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Everything posted by Rudolf

  1. You assign a certain voice actor to a certain movie star preferable with a similar voice and keep that over all movies if possible. You need a good translation. I am wondering why they don't use CGI to alter the lip-movements following the dubbed text- that can't be that expensive anymore.
  2. The critics are not paid to predict what people will like.
  3. Have Chinese people stil less DVD-players than Japanese?Are they more in love with 3D ?Movie tickets are expensive in both countries?
  4. Everyone of us was avoiding saying that not to sound prejudiced.
  5. I am sure not even native speakers get all the jokes all the time
  6. The problem with Arnie speaking German ist that nobody understands his stoansteirisch-American dialect. He tryed in vain to get rid of his Austrian accent for years. When people accepted it, it became his signature feature.
  7. Take Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis as an example, is it really necessary to hear that peculiar dialect to understand the fact they speak differently? For Germany they invented a dialect to transport some jokes with words having dual meanings and it was commended by critics.
  8. Perhaps it really matters most how you grow up. In Austria in the 60s all movies were dubbed on TV except for scenes when they were singing (I hated those). Later to improve my English I took every chance to watch movies in English, but that was hard work. I can read a book in French (with a dictionary if I want to improve my vocabulary) and I can read a Russian newspaper understading the esssence. Of corse you can follow any action movie.
  9. To enjoy a movie in a foreign language, you must be really fluent and well used to colloquials and dialect and other idiosyncrasies. How can an English intelectual understand the French of the banlieus?
  10. American military machinery in action?But then again the Sowjets seemed to have loved Westerns.
  11. Why this hatred for dubbed versions?Ok you may lose some jokes: Yesterday I saw Intouchables in French with English subtitles (because my French is poor) after having seen the German version last week; differences I noticed:
  12. Intouchables is again No2 for 2012 WW on BOMSo at the moment France:outremer=20m:15mcan they get something like 1:2 like a normal American blockbuster?certainly not without USA or China
  13. even in French?Weinstein has all the rights for the English speaking world and China. I think they wait with their decision: remake or dub? As long as there is no English version on the Internet they have time. (What do the Russians pirate French or German versions with English Subtitles?)
  14. Who do you think reports the Dutch gross for BOM? (or the French Canadian)From whom do they get the cume?
  15. the shrek-book was not known eitherSuess is of German decent and his name means sweet - and that is how those movies appear: sweet and dripping of moral.
  16. But there are a lot of different distributors involved.http://www.unifrance.org/film/31884/intouchables/distribution
  17. In Russia it wil start as "1+1" april 26th http://boxofficeintouchables.unblog.fr/2012/03/29/box-office-russie-intouchables-rentre-dans-le-top-10-des-films-les-plus-apprecies-de-tous-les-temps/On Russan internetsites it has already been voted 4th best movie of all time. How can they know they will like it?
  18. I think Intouchables can jog along with a few millions for quite while. If you advertise it with enumerating its BO numbers and awards a lot of people will get interested,the rest is WOM. Japan with its older population has a high potential.
  19. BOM must have atleast 2 different sources for information. Intouchables seems to have been 18th DOM with $0.3m and 4th in the Netherlands with $0.4m but does not figure in those statistics. yet the cume looks alright.
  20. The Intouchables will be released soon(?) in 9 LatinAmerican countriesArgentine August 16th http://boxofficeinto...tine/argentine/Mexico June 22nd http://boxofficeinto...latine/mexique/Peru June 21st
  21. 4 french movies with most admissions outside France Amelie (2001) : 23,1 m ; $33,225,499 DOM March Of The Penguins (2005) : 20 m; $77,437,223 DOM Asterix & Obelix Take On Caesar (1999) : 15,9 m; $1,644,060 DOM The Intouchables (2011) 15 m, ----- Only March of the Penguins was dubbed in english (e.g. Morgan Freeman; narrative)
  22. Hungary 394 287 $ http://boxofficeintouchables.unblog.fr/2012/04/17/box-office-hongrie-we-du-5-au-8-avril-intouchables-va-passer-les-400-000-a-pudapest/
  23. 42 screens http://boxofficeintouchables.unblog.fr/2012/04/14/box-office-quebec-we-du-13-au-15-avril-cest-parti-pour-intouchables/
  24. Tibet is to China, what Alaska or Hawaii is to the USA. Perhaps Americans treat their indigenous people better. Allthough in 1990 I could not cross a bridge over the St. Lawrence river in Canada because Amerindians were blocading it. Sure the Chinese are worse: When in Tibet our lugage was searched for pictures of the Dalai Lama. In German we have the saying "Erst kommt das Fressen und dann kommt die Moral"(Brecht)- meaning: eocnomic considerations have precedence over ethical . Disney is a capitalist corporation and will act acordingly. I doubt that Downey Jr. and his convictions will be an obstical to the enterprise.
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