passed so young, because he was truly talented and I would have liked to see what his future filmography would have looked like. I don't know a ton about him myself, but apparently he had a of troubled life kind of like the film he is in, he died in a car crash, before the release of his last two films, being Rebel Without a cause and East of Eden. and although he dated woman, he did have several affairs with men, there is some controversy weather it had to do with career advancement (aka sexual favors) but I think it is extremely likely he was at least bi-sexual. Sal Mineo who plays plato Crawford came out as bi-sexual in 1972. his character pluto although not outwardly stated is heavily implied to be gay in the film and in love with Jame's dean's character.


Gay Best Friend: Plato in "Rebel Without a Cause" (1954) - Blog - The Film  Experience


Cultural Relevance / Impact


It is THE teen angst movie, this is where they started, pretty much ever teen rebellious movie ever made after this was inspired by this film in some way. solidified Jemes dean as a sex icon, got both Sal Mineo and Natalie Wood Oscar nominations. Sal at age 17 became 5th youngest actor ever to receive an Oscar nomination at the time.  In 1990, the film was added to the Library of Congress's National Film Registry as being deemed "culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant".


Pin on James Dean


Greatly attributed to the The Gay Times Readers' Awards cited James Dean as the greatest male gay icon of all time. 


James Dean and Sal Mineo being iconic and sexy.


rebel without a cause | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumpik

Was James Dean Gay? Here's The Real Answer

22 things you probably didn't know about James Dean

Sal Mineo - IMDb

Peter Bogdanovich Essay on Sal Mineo Following His Death




Being released in 1955 Rebel without a Cause is the 4th oldest film to make the top 100. 



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#90 Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée


108 Points | 3 Lists 


Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - IMDb


 "Let me give y'all a little news flash. There ain't nothin' out there can kill fuckin' Ron Woodroof in 30 days"


Country of Origin: USA

Language: English

Awards: Won 3 Oscars out of it's six nominations, including a best actor win for Matthew McConaughey, and a best supporting actor win for jarred Leto. was nominated for best picture and won the Oscar for best makeup, despite only having a makeup budget of $250.00. Won 2 Golden Gobles (same acting awards as Oscars).

Box Office: $27.3m Dom, $55.2m WW.

Availability: Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Drama | History |  


"Sometimes a character punches through the screen, beyond the film containing him. Matthew McConaughey's performance as an HIV-positive cowboy in Dallas Buyers Club is one of those moments." - Kate Muir Time (UK)



Rotten Tomatoes: 92%


LETERBOXD: 3.9 out of 5


About the film:


In 1985 Dallas, electrician and hustler Ron Woodroof works around the system to help AIDS patients get the medication they need after he is diagnosed with the disease. 


What I know about the film:

I watched this movie shortly after it came out I believe, so it has been a while, but I do remember Matthew McConaughey giving a knock out performance as Ron Woodroof, the unlikely hero of the real life story of a rodeo cowboy who contracted AIDS heterosexually, and then fought the pharmaceutical industry for the DRUG AZT (the only pharmaceutical drug at the time believed to prolong the life of AIDS patients, he ends of encountering Rayon a trans-woman living with AIDS. they form an unlikely friendship. establishing a black market for the drugs, which in turn extends thousands of AIDS patients lives. 


This is a very heavy subject matter so this movie is not really an easy watch, but it is well made and I would definitely check it out. 


Jared Leto talks about his latest transformation in "Dallas Buyers Club" |  Interviews | Roger Ebert


Cultural Relevance / Impact


Dallas Buyers Club was one of the first mainstream films to address the AIDS epidemic, especially how that it effected heterosexuals the same as homosexuals.  (Philadelphia being the first I believe) which took the lives of over 100,000 patients from 1981-1990. thankfully we have much better treatment and preventative drugs for the disease now, but it is still a major disease concern, with a reported 630,000 aides related deaths accrued in 2022. showcases how hard it was to receive proper medical treatment if you were diagnosed with AIDS in the 1980s.


