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CAYOM: Year 4 (Part 1)

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Phone Conversations with Mother

Genre: Comedy

Date: 2/28

Cast: Jim Parsons (William H. Fickerson III), Vince Vaughn (Blake Steele), Jon Heder (Sidney Fickerson), Jonah Hill (Jason), Anne Hathway (Deb)

Runtime: 103 min (1 hr 43 min)

Rating: R for Language, Drinking/Drug References, mild sexuality

Budget : $30 million

Theaters: 2,688

Plot Summary: William talks to his mom on the phone every day.


William comes from a well-off family. The son of a doctor and a lawyer, he feels an overwhelming guilt due to the situation into which he was born. The film starts with William sitting on his bed, awkwardly twirling a necklace with his toes as he talks to his mother. We can't hear her voice, but we can hear his responses. He complains about the mess his roommate Blake and Blake's friend Jason left while watching football before. At this point, Blake comes out of the bathroom, looking frustrated. William pays him no mind, continuing to give his mom the play-by-play of his day, with Blake looking frustrated in the background.

An hour later, William finally hangs up the phone and tears into Blake, telling him how he doesn't appreciate being talked about when he's standing in the room. William becomes overly defensive, and then calls out Blake on his real name, Francis, that he changed to appear "cool." This causes Blake to chew out William even further. William storms out of the room and begins to mutter. "Spspspspspps." is the sound of his muttering.

We now see William walking around in a local park, storming back and forth and trying to keep himself calm. Back at the apartment, Blake has brought Jason over. They are watching the baseball playoffs, and Blake is eating some microwave popcorn. A few pieces fall down to the ground, and Blake ignores them. Blake and Jason share some sarcastic banter as the game goes on.

They then both hear the same sound. The jingling keys and the "spsppspspsps" muttering. They exchange knowing glances; William has returned. The scene cuts to William in the entryway, as he is about to enter their room. We see him walking around, muttering constantly, sometimes short "spsps" and other times a long "spsppspspsppspsps" sound. As he does this, he jerks his neck around awkwardly, like a dragon breathing fire. He opens the door to enter their room. Almost immediately, he gives Jason a "predatory glare" (as he'd call it) and goes off into his speech that both Jason and Blake have memorized. "Every tiime! I say every time I come back into the room... there's popcorn on the floor, Jason's in the room, and Blake's watching TV, oblivious to it all! I can't live like this!"

Both Blake and Jason crack up laughing at William's overreaction. He gives them both his weird/angry glare and that only makes them laugh even harder. He tries to get Jason to leave. Jason says he wants to watch just one more inning. William says he gets five minutes... no questions. Jason is about to protest that baseball innings aren't timed, but Blake stops him just in time. Five minutes are up, with a key at-bat about to happen. Jason protests as William almost instantly turns off the TV. Jaosn leaves, looking both frustrated and scheming.

That night, Blake is looking at stocks and other random things online, around 1 AM. William insists he must turn the light out... Blake asks for a few more minutes, and then turns away his screen so it is facing his bed, not William at all. William insists that doesn't help, and tells Blake to "close up." Blake retorts, "I'm not a shop!" and William just sighs. Another ten minutes pass, and Blake turns off his screen.

Instantly, the turning off of the screen causes William to start talking, complaining about Jason's behavior. Blake tries to shut William out but social convention keeps him from ignoring him completely, and William keeps talking. They both go to bed, but we see William struggling to fall asleep.

The next evening, William is on the phone with his mother again, Blake is hearing William tell his mom how Blake kept him up until four in the morning. After this call, Blake argues with William about being kept up. William claims that it was "mulitiple factors" including Blake's computer use, Jason's behavior, and "personal issues." Blake rips into this argument, saying he couldn't take the blame for all 3 hours if there were multiple factor. William lets out an exaggerated sigh.

Later, William explains to Blake that his brother is visiting and that the place must be clean. At the same time, Jason is scheming on his own. He finally tells Blake about some ideas, to plant marijuana on William so he can get evicted. Blake doesn't show much interest, saying he'd rather not risk getting in trouble himself, but Jason doesn't listen. He tells Blake he won't do it at least, but he still intends to do so.

William is happy to see the place looks clean as his brother comes in. His brother (Sidney) has a surprise as well... William doesn't normally like surprises, but this one is Deb, a beautiful woman that works with Sidney. They go out for dinner and everyone enjoys themselves. It isn't out-and-out said, but it is implied that Sidney is gay through the in-jokes between brothers. William does not judge Sidney at all for that, respecting him for doing so well in life despite being regarded by some as a second-class citizen.

Deb enjoys William's strange jokes that annoy many... it seems that Sidney found a good woman! But as they return to the apartment, Jason is there and things look destructive. Worse, Blake isn't there... somehow Jason got in. William erupts at Jason and freaks out when he sees marijuana in his dresser. Jason insists that it's not his, but William does not accept that. Blake comes back in, confused himself. He admits to William that Jason had this idea. He told Jason not to do it but apparently he did. Jason had already informed the police, but they are not impressed with the situation. It's just a couple of ounces of marijuana and the cops, seeing the whole situation, decide to fine Jason for wasting their time.... there were bigger cases going on. The plan wouldn't have worked, even if Blake had been complicit!

We see William begin to date Deb and find a decent job, enough to move out. Blake goes back to being Francis and enjoys having the place to himself. The final scene shows Deb and William on a hike in the woods. William looks happier than he's ever been.

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This seemed like a fun filler in the vein of my Chuck Norris teamups. Well, it started as a filler, but it somehow went longer... Don't worry, not everyone plays themselves! :P

A Stark Night

Director: James Bobin

Genre: Action-Comedy

Date: January 24

Studio: Blankments Productions

Cast: Michael Keaton as Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer as Val Kilmer, Kevin Conroy as Kevin Conroy, Adam West as Adam West, Chris O'Donnell as an Iron Man fanboy, Michael Caine as Christian Bale's agent, Mark Hamill as the President of Marvel Comics, John DiMaggio as the Hotel Manager, Jack Nicholson as the Comic Con MC, Danny DeVito as the Head Terrorist, Joe Walker as Joe Walker, and Diedrich Baker as Diedrich Baker.

Music by: Elliot Goldenthal.

Runtime: 98 min

Tagline: They Are The Vengeance. They Are The Night. We Are The Doomed.

Plot Summary: Five Batmen team up at Comic-Con. Terrorists, hilarity, and cameos ensue.


Michael Keaton decides to put together a Batman reunion panel for Comic-Con, wanting to be back in the fans' eyes. He convinces three other previous Batmen to join him, telling them that this will let them come back up into the public's eyes. The four Batmen are Michael Keaton, the planner; Kevin Conroy, the talker; Adam West, the distraction; and Val Kilmer, the techie. The four then go to Comic-Con and begin their panel on Saturday. However, no one is there! The four go snooping around and corner an Iron Man fanboy who explains that everyone is prepping for the big Iron Man panel coming up. He also says that no one cares about these guys as Batman since Christian Bale was the last big Batman. The four go back to their hotel, dejected, and are told by their hotel manager that they only have one room for them.

In the hotel, they see on the news that all of the San Diego police department will be at the Con on Sunday, Kevin Conroy comes up with an idea. They can ask Christian Bale to join their panel! They call Christian Bale, but only his agent answers, who says Bale is trying to move on from the role of Batman and has decided to make no public appearances at conventions anymore. They then look up the Comic Con schedule. They see that the Iron Man panel is the closer on Sunday night, and Val Kilmer says if they sabotage it, they could become the stars of Comic Con. Michael Keaton and Kevin Conroy feel like it's a bad idea, but Adam West is all for it. In fact, Adam West formulates the actual plan.

The plan is explained in B:TAS style animation: Kevin Conroy dresses as the Joker, while the other three dress up in their respective Batman costumes. When the MC of Comic Con starts announcing, Conroy will storm up the stage shooting the roof of the convention with a squirt gun to scare everyone, and take the president of Marvel Comics hostage but then the three Batmen will come into Hall H to beat up the Joker. They will then explain to the audience in character that the Joker is really another Batman who has been brainwashed by the real Joker, and if they cheer their real names, then the Conroy Batman will be freed from the Joker's control.

They spend the next day in a montage planning for this, fixing up their costumes and buying the gun and the costume for Kevin Conroy. However, a terrorist with a small army comes into Comic-Con, which is going on all day Sunday, and takes the place over, trapping all of the fans in the building into exclusively Hall H, and the terrorist army guards the entrances to the convention.

The four Batmen head back to their hotel, and notice the hotel manager is gone. Suddenly, a Batmobile pulls up, and out walks Christian Bale's agent and Joe Walker. Joe Walker and the agent throw them into the Batmobile, while Joe Walker explains what has happened to the Con. [4] The agent says that while the Batmobile has no guns, every Batman weapon is loaded onto it. The agent then explains that they have brought the suits from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight for Walker and Conroy, knowing neither of them have good suits. Conroy takes the Begins suit and Walker takes the other one. The five Batmen suit up, just in time with pulling up to the convention.

As soon as Christian Bale's agent opens the door, he is shot and killed. The five Batmen take on the terrorists, knocking them out comically with both their fists and the weapons. They run inside and find it deserted. They look around stealthily when suddenly, Joe Walker is shot and the terrorists guarding Hall H run towards the Batmen. The four fight the terrorists and knock them out. They then run to Joe Walker, who says that they must defeat the terrorists with the spirit of Bruce Wayne, and then dies. Kevin Conroy screams in agony at the loss. [2]

The four rush into Hall H, and all of the fans rush out of the convention center, with the four being pushed out into the front of the convention center. Suddenly, another Batman walks out, this one wearing The Dark Knight suit as well. He introduces himself as Diedrich Baker, and the five Batmen rush into Hall H to rescue the MC and the President of Marvel Comics.

The doors close behind them and they are locked in. Joe Walker walks out, to everyone's surprise. Keaton asks how is this possible. Joe Walker says it doesn't really make much sense, but it doesn't make much sense how four untrained men were able to dispatch so many terrorists. Joe Walker then explains he is going to kill the five Batmen now, so that way he will be the only Batman besides Christian Bale. Kilmer points out George Clooney, but everyone ignores him. Joe Walker raises his gun...

And is shot by the terrorist, immediately killing him for real. The terrorist then turns to the four Batmen, revealing that he's got them right where he wants them. He explains that as a kid, he loved Batman comics, and the mystery and the fun surrounding them. He always wanted to play Batman in a movie, but he never got the part, losing out to West, Keaton, Conroy, Kilmer, and worst of all, Clooney. His agent gave up on then and moved onto Christian Bale, who did get the part. He reveals that he has a nuclear bomb in Christian Bale's house that he will detonate after the five Batmen in front of him die. The terrorist raises his gun...

And is shot three times, immediately killing him. The five Batmen look to see where the shots came from when they hear a declaration. [3] The MC of Comic Con, the President of Marvel Comics, and the hotel manager walk out with pistols smoking. The five Batmen ask them why do they want to cause terror, and they respond with, "It's fun." They reveal, while putting on Joker makeup, that the three of them have loved the Joker since his very first appearance and they have planning this for many years. When they saw that the Batman panel was scheduled, they decided to put their plan into effect. They reveal that the supposed nuke is actually in the Batmobile, planted there by Joe Walker, and it will explode in five minutes, killing everyone within the city limits. This is enough for the five Batmen, who spring into action and beat up the three Jokers.

As soon as the Jokers are unconscious (two minutes later,) the doors open and they run out. They run inside the Batmobile, and try to figure out how to work it. [1] They find the autopilot button, and set it to Pluto. The Batmobile becomes the Batplane and takes off, and it blows up in the asteroid belt. The five Batmen are heralded as heroes, and all five of their careers come back.

Note: At the numbered points in the film, the following lines are said.

1. Adam West: Some days, you can't just get rid of a bomb.

2. Kevin Conroy: I am the Vengeance, I am the Night, I am Batman!

3. MC of Comic Con: Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

4. Christian Bale's Butler: Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Theaters: 3,239

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense action, some crude humor and language

Budget: $40 million

Edited by Blankments
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Date- October 10th 4

Genre- CGI Live-Action Family Adventure

Rating- PG for mild thematic elements and adventure action

Theaters- 3,525 theaters

Budget- 80 million

Running Time- 102 minutes or 1 hour and 42 minutes

Studio- Number 2 Productions

Director- Spike Jonze

Actors and Actresses-

Jack - Joel Courtney

Grizz (voice) - James Gandolfini

Dommy (voice) – Jodi Benson

GB (voice) – Jordan Nagai

Beary (voice) – John Morris

Bubbles (voice) – Mandy Moore

Cuttles (voice) - Nicole Kidman

Jack’s mom – Catherine Keener

Plot: Jack is struggling with school and getting along with his family and friends. His dad and mom are getting divorced and his older brother who he looks up to gets busted for drugs and is sent to jail. Nobody seems to understand Jack’s problems. One day eight year old Jack struggling with these new changes runs away from home after getting into a fight with his mom. He runs off to a forest island in the middle of a nearby lake and discovers a grizzly bear. The bear introduces himself a Grizz. Grizz asks why Jack is on the island. Jack explains. Grizz says that he can spend some time on the island with Grizz’s family and learn all there is to now about life. Grizz takes Jack to the cave which is there home and introduces Jack to Dommy Grizz’s wife, GB the cub, Beary a polar bear, Bubbles Beary’s sister and Cuttles a small black bear. They adopt Jack into their family. As Jack stays the week with them he discovers finds my things out. He learns what loyalty, courage, fear, anger, love, pride, and joy are. He sees that even close families like Grizz’s can have arguments and struggles yet can be a place of refuge and joy. He has many fun and exciting adventures on the island. After spending an exciting week on the island, Grizz tells Jack that he has learned everything he needs to know about life and how to deal with his parents divorce and his brother’s problem. Jack stands on the beach and hugs the bear family. He waves goodbye and he leaves. He turns around to see if they are still there and all he sees are a group of wild bears. He goes home and impresses his parents with his obedient attitude. His parents discuss his problems and help solve them with him. In the end his parents stay together, Jack does excellent at school and gets more friends. Once a week Jack sails to the island in search of the bears but he can find nothing.

Midnight: Children of the Damned

Date- June 6th 4

Genre- Horror/Romance/Thriller

Rating- PG-13-violence and creature terror and sexual content

Theaters- 3,165 theaters

Budget- 45 million

Running Time- 102 minutes or 1 hour and 42 minutes

Studio- Number 2 Productions

Director- Catherine Hardwicke

Actors and Actress-

Alex Sajez- Shiloh Fernandez

Logan Davis- Penn Bagdley

Jane Gilbert- Mia Wasikowska

Brian Sajez- Paul Wesley

Vicky- Rachelle Lefevre

Elizabeth Baits- Candice Accola

Jack Hunter- Hugh Jackman

Grandmother Sajez- Judi Dench

Thomas Sajez a.k.a Mr. Sajez- Richard Roxburgh

Plot: In a medieval village, an orphaned girl, Jane Gilbert is found with her maid Elizabeth on a road after being robbed by robbers. They are taken in by the wealth Sajez's. Shortly after Jane comes to the village multiple killings occur and Thomas Sajez calls a legendary hunter, Jack Hunter who tries to find the beast who is responsible for the killings. Jack Hunter startles people when he says that the beast is one of them. He says that it is a vampire or werewolf. The villagers laugh at him. Meanwhile Jane and Alex Sajez grow in a relationship. Alex's father and Grandmother voice their opinions about Alex's friendship with the village drunkard's son, Logan who is trying to separate Alex and Jane. Grandmother tells Logan that she will stop him at all cost. The villagers kill a bear that was discovered lurking near the village and proclaim the beast is dead. They have a massive festival. During the festival, the beast attacks and kills many. Logan is bitten in the hand by the monster. Logan quickly discovers that the beast is not an animal but a werewolf. He quickly distances himself from the village and Alex. Alex is perplexed by this. Logan, who has become a werewolf, discovers that Jane is a vampire and so is her maid Elizabeth. Alex also finds out and decides to protect Jane and Elizabeth from Jack Hunter. Jane gives Alex a bottle of her blood, saying that it will make him a vampire if he drinks it. She tells him that she and Elizabeth are not responsible for the deaths of the villagers that it is a werewolf. She says that they came to the village to destroy it. Logan in an act of helping Alex from the hunters kills Jane but in the process Alex discovers that Logan is a werewolf. Alex accuses Logan of killing the villagers. Logan unable to control himself attacks and kills Alex. Alex revives as a vampire since he had Jane’s blood in his body. When Logan reaches the village he is interrogated by Alex’s Grandmother who psychologically torments Logan. She reveals that she was the original werewolf who attacked Logan and the villagers. That night since the full moon is almost over; Jack Hunter and the villagers led a violent search for the beast. Grandmother Sajez and Elizabeth are both finally killed but Logan and Alex escape. In an act of vengeance for the loss of Jane, Alex turns his older brother Brain and his girlfriend Vicky into vampires.

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Taking Names

Genre: Action/Comedy

Date: June 13th

Theaters: 3,158

Cast: Channing Tatum, Alec Baldwin, Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, Woody Harrelson, plus some celebrity cameos.

Director: Will Gluck

Synopsis: Two famous actors must take on LA gangs in this action comedy in world of movies.

Jake Gunn (Tatum) is one of the most successful and attractive movie stars working in current Hollywood. Even the internet respects him for his humanitarian efforts. However, his dream is to win an Oscar, something he's never done in the 5 years that he's been a major star, probably because he started out in movies like "Action Jeans," and "Let's Dance In Super 3D!!" However, Jake finds his chance when a greedy producer, Mr. Korinski (Baldwin) wants him to be in a WWII movie, a genre that's prone to Oscar success, and the presence of Gunn in the movie could also make it a big financial success. Eventually, the film stars filming and Gunn's acting skills in a serious role aren't quite as effective as he had hoped, and early screenings for the film recieved mixed reviews. On top of that, pretty much no one praised Gunn's performance. As a result, the film is forced to be delayed a year in order to fix it up.

