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1 生化危機之滅絕真相
Resident Evil: Retribution
10,891,406 Posted Image4 10,891,406
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  2 轟天猛將2
The Expendables 2
5,921,106 Posted Image4 8,388,754
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  3 消失的子彈
The Bullet Vanishes
2,873,476 Posted Image4 2,880,461
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  4 閃亮人生
1,528,203 Posted Image11 2,726,716
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  5 盜賊門
The Thieves
867,253 http://www.hkfilmart.com/images/common/spacer.gif11 2,463,770
  6 低俗喜劇
717,940 http://www.hkfilmart.com/images/common/spacer.gif39 29,678,906
  7 屍骨未亡
I Miss U
591,121 http://www.hkfilmart.com/images/common/spacer.gif11 1,533,881
  8 女朋友。男朋友
447,912 http://www.hkfilmart.com/images/common/spacer.gif18 3,299,412
  9 喜愛夜蒲2
Lan Kwai Fong 2
424,313 http://www.hkfilmart.com/images/common/spacer.gif25 11,031,668
  10 陰魂轉讓
The Possession
314,529 http://www.hkfilmart.com/images/common/spacer.gif18 3,237,192


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I'm back from hiatus for just this week only.Before I get into this weekend, let's look at last weekend's numbers.Ted - $300,000 (2-day est.)Due West - $871,957Headhunters - $27,087Chernobyl Diaries - $78,682Starbuck - $9,674ATM - $2,450Holdover totalsVulgaria - $3,861,894Resident Evil: Retribution - $2,241,807Expendables 2 - $1,496,258The Bullet Vanishes - $757,158Intouchables - $564,966This weekend is a bit complicated so let me lay things out. This weekend there will be 7 new releases coming out. 4 will start on Thursday, 1 on Friday and 2 on Saturday.The listThursdayTedLooperMagic MikeUpside DownFridayThe AssassinsSaturdayTaken 2Finding NemoAlthough Taken 2's official release is on October 4, September 29 can be considered its unofficial release date because it will be shown everyday before its October 4 release date. Its release pattern will be exactly the same as what The Expendables 2 got.HK: September 27 Predictions

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damn. TBL is doing so well in Singapore though. Right? Don't know why it flopped in HK.

Comparing TBL's HK gross to Singapore's doesn't tell the whole story though. The Bourne series has never been popular in HK and TBL managed to increase from The Bourne Ultimatum. Call it a disappointment if you want but it is no flop.
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