Will be forever known as an "Oscar winning film" having 3 wins




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#332 Monsoon (2020) | 2 points - average placement 74

Monsoon review – sweet times and scented tea in Saigon | Drama films | The  Guardian


#332 Priest (1994) | 2 Points average placement: 74 

movie gifs — pearl-bastard: Priest (1994) dir. Antonia Bird


#332 The River (1997) 2 Points Average Placement: 74

The River (1997) - IMDb


#329 The Canterbury Tales (1972) 2 Points Average placement: 41

Los cuentos de Canterbury | Pier Paolo Pasolini | Cine Divergente


#328 4 Moons (Cuatro Lunas) | 3 Points average Placement: 98

4 Moons (2014)


#327 Mon on High Heels (2014) | 3 Points average placement: 73 

Cha Seung Won Man On High Heels GIF - Cha Seung Won Man On High Heels  Korean Movie - Discover & Share GIFs


#326 Summer Storm (2004) | 3 Points average placement: 49

Summer Storm - Full Movie Watch Online - Gay Movie Online


#226 Fear Street 1994 (2021) 3 Points average placement: 49

Fear Street Fs GIF - Fear Street Fs Fearstreat - Discover & Share GIFs


#226 Summertime (2015) | 3 Points average placement 49

Summertime Movie Review - WLW Film Reviews


#323 The Celluloid Closet (1995) | 3 Points Average placement: 39

The Celluloid Closet | PTFF Focus




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#89 Joyland (2022) - Directed by Saim Sadiq


109 Points | 2 Lists 


Joyland - movie: where to watch streaming online


Top 10 Placements: 1 


Country of Origin: Pakistan, USA

Language: Urdu 

Awards: Winner Best independent film (independent Spirit award), 2 Palm Springs international film festival wins out of three noms, Best actor (Ali Junejo) directors to watch (Saim Sadiq) 

Box Office: $300k $1.2m WW

Availability: Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Drama | Romance


Over and above its antique cautionary-tale framework, writer-director Saim Sadiq’s drama (co-written with American scenarist Maggie Briggs) is a mini-treatise on Pakistani society in the 21st century, particularly in the gender-role-playing arena. - Kelly Vance, East Bay Express. 



Rotten Tomatoes: 98%


LETERBOXD: 4.1 out of 5


About the Film 


 In Patriarchal Pakistan a traditional family yarns for the birth of a baby boy to continue the family line, however, their youngest son, Haider, secretly takes a job as a back up dancer in a Bollywood style burlesque where he quickly becomes infatuated with the strong willed trans woman who runs the show. 


What I know about the film


I have heard nothing but great things about this film, I actually almost saw it in theaters last April, but it was an hour drive and I was very busy that time of year, and ended up not seeing it (yet).


Joyland star Alina Khan on trans visibility and finding acceptance


Cultural Relevance / Impact 


Was the first Pakistani film to premiere at the Cannes film festival (on May 23rd 2022) where it received a standing ovation after it's screening. It won the festivals Jury Prize as well as the Queer Palm Prize for LGBT themed films. the film was briefly banned from theatrical release in Pakistan but was able to be released after minor cuts where made. was the first Pakistani film ever to be shortlisted in the best florigen film category at the 95th Academy Awards. is a step forward for Pakistan and films in the middle east where being Gay or part of the LGBT community is still illegal in most countries. (including Pakistan, where you can still go to prison for same sex acts, however it would seem it is rarely enforced there anymore), still it makes this films mere existence all the more remarkable.



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#88 Other People (2016) - Directed by Chris Kelly


109 Points | 3 Lists 


Amazon.com: Other People : Molly Shannon, Jesse Plemons, Zach Woods,  Bradley Whitford, Chris Kelly: Movies & TV



Country of Origin: USA

Language: English

Awards: 4 Independent Spirit award Noms, including a win for best actress for Molly Shannon 

Box Office: $91.4k

Availability: Netflix | Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Comedy | Drama





Rotten Tomatoes: 85%


LETERBOXD: 4.1 out of 5


About the film:

A struggling comedy writer, fresh off a breakup and in the midst of the worst year of his life, returns to Sacramento to care for his dying mother.


What I know about the film


I saw this movie quite a few years ago shortly after it came out, take the "comedy" aspect with a big grain of salt because this movie is freakin sad. it does have funny parts and it is incredibly well acted, Molly Shannon and Jesse Plemons both being standout, but if you have after lot anyone close to you this might be hard to watch. 