However, some unfortunate circumstances come into play during the film making process. It turns out that Mr. Korinski has some unpaid debts with some of the gangs in the bad neighborhoods in LA, and now, they're finally getting their revenge on the shady producers, by attempting to destroy the film he's been working on. The budget has gotten so high that it gratelyexceeds what he's taken from them, and that if this fails, Korinski won't only lose the money he put into the film, but become a joke of Hollywood. They carry out their plans by sneaking into the studio and destroying set pieces, and killing crew members. These incidents soon appear in the news, but the press is unaware of the gang that's causing these incidents.

Gunn eventually catches on to the gang's evil plan, but he comes up with his own plan to fight the gang and its charismatic leader, Rock (McBride). He convinces his geeky friend, Tom (Hill) to take the prop weapons from the movie and mod them to become real and lethal killing machines. Later on, he does just that, but he doesn't tell Gunn that the props are the same as they always were, and he just bought all of the weapons. Gunn must have over thunk that plan. Gunn teams up with his gruff costar and veteran actor, Ron McClean (Harrelson) and they take on the gangs. Their spree of violence includes shootouts, rescuing hostages, and a car chase down Hollywood Boulevard, which becomes awkward at one point due to the traffic causing the cars to be at standstill. Tom helps the two out with their plan throughout the movie, through a headset from his house.

The news catches wind of the two actors turned vigilantes, and the law is at a complete standstill on what to do to them. He's killing bad people, but he's still killing people. The situation has caused many people to protest, "Don't Arrest Jakie!" "Gunn Is A Hero!" Gunn decides that since the gang is still at large, he has bigger problems to worry about. However, the leader offers Gunn a proposition at the soundstage where the movie is filming. He would be willing to pay back the damages for the movie if Gunn kills Mr. Korinski. Korinski was kind of an ass while they were filming, so he was wickedly tempted. However, the public would be a lot less sympathetic of him if he took the deal, and he didn't trust the leader enough as to keep this matter in private. Gunn refuses, and a major shootout soon occurs at the soundstage between Gunn and McClean against the gang.

Gunn and McClean are struggling against the thugs, trying to avoid shots and shoot at the same time. Soon, some cops make it in, but they are unable to provide much help, still debating on whether or not what Gunn is doing is ethical. Soon, Rock shoots McClean in the arm, causing him great pain. He is about to shoot McClean, but a car soon comes crashing into the studio, knocking over a spotlight that crashes on top of Rock, killing him instantly. The car actually belonged to Tom, who was able to tap into the connection with Gunn using his computer and track where they were, also inferring that there was trouble due to his hearing several gunshots.

The police guess that they should probably give them a trial because of all the destruction that the three has caused. On the courtroom, however, Gunn finally uncovers his true acting potential. He gives an epic speech in defense of himself, causing everyone in the courtroom to get misty eyed. The Judge, currently in tears, decides to drop all charges against Gunn, McClean, and Tom. However, Korinski is arrested later on. Soon, Gunn is approached by another producer, who is planning on making a courtroom drama. This could be the oscar that Gunn has been searching for with the WWII movie. The two eventually do an epic high five jump in the air.

Budget: $70,000,000

Rating: R for pervasive language, violence, some drug use, and crude sexual humor

Runtime: 106min (1hr, 46min)

Edited by Spaghetti
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(Filmed in 3D)

Date- April 25th 4

Genre- Comedy/Romance

Rating- PG- language and mild sensuality

Theaters- 3,315 theaters

Budget- 12 million

Running Time- 98 minutes or 1 hour and 38 minutes

Studio- Mystic Entertainment

Director- Elizabeth Allen

Actors and Actress-

Britney- Emma Roberts

John- Jack McDorman

Sarah- Hayden Panettiere

Plot: When a mermaid named Sarah is banished to the human world for not being willing to marry a merman that she was engaged to, she befriends a loner high school girl named Britney. Sarah after a few days of human life discovers that she has fallen in love with John the quarterback of the high school’s football team. Sarah telling Britney that if you help a mermaid you will get what ever you wish for compels Britney to help her get John. After a few hilarious incidents in which Sarah tries to attract John, John and Sarah fall in love. Sarah’s father hears about Sarah and plans to destroy John however Britney intercedes and tells Sarah’s father about true love. John discovers that Sarah is a mermaid and he says that he still loves her. Sarah’s father cast a spell that makes John a merman and Sarah and John live happily ever after in the ocean. Meanwhile Britney gets her wish of being with her love interest forever.

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Bone - Vernal Equinox

Director: Genndy Tartakovsky

Genre: CGI Animation

Date: February 7

Studio: Blankments Productions

Cast: Elijah Wood as Fone Bone, Denis Leary as Phoney Bone, Jeff Goldblum as Smiley Bone, Rachel McAdams as Thorn, Kathy Bates as Gran'ma Rose, Ian McShane as Lucius, James Earl Jones as the Red Dragon, Michael Madsen as Kingdok, John Cleese and Eric Idle as the Rat Creatures, Susan Sarandon as the Hooded One, and Tim Curry as the Lord of the Locusts.

Music by: Howard Shore.

Format: 3D and IMAX 3D

Runtime: 103 min

Tagline: Out from Boneville.

Plot Summary: An adaptation of the first three Bone graphic novels.


The three Bone cousins are lost in the desert. After finding a mysterious seemingly hand-drawn map they are attacked by a swarm of locusts. Fone Bone barely escapes with his life, but falls off a cliff. Climbing up the other side, he finds a trail of Smiley's cigars. Following it, he meets two rat creatures who attempt to eat him. However, he is rescued by the Great Red Dragon. Soon after, he meets Ted, a wise bug who suggests that Fone seek counsel from Thorn, but warns he should do so before winter arrives. Following a spontaneous blanket of falling snow, marking the beginning of winter, Fone decides to stay in the Valley until Spring when he can continue his search for Phoney and Smiley.

Fone Bone, now donning boots, a blanket cape, and a paper bag hat, is in the process of working on his house when Miz Possum comes by with her three sons to give Fone Bone some more supplies. Miz Possum leaves her sons in the care of Fone Bone for a short while. The kids get away from him while playing, and he chases after them to find they have been caught by the two rat creatures from earlier. Fone saves the kids and tells them to run away while he leads that rat creatures off of their trail. The rat creatures chase Fone Bone for a while, and the chase ends with the Great Red Dragon scaring them away. Fone, angry with the dragon, asks why he didn't use his fiery breath, at which point the Great Red Dragon sets Bone's hat on fire. Afterwards, Fone Bone tries to tell Miz Possum about the dragon, but she, despite seeing his burnt hat, refuses to believe an ounce of it. Making his way to the hot spring to clean up, Fone runs into a beautiful woman removing her trousers to collect some water from the spring. Fone is immediately smitten. She reveals her name to be Thorn, the person whom Ted told him to seek, and Fone goes off with her to her home.

Fone Bone is staying at Thorn's house, and helping with chores prior to the arrival of Thorn's grandmother, Gran'ma Ben, who is coming from the annual Great Cow Race. Fone Bone shows Thorn the map they found in the desert, which Thorn finds strangely familiar. Meanwhile Phoney Bone meets Gran'ma Ben, and instantly gets on her wrong side. He and Fone Bone are reunited when Gran'ma Ben arrives at the farm house.

The day before the Spring Fair at the nearby town, Fone and Phoney are helping out at Thorn and Ben's farmstead. Seeing the opportunity to make some money, the greedy Phoney sneaks out to go to town early, but en route he encounters the two Rat Creatures and their ruler, Kingdok. He overhears the Rat Creatures are on the lookout for a small bald creature with a star on its chest, a clear description of Phoney Bone himself. The Rat Creatures are called to high council with The Hooded One, a mysterious figure who wears a brown cloak with the hood pulled down over his face, and wields a scythe. The meeting adjourns with The Hooded One sending every Rat Creature in the valley to attack the farm house.

With the farm house under attack, Gran'ma Ben fights off the Rat Creatures, giving Thorn and Fone the chance to escape. When Thorn and Fone get surrounded, the Great Red Dragon appears, announcing its arrival with the smell of brimstone, and chases the Rat Creature army away. They return to the farm house to find it wrecked and smoldering. Meanwhile, Phoney Bone arrives at the Barrelhaven tavern and discovers, to his astonishment, Smiley Bone working there as a barman. He then meets Lucius Down, owner of the bar, and instantly gets on his wrong side. It is then that Phoney discovers that the residents of the valley use products and services as pay—Phoney's drinks cost two eggs; Phoney gives Lucius two dollars, which are ripped apart, much to Phoney's shock; Smiley tells him the truth.

Thorn, Fone and the Dragon arrive back at the farm to find Gran'ma Ben alive. Clearly she and the Dragon know each other. However, Gran'ma Rose Ben remains distrustful of the Dragon, despite his driving off the Rat Creatures. Meanwhile, Phoney Bone is forced to work under Lucius Down, proprietor of the Barrelhaven tavern, to pay off his bar tab, his coveted Boneville money being worthless in the valley. As he plans ways to get rich off the villagers' goods instead, he is visited by The Hooded One, who claims to want his soul. When Thorn, Ben and Fone Bone arrive in town for the Spring Fair, the three Bone cousins are reunited at last.

Thorn, Gran'ma Ben and the Bone cousins attend the spring fair, an annual market and festival in the town that culminates in the Great Cow Race, a race which Gran'ma Ben always wins. Fone Bone is driven to jealousy when Tom, the handsome honey seller, flirts with Thorn, so he decides to get some honey for her himself. However, a gigantic bee defends his hive, getting into a fight with Fone Bone. He eventually gets the honey, but sees Thorn sharing some honey with Tom. Phoney and Smiley Bone continue their work at The Barrelhaven, with Phoney concocting a scheme to fix the cow race by sowing seeds of disquiet about Gran'ma Ben's fitness to compete. At the end, Thorn meets Tom at the fair, but finds he is with another girl.

Phoney Bone's race-fixing scheme continues as he hypes his Mystery Cow, who is in fact Smiley Bone in an unconvincing cow costume, to draw bets from the townsfolk. That night, Thorn has a vivid dream in which she sees herself as a young child in a cave and surrounded by dragons. She tells Fone Bone the dream is a recurring one which has only started again since seeing his map. She is certain now that she was the one who drew it, many years earlier, and that her dream is in fact a childhood memory.

The day of the Great Cow Race arrives, and Phoney Bone's scheme is threatened as Lucius Down convinces the townsfolk the Bones are deceiving them. This forces Phoney and Smiley to put on a charade to convince people the Mystery Cow is indeed a real, vicious and wild animal. Meanwhile, Fone Bone's attempt to write a love poem to Thorn is interrupted when the two Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures catch up with him once again.

Just as the race is about to begin, Lucius bets the Barrelhaven on Gran'ma Ben, causing Phoney Bone to climb into the cow suit with Smiley just as the race begins, with the intention of winning the race. During the race, however, Phoney causes them to fall off a cliff due to Gran'ma Ben attempting to unmask them, into a patrol of rat creatures. At this moment, The Stupid Stupid Rat Creatures chase Fone Bone into the path of the patrol as well, and the patrol chases them and their paths merge with the race. Everybody flees when they discover this, just as the race is about to end, and Gran'ma Ben wins.

After the disastrous Cow Race, Phoney and Smiley are forced to work off their debts working at the Barrelhaven Tavern and repairing Gran'ma Ben's farm house. Lucius and Ben discuss the situation with the Bone cousins, the Rat Creatures and the Great Red Dragon. They suspect that although their arrival in the valley may have set off the attacks, they are not themselves to blame.

Smiley Bone and Lucius fix the roof of the farm house. Lucius is driven crazy by Smiley's half-witted cluelessness. Smiley reflects that his village idiot role hasn't changed much since leaving Boneville.

The two Stupid Rat Creatures, lying low after wrecking the Great Cow Race, are to their surprise congratulated by Kingdok for their mistake. Thorn has a vivid dream where she, dressed in a regal gown, is beckoned by The Hooded One, who then reveals Fone Bone's head under its hood.

The Great Red Dragon appears in Fone Bone's nightmare. The following day, as Fone Bone tries again to write Thorn a love poem, the Dragon himself shows up. Fone Bone asks him about the dream, and the Dragon hints that he actually entered the dream on purpose. The worries of the night are soon forgotten, however, as the Bone cousins have to tackle some of the more onerous tasks of farm life.

Lucius, Smiley and Phoney Bone set off back for the Barrelhaven, but a fierce storm strikes up en route, and the wagon is ambushed by Rat Creatures. Smiley Bone leads a charge to safety, but sends the wagon and its passengers over a cliff and into a river. At the farm house, Thorn and Fone Bone shelter from the rain in a barn and discuss each other's dreams, and in particular why Gran'ma Ben lied to Thorn about her past and the Dragons. Suddenly, Fone Bone and Thorn find Gran'ma listing in on their conversation. She then runs into the woods.

Fone Bone and Thorn follow Gran'ma Ben into the woods, and she makes her feelings known about Fone Bone, telling him he must have woken the Dragon by coming to the valley. The trio are attacked by Rat Creatures, and Fone Bone calls out to the Great Red Dragon for help; once again he appears and scares them away. However, Gran'ma Ben seems angry with the Dragon. "You think he'll be there whenever you need him," she warns, "but he won't. He wasn't always there for me." Fone Bone tries to make a connection with Thorn. Fone Bone and the crew are trying to get home

Gran'ma Ben apologizes to Bone for accusing him of stirring up trouble in the valley, knowing the troubles started long before he and his cousins arrived. Fone Bone shows her the map, and tells her about the swarm of locusts, a detail she finds particularly disconcerting - she explains that if the Locusts has returned, a war will be unavoidable. She reveals that Thorn's parents were in fact the monarchs of the realm throughout the generation-long war with the Rat Creatures, and Thorn herself has been the crown princess during the period of uneasy peace since then. She was moved from the palace during the Nights of Lightning, a series of brutal surprise attacks by the Rat Creatures, and taken to Deren Gard and safety with the Dragons. En route the escort party was betrayed by the nursemaid and the King and Queen of Atheia, Thorn's parents, were murdered.

Meanwhile, spies for the Rat Creatures bring Kingdok and The Hooded One news of the identity of the crown princess. It is revealed that a dangerous entity called the Lord of the Locusts has reawoken, and has The Hooded One under its command.

Fone Bone attempts to comfort Thorn after Gran'ma Ben's shocking revelations, and that knowledge she had been dreaming of her past with the Dragons, Deren Gard, and even the ambush and murder of her parents for years. When Lucius, Phoney Bone and Smiley Bone arrive at the bar, the taverngoers immediately want to attack Phoney Bone and Smiley Bone, but Lucius objects, saying that all their fiscal debts had been paid off, and that therefore they have no right to attack the Bones. The taverngoers complain that Phoney Bone made them look like idiots, but Lucius explains that they made themselves look like idiots by so easily being taken in by as manipulative and greedy a shrimp as Phoney Bone and by not heeding Lucius' warnings or the obvious signs that this was a scam. Lucius then lays down a competition, made by a bet he made with Phoney Bone; he divides the bar in two, one half will be run by himself, the other by Phoney and Smiley Bone, the side that makes the most money for the tavern wins. Smiley Bone draws all the customers to his side of the bar by giving beer away, but Phoney Bone furiously puts an end to this mischief; after all, the whole point is to make a profit. The crowd decides they've had enough of the Bones and are about to attack them, when Smiley Bone wishes that Fone Bone's dragon was there to protect them and they demand what he means by this.

Tales of a dragon draw the townsfolk to Phoney's side of the Barrelhaven bar, and Phoney sees the opportunity to capitalize on their fears by proclaiming himself a dragon slayer. A hooded stranger wearing a pendant with a royal crest on it visits the Barrelhaven, bringing Lucius news about troop movements along the border in South Pawa; a huge army of Rat Creatures is approaching. Gran'ma Ben, hearing the same news via Ted the bug and fearing for Thorn's safety now that the rat creatures know where they live, presents Thorn with her old sword and shield and insists they must leave.

Theaters: 3,921

MPAA Rating: PG for fantasy action violence, some drunkenness and smoking

Budget: $85 million

Edited by Blankments
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Genre: Drama/Comedy

Stars: Topher Grace (Jack), Kristen Bell (Jenny), Keira Knightley (Meredith/Amy), Channing Tatum (Nick) , Jay Baruchel (Tyler) 3 Young (Unknown) Teen Actors for 90's scenes

Release Date: 9/26

Theater Count: 2801

Budget: $50 mil

Running Time: 129 min (2hr 9 min)

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sexuality, drinking

Plot Summary: Boy meets girl online. Girl gets heart broken, takes other girls online pictures and reinvents herself, what happens? Set in 1996.


We hear the old-school dial-up modem sound as a teenager connects to AOL. The screen shows "October, 1996." This 14-year-old boy (Jack) is getting onto a generic AOL Teen Chat program. We see the same on another end, with a girl (Meredith) . She has a bit of acne, but less than most her age, same for the boy as well. The words fly by. It starts with the generic a/s/l and them both living near each other, about an hour away, both near Denver.

The chat room turns to emails, where they tell each other random things that they wouldn't feel comfortable telling their friends or even their family. Young Jack sends Meredith his picture, a generic school picture, and hopes for one in return. Meredith is nervous at first but sends a picture back. They each think the other is "cute."

But we now begin to see Jack talking to a girl in his Algebra class... she is real, and Meredith is just someone from AOL. Jack and Meredith begin to talk less often, the emails becoming less and less frequent. But for some reason, Jack doesn't tell Meredith about his girlfriend... and around all his friends at school, that is all he can talk about. Meredith senses that something is off however, and her suspicions are that Jack found her unattractive and was no longer interested in talking to her.

Depressed about losing what she considered her "best friend" she decides to reinvent herself online. She sees another girl with tons of pictures on her gaudy 90's style website (flashing HTML text, animated gifs, and lots of pictures of her.) This other girl , Jenny, is unaware as Meredith tries to become her online. They've both been in the same chats and webrings and whatever else ,but they didn't really know each other.

