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Everything posted by SpiderByte

  1. When did Frozen's first trailer come out, just to get an approximate timeline on this?
  2. I think it's different enough from the Incredibles that there isn't going to be much of a comparison. The visual style based on the art we've seen is vastly different at the very least.
  3. Agent Carter is also getting produced as a fully fledged TV series now. Which puts Marvel at seven different shows.
  4. Drew Goddard's been officially confirmed as showrunner for Daredevil.
  5. There are screenings in America coming up soon as well.
  6. You mean like Victoria Hand and Jasper Sitwell who were BOTH in the last episode? Or Maria Hill and Nick Fury who both have appeared in the show?
  7. It's being produced through ABC and Marvel Studios to Netflix, I believe, so it's a safe bet it's in the MCU until otherwise stated. This is kind of a groundbreaking deal for Netflix though. They've done original series before but nothing even close to something like this.
  8. I started the series with AC2 on a friends recommendation, but I don't think Altair is white.
  9. There's still the big question that it seems NOBODY IN THE PRESS HAS ASKED HIM FOR SOME REASON as to who the hell he's actually playing.
  10. Apparently it had good enough ratings for Marvel to move forward with FIVE NEW SHOWS. http://www.deadline.com/2013/10/marvel-preps-60-episode-package-of-four-series-a-mini-for-vod-cable-networks/
  11. Picked up for full 22 episode season. http://variety.com/2013/tv/news/abc-picks-up-marvels-agents-of-shield-for-full-season-1200712388/
  12. It's ratings seem to be good enough that it should probably get renewed. well considering it's up against both the Voice and NCIS. It's getting good overseas ratings as well, though I don't know how much those factor in. ABC from all reports is very happy with the current ratings so I bet this'll do fine.
  13. There have been reviews of what I believe is the Weinstein cut, and it still got great reviews regardless. So that's a good thing.
  14. On the upside, the people who've seen the cut version still have high praise for it.
  15. I think it goes without saying Iron Man 3 is going to do pretty well in China now. Apparently a tabloid newspaper in China said it'd be filimng there, and the main villlain is the Mandarin, but that Marvel's going to film it so that it doesn't portray China as a villain, just that the villain has origins from there.
  16. Paramount is kicking themselves up the ass for letting Avengers slip out of their grips to Disney, I'll reckon.
  17. Some person over at some Chris Nolan fansite said a week ago this'd outgross Avengers.
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