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Everything posted by Travod

  1. Well I mean like NYC schools are off for "Veterans Day Observed" on Monday.
  2. Why isn't this being considered a 4 day weekend? Or is Veterans Day like not an official holiday...
  3. Tom Hanks is being advertised for lead, but of course that won't happen.Even though I haven't seen it yet, I just hope Hugh Jackman gets in.
  4. Blah that his last episode was in BROOKLYN of all places.But it'll be great on CNN
  5. I liked it, LOVED the soundtrack and animation, but I felt that the emotional punch (when he sacrifices himself) was cut way too short and therefore held the movie from nearing Pixar status.
  6. Can we assume that numbers are lower because of Sandy?
  7. Because they're bigger and filled with more film majors.
  8. Because then I would have to wait.Why do people in the rest of the country need to see movies earlier?
  9. I loved Cumberbatch in TTSS and Hiddleston in MiP.The end.
  10. Sometimes I feel that you are completely clueless about everything.
  11. What would that accomplish?
  12. This is so trippy. The entire movie was a pretty great ride (Sonmi~451 and Timothy Cavendish having the best stories) but we didn't really get it until in the car driving home when it hit us that sometime after Sonmi is killed the post-apocalyptic Hawaii story begins. And then it all makes sense and it is wondrous.Two complaints: is it just me or were MANY characters almost impossible to understand? I'm not even saying Doona Bae, I'm saying Tom Hanks in half of his stories and a bunch of others. And that the movie started quite slow, but when it pretty much BEGAN, it did not let up.Woa.And then today itself has been trippy as hell. We stopped by the college where I saw a girl who graduated last year. Then by the theater we saw two kids from school. Then after the movie we stopped at Planet Fitness (friend wanted to get membership) and the girl who helped us is in my college class. Then as we walked out we walked into a kid who graduated two years ago. And then as we were turning the corner 10 blocks away we stopped short because a girl, my friend's girlfriend, was crossing the street. O____________________________O
  13. http://thefilmstage....wo-featurettes/Listen to the entire score for Cloud Atlas.
  14. Also men are playing women and vice versa.
  15. Isn't that what it's about?Life of Pi doesn't have any flashy camera tricks - it just looks gorgeous.
  16. Loved Up in the Air.GLOCAL.
  17. Yoooooooooooooooooo I can't even. My friend and I LOVED it.Oh my God from the first scene at the embassy, hot Jesus LORD.
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