Apparently Director Chris Kelly partially based this story on his real life dealing with his mother's cancer and Molly Shannon resublimed her quite a bit.


My streaming gem: why you should watch Other People | Comedy films | The  Guardian


Cultural Relevance / Impact 


Won Molly Shanon an IS Award, is a (well Made), relationship comedy drama, spreads awareness cancer. shows that Jesse Plemons is a pretty cute gay boy. 




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#87 The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) - Directed by Desiree Akhavan

115 Points | 3 Lists 


The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) - IMDb


"How is programming people to hate themselves not emotional abuse?" 


Top 10 Placements: 1


Country of Origin: USA

Language: English

Awards: won the Grand Jury Prize for US Drama at the Sundance film festival 

Box Office: $1.5m

Availability: Hulu | Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Drama





Rotten Tomatoes: 86%


LETERBOXD: 3.5 out of 5


About the film:


In 1993, a Teenage girl is sent to gay conversion therapy by her conservative guardians 


What I know about the film:


I saw this movie during 2020, so I was already kind of depressed. And I don't know if It was that I wasn't in the mood for this kind of film, but I don't remember liking it all that much, it is very well acted though and disturbing at parts, I just remember liking "But I'm a Cherleader" way more. I really don't remember a ton about this movie tbh.

I do however know being "outed" too early can be a terrible thing to live with, especially if it happens when you are still living with your parents and not able to be on your own yet, I was found out by my extremally conservative christian parents when I was 15, and while they didn't try to send me to a conversion camp, (although if they did it would have been nice to meet some other gay kids my age at the time lol)  it made my life pretty grim for the next couple of years.

Sasha Lane is great in this film, but if you haven't already please watch "American Honey" she gives one of the most authentic real performances I have ever seen from an actress her age. 


The Miseducation of Cameron Post review – coming-of-age in the glare of  prejudice | Drama films | The Guardian


Cultural Relevance: 


Shines light into what gay conversion therapy is like and how much harm it can and has caused over the years Showed audience that Chloë Grace Moretz is not a little girl anymore, and can take on adult roles with nuance well. 











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#86 In & Out (1997) - Directed by Frank Oz

115 Points | 6 Lists 


In & Out (1997) - IMDb




Top 10 Placements: 1


Country of Origin: USA

Language: English

Awards: Joan Cusack was nominated for the best supporting actress at the Oscars. 2 Golden Globe nominations for Cusack and Kline. 

Box Office: $63.9m

Availability: Paramount+ | Rent on Amazon Prime, Apple tv, Google Play

Genre: Comedy


In a year when good comedies seem as hard to make as ever, In and Out is one of the best." - Roger Ebert (Chicago Sun Times)


Rotten Tomatoes: 73%


LETERBOXD: 3.2 out of 5

About the film:


A midwestern teacher questions his sexuality after a former student makes a comment about him at the Academy Awards.


What I know about the film: 


I Watched this movie a long time ago, And it was pretty funny, it may not seem like that big of deal now, but it was actually one of the best films of its kind to have a light hearted approach to being gay, its a straight up comedy (well the Birdcage was the first I think so this is like the second). it was a pretty big hit at release too making over $60m on a budget of $35m. Kelvin Kline is great in it as a oblivious  gay man (although I have no idea how he didn't know until he was like 40..) Joan Cuasack is super funny in this movie too and like fantastic. it has some super dated stereotypical tropes about what being gay is, but it's mostly all done in a comedic way so it's fairly easy to overlook. 


Goofs: The film shows the academy awards ceremony as being on a Thursday (because he says he is getting married on Sunday and 3 days after, the Oscars are always held on a Sunday. it is supposed to be almost high school graduation in like late may/early June  and the Oscars always are held in Feb-March.


Tom Selleck Kevin Kline GIF - Tom Selleck Kevin Kline In And ...


Cultural Relevance/ Impact. 