We see the two of them grow up a little faster now... Jack only ended up dating his girlfriend for five months (long-term by 14 year old standards) and somehow finds himself writing an email to Meredith, out of curiosity. But the email goes unanswered... it's not that she read it and didn't reply, she simply stopped logging into that AOL account after she thought Jack lost any interest in her. We see Meredith now, on the computer, talking to random people, showing pictures of "Jenny" and claiming they are her own. Jenny has so many pictures that she can pick a few and invent stories based around them.

She stops telling people she is Meredith as well, the disconnect from her real self is becoming more noticable. She changes her name to Amy Smyly as she uses these pictures of Jenny to talk to random people. The strangest part is not all of the conversations are romantic... she's basically just talking to guys, being herself, but using Jenny's pictures.

We see some scenes of Jenny now. She's not as active in the online scene. She posts a lot of pictures and puts them up ,but to her, it's mostly to share photos with others, not to try to meet someone online with them. She seems happy as she takes a picture of her brother on a hike.

We see a snapshot of Jenny's brother come from the real scene... and the scene shifts to Meredith ("Amy Smyly") showing a guy that picture and telling him stories about her brother and the hike they went on in Tacoma by the Puget Sound. It's almost disturbing and a bit amusing how Meredith's written description of the hike seems to match closely to the actual scene we saw of Jenny and her brother.

Time shifts much faster now, years pass, and the young teenager actors (for Jenny, Meredith, and Jack) are now adults. Jack is working in a retail job as he helps to pay for college. Jenny is living with her family and going to school, yet Meredith is stuck at home, taking care of her sick mother. Time shifts back a bit ,to show some scenes of Meredith's mother and her illness, and how her daughter helped her through it. The year is now 2004.

Meredith (as Amy) is on the phone talking to Nick. Nick is going to college in Alabama, but he seems sophisticated and witty, not at all a "southern stereotype." We see scenes of both of them on the phone. Nick just seems like he's talking to a good friend, but Meredith seems to have more of an interest than that. She keeps asking Nick to come visit her in Colorado Springs, but he says he doesn't have time to do that, with all of his classes. She is disappointed, but she accepts his answer, knowing him to be honest.

We see Meredith become even more isolated from the real world. Her main source of communication are guys from the internet. She continues to see pictures of Jenny. The random webpages from the 90s became Xanga and Livejournal, and now we are looking at the Myspace page of a 21-year-old Jenny from Tacoma, WA. There are so many pictures to choose from, so many stories to tell, and Meredith's "Amy Smyly" has become a part of her at this point. Outside of helping her sick mother and taking occasional classes at a community college, the "Amy Smyly" character is all Meredith does to socialize.

We flash forward a couple years later (2006)... she is now on the phone with Tyler. Unlike Nick, Tyler accepts her offer of meeting. Perhaps he was more interested in her than Nick was, but he also lived a bit closer, being from Tucson rather than Alabama. We see them talking on the phone a lot, both interested in the other .But she also talks to Nick occasionally, and Nick seems to regard her as just a platonic friend, and she seems to have accepted that is all he will be , though in texts/calls she is still trying to get Nick to meet her, and he keeps insisting he is too busy, and she is too far.

We see Tyler in an airport, taking a flight to Denver. We see him on the plane... he has a vision of meeting Amy Smyly, and in that vision, he of course sees Jenny, as all the pictures Amy/Meredith sent him were of Jenny. As he gets off the plane and meets at the baggage claim where they agreed to meet. He sees a girl there, who recognizes him, but he does not recognize her. It is Meredith.

She tells him that Amy couldn't make it, she had a family emergency, but told her that she should come to meet him instead. He's a little confused, but accepts her story. She's not Amy, but she's still cute and seems okay. In the back of his mind, he wonders if he's been had, but he buys the story, for now. She shows him around her town, and they have fun. He asks her to tell Amy she hopes her mom gets better, and she says she will.

They end up having sex that night, and he stays around for a couple days... having Amy not show up didn't seem to be such a bad thing, after all! But as he goes back to Tucson, we see him become a bit suspicious. He enjoyed meeting/getting to know Meredith, but she still wasn't Amy, the girl in the pictures. He ends up getting a bit weirded out by the situation, and he finds himself distancing himself from Amy... not quite sure what to make of the situation.

We see some scenes of Amy/Meredith doing the same line on other guys. They don't all fall for it. Some of them don't buy it at all, but most of them go for her as Meredith, "Amy's friend." She's still talking to Nick all this time, but it's become platonic on her end as well. We see him, studying hard for the LSAT ,starting in law school, and become too busy to meet Amy/Meredith, even if he really wanted to.

We're back to Jack for a while now. He's graduated college and moved in his his girlfriend. His life seems to be going quite well... he doesn't even seem to think about Meredith anymore, nor she him. He still uses the internet to socialize sometimes, mostly posting on fantasy baseball chats and playing World of Warcraft and Call of Duty with his friends from college.

We see more scenes of Jenny and her brother, and the same actual scene turns into a picture that Meredith sends to Nick, saying "I visited my brother in Seattle!"

The year is now 2008, some scenes establishing the changes in everyone's lives. Jack becomes more serious with his girlfriend, but ends up finding himself forced to relocate to Southern California for a job.

Meredith/Amy is talking to another guy, and this guy is a bit more suspicious. We see him track down her name "Amy Smyly" and end up emailing someone that writes for an entertainment blog that Meredith claimed she knew in college and "was intimately involved with". We see emails between these two, as the guy writing for the blog tries to figure out "which Amy" the other guy is referring to, and he ends up figuring it out, the hot girl from Denver who was always really weird about meeting him.

The suspicious guy does some digging around and realizes that his suspicions were confirmed. He had just met "Meredith" and was a bit more perceptive than the past ones about figuring it all out... that, and social media had evolved further to help him figure it out. He emails her after meeting her, and asks for the truth. Meredith decides to bite the bullet and tell him. She sends him a real picture of herself and explains that she made up the "Amy Smyly" character to meet guys, and that she apologizes, and please for him not to talk to her anymore. He wasn't really interested in talking to her after that anyway, but her insistence that he not do so only made the decision easier.

After her unsuccessful/strange date with that guy, we see Meredith try to make her life work out better. She has a long talk with her mom, and her mom says "Meredith, you need to live your own life... I can take care of myself well enough." Meredith is skeptical, but she decides she has to stop doing the online mind games/tricks so much and start taking her education more seriously.

We see her vigorously studying for classes, computing all the various community college credits, and working harder than she ever had before. She still occasionally texts Nick here and there, but she's not doing the games like she once did. However, she's never told Nick that she's not "Amy Smyly." She's accepted him as a part of her life ,but he still refers to her as Amy.

She also still talks to other guys with the Amy guise, but the meetings/airport dramas are no more. She finds herself just getting an A.A. before getting a job offer in Long Beach, CA. She knows it's a long move, but she decides to go for it.

The job isn't amazing, just a generic secretary position ,but something compelled her to look out in Southern California and get out of Colorado. We see her at her new position, it's not great, but it gets her away from her troubled past. She sees Jack, frequenting a local sandwich shop, but she does not recognize him as the boy from 11 years ago. He looks different now, different style, everything, and she only saw the one picture of him. She just sees him as another guy, but something compels her to start a conversation with him one October day.

They begin to converse. They don't remember each other but something draws them together. She opens up to him like she has to no other, and they begin to date, but he is uncomfortable, sensing something is off. She ends up admitting to her games, making up the fake name online to get guys to meet her. They finally truly recognize each other, and that explains the feelings.

He says he's skeptical about her story but he will give her a chance... her past upsets him, but she says she will change. We see her still texting Nick, but all she says is she's dating a guy, who is upset about "her past." Nick just thinks of of it of her being slutty... Nick knew she was meeting quite a few guys, and would understand that her boyfriend might be upset.

It's now November 2009, as Jack proposes to Meredith, in the sandwich shop where they first met. She's been talking to all the online guys a lot less now, with only Nick being the one who hears anything about this engagement.

It seems like all is well and fine, but we flash forward to June 2010, where Nick curiously types in "Amy Smyly" and a message board pops up, with the stories from two years ago about the last guy who fell for the "Amy Smyly" games. Nick is shocked... she had put so much time and effort into establishing the Amy Smyly character, with a girl whose pictures aged at the same rate she did, and so many stories attached to them as well.

He shares his story with these people, two years late, perhaps, about Amy being his platonic friend, and not a potential girlfriend. He texts her, demanding why she never told him who she really was. We see Meredith. she looks enraged. She is trying to move on with her life, and this text from Nick sets off a panic attack. She types: "Never text me again. Ever." He is confused and disturbed... how could one person put so much effort into a lie? How much of Amy/Meredith was the real girl he had come to know over the past seven years? Was the sarcastic wit she had part of an act, too?

But we see as everyone moves on... Nick gets past the initial shock of this and finishes law school. In 2012, Meredith and Jack get married. She's moved on from the internet world. We see scenes of Jenny and Tyler and their lives as well. Jenny never found out about all the pictures being spread around, as she kept posting lots of pictures on Myspace, Facebook, etc... perhaps intentionally unaware of privacy options.

The final scene shows an aerial shot of the entire world, with quiet modem sounds playing in the background. It starts with day and then turns into night, with the lights shown from space, and flashes indicating where the various people had lived. That fades away into credits.

Edited by Electric
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The Glass Castlle

Genre: Drama

Date: August 8th

Theaters: 2,539

Director: Tate Taylor

Music: Thomas Newman

Cast: Paul Bettany (Rex Walls), Robin Wright Penn (Rose Mary Walls), Chloe Moretz (Jeannette - 12-16), Mary Louise Parker (Jeannette - Adult)

Budget: $35,000,000

Rating: PG-13 for brief strong language, thematic material, some violent images, and use of alcohol

Runtime: 141min (2hr, 21min)

Plot Overview: The life of an unusual family in poverty traveling across the United States throughout their entire life, told from the perspective of Jeanette Walls, one of the daughters. Her mother is neglectful and selfish, but his father is a gifted man who young Jeannete looks to, but only when he's sober. This movie is an anthology of Jeannete's life, detailing the several outlandish, but real adventures that she goes on, some exciting and some tragic. Some of the details are told through Jeannete's narration, to prevent the film from being too long.


We see two women, one in her 40s, and another older woman, her mother, having lunch at a restaurant in New York City. The daughter, Jeanette Walls, is concerned about her mother, as she had seen her going through a dumpster, looking for something to eat. Jeannette insists to her mother, Rose Mary that she needs help, and seeing her mother in this poor condition while she herself is well off brings her shame. However, Rose insists that she is completely fine, leaving her by saying that her daughter was the one who really needed help.


Many years ago, we see Jeanette at age 3, cooking hot dogs on the stove. The Walls family lives in a trailer in Arizona. Soon, her dress catches fire as she cooks the hot dogs, and she cries in pain. Her mother soon comes to get her and rushes her to the hospital. She is hospitalized for six months, but she will soon make a recovery. Jeannette actually enjoyed being in the hospital because the cleanliness of the place was a nice alternative to the messy home that she had lived in. Her mother comes to visit, but she is offended at how the nurse had given Jeanette gum to chew on. Her gifted, but aggressively alcoholic father, Rex Walls, also comes in, but he is shocked and outraged by seeing his daughter wearing bandages. He attempts to start an altercation with one of the doctors, but is thrown out.

Jeanette soon returns home, and continues to make hot dogs on the stove. Her father encourages her to experiment with fire even further. Surprisingly, the incident made Jeannette even more excited by the idea of fire. She even tries to put her hand through a candle with the guidance of the father. She takes her favorite toy, a doll of Tinker Bell, and brings her to the flame. The doll’s face is unfortunately melted by the flame. Even if she cannot be repaired, she is still the favorite toy of the curious child.

A few nights later, Rex comes into the trailer and tells everyone to get in the car. They have to leave their home, or “do the skedaddle” as Rex liked to refer to it. Jeanette, Rose, and Jeannette’s two siblings, Brian and Lori, immediately comply, but Rex does not want the family cat to come along, throwing him out of the window and onto the road. Jeannette becomes upset, but Lori tells her that a wild cat is better than a tame one. She also realizes that she left Tinker Bell at home, but her parents comfort her, telling her that she can take care of herself.

The father was a gifted thinker, but this was often overshadowed by his serious drinking problem. He is also on the run from bill collectors, disguising them as the FBI according to the stories that he lovingly tells Jeannette, hence the skedaddle that the family just did. The daughter recounts his gifted skills as a storyteller and work as a technician. One of her favorite stores was the idea of a Glass Castle, a lovely home that Rex would soon build for his family. Rex was also a violent man, going so far as to teach his children to bear a gun at young ages. Rex remembers being emotionally crippled after the death of his and Rose’s baby, Mary Charlene, as the result of a crib death at nine months, one of the major causes of Rex’s personality. Rex and Rose often argue about the time when Rex sold his wedding ring, much to the dismay of his wife.

In a newly acquired car called The Green Caboose, the family travels to Las Vegas, where Rex is driving while drinking. Jeanette and her older sister talk about how they’ve lost count of how many places that they’ve lived, but neither one seems truly upset about their unstable living. Soon, however, Jeannete falls out of the car and is slightly injured. She does not cry in pain, however, but Rex doesn’t stop. Later on, the car does come back, but the child is not mad at her father, still loving him.

At Vegas, Rex comes up with an elaborate gambling strategy to win big and take is family out to many nice meals. He is soon found out, so they do the “skedaddle” to San Francisco, where they stay at a hotel/brothel. A fire sets their room on fire, but everyone makes it to safety. Jeannette also wonders if the fire with the hot dogs and the hotel fire were somehow connected. The family has to keep driving and living in the desert. They stop and settle at Midland, a small desert town, when Rose receives a vision of a Joshua tree, and she asks the family to pull over so that she can paint it, one of her many hobbies. One night, Jeannette is spooked by the noises of the desert creatures, and Rex tells her that it could be a demon. The two look for the demon together in the dark, where Rex tells Jeannette that demons are nothing to be afraid of, and you have to be brave in order to face them. Later on, Rose is pregnant with a fourth baby, so the family decides to move yet again to Blythe so that she can raise and deliver her baby.

It was soon Christmas Eve, but none of the children believed in Santa, and the family only celebrated Christmas days after so that trees and wrapping paper would be discounted. However, this Christmas was special. Rex took out the children on a starry night, and he gave each of them a celestial body for themselves as a Christmas present, telling them about what they chose. Jeannette didn’t chose a star, but a planet: Venus. It was truly special moment for all four of them, having a great Christmas despite everything.

They are finally moving to Bylthe now, but the father and mother get into a heated argument over how long the mother has been pregnant, in which Rex almost attempts to kill her using the family car. The children beg him to stop, so he reluctantly complies, showing his great love for them. At Blythe, Jeannette is able to attend school, where she is incredibly smart and talented. She is also bullied by a group of girls, but she fights back by hitting one’s head with a rock. Rose soon gives birth to the baby girl, Lily Ruth Maureen. The newborn is given little time to have a normal childhood, and she is thrown in the back with the rest of the children, after the father once again gets in trouble with the law, settling in the town of Battle Mountain.

Rex gets another job at a mine, and Rose Mary decides to get a piano for the house, but it cannot fit inside the house, despite a clever and well thought out plan by Rex, so they have to just leave it outside and play it there. After spending much time reading at home, Jeannette is more than prepared for second game, but Rex challenges her to do her math homework in binary. She does do that, but the teacher is confused, holding her after class. The children in the neighborhood were actually a lot nicer to Jeannette than were the ones in Blythe. One detail that is not so good in the neighborhood is a mysterious house known as The Green Lantern, where some odd women live. Brian soon says hi to them frequently, but Jeannette is still scared.

After a trip to the hot springs, the family is getting along well. However, trouble occurs when Dad loses his job, and the family’s poverty magnifies. Rex gambles frequently to make a chemical that will extract gold from rock, but he gets into fights with Rose Mary. Mary gets a job as a teacher to cover for Rex, but the principal doesn’t like her unorthodox and reckless teaching style, even if the students do. However, Rex keeps taking the money that Rose Mary makes, using it to purchase alcohol. Lori and Brian start to lose faith in their father, but Jeannette still believes in him. One day after school, Brian tells Jeannette that he learned that the women in the green lantern simply make a lot of money, implying that the place may be a prostitution ring.

A mean boy and juvenile delinquent, Billy, soon moves into town and wants to date Jeannette. He is very mean and abusive, and he even tries to assault her. After Jeannette repeatedly insists that she doesn’t like him, he goes to her house with a BB gun. Rex and Jeannette try to shoot at him, but he gets away. After being found by the police, they have to leave once again and make establish their destination as Phoenix, AZ. There, Mary becomes a fervid painter, becoming so happy with her hobby that she even considered the episode with Billy to be a blessing in disguise.

Much to the children’s delight, the house at Phoenix is very large. However, many of the neighbors are Gypsies and perverts, or thieves and pedophiles as the parents had seen them, and the house has a bad insect problem. Still, it was a pretty good home considering their past episodes. Having said that, the parents encourage them not to conform, refusing to let the pre-judge the neighbors and swim in the public fountain, telling everyone who thinks that they are wrong to not bother. However, Rex takes his attitude too far, offending the people at the church and having his family be asked to leave.

The family soon goes to the Zoo, so that the children can show them not to be afraid of wild animals. He jumps into the cheetah cage, much to the panic of the other zoo-goers. He approaches the animal gently, encouraging the children to come in, too. The father’s seemingly barbaric parenting is actually not so much. The cheetah doesn’t attack them, even brushing up against their hand. They casually leave as some guards approach Rex and try to restrain him, but he aggressively resists. There is some chatter that the father is just a drunk trying to torment his children.

With no true friends, Lily creates her own imaginary friends to play with, while her brother and sisters are still close. The father loses yet another job, and he becomes aggressively drunk. Another Christmas arrives, and he uses the lighter that he got to set the tree on fire, a second strike against him after offending the church at mass, calling Virgin Mary a “jewish broad.” Jeannette makes a wish that her father would stop drinking. Rex tries desperately to stop for her, tying himself to a bed to keep himself away from alcohol, but he screams for it frequently. Their car soon breaks down after Rex tries to see how fast the car can go, and Rex soon vanishes afterwards. He soon returns home, but he is a drunken mess who attacks his family. In order to sooth him, they decide to move to Welch, the city where Rex’s parents live.

