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El Squibbonator

The Twisted Childhood Universe |

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OK, so chances are if you pay attention to movies you've heard about Winnie-The-Pooh: Blood And Honey, the shamelessly schlocky horror movie released last year to cash in on the fact that A. A. Milne's original book is now in the public domain. And you might be aware of its sequel, which has higher production values but doesn't improve on it in any other way. If anything, it's even more ridiculous. The reason I'm making a thread for these things is because their director, one Rhys Frake-Waterfield of England, has declared his intent to create an entire horror franchise based around murderous versions of public-domain children's book and fairy-tale characters known as the Twisted Childhood Universe, all culminating in a crossover film called-- wait for it-- Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble.


The other movies on his agenda include Bambi: The Reckoning, Pinocchio Unstrung, Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare, and Awakening Sleeping Beauty. It's telling, I think, that all of these are stories that have been adapted into animated movies by Disney, and the poster for Poohniverse uses a Marvel Cinematic Universe-like art style and font. Frake-Waterfield is definitely building his brand on being the "anti-Disney" and even if I can't vouch for the quality of his movies, I can at least respect that.

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