Was one of the first mainstream LGBT comedies released, will be remembered for it's iconic kiss scene between Tom Sellick and Kelvin Kline, Joan Cusack got like 100 nominations for her portrayal of Emily Montgomery, the jaded bride. at $63.9m dollars it's actually one of the highest grossing LGBT films of all time. ranking #9 after Philadelphia.






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Here is a few films that just missed the top 100


#110 89 Points average placement: 11 | 1 list 


The Strong Ones (2019) - directed by Omar Zúñiga Hidalgo


Los Fuertes The Strong Ones GIF - Los Fuertes The Strong Ones Gay -  Discover & Share GIFs


This film is pretty much the reason why I decided to do a little write up for movies placing #110-101 on the list.

 I'm sad it missed it, it is a very touching and well sexy film about two star crossed lovers in Chile, it's gorgeously shot and is a very touching and a bit sad film. also I want to re-create my whole wardrobe based on this movie, just look a the style they have:


Outfest 2020 Film Review: The Strong Ones (Los Fuertes) 1/2 – The Queer  Review



#109 90 Points | average list placement 3 | 1 list 


 The Passion of Joan of Arch (1928) - Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer


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Releasing in 1928 this would have been the oldest film top make the top 100, I think the main reason it did not make the top 100 is that I don't think it technically qualifies as LGBT. it is a brilliant film, nay one of the best silent films ever made in my opinion. and there is some speculation as to weather Joan of Arch was gay or possible trans, but considering how much of her history is considered legend and so very long ago it is really impossible to say for sure. it is also not on the very comprehension list from letterboxd  https://letterboxd.com/mundof/list/pride-a-chronological-history-of-queer-interest/. which lists anything from old film history remotely LGBT related, so it probably wouldn't have qualified. it is does however have some pretty intense scenes  portraying persecution from the church, intolerance and complete rejection from society, all themes that LGBT community can related to in some form or another, it really is a great film and if you only plan on watch 1 silent era film I would say this is a pretty good bet.


(although, wings, (1928 does contain more direct LGBT content, like a same sex kiss and it is the first BP winner ever, different from the others (1918) a German film no less maybe be the first ever to directly address being gay in a positive manner. much of the film is missing due to it being destroyed for it's message though. neither film received any points in this countdown. 



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#322 The Danish Girl (2015) 3 Points average placement: 21 

The Danish Girl (2015) - IMDb


#321 Too Outrageous! (1987) 3 Points average Placement: 18

Outrageous! (1977) - News - IMDb


#320 Miguel's War (2021) 4 Points average placement: 72

Miguel's War (2021) - IMDb


#319 Daddy and the Muscle Academy (1991) 4 Points average placement 38

Daddy and the Muscle Academy - Rotten Tomatoes


#318 The Demons (2015) 5 Points average placement: 70

The Demons (2015) - Backdrops — The Movie Database (TMDB)


#318 How to Win at Checkers (Every time) (2015) 5 Points average placement: 70

How to Win at Checkers (Every Time) - Rotten Tomatoes


#316 Lie with Me (2022) 5 Points average placement 69

lgbt+ culture



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We made it into the top 85! I appreciate all the likes so far and encouragement. a countdown like this is very time consuming so it's nice to know people are reading it, I know it's going a little slow, but I work two jobs and am just always busy so I am just trying to consistently update pretty much everyday if possible, thanks for your patience.


Placements so far: 


#100 Plan B (2010) 96 Points

#99 Suavage / Wild (2018) 99 Points

#98 A Special Day (1978) 100 Points

#98 My First Summer (2020) 100 Points

#96 The Watermelon Woman (1996) 100 Points

#95 Can You Ever Forgive Me (2018) 100 Points

#94 Crash (1996) 103 Points 

#93 The Servant (1963) 103 Points 

#92 Rope (1948) 103 Points

#91 Rebel Without a Cause (1955) 104 Points

#90 Dallas Buyers Club (2013) 108 Points 

#89 Joyland (2022) 109 Points

#88 Other People (2016) 109 Points 

#87 The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) 115 Points

#86 In & Out (1997) 115 Points 


and here is some songs to listen to while you read.


Decades so far:


2020s: 2

2010s: 6

2000s: 0

1990s: 3

1980s: 0

1970s: 1

1960s: 1

1950s: 1

1940s: 1





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