They soon arrive and meet Rex’s obese mother, Erma. She is rather rude on first impression, especially towards her son. The family is made to stay in the basement, where the children sleep in the same bed. Welch was a low mining town, but Mary believed that her art career could really take off in the city. The mother places the children in Welch Elementary, where their lost records place them in a low learning level class. The teacher hates her for seemingly trying to take the easy way, which was not intended at all, turning the class against her. Jeannette kept being bullied, but she didn’t tell anyone about it. One of the bullies, Dinita, an African American girl, is not hated by Jeannete, who believes that there is some good in her. She helps her with homework and the two soon become friends. Erma is racist however, and scolds Jeannette for being friends with her. The children wonder if the abusive Erma caused Rex to start drinking.

Erma soon kicks them out after a fight with Brian, but the family manages to acquire another three bedroom house. The family tries to make dresses using a left behind sewing machine, but their plan falls through. Rex later decides that Welch will be the home of the glass castle, much to the excitement of the children, especially Jeannette. Unfortunately, his drinking provides a massive roadblock in bringing their dream to life. After several complications with construction, including Maureen’s terror at seeing a giant rat, the Glass Castle is delayed.

At the neighborhood, several fights broke out, many of which involved some of the family members, such as Jeannette being confronted by a child named Ernie Goad. She gets revenge with her inventive wit by creating a catapult out of a mattress that flings the boys away a short distance, still scaring them off. Their new home also brought in a wide assortment of unusual characters, including violent children with guns, mentally unstable children, and a town “whore,” Ginny Sue Pastor. She is nothing like the women at the Green Lantern, and Jeannette and Ginny start an unlikely friendship after Jeannette befriends one of her many daughters. Jeannette doesn’t ask any questions about what she does, but Ginny tells her about her life in California.

Rex develops an odd habit of leaving the family often for long periods of time, (several days) and Jeannette has qualified faith in him, which is already more than the rest of her family. Their income is mainly coming for the drilling rights from the land they owned in Texas. The family becomes hungry, but Maureen is still able to eat with her new friends, being more fortunate than the rest of her family. On top of that, a harsh winter comes along, and the family pets are dying of sheer cold. Lori visits a friend’s home, shocked to discover that they have a modern and incredible heating system, something that the family almost never had.

Erma soon dies, and the family visits the funeral. Lori sings to herself, “Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead,” much to the outrage of Rex, who goes off once again. The children also find a diamond ring that they hope Mom will sell to gain some additional cash. She keeps it for herself, however, in an effort to boost her self esteem. Jeannette finally loses faith in her parents, telling mother to divorce Rex. It is amazing yet sad how the man that Jeannette had looked up to as a child has become someone who was a burden years later. Still, Mary refused to leave him, scolding her for suggesting such an audacious idea.

Later on, Jeannette & Dinita go swimming together with other African Americans in the morning, before the public pool charges admission. In the dressing room, people sing and joke, creating a generally amicable scene. As she returns home, a man from social services soon comes in and tells her that she and her siblings seem neglected, saying that they will come back and giving her a business card. Jeannette is outraged at the man pre-judging her, something that her parents told her not to do.

Mary gets another job as a teacher in a nearby community, brining about more money for the family. Rex is still an alcoholic mess, however, and he keeps leaving the family frequently. The children advise that Mary spend the money on plumbing and heating, but she refuses to do so. At High School, Dinita and Jeannette are still friends, but Dinita is living a tough life, having become pregnant recently. She tries to visit her house, but a man pulls her away. Dinita had been arrested for allegedly killing her mother’s boyfriend.

Jeannette developed a passion for writing as a result of her entering the school newspaper, The Maroon Wave. The instructor, who was also named Jeanette, also taught is father when he was in school, bringing up the inspiration for her name. Meanwhile, Maureen was spending her time with other families, but she appeared to be much happier than any of her siblings and parents. Lori leaves for camp, and Mary goes to renew her teaching license, leaving Jeannette in change of the house, giving her $200. Rex takes most of it, reassuring her that caring for the children is his responsibility. Rex takes Jeannette out to a club. Rex and Jeannete win money at the pool table, but one man harasses her. They escape immediately and take their $40 winnings.

Jeannette gets a job at a jewelry story at only age 13, but her boss distrusts her, believing that she keeps stealing jewelry, even though she is not. She gets so frustrated that she actually steals a watch, but the guilt catches up to her, remaining anxious about what she just did. After Mary decides to quit teaching, Jeannette becomes furious with her, and she plans with her siblings to leave the family and head to New York City when they get older. Lori applies to Art School with a bust of Shakespeare, which Rex ruins. Lori becomes absolutely infuriated at Rex, increasing her desire to leave him. Jeannette gets many jobs, including becoming the main editor of the school newspaper. The other children also get jobs to raise money for their future lives

Eventually, the family catches wind of the children’s planned escape, and the mom complains that she can’t go to New York City. Rex tries desperately to convince her to stay, telling her that the plans for the Glass Castle will be put into action. Jeannette can’t bring herself to stay, telling him that she’s leaving as soon as the school year ends. As the end approaches, the jealous Mary refuses to see her off, but Rex does, wishing her farewell. Brian and Lori say that they will soon join them along with Maureen. Rex even gives her a knife to protect herself in the city. Lori approaches a bus, and she heads off to the city.

Jeannette gets some jobs at a hamburger place and a newspaper company as an intern while the situation in Welch becomes gradually worse. It gets so bad that Brian, Lori, and Maureen come to join her in the city, leaving the parents behind in the hell of their own doing. Feeling bad for her parents, Lori and Maureen let Mary move into her apartment, but Mary soon clutters the place. She hesistates to ask Mary to leave, but she eventually does. Mary decides to stay in the family car with Rex. However, they do well by attending free events and sleeping on park benches, even if the children see a different definition of “well.” Their reality worsens as the winter arrives, causing the parents to require shelter in an abandoned building. They make it through the winter, but Rex develops a case of tuberculosis.

At the hospital, Rex not only recovers, but stops drinking. He gets a job as a maintenance man at a nearby resort, but his wife asks him to come back to New York, where he has a relapse and starts to drink again. Jeannette gets clothing for her father for Christmas, but he is offended by the fact that his daughter is taking care of him, and not the other way around. Jeannette is struggling with paying for college, but Rex does something unexpected. He gives her a generous grant of money to pay for her remaining tuition, preventing her from having to drop out. Rex and Mary’s sacrifice was that they had to return to a squatter, but the still liked it there. Rex even restored electricity to the squat, becoming something of a hero to the other squatters.

Jeannette soon marries her boyfriend of four years, Eric, but Mary wants to borrow money from him. Jeannette soon is mortified to find out that her mother had a piece of land worth one million dollars in the south west. Furious at her, Jeannette refuses to give her the money, but Mary insists that it was a sacred personal rule not to sell the land. Maureen soon lets her life fall apart after dropping out of college and turning to drugs. Jeannette convinces her to stay with her, but she instead decides to stay with her parents in the squat. Maureen soon stabs her mother after being asked to move out. She is put on trial, causing the entire family to be reunited again, after spending so much time apart. She is let go, where she decides to leave for California. Brian convinces Jeannette that this is for the best.

Later on, Rex dies of a heart attack, and Jeannette begins to have a change of heart. She leaves Eric because they are simply not quite right for each other, and she is tired of living in the lavish New York City. She finds an apartment elsewhere and no longer feels the need to keep moving around, unlike her past life. She marries a man named John. They soon have the Walls over for Thanksgiving, where the children have become successful adults. Mary toasts her father at dinner, saying how life with him was never boring.


Edited by Spaghetti
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Morgan Spurlock's Shut Up and Take My Memes

Director: Morgan Spurlock

Genre: Documentary

Date: August 1 (113 theaters,) August 8 (197,) August 15 (230,) August 22 (1005)

Studio: Blankments Productions

Cast: Morgan Spurlock

Runtime: 93 min

Tagline: Is Your Body Ready?

Plot: Morgan Spurlock explores memes and the effects they have on society. Creators of sites such as 4Chan, Neogaf, Reddit, and Tumblr are interviewed, along with people who have become memes such as Chuck Norris, Lauren Faust, Oliver Hirschbiegel, Rebecca Black, and Rick Astley. Finally, Spurlock also examines lives of people who have become dedicated to creating new memes and becoming popular online.

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some sexual humor and language

Budget: $1 million

Edited by Blankments
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___N I R V A N A___

Genre: Sci-fi/fantasy/adventure

Cast: Russell Crowe (Lucas), Gina Torres (Amira), Mark Wahlberg (Isiel), Samuel L. Jackson (Javin), Laura Dern (Leena), Ralph Fiennes (Captain Nao), Giovanni Ribisi (Sebastian), Nona Gaye (Jamey), Jeremy Irons (Captain Rouge), Roger Cross (Verus), and Rodrigo Santorro (Emperor Heiro [cameo])

Director: Steven Spielberg

Composer: Hans Zimmer

Studio: Golden Films

Rating: PG-13

Running Time: 142mins (2hr, 22mins)

Budget: $200 million

Date: Wednesday, July 2

Theaters: 4,261

Plot sypnosis:

When the crew of Exodus arrive on the planet Aren, they find a world on the brink of invasion. Two fractions have been at constant odds with each other, and in the midst of a brewing war, Lucas (Crowe) finds himself strangely connected to one of the indigenous people, the enchanting Amira (Torres). Yet their relationship is cut short when an unexpected invasion occurs: an imperial fleet has come in search of a new world to add to its empire, and Lucas and Amira are caught in the middle of an intense war of manipulation, bloodshed, and betrayal. The war sets the two native fractions into a tense union as they must ward off the encroaching invaders.

Plot summary:

The first shot is blackness, then suddenly flashes of colorful land, sky, water. A woman's voice (Torres) starts narrating, saying that this was her home and had been home to her people for generations. It was Aren. A young girl is standing by a stream throwing pebbles in. She is not quite human...she's whiter, like moonlight, and despite mostly human features, she looks different; her eyes are silver. The narrator continues to describe how Aren as she knew it then was calm, or at least her neck of the woods was. The little girl's mother is washing something in the stream and watches her daughter wade into the water. There's laughter. Then the narrator takes a dramatic turn as she says that was before the war...and the next shot shows trees burning. The girl's mother grabs her by her hand and tells her they must go. The place they were at burns down too. The narrator says the war was fought between her people, the true Arenians, who were known as the Sensetti, and the oppressive Chitans. We see the Chitans...very similar looking, but they're darker skinned, greyish. As the narrator continues, she tells of how she and her mother fled to the borders of their jungle homeland, and beyond there lay the wild wastes they knew nothing of. It was desolate. They had a guide who would take them through it, but in the night the Chitans attacked their campsite and killed him. They hurt the narrator's mother badly and kidnapped the two of them on orders of their commanding officer that the women were not to be hurt. They were taken off with other women imprisoned as harlots. Yet at a market, where they would sell some of the women, the narrator, still a young girl, is spotted as she's washing a Chitan's feet. A wealthy male Chitan watches her and decides to take her from that place. Meanwhile, her mother dies from her wounds, leaving the young girl to fend for herself with the wealthy merchant. She is taken to the Capital, where she is inducted into the royal family as an adopted princess, because she was admired for her beauty, and it was thought that it may appease the Sensetti. We see her grow up into a beautiful Sensetti princess, yet she looks lonely there. The narrator says that the war lasted for ten years, and when it was over it was the Sensetti who stood as the scum of Aren. The Chitans promised peace, but theirs was an oppressive reign. “But even the Chitans could not face the new threat encroaching on their nirvana,” the narrator concludes, and the title fades in in silver letters.


There's a beautiful expanse of space. In the distance are star light formations. Cosmic dust swirls in a multitude of brilliant colors. And a field of asteroids spans for miles. The silence is broken by the sound of a space shuttle cruising through the asteroid field. Inside, we are introduced to the crew. These look human, and perhaps are. Captain Rouge pilots the shuttle while others go about their duties to co-pilot and monitor. Leena is one of only two women on board, and she flirtatiously teases with some of the male crewmates, especially James, who is particularly macho and aggressive. We go about for a few minutes watching their ordinary interractions onboard the cruiser, which is named Exodus. Leena boasts about how maybe they'll finally find something instead of just another ball of gas this time, and a man named Sebastian claims that that was why this was the Exodus...it was their last chance. Some of the crew members discuss how their had to be endless possibilites for sentient life out here, but Leena asks one man how old he is, and he says he's 35, and she asks him if in any of those 35 years he has ever seen a sentient life form. “That's right, because you've been on this ship your whole life,” Leena says. They all had been, as we hear them discussing their hopes to finally set foot on ground. It had been three generations since their forefathers set out for the far stretches of this galaxy in pursuit of a better future for their children and their species, yet their search had not been completed yet, and maybe it never would be. Already, they have lost some of their number. They discuss somberly how they had to incinerate one of their close friends. Leena and Jamey are the only two women left, and they know they'll have to reproduce too if Exodus is ever to complete its mission. This is a point some of the guys jokingly point out, and Leena teases them, leading them on. They also ask about what's keeping Lucas so long, and Leena says he's been keeping to himself in the back lately ever since Beth passed and they had to incinerate her. “I think they were close,” she says. Sebastian says he'll go check on him, see if he's alright, but Leena says she'll do it instead.

Leena goes to the back of the shuttle where sleeping quarters are and finds Lucas sitting on his cot reading something off a holographic tablet. He puts it away, and Leena tells him everyone was asking about him and she recommends he come up to the cockpit with everyone else. Lucas says he wants some time to himself, and Leena tells him she thinks company would help him out more, but he doesn't seem to want any and Leena turns to go, but as she does she tells Lucas that Beth was a great woman. Lucas says she was the love of his life, and he takes out the holographic tablet again and Leena dismisses herself. Lucas reads; it's a poem Beth wrote to him when they were younger.

Some more scenes elapse on the shuttle, taking up a few minutes. We get to learn about the characters, especially Leena, Sebastian, Jamey, Captain Rouge, and Lucas. Lucas keeps to himself most of the time but seems to be on good speaking terms with Sebastian and is respected by all of the crew. They talk about a time when he saved the Exodus from near depleting its oxygen supply. We also see the incinerator, and there are some metallic urns gathered next to it with names on them to show all those who have passed away in the three generations Exodus has been around. Lucas sometimes wanders there and looks at the newest urn, with Beth's name on it, and Leena keeps him company sometimes but doesn't push it. Finally, Captain Rouge proclaims that he's got something, and they all peer out into space. Up ahead is some sort of moon, but there's a signal coming from it. They land the shuttle there and find that there is a shuttle port built into the moon. Sebastian proclaims that he had read about how people used to make bases for refueling and placed them on moons. This one looks like it has been abandoned for decades. It's dark and eerie as their shuttle pulls into the port and the only light comes from the Exodus. At last they spot a shuttle inside the hangar and they pull Exodus to a stop. They debate whether they should check it out, but finally it is agreed Lucas, Leena, and Harper would go. They put on their suits and head out to the abandoned shuttle. A while passes while they're looking through it; it's dark and they have flashlights on their suits to guide them. The port has been deprived of its oxygen supply, so there's no chance of refueling. At last Leena spots a body suit and she removes the face mask to find a skinless face staring back at her, and she screams, drawing Lucas. They realize that the crew must have died and they go about looking through the ship; they find holographic pictures of the ship's crew. Some die out because their battery cells stop working even as Lucas is studying them. Leena ponders what happened, and Lucas proposes that the shuttle must've broken down here and the crew died from lack of oxygen. Meanwhile, on Exodus the rest of the crew is monitoring the trio in the shuttle nearby when suddenly they hear a noise and see a bright light. Another shuttle is pulling into the hangar, and they're in disbelief.

The trio are making their way out of the abandoned shuttle when suddenly Harper stumbles and cracks open his oxygen tank. He struggles for breath and Lucas tries closing the hole but to no avail. Harper dies, and Lucas brings his body back onboard the shuttle and relays what happened. But everyone is silent for a different recent: they watch as the other shuttle lands elsewhere in the hangar, and they ponder over whether they should check it out, when instead the light from the shuttle lands on the Exodus. A communication comes in from the other shuttle, asking for a meeting. Lucas is already suited up so he says he will be the one to go, and no one disagrees. He goes alone to the other shuttle and they take him in. As he removes his suit and walks around the shuttle more comfortably, we see that these people look like humans also, and Lucas is taken to their captain, Captain Nao. Nao is interested to find Lucas and the Exodus here and asks many questions about it and their mission; Lucas provides vague answers, but Nao seems appeased. He inquires as to where Lucas helms, and Lucas says he's been on Exodus his whole life, so he doesn't know anything about the earth his forefathers left behind. Finally, the interrogation turns on Nao instead, and we learn that Nao is in command of a fleet in search of terrestrial lifeforms, and that he helms from a very powerful world, though he doesn't give many details for he figures Lucas must have heard of them. He comes to a truce with Lucas. He will let Exodus go as long as he takes an imperial companion with him. Lucas hesitates but agrees to the terms, and Nao says he looks forward to the day they meet again.

As Exodus leaves from the moon hangar, they see no sign of the fleet Nao mentioned. Lucas relays the information to the rest of the crew, and we are introduced to Colonel Isiel. Isiel is a very reserved man, but he studies the crew over the next few days. He doesn't speak much, though, but from the few trickets he does let out, it is obvious this “empire” is a very powerful force, which makes the members of Exodus surprised they had never heard of it. Isiel is convinced that there is some world out here in these far stretches of the galaxy, and he lets on that it is “the empire's” wish to have it placed under their authority. This raises some concern among the rest of the crew, who argue the point that they should try cooperating with any extraterrestrial life they encounter. Isiel seems disappointed that Exodus has been around for 3 generations yet has found no sign of life thus far, but he lets on that his kind has found many, and the heart of their galaxy contains the greatest planets imaginable, tells of a rich empire whose authority dominates there. Lucas is at constant odds with Isiel and challenges him in several arguments about the right to “own” another a species, as Isiel seems to believe is the empire's right. They also play a dicing game that Lucas wins, embarrassing Isiel as it seems to also prove Lucas's point in an argument they were having. Also in this time, Harper's body is burned in the incinerator, and a new urn is placed next to Beth's. Isiel scorns this process, saying the dead should be returned to space as his people does it. This sparks an argument that becomes aggressive between him and Isiel, and it results in Beth's urn being knocked over and its contents spilled out. Lucas resigns himself to his room for a while, but Leena comes to comfort him.

Finally, when most of the crew is sleeping, Leena and Captain Rouge alone are piloting Exodus, when suddenly they find themselves passing through a ring of dust, and sunlight glints off a sphere ahead, a beautiful blue world in sight. Their eyes widen and they look on in awe, and they awake the crew. Everyone is babbling excitedly; they have found a world after all this time. Lucas is making preparations for when they land; they would need to make studies to know it is safe here. But Isiel has a dark cast about him, but says nothing. An external shot shows Exodus as a small speck roaming through dust rings that surround the exotic blue planet.

Exodus is spiraling down into the atmosphere some undisclosed time later. Everyone is bracing themselves; excitement is feverish. Lucas keeps glancing at Isiel, who looks determined. At first there is nothing; the shuttle starts to heat up on entry, but then they spot clouds and after some time they are sailing through endless white plumes. Nirvana, it appears; a majestic heaven of clouds. Sunrise causes color to race through the clouds as Exodus angles downward, fire igniting around it. This goes on for some time, and soon they begin to think the clouds are infinite, until at last they break through and find water reflecting up at them. So much water; a brilliant ocean. Exodus is heading straight for impact but they turn and angle out, and they start roaming over the water, almost low enough to touch it. Everyone is gazing out the windows, hoping to see something, but then they do...an isthmus cuts into the ocean up ahead, lush green extending toward a mainland. Exodus flies toward the isthmus, over tall trees (as tall as the Redwoods). They spend some time flying over jungle until finally they head down beneath the canopy and start moving between trees, then land on the jungle floor far below. They stay aboard Exodus although they are obviously excited to go out. They are performing an external scan and find that the planet contains enough oxygen for them to breathe without their suits; this surprises them. They all want to go out, but some have to stay behind. Isiel says nothing, just studies the ground as they step onto it. Leena is crying tears of joy as her feet touch ground, and Sebastian asks what's up, and she says she's never felt ground before. In her delight, she hugs Sebastian tightly and even kisses him. Lucas watches from the shuttle.

They walk around the jungle for a while, looking at the majestic plant life and some insects, some of which are very large. Then they see vines hanging down and they touch them, but the vines start moving and are actually giant snakes that curl up into the trees, perhaps in fear of the newcomers. This just awes them, though. They walk for some time in that jungle, exploring the beauty of it, hearing the wonderful sounds, and at hear water and come to a stream of clear water. They sip from it and wade in it. Leena is beside herself with joy, and Sebastian takes to her instantly, wading with her. Lucas is cast aside, but he stares around him at the majesty of this place. Suddenly, there's a scream, and they rush to find Jamey lying on the ground. A large feline with sharp teeth and black fur hovers over her, a cross between sabertooth and panther. Lucas tries batting it off with fists and a stick, but it just growls and comes toward Jamey. Then, a gunshot sounds and a bullet tears through the panther's skull, and it falls dead. Everyone turns and sees Isiel with gun out. Lucas hits him in the nose but people hold both of them back, Lucas shouting that they weren't here to harm the lifeforms. Isiel said it would surely harm them. The fight escalates but they all return to the ship and relay to Rouge and the others what happened. They agree they'll sleep for now and go out again in the morning.

It is night and most of the crew is asleep, but Lucas wanders the shuttle and finds Beth's broken urn. He speaks to it, saying he wishes she was hear to see this. Then he hears a voice, and goes to the cockpit where he spies on Isiel, who is speaking to a holographic image of Nao. He is in mid-conversation with Nao when he senses Lucas's presence and cuts the transmission. He faces Lucas and tells him to mind his affairs, and Lucas says he was thinking the same of him. They stare each other down, then Lucas makes a surprise offer; he says he was going to go out, and he offers Isiel to accompany. Isiel accepts the offer, but rather than go out on foot, Lucas brings him to a room with pods in it. They each get in one and the pods lower from the shuttle and reach the ground, then revolve and sprout wheels. They're like motorcycles, and they take off in the pods. Lucas removes the shield around his, exposing himself to the wind, and the wheels take in as it instead hovers over the air. He races and Isiel follows suit. It almost seems as the two are racing; they rush through the jungle, fire trailing behind them but not enough to cause harm, and they go far scattering strange birds and large insects and snakes and they separate but Isiel becomes aggressive and starts ramming his pod into Lucas's, which makes both of them determined to out-race the other. But they come to a stop suddenly when they hear strange noises. Lucas shushes Isiel and they kill the pods, which go back into balls. The two men set off on foot and peer through shrubbery. There is a fire lit, and someone's back is to them...but it looks human, only pale milky white. Another approaches, standing taller than 8 feet. Isiel's eyes widen, but Lucas pulls him back. In a hushed voice, he tells Isiel that they do not know if these are friend or foe, so far now they must head back to Exodus and would set out at dawn to discover who, or what, these people were. Isiel consents and they head back.

The sun is just rising over the jungle, casting brilliant light on the foliage. Birds make exotic morning calls, waking Leena. She finds Lucas already up, talking to Captain Rouge. As Leena comes in, she picks up on the convo; there was someone out there, with a camp fire. Rouge is uncertain what they should do, but Lucas reminds him that the whole point of this expedition, the reason their grandfathers set out decades ago, was to find life, intelligent life. Leena says she wants to meet these “people” and learn what she could about this world and its cultures. Sebastian, who comes in, agrees, and Leena smiles at him. Then a knife lands on the table, pinning down a chart. Isiel steps in, an odd smile on his face, and he says, “Let's see what we can find out.”

Five of them set out in the only five pods, transforming them into the wheelless motorcycle-things that speed above the ground. They all set out toward where the camp was, but in the process Lucas gets separated from the others, who shout out his name. He had been going too fast and left them behind. Their shouts become faint, and he keeps going. He is looking ahead determinedly when suddenly a powerful force blasts him off his bike, which slams into a tall tree and catches on fire then explodes. Lucas rolls to the ground and a foot slams into his side. A large shadow hovers over him, and he turns to squint up at it. A large white Sensetti hovers over him, raising a pike. An electric charge powers on one end, and the Sensetti is about to plunge it into Lucas, who raises his hands to fend himself, when suddenly one of the motorcycle-pods spirals out of the bushes and Leena leaps off, tackling the Sensetti. They roll on the ground and Lucas gets up, wielding the pike. He turns it on the white-skinned humanoid and barks at him to get to his feet. The two stop fighting, and the Sensetti looks at him with a glower. More of the pods show up, and Sebastian, Jamey, and Isiel look at what's going on. The Sensetti stares them all down, but especially Lucas, and he tells them they are not welcome here. This takes Leena back, not expecting it to speak their language, but she asks who...or what...he is. “I..I am a Sensetti,” he says as if it were obvious, but then he asks what they were doing here, and demands they go away. Lucas reminds him he holds the pike, but then the Sensetti snatches it from him and smacks them all down, but they get back to their feet as he waves it about in a mad flourish. “Javin! Stop!” a woman's voice calls (the same voice as the narrator from opening). Everyone turns to look as a white-skinned female Sensetti steps out of the foliage in a very revealing cut dress. Javin lowers the pike and faces her. “They are not of here,” he says, and she snaps back, “WE are not of here...not anymore.” Javin bows his head in shame, and the woman apologizes for her companion's irascible behavior. She introduces herself as Amira and asks them their names and where they helm from. Lucas extends his hand, which she looks at, and Javin growls. Lucas withdrawls his hand, and they all introduce themselves and explain why they're here. Amira smiles and says they have much to discuss, and she asks that they accompany her as she returns to her camp.

On the walk, Javin remains close to Amira as protection, which she scoffs at. She takes instantly to Lucas, saying she admired his bravery, but it was foolish to stand up to a Sensetti warrior and expect to live. Lucas threatens to take Javin out if he doesn't back off, and this makes Amira laugh and call him funny. Leena asks many questions, like what this world is, and they learn it is called Aren. “It's my home...or used to be,” Amira says, and they ask what she means, but Javin interrupts, saying they were asking too many questions without giving answers in return. Amira agrees, and so as they walk, they both share details of their lives. They learn Amira was a Sensetti, too, but that the Sensetti were relegated to a lowly status and it was the Chitans who held Aren firmly in their grip. Amira claims she was on The Hunt, but Javin insists she's too young, and they get into a feud about it. Lucas asks about what The Hunt is, and Javin smiles wickedly and says they set one Chitan loose in the jungle and the Sensetti chase it until they find and kill it. Amira shakes her head and says it was barbaric, but she insists on being a part of it, which provokes Javin to say she only wants to be the one to find the Chitan so she makes sure he is not harmed, and Amira doesn't deny it.

They reach the camp and more Sensetti come out, some with bows and other weapons, including pikes like Javin's, slung over them. They were ready for The Hunt, but when they see the newcomers, they get aggressive and think this is unwise to bring them here; they could be informants for the Chitans. Amira raises her hand, and silences them. She promises the Chitans had no business in this, and that seems to still their tongues. Lucas studies her quizically, and the Sensetti look at him with apprehension. One proclaims that he looks dangerous and should be killed, but Amira stands in front of Lucas and says that no harm will come to them. She says they are humans. All the while, Isiel has a dark cast but says nothing. Amira takes the five humans into a tent designed like a teepee. Inside is another woman of pale white skin, and she is surprised at the sight. Amira tells her that they would do no harm, and the other woman addresses her as “m'lady” and looks concerned that Amira brings company into her tent. Javin also enters, though, so she seems appeased. Lucas asks what this “m'lady” talk is about, and Amira says it's nothing, just some fool notion they had. She says she wishes to tell them all about Aren, but first they must eat and celebrate their arrival. A horn sounds, though, and the Sensetti warriors gathered outside race off into the trees. Amira says it was the beginning of The Hunt, so they must put off their meal for another time. She asks for their forgiveness but says she must be off, and she and Javin leave. The five humans study each other in awe.

The Hunt progresses. We see shots of some of the Sensetti warriors steathily moving through jungle. One of them is set upon by a grey-skinned Chitan from the jungle above, and when Javin finds him, the Sensetti is dead. Amira is alone by a stream when suddenly she hears leaves rustling, and the Chitan appears on the other side. He studies Amira, then bows his head to her. They lock eyes, and the Chitan says he will not harm her, “my lady”, then runs off. She gives chase for a time, but her chase brings her and the Chitan to the Exodus.

Lucas is outside the Exodus when the two Arenians emerge from the jungle. He recognizes Amira instantly, and she recognizes him. Suddenly, the Chitan trips Amira and shoots something; a net wraps her up. He tells Amira that he does not want to hurt her, then stares Lucas down and charges at him. Lucas dodges his blow, but the Chitan aims again and wields a pike like Javin's. He starts batting at Lucas, who uses a large stick to counter the blows, but the stick snaps. Leena, Sebastian, and Rouge come to help but they are pushed back. Amira is scrambling in her net on the ground when suddenly Javin bursts through the trees and raises his own pike to the Chitan. They lock their pikes together and start fighting pike-to-pike, electric sparks wielding. Lucas goes to Amira and cuts her ropes. She thanks him, but says Javin will fight to kill now. She doesn't seem to want that. Sebastian and Rouge are trying to help Javin but he barks at them to stay down, then goes on fighting the Chitan. They leap on top of the Exodus and start brawling their, then roll around on the ground and leap up trees. Amira aims a gun at them but they keep moving. Lucas takes it from her, telling her to trust him, and he shoots; the Chitan is knocked to the ground in a net like the one that held Amira. They race to it, and Javin is about to kill but Amira snaps at him to lower his pike. He does so just as more Sensetti come into the clearing. All the humans come off the Exodus and stare in awe. Isiel holds up some device, but no one pays him any attention, and there's a flash. One of the Sensetti growls at him and prepares to attack, but Amira intervenes. She says she's calling The Hunt off; they have the Chitan. The Sensetti want him dead, especially after he killed one of theirs, but Amira says she will have no bloodshed, and they bow their heads to her. Amira draws Lucas to her and she thanks him, placing a hand to his cheek. He places his hand on hers, and she smiles at him. Javin makes a low guttural sound, and Amira says they must go. They take the captive Chitan and leave.

Isiel is speaking to a holographic image of Nao. He says this world is very impressive, and he plays the feed he captured earlier of the Sensetti that growled at him after the flash. Nao says it is impressive, and he has already alerted the fleet. Isiel asks how much more time, for it is insufferable sticking with this lot; they mean to cooperate with these Arenians. Nao says it will not be long; he is assembling the fleet, and soon Aren will fall to them. Isiel kills the transmission.

Night time in the Sensetti camp. The warriors are muttering, talking about how “she” was too kind. Javin hears them and throws them off, even pushing one, and says that they knew who she was, and if they thought her unwise or too kind, they had best remember that it was he who protected her, and he holds a blade threateningly out. They back off. Inside a tent, Amira approaches the caged Chitan. She tells him that when they return to the Capital, he would be set free. The Chitan says she is very kind...for a Sensetti. The maid overhears and tells the Chitan to watch his tongue; he wasn't speaking to someone lower than himself. Amira calms her maid then tells the Chitan that she wanted no harm to come to him, but if he tries to bring harm upon the Sensetti when they reach the Capital, then she would see that his family was put in The Hunt next month. The Chitan says it will not get that far, and Amira asks what he means. “They are coming,” is all the Chitan says.

Lucas is wandering alone in the jungle and comes to a halt outside the Sensetti camp. He watches their fire and the sleeping Sensetti. He sneaks into the camp and finds Amira's tent, and he goes inside. He sees a sleeping shape, when suddenly he is lifted by the scruff of the neck and a low growling voice, which is Javin's, says he will have his head for this. “Javin, put him down,” Amira says, coming into focus. Javin reluctantly sets Lucas down and reminds Amira that he was in her tent without permission, but Amira says she's glad Lucas came, but asks what made him come. Lucas says he doesn't really know; he can't sleep anymore, and it was too quiet on Exodus, so he took a walk and his walk brought him here. Amira asks if he came here just to see her, ignoring everything he just said, and he stammers for a response. Javin is keeping an annoyingly close watch on her. Amira says she doesn't understand it, but she likes him, and Lucas chokes on his response. Amira offers him water. She tells Javin they were going to take a walk, and Javin thinks it unwise, but Amira stares him down. They all three set out from her tent. Amira tells Javin to stay behind a few paces; she wanted to talk to Lucas alone. Javin follows, and Amira and Lucas converse as they walk around the edges of the camp. Amira says she finds “humans” very interesting and wishes could see their world. Lucas says he has never seen it; he's lived on Exodus his whole life. Amira changes the subject radically, asking if he ever loved anyone. Lucas pauses, so Amira takes it for a yes and asks what happened, and Lucas says she died. Amira says that is a sad thing, and she stops and stares Lucas in the eyes. Her silver ones reflect moon like her skin. “What about you...m'lady?” he asks, and she laughs. “I am not allowed to love,” she says, looking over at Javin. Lucas is confused, and he asks what this “m'lady” is about anyways, and why they all bow to her and listen to everything she says. She asks if he thinks it odd then that a woman can wield so much authority, but Lucas says that's not it, and she says she was only teasing him. She says she comes from a very powerful line, but leaves it at that. He asks what became of the Chitan they captured, and she says he's being well tended to, and they continue walking and talking, getting to know each other; Lucas holds back though and she can sense that. She asks if he doesn't trust her with being personal with her. He doesn't reply, and she says she can see why, they being of two different species and two different worlds. She says that maybe one day they could trust each other.

Suddenly, a fire starts to spread into the camp. Javin quickly draws Amira to the ground and Lucas stays by her side. He asks what's going on, and Javin says the Chitans have found them. In the camp, Sensetti awaken as tents burn around them, and the Sensetti start fighting against Chitans, but it is a slaughter. The Chitans overwhelm them with superior weapons and large numbers, and they slay Sensetti. They free the Chitan from his cage and ask where “the princess” is, and he says he doesn't know, so they chain him up and put him in a cage of their own. The Chitans start moving into the jungle, and Javin says they must go now. Lucas says he must go back to the Exodus to warn them, but Javin says it was too late for them, and he drags Amira with him. Lucas looks between them and the Chitans on the other side of him. Amira tells Javin to stop and she looks pleadingly at Lucas. She begs him to come, and Javin says that if he must, he must do so now. Lucas is torn, and he says he needs to warn his friends. Amira insists he come and suddenly a burst of the fire from the campsite shoots up and a branch from a tree swings down and knocks Lucas out. As he's fainting, he can hear Amira's screams.

Silence at Exodus, then Chitan warriors start emerging from the trees. They surround the Exodus. On board, Rouge is just waking up and he sees the Chitans surrounding the shuttle. Sebastian and Leena appear beside him, and Rouge tells them to go; he will hold them off for as long as he can. Leena says they cannot leave him, but Rouge says they must go now, and he starts opening fire on the Chitans with two machine guns. The Chitans leap about and set fire to the ground around Exodus. Some even leap onto the shuttle but Rouge holds them off with gunfire while Leena and Sebastian sneak out. Jamey also comes with them, but the rest of the crew seems to be staying behind to fight off the Chitans.

Lucas's eyes open, and he blinks. It's blurry at first but things come into focus, and sunlight is staring down at him, then a pair of silver eyes. Amira hovers over him, and she tells him not to move. She tends to a bruise on his head, and he asks what happens. She says he passed out, but Javin carried him away and now they're safe. They are just outside a cave on a cliff overlooking the jungle. Lucas realizes they had come a long way, and Amira says Javin has strong and fast legs. Lucas stands as Amira holds onto him and he looks over the cliff at the jungle below. Birds rise from some trees and take flight. Lucas says he must go back; his friends may still be alive. Javin walks up from behind, and he says he scouted out the area. He saw this Exodus; it was badly damaged. Lucas asks if there were any survivors, and Javin says he found one on his way back. “Who?” Lucas asks, and Javin steps aside...Isiel stands there. Isiel says he saw them coming; horrible grey monsters. They ravaged Exodus and killed the crew. He says he watched Leena burn in their fires and saw as they ripped Sebastian to pieces. They didn't even spare Rouge. Lucas's eyes are watering, and he pushes Amira's comforting arm away from him. He goes into the cave even as Isiel continues to talk of the bloodshed. Amira shouts out his name, but Javin holds her by the arm and says he would want to be alone. Isiel turns to them and says it was just awful, absolutely horrifying, and if it were up to him, those gray bastards would burn for this. Javin looks at him with a stoney expression, and Amira says it was not doing any good to talk about what the Chitans did to the humans on Exodus. She tells Isiel that it would just hurt more to bring it up. She goes to the cave, and Isiel watches her with a cold look.

Some time has elapsed, and finally Lucas comes out of the cave. Amira was waiting by the mouth and she leaps up as he comes out. His eyes are red-rimmed. Amira goes to him, and she hugs him. Javin just watches with a glower and Isiel smirks. Isiel asks, “Any plans, Luke?” Lucas says not to call him that, but Amira says she likes that and calls him Luke, laughing at the sound of it. Lucas lets go of her, and he says he wants vengeance. Amira says that isn't wise; he was one man, and they were thousands. “Make that two,” Javin says, stepping up next to Lucas. Lucas nods to him and Javin nods back. Amira asks Javin how he's going to bring down an army of Chitans, and Javin says he will rouse the Sensetti in rebellion. It was time they removed these oppressive overlords. Isiel says that's all fine and dandy, but where were they to go to find these Sensetti if they were in hiding. Javin says he knows where to find them, one just has to look hard enough. Lucas says he wants to do it.

A montage shows Lucas, Amira, Javin, and Isiel walking through the mountain passes, into the valley, and across wild plains, until they reach a great woods and start off through it. Lucas and Amira seem to be growing quite close, and one night as they camp, Lucas finds Amira by a strem washing her hair in the water. Then she removes her clothes and wades into the water. She plunges under then rises and looks to see him there. He apologizes and looks away, but she says not to apologize. He says she's naked; he shouldn't be here, and she asks if this was some odd “human” custom, that men and women couldn't swim naked together. He asks him to join her, and he says if Javin saw him swimming naked with her, he'd probably put that pike of his through his throat. Amira laughs and tells him he smells really bad; he should wash, so Lucas removes his shirt and starts washing. Amira tells him to come in all the way; his legs smelled bad too. “How would you know what my legs smell like?” he asks, and she laughs and goes under water. He removes his trousers then climbs in the water naked. She rises out next to him, startling him, and she tells him that this is relaxing and nice. They swim around in the water, cleansing themselves, and Amira gets out eventually unperturbed that he can see. She puts on her clothes then tells him to come. He says he'd rather she didn't watch, and she laughs but he makes her look away as he gets out of the stream. She peeks between her fingers and as he's putting his clothes on, she laughs and he blushes.

Finally, early in the morning, the foursome are walking through a forest clearing when suddenly they come to a stop. Javin says they are being watched, and they huddle in a circle. Leaves shake over head, and Javin points up. They look and see figures moving through the trees but can't make them out. Javin says they are almost there, and they keep walking. By noon, they come to another clearing with a boulder, and Javin makes them stop. “Verus...we come,” he calls out. Leaves start rustling, and suddenly several Sensetti leap out of trees and from behind bushes and the boulder, all with pikes aimed the foursome. “VERUS!” Javin shouts, and a Sensetti climbs to the top of the boulder and tells everyone to lower their weapons. He looks down at the foursome. “Javin, what are you doing here? And who do you bring?” he studies the two humans quizzically. Javin says he comes on desperate terms, but then Verus looks to Amira, who has her face turned down. “Lady...look at me,” he commands, and she reluctantly raises her eyes to his. Verus growls and says, “Traitor!” Others echo the cry and raise pikes to the foursome, but Javin tells Verus that they do not come here for a fight but for help. Verus leaps off the boulder and comes face-to-face with Amira. He says she should be hanged, and she gulps. Lucas speaks up, asking what this was about. “You dare speak, you filth!” Verus cries, and someone jabs Lucas in the side. Amira speaks. She says she is sorry for who she is, but she didn't choose to be it. Lucas asks her quietly what's going on, but Verus silences them. He turns to Javin and asks why he brings “her” here, and Javin says they have come escaping Chatin captivity. “Chatin captivity?” Verus asks, then laughs and adds, “How can she be a Chatin prisoner when she is a Chatin princess!” Everyone echos his laughter and Lucas is shocked; even Isiel looks taken aback. Amira starts speaking, explaining that she is Sensetti, not Chatin, that she was taken from her home and her family and made to be something she never wanted to be. Verus scoffs at her and prepares to slap her but Lucas grabs his wrist. Verus yanks it back and asks who this is, or what he is. “I am Lucas, and I've come to avenge the deaths of my friends at the hands of the Chatin,” he says. Verus looks at him tensely, then smiles and says that anyone who seeks to seek revenge on the Chatins was welcome to him, and he embraces Lucas in a welcoming hug. Others cheer. Javin asks if they are ok now, and Verus says he does not appreciate having a Chatin princess here, but he will listen to what they have to say.

They discuss with Verus their plans to raise a rebellion against the Chatin. Verus makes some good points about how a rebellion could cost them what little status they still have left if they lose and would mean extermination if they do fail. He's also concerned about Amira's presence, thinking that because she is of the royal Chatin family, this must be some ploy to dispose of the Sensetti. Amira convinces him and all listening that she is loyal to the Sensetti and that she watched the Chatin kill her family and force her into a role she never wanted and she was tired of their brutality. They begin to lay out the plans to mobilize for war.

During a nightly celebration to welcome the party, Lucas sneaks away to find Amira alone and he keeps her company. He asks her why she never told him she was a princess and she admits she was ashamed of it because it made her neither Chatin nor Sensetti; the Chatins all saw a Sensetti but were too afraid to admit it, and the Sensetti saw a traitor. Amira confesses that her real reason for being on The Hunt was because she had fled from the Capital, but Javin accompanied her as her bodyguard despite her wishes to go into hiding alone. She knows the Chatins came to find her and bring her back to “her family”, which she scoffs at. Lucas becomes quite open with her, hearing all this, and tells her about Beth, and through flashbacks we see bits and pieces of his time with Beth and finally her being placed into the incinerator as the poem she wrote to him is read aloud in her voice. When he finishes, Amira says she is very sorry, for this Beth sounded like a wonderful woman. They become very close, and suddenly, he brushes her hair aside, they lock eyes, and then they kiss under the moonlight. It becomes a passionate kiss, but nearby a Sensetti watches and turns away with a duranged look on his face. When they part lips, tears come to Amira's eyes, and Lucas asks what's wrong. She says they cannot do this; he is human and she Sensetti. They could not truly love each other, because it is said that a man can only love a woman after he has placed his seed in her to bear his children, and she says that they are of different species and will never be able to have children. They cannot know true love until they have raised a child of their own together, and tears leak down Amira's face at confessing this. Lucas apologizes but looks hurt, his eyes red-rimmed, and Amira says she must go and leaves him there.

Over the next day, the Sensetti set out on a journey across the land, through forests and valleys and plains. Javin stays annoyingly close to Lucas, but Amira won't even look at him and keeps to herself most of the time, and she seems annoyed because now the Sensetti have taken up mockingly calling her “my lady”. At last Javin confronts Lucas when they have come to a stop, and he tells Lucas that he must not try to love Amira; it would do him no good because she would break his heart. Lucas says he already knows and Javin is taken aback, asking if he thinks Amira not good enough for him, and Lucas says that he understands that he cannot love Amira and that it is a foolish thought to have in the first place.

Exodus lies in ruin. Some shapes start moving out of the jungle around it, and they become humans as the light falls on them. They're searching Exodus and relay a message to a holographic icon of Nao, relaying what they have found. Nao orders they follow the tracks.

Leena, Sebastian, and Jamey are pushing through bramble when they hear a low rumbling sound overhead. They look up and see a silver shuttle passing over the trees, sunlight glinting off it.

The group has reached a series of hills. Verus is no longer with them and most of the Sensetti are gone as well. Javin tells them that Verus said they must meet here, for here they would find the army assembled. Suddenly there's the sound of horns blaring and a drum being beat beyond the next hill. Lucas walks up the grassy hill and comes to a stop at the top, peering over. Below lies a large army of white-skinned Sensetti, standing gathered in lines, Verus at the helm. Flags are held on some pikes, and some horn-bearers continue to blow a war cry. Amira comes to stand next to Lucas, and she says it is a magnificent sight and one she's proud to behold. They stand there admiring the sight of the army when suddenly, “LUKE! LUCAS!” He spins around and Leena comes running up to him and jumps into him in a hug. Sebastian and Jamey follow quickly and they all embrace. Lucas is surprised to see them alive and they reveal that Rouge bought them enough time to escape and about how they followed their tracks and wound up here. They're all so glad to see each other again, and the three newcomers are startled at the army gathered below. Then Leena says she has something to tell all of them, but before she can there's a loud rumbling sound. From the skies above a silver shuttle dips down, passing low over the hill and blowing the grass around. The silver shuttle carries onward over the army below, and the soldiers all look up in awe, their horns and drums dying out. Another shuttle comes, followed by four more. Isiel steps out onto the hill, towering over everyone and looking down on the Sensetti gathered below. Then, without warning, one of the shuttles drops a purple electric ball. As it hits the ground in the midst of the army of Sensetti, it explodes into an electric shock wave that knocks several of the Sensetti down and kills others. More of the purple electric balls are dropped as bombs on the army.

Lucas grabs Isiel roughly and wheels him around. He asks what the hell is going on, and Isiel says this is justice. Those bastards down there attacked them on Exodus, now they were paying the price. Lucas tells him that it was the Chitans that did that; the Sensetti were innocent. Isiel laughs and calls him a fool; he says that he had become just like them and yet he barely knew them. They were all barbaric, and they must be shown their place. Lucas slugs him in the face as Javin growls and lets out his pike. Amira lets out a loud wail at the sight of her people being butchered by the pulse bombs. Explosions rip the land and stunned Sensetti flee in all directions. Isiel shouts that Lucas will pay for this, holding his nose, and Lucas says he would watch Isiel burn and is about to attack him when one of the silver cruisers opens fire...on Javin and Amira. Bullets fire at the two Sensetti. Javin leaps into Amira's way. Lucas shouts “NO!” In the chaos that ensues, Javin snatches Amira away and they rush away from the hills as they're being shot at. Lucas tries running after them but Isiel of all people holds him back, and Leena does too. Isiel tells him he will be shot down too if he goes.

Over the next few minutes of the film, we see as Lucas and the other humans are taken aboard one of the silver cruisers, which flies them over the hills and into the sky and takes them to a larger shuttle. There, they meet up with Nao, who is pleased with Isiel's constant reports and we learn that Isiel sent him a message that the people inhabitting this world were barbaric and dangerous and he recommended that to show their strength, Nao's force should wipe some of them out on first contact, to instill fear in them. Lucas is appalled by all of this and confronts Nao personally, trying to counter everything Isiel had said about the Sensetti. Nao doesn't seem to care much; he says what has been wrought cannot be changed, but he is interested in seeing if he can learn anything from these people. In privacy, Isiel tells Nao of the relationship that developed between Lucas and Amira, and this sparks Nao's interest. Nao says that means these Arenians were intelligent, more human than most species they come across. Nao decides he wants to go to this Capital, to speak with the world's leaders and let them know of their new status. He also learns of the brewing conflict between Sensetti and Chitan and agrees it could be used as manipulation. Meanwhile, Amira and Javin make it safely to a gathering of Sensetti, where they find Verus still alive. They're all very surprised by what happened, and Verus is convinced it was Lucas's fault and wants him found and killed, despite Amira's frantic pleas. Suddenly, into the Sensetti clearing come the Chitans sent to find Amira. They do not bear weapons against the Sensetti but say they wish to make a deal; it would appear these newcomers are fierce, and the Chitans do not like these things they drop from the skies. They wish to forge an alliance with the Sensetti, to help fight off the invaders. It is rough, but the two sides come to some kind of a truce.

However, when Nao reaches the Capital, a pretty spectacular city, we find that Chitans hold an oppressive reign there. Nao demands an interview with the Chitan royal family, and is given audience to speak with them. Nao addresses them at first as equals, letting them understand that he can be compassionate. He tells them that his glorious Emperor has asked him to extend the empire's service to Aren, and with that would come great wealth and power in this part of the galaxy. Nao is very cunning and makes it evident that Aren would benefit heavily from joining with the empire, and in return for their service, Nao promises to eradicate the Sensetti, saying he already took out one of their armies. This impresses the Chitan king, who agrees to these terms.

In a brawl aboard the shuttle, Lucas manages to incapacitate Isiel and boards one of the silver cruisers with Leena, Sebastian, and Jamey. They set out from the shuttle alone in search of Amira. A series of scenes depicts the Sensetti and their new Chitan allies rallying support from various parts of Aren. Yet gaining Chitans to their cause is much harder. Amira acts as a mediator between the two fractions of Aren. She addresses the issues at hand, that these newcomers are manipulating the Chitans into thinking they will have power and peace, but what they really want is to make all of Aren submissive to their empire's way of thinking. Her words are very encouraging and do bring many Chitans to their cause, yet the Chitan king learns that it is Amira who is leading this rebellion against him. Nao's ambassador promises she will be dealt with. Another series of scenes unfold depicting the retalliation. Imperialists storm cities, taking white-skinned Sensetti out of their houses and brutally murdering them in the street or assembling them in large piles and killing them all at once. Others drop pulse bombs on entire cities where it is suspected large numbers of Sensetti live. Among the casualties, we do see some grey-skinned Chitans, but the empire's men make sure not to relay that news to the Chitan king. In other attacks, we see Sensetti and Chitan alike actually fighting back against the cruisers. During a rainy battle, one of the cruisers is hit with enough force to make it snap in two and both halves crash to the ground. Yet in that same battle the Sensetti and Chitans are slaughtered, and later Amira stands over dozens of dead warriors and laments their loss, tears streaming down her face.

In another attack, Isiel orders a fire-bombing of the jungle. He tells Nao that there were large numbers of rebels gathered there when he passed through and that Lucas might be there as well. Indeed, Lucas is journeying in the silver cruiser through the jungle when this unfolds. Shuttles pass overhead and he dodges detection but just narrowly gets out of their with his life. Large fire bombs are dropped on the jungle, and it starts a magnificent conflagration. Flames spread out in giant walls that consume the jungle. In trees and ground we see Sensetti fleeing but being burned mostly. Lucas steers the cruiser through the canopy, just keeping one step ahead of the flames the whole time. He just manages to escape as the flames spin in a whirlpool within the jungle. Trees tumble for miles onward as Lucas flies over them.

Lucas has been trying desperately to find Amira. He leaves messages everywhere he travels, and looks hard in all sorts of places. When he comes upon the bodies of female Sensetti, he looks for Amira's and is glad she is not there, but Leena is taken into shock at the sight of their corpses. They all agree this is a foul deed this empire has committed, and they know truly now the intent of Nao's forces; they wish to bend the whole world to their will, perhaps the whole galaxy. Lucas spends much time alone and one time believes he has found Amira but it is a female Sensetti protecting her son and she threatens him as he comes closer, thinking he may harm her. He apologizes and she flees with her son in tow in the night.

Isiel is hellbent on finding Lucas and believes he will lead them to Amira. He convinces Nao this is of the upmost importance, because if they can kill that bitch, then the Chitans will fully submit to them and the world will be theirs. Nao says that it will be only a matter of time before Aren is theirs entirely. He has already sent a message to the Emperor, and reinforcements are being sent. // During a bloody battle, as Sensetti and their Chatin allies are being slaughtered by the cruisers, several Chatins come from the hills and start attacking as well. It's a bloodbath, and Javin is in the midst of the fighting. He fights side-by-side with Verus, and they lead a team that infiltrates some of the crashed cruisers. They manage to take them into flight and start fighting back, taking down more of the cruisers in a chaotic air battle. It is a turning point, for the Arenians win that battle and now have possession of some cruisers.

Lucas is steering his cruiser over mountains when suddenly he is set upon by another cruiser. It starts shooting at him, and a fast-paced chase ensues through the mountain and takes them down to the valley before Lucas is shot down and spirals to a crash landing. The group narrowly escapes and is surrounded by the other cruiser. Lucas raises his hands in surrender but glowers as the doors to the other cruiser opens...and Javin steps out. He sees Lucas and is surprised, but then Amira steps out, and Lucas runs to her. He holds her in a tight embrace and says he was worried she had been killed, and she says she was worried he was actually with the invaders, but she knew he couldn't be. Lucas says he was betrayed too; Isiel was responsible for this, and Isiel would pay. They have a joyful reunion and amidst tears, they kiss. Javin growls and the other three humans are surprised. Some of the Sensetti look ready to fight, but Lucas tells them to try him, and he's sure he could kill them all. Amira says that they had much work to be about, and Lucas says he thinks their best plan of action would be to get to the Capital and rally all the Chitans to their cause; then they could try warding off Nao's forces.

The journey to the Capital is a dangerous one and they do most of the travelling at night to avoid notice, but after arduous days of travel during which Lucas and Amira rekindle their closeness and Leena and Sebastian seem to have become close as well, they finally arrive at the Capital. Yet it seems the moment they get there, they are set upon, as if it was a trap. They are blasted out of the air and crash to the ground. Sensetti and Chatin who had been following on foot are suddenly surprised by an ambush from the city; it is Chatin leading this attack. The crew in the cruiser escape, but Verus is dead from the impact of the crash and Jamey is dying. Leena regrets it but they have to leave Jamey behind. They run through the city streets trying to avoid detection, but a cruiser starts following them and opens fire on them. They hide in a house to find a Chatin family inside. The father warns them to get out or he'll call for help, but he recognizes Amira and bows to her, apologizing. Amira says they need help; they need the Chatin to be fully dedicated to her cause. The Chatin father says it would be a hard task, but there were Chatin here in the Capital already plotting against these invaders, and he agrees to take them to it. They have to travel underground through sewers but they finally reach a safehouse somewhere in the Capital and find a gathering of several of the city's Chatin. They are frightened when they see the humans in the new company, but when they see Amira they settle down and Amira begins to address them all. She tells them of their cause here, that they must all ally together, Sensetti and Chatin alike. The Empire would use the Chatins for now, but soon all of Aren would be forced into submission. She encourages them to fight if they wish to be free, and she wants them all to start rallying Chatins to their cause because they needed all the numbers they could get. Then she vows she shall go to the king himself and get his support, convince him of what must be done.

Isiel learns that there were humans spotted coming into the city with some of the Sensetti. He knows it must be Lucas, and he asks where they were last seen. The humans were heading for the palace. // Amira leads a small group, including Lucas, Leena, Sebastian, and Javin, into the palace and they manage to get through the guards and finally to the king's chambers. When he sees Amira, he is alarmed and then outraged, but before he can start shouting, Javin aims a pike at him and says he will use it if he must. Amira says she wishes to speak to him, calling him father, but he says she is not his daughter; she is Sensetti scum, and Amira confesses she is proud to be a Sensetti, because at least then she's not vain enough to let these outsiders try to overrun her world. She tries convincing the king that the humans were manipulating him, but he scoffs at this because he sees her with human companions. Lucas intervenes here, and he starts talking about what he has seen in the past days as he has travelled through Aren. He tells the king of the horrors of women lying dead, Chatin and Sensetti alike. The king is appalled for he says that they promised Chatins would be spared, but Lucas goes on to say he saw children, Chatin children, heaped in piles, never to know what tomorrow might bring. And he knows Isiel; he knows he will manipulate them all, make the Arenians slaughter each other, and then he would wipe out what was left of them when they were too weak to fight back. He goes on about how that was what empire stood for; the Chatins would not be made equal to Nao's men; they would be enslaved to them, if they lived through the war. His words have a noticeable impact on the king, and he asks what he is to do. Lucas asks him to send for help, to call the Chatins against the imperialists.

Isiel leads troops into the palace and tells the guards that there are intruders. An alarm is sounded that alerts Lucas. He says they must go. The Chatin king says he will do what must be done. As Lucas and co. scramble through the palace and Isiel pursues looking for them, outside is a bloodbath. Chatin against Sensetti, and the humans stay out of this one. The fight brews tensely for some time, minutes elapsing on screen. Finally, Isiel corners Lucas after their party split up. Isiel comes upon Lucas and Amira alone on one wing of the palace. He says he will enjoy this too much and that he wants to see them suffer, calling their “love” a fallacy. He bates them for a time and Lucas tries to get him to stand down, but after a tense showdown of words, they engage in battle. Isiel is a master at the pike he grabs from one of the guards and Lucas is weaponless, but he manages to knock a guard out and take his pike, and the two fight. Meanwhile, Javin joins in the fight below ground and so do the others in his group. Chatins start rallying to the Sensetti; not all of them, but the ones that Amira spoke with earlier. This alarms several of the Chatins, but they keep fighting. / Isiel and Lucas continue locking blows but the fight is going nowhere, so they abandon their pikes and start fighting like men. When Isiel seems to be losing, he makes a daring move, snatching Amira and holding a blade to her throat. He says he will kill her if Lucas tries anything. Lucas holds tensely for a few seconds, watching as Isiel holds Amira. // The battle is chaotic below, and the Sensetti are being overran because not enough Chatins are allying to them, despite pleas to join forces. Sebastian and Leena fight back to back but are surrounded and know they will die. // Isiel continues to bate Lucas as he drags a cpative Amira down the corridor and Lucas stands his ground, demanding he let her go. Then something unexpected happens. The Chatin king goes to a balcony overlooking the city and shouts, “STOP!” For a moment the battle pauses, and the king gives a brief speech in which he says he wishes for these humans to go away, and that if it must mean union, he would see Chatin and Sensetti together and alive than separated and enslaved or dead. His words are moving, but it's the action that happens next that seals the deal. Isiel, stunned, releases Amira and throws his knife, hitting the king in the back. He stumbles off the balcony. The fighting has completely stopped, and then there's a moment of silence followed by a battle cry. Chatins and Sensetti alike stop fighting and storm the palace. Lucas grabs Amira and says they must go, and he leaves Isiel as the palace is stormed. Isiel is surrounded and torn limb from limb.

The fighting resumes now as cruisers dip dwon from the sky and start fighting off the Arenians, but the Arenians are pissed, and they leap from roofs onto cruisers, bringing them down. The battle actually seems to heavily favor the Arenians. From his shuttle, Nao watches all of this and is very displeased. He says this would not do; the Emperor would not have a world plagued by battle. He tells a man to his right to activate the Torax. “The Torax...are you sure?” “Better no world at all than a world torn apart,” Nao says, and he orders all shuttles to retreat.

On the ground the fighting is continuing, but then Arenians notice an odd sight. The shuttles in the sky are leaving. The battle is won, and everyone starts cheering. Lucas leads Amira until he finds Leena and Sebastian, and they all ask what's going on. Lucas says this isn't right. Nao wouldn't give up like that, not when he had the upper hand. All eyes to the sky, and suddenly, there are gasps. Something was happening up there as the shuttles vanish into the clouds. Far above, as the camera goes into the clouds too, a hole starts opening in the sky, lightning around the edges of it. The hole widens and a loud hiss sounds. Sparks of lightning emanate out of it. The hole is sucking sky inward into an empty blackness, sparks of lightning flying out. The lightning angles to the ground and starts striking down, and suddenly the bolts of lightning get large as the hole does. The sound of whistling from the hole is so loud that everyone is knocked off their feet. Lucas holds onto Amira, who asks what's happening. Lucas just stares at her, not certain himself, and they pull each other together, holding on tightly to each other. Now lightning striking from the sky comes in giant solid beams that tear craters into the ground where they strike. The hole is widening, clouds and sky sucking inward and causing a sphere of electricity to expand in the center of the hole. The ground is being ripped asunder, and suddenly a second hole starts materializing in the skies over Aren, and a third, each getting larger like the first and emitting sparks of lightning that become giant crater-forming beams. Ground rips apart as if by an earthquake and buildings crumble. People scream and many die, but Lucas holds on tightly to Amira.

In the space over Aren, Nao watches as the Torax is being used on the planet. Holes are forming in the atmosphere, sucking the planet into them. Suddenly, Nao is told he has a message, but Nao says it can wait. “It's from the Emperor sir,” the man says, and Nao gulps and goes to answer the message. A holographic icon of a tall man appears, a deep voiced man. He tells Nao that his reinforcements will arrive within the day, and he was sending an ambassador personally to oversee this Aren. Aren would make for a great new entry into the empire, and he was pleased with Nao's hard work. When the ambassador arrives, he would need Nao for another mission. He thanks Nao, and Nao thanks him, and the transmission ends. Reinforcements. Nao gulps again, and he turns to the man and orders the Torax be deactivated.

Everyone is bracing for death when suddenly...it just stops. The holes go away like they were never there. The destruction is still evident, but everyone gets to their feet. They're all surprised, most too surprised to even talk. Lucas holds Amira tightly, and they kiss again. Javin approaches and he says he has a feeling this is not over yet. Lucas tells him Nao would be back, he knows he wouldn't give up so easily. Javin asks what they will do, and Lucas says they will show them that Aren was a world willing to fight back, and they would not give in so easily. In the streets, Sensetti and Chatin turn to each other, and they embrace for the first time as Arenians both.

Edited by The Creator
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Invaders Must Die!: The Tale of Doogie Rounds

Director: Adam McKay

Genre: Western/Sci-Fi/Comedy

Date: September 12

Studio: Blankments Productions

Cast: Will Ferrell as Sheriff Doogie Rounds, Jay Baruchel as Newton Smith, Hayley Atwell as Miss Toots, and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as the Alien Queen.

Runtime: 105 min

Tagline: A Love Story

Plot: Newton Smith is running away from aliens as he has just stolen a key to a time machine. He quickly runs into the time machine garage, and jumps into a time machine, putting in the keys. Aliens are knocking at his doors, so he quickly sets the time to the '80s. He presses Go, and the time machine instantly disappears.

1886. Sheriff Doogie Rounds is the most beloved person in Balls Out Gulch, having the role of Sheriff for an entire year, the longest yet. He sleeps with a different woman every night, and everyone is okay with that, since there hasn't been any sort of gunfights at all. One night though, before Sheriff Rounds goes to bed, a bizarre machine lands in his backyard. Newton stumbles out, and introduces himself to Sheriff Rounds. Sheriff Rounds grabs his pistol and threatens to shoot the boy if he doesn't tell him what Indian tribe sent him.

Newton explains that he is from the future, where aliens invaded and have taken over the world. He stole a time machine from the alien's to live the rest of his life in the 1980's, which Newton believes is the best decade. However, he accidentally landed in the 1880's. Sheriff Rounds, not knowing what an alien is, asks for a painting. Newton pulls out his phone, which has a picture of the Alien Queen on it. Sheriff Rounds is instantly smitten, and asks to meet her. Newton says the time machine only has one trip a week on it, so he can't go to any time for a week. Sheriff Rounds offers to allow him to stay at his place if he goes back to his original time with Sheriff Rounds in a week, or Sheriff Rounds will shoot Newton and take his time machine in a week anyway. Newton agrees to the first option.

A montage follows following fish-out-of-water antics with Newton in Balls Out Gulch. Sheriff Rounds finds out Newton is a virgin, and then teaches him in the ways of the women. Sheriff Rounds then begins playing matchmaker between him and the town schoolteacher, Miss Toots. An awkward date insues that ends them both finding they love to read the writings of Charles Dickens. They bond over this, and then Newton loses his virginity the last night he is spending in Balls Out Gulch.

Early the next day, he and Sheriff Gulch go back to the future, revealing a cyberpunk city named Ballsoutville. They are immediately arrested by the aliens who were waiting for Newton returns. Sheriff Gulch asks to be taken to their leader, and the aliens shrug and agree to take them. When the Alien Queen sees Sheriff Gulch, she is instantly madly in love with him and his manliness. Sheriff Gulch is instantly in love with her too. They immediately have sex, and the Alien Queen turns into a human. She explains that once a member of her species has sex with another species, they turn into that species permanently. Newton is recording this secretly on her phone, and leaks it to the Internet.

A week later, all of the aliens have mysteriously disappeared and there's been a bizarre population and marriage burst. Sheriff Gulch decides to stay in the future with the Alien Queen, citing that she is the girl for him. Sheriff Gulch gives his badge to Newton, who takes the time machine back to the 1880's. He lives happily ever after, marrying Miss Toots.

Theatres: 3,551

MPAA Rating: R for raunchy humor, bizarre sexual content, nudity, and language

Budget: $60 million

Edited by Blankments
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Date- January 31st

Genre- Found Footage

Rating- R- strong violence, language, and some sexual content-all including teenagers

Theaters- 3,004 theaters

Budget- 20 million

Running Time- 104 minutes or 1 hour and 44 minutes

Studio- Number 2 Productions

Director- Paul Greengrass

Actors and Actress-

Corey-Liam Hemsworth

Lauren- Gage Golightly

Rachel- Ellen Page

Valeen- Dakota Fanning

Austin- Anton Yelchin

Richard- Josh Hutcherson

Dylan- Jaime Campbell Bower

Eric- Alex Pettyfer

Plot: The film follows the events of the Columbine High School Massacre on April 20th, 1999. The film begins with following the lives of several of the victims and of the two attackers. We see Dylan and Eric deal with being bullied, having depression, and stress in their lives. We also learn about the other students (Corey, Lauren, Rachel, Valeen, Austin, and Richard.) We see Austin obsessed with video recording and he recorders the parts about the other students and himself, while Eric videotapes himself and Dylan. The shooting is seen from the perspective of Eric’s camera, student’s phones, security cameras, Austin’s camera, and police video. The found footage is used in the film to create an emotional and realistic approach to this horrible tragedy from the perspective of attackers and victims. The film also features Valeen and Dylan’s famous “Believe in God moment.”

Edited by Andrew the Alien
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Move Taking Names (on March 28th) to June 13th.

Anyways, here's one more filler.

Best Friends Forever

Genre: Drama/Psychological Thriller

Date: April 11th

Theaters: 2,481

Director: Kimberly Pierce

Cast: Saoirse Ronan (Kylie), AnnaSophia Robb (Jill)

Runtime: 108min (1hr, 48min)

Rating: R for disturbing violent content, some drug use, and language

Budget: $5 million

Synopsis: A high schooler is tormented as she must deal with the death of a student caused intentionally by her best friend.

Kylie Slater was a normal sixth grader, but she was rather shy and didn't have too many friends. However, a girl moves into her town, Jill, and she is equally shy. However, Jill has lived a difficult life, living with abusive parents and is largely an outcast in society, despite her high intelligence and gifted creativity. Jill becomes picked on by several students, soon sitting alone at everything. Kylie comes to approach her one day, trying to make an offer to become friends. Jill lets her sit near her for that lunch. After it ends, Jill asks if she can sit by her again, and she says yes without hesitation. Throught the next few years of Middle School, the two become very close friends, doing activities together and helping each other out when they needed it. However, Jill was still largely harassed and bullied by her peers, particularly one boy, James. This harrassment continues well into their high school career At only 16 years old, Jill has had it with the harassment that she has had to cope with for her life, even if Kylie had provided her with lots of true friendship. She begins to stab herself with a knife from her parent's kitchen, but before she does it, she thinks for a minute.

A few days later, the high schoohas entered a state of emotional trauma. A freshman student, James Winston, and his parents were killed in a house fire. Most of the students are in a traumatic state, except for Jill. Her largest harasser had gotten what he had deserved. As the news captures the story and the police look for clues in the fire, Jill becomes cold and emotionally distant from Kylie. She tries to visit Jill's house and talk to her, but her father angrily turns her away, telling her that Jill doesn't need any friends. Later on, Jill and Kylie are seen talking at a special hideout under a nearby bridge. As the guilt slowly creeps upon Jill, she has to confess to Kylie that she started the fire that killed James's family. Kylie is horrified upon hearing this, but she says that she doesn't know what to say. Jill begs her that she won't tell anyone. Kylie was the only friend that she ever had, and she doesn't want to lose her. Kylie says in tears how unfair this is for her, but Jill is still begging her to keep quiet. Kylie runs away, crying. She doesn't know who her best friend is anymore.

That night, Jill returns home to her drunken father aggressively asking her where she went. She just says that she went to talk to a friend, but the father is furious with her for going out without his permission. She pulls out a knife and threatens to stab her with it. This was the same knife that Jill almost uses to commit suicide earlier in the film. Jill's mother intervenes, saying that he's going to far, but the two get into a fight which ultimately ends in the father unintentionally killing his wife. Not realizing what he did, he enters a state of hysterics, begging his daughter for forgiveness. Jill grabs the knife out of his hand, saying bluntly, "You brought this upon youself. Goodbye, daddy." She proceeds to stab him in the back, smiling as she does it. Kylie has a terrifying nightmare that Jill has brutally murdered several people in their small town, and Kylie must watch as Jill does the killings. As their school is ablaze in a terrible fire, Jill comes up to Kylie's ear and whispers, "best friends forever." Kylie wakes up the next morning in cold sweat.

Kylie begins to stop being around Jill, who is becoming even more distant from everyone. Kylie begins to have visions of Jill in the hallways, committing terrible acts to other people. Eventually, she has a complete breakdown and calls the police, confessing everything. Unfortunately, Jill has heard everything, as she hid a microphone in her house a while ago to capture what she would say, desperate to know if she would rat her out. Feeling betrayed, Jill goes on a rampage in her house, knocking things off the table and destroying pictures of her with Kylie. The next day at school, Kylie is extremely nervous to see Jill, and she tries to hide with other students at lunch and recess. Jill, however, has brought in a gun to school hidden in her backpack. She begins to shoot at other students. We don't see the action, but we hear the gunshots and students panicking across the halls. We also see blood splatter onto the doors. The police soon arrives at the school, armed and shielded. The body count was now at 13, with several more injured. The police find Jill in the middle of the hallway, pointing the gun at Kylie, but hesitant to shoot. In angry tears, she demands to know why she sold her out, to which Kylie tells her that she couldn't keep quite, no matter how hard she tried. In tears, Jill shoots herself, dropping dead on the floor, and Kylie begins to cry. A police officer comforts her, escorting her outside and to her home.

At the end, we see Kylie heading off to a summer camp for emotional traumatized teenagers, in order to lift her spirits and make new friends. Before she leaves, she visits Jill's grave, apologizing for everything and calling Jill her "best friend forever."

Edited by Spaghetti
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The Party Party

Director: Paul Feig

Genre: Political Comedy

Date: October 24

Studio: Blankments Productions

Cast: The Party Party: Robert Downey, Jr. as Bobby Jones, presidential candidate; Zac Efron as Josh McDonald, vice presidential candidate; Thomas Lennon as Joey Swipes, campaign manager.

The Democrats: Will Smith as Ronald Banla, the current president; Martin Sheen as Larry Runin, the current vice president; Bryan Cranston as Malcolm Fexley, campaign manager.

The Republicans: Christopher Walken as Simon Edgerton, presidential candidate; Tina Fey as Mary Archibald, vice presidential candidate; Christoph Waltz as Edmund Rewsco, campaign manager.

Others: Russell Brand as the benefactor, J.K. Simmons as the debate moderator, and Piers Morgan as himself.

Runtime: 93 min

Tagline: The Long Lost Story of the Last Election Ever.

Plot: The year is 2012. Bobby, Josh, and Joey, all single men at a dead-end job, are at a bar, where the Republican Convention is being showed on TV. We see that Simon Edgerton has been chosen to compete against Ronald Banla, the current president, in the upcoming election. Joey remarks that neither of them would be good for the job, and who would care about the upcoming anyway. All three of them are firm belivers in the apocalypse occuring at the end of the year. Bobby remarks that there should be a Party Party; since the world is going to end anyway, why not make it a party?

A man, overhearing them, approaches them with an offer. He'll give them all the money they need if they run for president with that idea. Seeing the chance for money, the three agree, and get an interview with Piers Morgan, announcing that Bobby and Josh are leading an independent ticket for the Party Party. Edgerton and Banla are not amused, but they accept the bid, and campaigning begins. Banla and Edgerton decide to have a meeting with each other to prove the campaigning will be fair, and the Party Party is invited. Bobby shows up, and makes a fool out of himself. Josh socializes with the VP candidates, Mary and Larry. Joey starts a fierce competition with the other two campaign managers, Rewsco and Fexley. The public loves Bobby's radiant personality, but neither Democrats or Republicans notice it.

The campaign continues with TV spots coming out. Banla and Edgerton are just releasing smear ads against each other, while the Party Party's strategy is to show women in bikinis climbing over them for guys, and then Bobby and Josh pushing them off, saying women shouldn't objectify themselves. The first polls come out and the Party Party is way ahead of the two traditional parties. Banla and Edgerton begin campaigning more aggressively, going on a tour of the nation to win the public's love. Meanwhile, the Party Party begin a Youtube channel where they post videos with Joey playing the typical American in dead-end jobs, and then Bobby and Josh popping out of nowhere and dancing saying that if they become president, the whole country will just become a nonstop party.

The polls are now equal a week before the election and there is the final debate. Banla and Edgerton begin stating their obvious opinions, while Bobby just ignores the questions and uses the debate as a place to display his talents of stand-up comedy. Edgerton and Banla are annoyed, and Bobby is booed off the stage. All hope appears lost. However, the next day, the final polls have the Party Party slightly in the lead! Since nobody likes bullies and everyone viewed Banla and Edgerton kicking Bobby out as bullying, Bobby is loved for his antics at the final debate. The election happens, and the Party Party wins, leading the U.S. into a future of fun!

Theatres: 3,654

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some crude humor, some drug use, brief nudity, and language

Budget: $75 million

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The Conondrum

Genre: Sci-Fi/Family/FantasyComedy

Date: September 20th

Theaters: 3,205

Rating: PG for some comic action and mild language

Budget: $50,000,000

Runtime: 100min (1hr, 40min)

Director: Mark S. Waters

Cast: Stephen Merchant (Andrew), Joey King (Maddie), Sacha Baron Cohen (Dr. Bentley)

Synopsis: A bumbling inventor creates the world's first time machine, but it soon falls into the wrong hands.

Andrew Lark is a gifted inventor, but he can only take this hobby as a pastime, due to his work as an accountant. He builds toys for his 10 year old daughter, Maddie, such as Blippy, a small robot with a playful and chaotic character. However, things take a turn for the worse when he loses his job to a cocky newcomer. Rather than search for a new job, as his wife keeps requesting, he insists that he will create a new invention that will be so popular, people will want to buy it, and he won't have to get a job. Without knowing where to start, he begins to tinker in his lab and simply hopes that something good will come up. Of course, this doesn't work at all. All of the sudden, he gets an amazing idea: he'll invent a time machine. After spending weeks on end working in his laboratory in the house basement, he does something that he can't even believe: he creates a working time machine. It consists of a silver chamber enclosed by a window-less door, as well as a control panel to select the location and point in time for the destination. He discovers this when he tries to travel back just five minutes, seeing himself nervously approach the machine and use it (from a distance where the past Andrew can't see him.)

Andrew soon presents his time machine to the public, where many people laugh at the concept. His daughter has not seen it, but she knows that it works, trying to convince the audience that the machine will work. After asking for a volunteer, one man hesitantly comes up, not believing that it will work. Andrew closes the door to the machine and asks for a certain year and place. The man choses 1958, at the site of an Elvis Presley concert. Andrew presses the button with a look of confidence, though he is secretly nervous. He was too overconfident to test it more than once, even if that time was successful. The machine begins to overheat, and we see the man inside making noises which seem like he's in pain. However, he's actually just cheering for the Elvis concert, which he made it to. The audience boos, and Andrew looks down in embarrasment. His invention was not complete. However, the door soon opens, and the man comes out. He says in a glowing voice, "It works!" Suddenly, everyone starts to cheer, and Andrew becomes an overnight celebrity, from doing inverviews and being paid millions for time machine usage. He pushes a strict policy that this machine is only for observation, and the past cannot be changed. One man, Dr. Francis Bentley, ignores this memo, jealous of his great invention.

Dr. Bentley steals the time machine and uses it to bring back some of the most evil people in humanity back to the present, in an effort to take over the world. Some of these people include Atilla The Hun, Al Capone, and Ivan The Terrible. He even brings back a few T-rexes to add to the chaos. Eventually, the world is in big trouble, and the world blames Andrew, as Dr. Bentley had framed him for bringing back these monsters. Andrew is thrown into jail, but Blippy, the robot that he had built, soon manages to find a way to break him out. They also devise a scheme to take back the time machine from Dr. Bentley. They soon make it to Dr. Bentley's laboratory, but it is guarded by several of history's biggest bad guys. Blippy sneaks past them and tries to find his way into the time machine. After working for a few hours, (while Andrew and Maddie are forced to escape to a nearby town) Blippy recruits the good guys of history to undo all of this. These people include Abraham Lincoln, Joan Of Arc, and Gahndi, to distract and fight the bad guys so that Andrew can get back and take the time machine. Bentley soon finds out what they're doing as Andrew finds the time machine again. The two soon enter a duel using swords mounted on the wall. However, these swords were just for show, so Andrew's sword breaks soon. After Bentley points a sword at Andrew, he recited what he did, and his motive of jealousy. Meanwhile, Maddie glances at the time machine and a sound recorder on her phone. As he begins to thrust to Andrew, Maddie interrupts, telling her that she recorded everything from the start of the scene, also calling the police with the recording. They come in and arrest Bentley.

Andrew decides that it's for the best to destroy the machine and any blueprints, saying how it would be too dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. After many people are dissapointed, they notice his other amazing inventions. Andrew soon creates Lark Industries, to specialise in high tech inventions such as those he has already made, and everyone is well off.

Edited by Spaghetti
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Miracle Kids

Director: Oliver Stone

Genre: Drama

Date: December 19 – limited, December 26 - wide

Studio: Guernica Films

Theaters: December 19 - limited 724 theatres, December 26 - wide 2272 theatres

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Budget: $50 million


Jamie Hector as Odinel

Nadage August as Gracie

Markens Cassamajor as Kiki

Meta Golding as Sabrina

Trina-McGee Davis as neighbour

Nicolas Cage as Chris

Michael Pena as Brad

Salma Hayek as Brad’s wife

Chris Cooper as Brad’s boss

Music by: Wyclef Jean

Runtime: 118 min

Format: 2D digital with some archive footages

Plot Summary: An estimated 100,000 children were left orphaned by the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, but Kiki, luckily, is not one of them.


We introduce our main characters. We’re start off in NY with a serious local fire incident. Chris (Pena) is part of the fire brigade, who deal with the situation in a quick, professional matter. However during the procedure Chris makes a mistake that almost made the situation worse. After the incident his boss (Cooper) tells him off, calls him a hothead who hasn’t got any kind of responsibility and warns him that he’ll get only one more chance to get things right. It only gets worse for Chris as he goes home he has a fight with his wife (Hayek), who complains that Chris is not willing to move forward in his life and the salary he earns now is not enough to feed their three kids. They are having a massive row that ends up Chris storming out and heading to a hotel to spend the night alone.

Meanwhile in Virginia, Fredricksburg, Virginia life is more simple. The local fire brigade doesn’t have much to do. We introduce Brad (Cage). He’s still single, a quiet, hard-working gentleman, who hasn’t been on vacation for a decade. He loves his job. His colleges are making jokes about him being always at work, never taking a day off. He expects a promotion and it really upsets him when someone much less experienced gets it. He decided to take some time off. He flies to Haiti.

Deep in the Haitian countryside, three hours from teeming, in Port-au-Prince, Moise “Kiki” Joachin (Cassamajor) shares a two-room wooden shack with his older sister and younger brother, their mother, her parents, and four or five other relatives. Coconut and banana trees grow in the dirt yard. We show the daily life in capital, we get to more about this particular family. Odinel (Hector) tries his best to give everything he can possibly give to his family, but the life standard in the area is poor and he’s struggling as well. He sometimes spends days away from his family to work as much as possible.

It is January 12, 2010, the day a massive earthquake struck Haiti. We show the massive movement and some strong and tragic footages of the disaster. The auditorium nearly explodes from the sound effects when we show massive building collapses. Chaos and mayhem beckons. We follow Chris, who managed to survive the catastrophe and immediately starts helping the local firefighters.

We cut to the NY motel, where the lonesome Brad is staying and watching TV. When he sees the news reports of the earthquake, he decides to act, he goes back home, gives kisses to his kids and tells his wife that he has to go to Haiti. He feels like it’s time for him to do something useful, he’s a firefighter after all.

We cut to the suburb area of the city. As the ground begins convulsing, Kiki’s mother, Gracia Raymond (August), runs from the porch of their apartment building in search of her five-year-old son, David, who is outside fetching water. Bloodied by falling cinder blocks, she begins frantically burrowing through the crumbled concrete toward her five other kids. She can make no headway.

Kiki’s father is trapped in his office at the Haitian customs service. It takes him two days to find his wife. When she tells him that five of their children are buried in the wreckage of their home, he breaks down and asks his neighbour to chop off his head “I have no reason to live.” – he cries.

The next part of the film we show the eight days that Kiki spent buried beneath the ruins of his apartment building. He and Sabrina, 11, huddles in a tiny space under tons of rubble, with no food or water, barely able to move; nearby lays Titite, four, and the bodies of their little sisters Yeye, nine, and Didine, 15 months.

Meanwhile Brad arrives to Haiti and meets Chris while helping out the locals. They are both trying to safe as many lives as possible.

The third and fourth days are passing by and Kiki and Sabrina start to lose hope. On their fifth day in the ruins, he sees his brother dying right next to him. He starts weeping as Sabrina covers little Titite with her T-shirt.

Then on the eighth day, a neighbour (Davis) rummaging for her possessions hears Kiki’s faint cries for water. He shouts for help. Chris and Brad are wandering in the area and when they hear the yell, they begin the rescue mission immediately.

The next chapter of the film shows their fight to save the kids. They spend the next four hours cautiously drilling through the debris and they finally reach Kiki and his sister. The hardest thing is getting the kid to come up as they are wearing a helmet and face mask and wielding a jackhammer, which is scaring them. Finally, Kiki’s neighbour reassures them. Brad is reaching down and hands the boy to her.

As Kiki is raised from the hole, he breaks into a blazing grin and flings out his arms in a victory gesture. Emotional scene when Kiki and Sabrina reunite with their parents.

In the midst of a disaster that killed 220,000 people, Sabrina and Kiki’s rescue is a welcome bit of good news.

Chris returns to NY to his family as a new man, Brad remains in Haiti, continuing to help the city to rebuild from the disaster.

With his family safe in Gracia’s home village of Depale, Odinel haunts the streets of the capital, camping under a tarp near the ruins where his other children remain interred. His job at the customs office has been cut back to three days a week; on his days off, he returns to Depale when he can afford the bus fare.

Kiki and Sabrina walk three miles each morning to a school called Ecole Renovation, in the town of Jacmel. In Port-au-Prince many kids still haven’t resumed their studies because most schools were destroyed by the quake.

Like most schools in Haiti, Ecole Renovation charges tuition, nearly $100 a year per child.

Unable to keep up with the payments, Odinel owes $400 and worries over how he will settle the debt.

Kiki tells adults he hopes to be a mechanic when he grows up, or a truck driver, or perhaps an engineer so he can help rebuild his shattered country. But even talking about his dreams, Kiki is subdued. The joy that transfigured his face has seldom returned.

The last scene shows Brad, Gracia and Odinel having a lunch together. “My dream is to start a business for my family,” says Odinel, “maybe selling rice and beans, to be able to put another room on the house so the kids can sleep better.” Gracia adds “We are grateful for what we have. “It was a miracle,” she says. “God didn’t want us to lose all of the children.”

End credits roll and a song fades in. “Miracle” by Wylef Jean.

Edited by The Dark Alfred
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Director: Cameron Crowe

Genre: Documentary

Date: August 27th

Studio: Guernica Films

Theaters: 383 theatres, 2nd week – 527, 3rd week – 772, 4th week – 1083

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Budget: $5 million

Runtime: 123 min

Format: 2D digital with some archive footages


This exciting documentary invites the audience to the world of the music sound “grunge” and predominantly showing the music scene of Seattle from the 70s to present day including plenty of archive footages, interviews, electric life performances, never before seen clips of iconic bands and funny and also tragic anecdotes. For music lovers this is an experience not to be mixed. The structure of the film is the following:

- Explaining the origin of the term, distortion, fuzz and feedback effects. Grunge fuses elements of hardcore punk and heavy metal, although some bands performed with more emphasis on one or the other. The music shares with punk a raw sound and similar lyrical concerns. However, it also involves much slower tempos, dissonant harmonies, and more complex instrumentation – which is reminiscent of heavy metal. 7 minutes medley mix with various iconic grunge songs.

- Clips of interviews from artist of present day

- Go into more detail with the characteristic, interviews and live clps explaining why the lyrics are typically angst-filled, often addressing themes such as social alienation, apathy, confinement, and a desire for freedom.

- After the electric first fifteen minutes, we get into the history and early development part. Interviews with artists, journalist, labels, fans, fanzine writers, club owners.

- Then the film explodes when we get to the mainstream success part. We go wild with live performances, behind the scene footages, wild stories and analysis of how the music industry reacted to the explosion of grunge.

- Then we hit more sorrow tones with some inevitable tragic moments and focusing on the decline of mainstream popularity.

- Then we make the audience to leave on a high note with the final part targeting the 21st century revival and surveying the influence of grunge and look into the future. We finish the film with some iconic clips.

During the end credits Pearl Jam sings “Ode To Ultra-Loose”

The bands appearing in the film:

7 Year Bitch

Alice in Chains

Blood Circus

Green River



Love Battery

Mad Season



Mono Men

Mother Love Bone


My Sister's Machine


Pearl Jam

Screaming Trees

Skin Yard


Stone Temple Pilot


Temple of the Dog


The U-Men


Edited by The Dark Alfred
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Pippi Longstocking

Date- July 1st (Tuesday)

Genre- Comedy

Rating- G

Theaters- 2,769 theaters

Budget- 20 million

Running Time- 70 minutes or 1 hour and 10 minutes

Studio- Number 2 Productions

Director- Spike Jonze

Plot: Pippi is a 9-year-old who lives in an old villa in a Swedish town with a horse and a pet monkey. Her mother is dead and her father, a sailor, is missing. Her chief attribute is that she possesses extraordinary physical strength, enough that she is able to live by herself without any possibility of adult interference (an attempt by two policeman to take her to a children's home is spectacularly unsuccessful). She meets Tommy and Annika, two children living next door. They then have all sorts of adventures, including searching for odds and ends, having a picnic in the woods, and introducing Pippi to school.

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Date- October 31st

Genre- Action

Rating- PG-13

Theaters- 3,442 theaters

Budget- 85 million

Running Time- 132 minutes or 2 hours and 12 minutes

Studio- Number 2 Productions

Director- Timur Bekmambetov

Actors and Actress-

Grace- Rachel McAdams

Isaac- Dileep Rao

Paul- Logan Marshall-Green

Alice- Vanessa Hudgens

Plot: The film centers around an Islamic invasion of the United States in 2015. After a missile (the source of the missile is unknown) accidently blows up part of Mecca during the Holy Haji, Saudi Arabia and Iran lead the entire Islamic world on a conquest to destroy forever the “Great Satan” America and Western Civilization. The world as people know it will change. The Islamic world doesn’t have proof that the missile was from the US but the missile attack gives them an excuse to invade the USA. Muslims (2.7 million) inside the USA are violently persecuted, which results in the Muslims revolting. Chaos and terror within the USA causes the Islamic armies to easily enter through the Mexican Boarder. President Obama who has won the election of 2012 is assassinated by radical Republicans for supposedly conspiring with Muslim leaders. The US military takes control of the collapsing USA and begins to fight back with the help Christians, freedom loving hippies/liberals, and Canada. The film follows four individuals: a conservative Christian (Grace), an American Muslim (Isaac), an American soldier (Paul), and a radical hippy (Alice). These four people despite drastic view of life all rally together to defend their beloved homeland. At first the Americans are losing because they aren't fighting for the same cause. The Islamic army seems undefeatable because they live and die for their faith. The Americans soon learn that their differences make them strong. In the end much of the USA is destroyed and several parts of Canada however the Americans have narrowly won the war. In the final battle, Isaac takes a bullet for Grace rescuing her from death. Grace and Isaac never got along well but Grace is greatly moved by the heroic sacrifice by Isaac. Grace after the war tells the world that all Muslims aren't brutal and vengeful. She tells them the story of Isaac. The USA as a result of the war is a third world nation but all that matters is that the USA has survived and actually Western Civilization has. The Islamic forces retreat to the Middle East and favoritism for radical Islam declines rapidly across the world. The missile is found to have been started by China. The Islamic forces gather to defeat China but within one day the combined forces of Russia, China, and North Korea obliterate them. The world becomes peaceful. The film includes a shocking and defining invasion of Hollywood (The capital of American culture) by the Islamic armies when they ripe down the Hollywood sign and massacre hundreds of political leaders, athletes, and celebrities.

Edited by Andrew the Alien
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