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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Skyfall number doesn't surprise me, when I went to see Red Dawn today everyone ahead of me in line was paying to see it. I felt kind of jealous despite already seen it twice It seemed like everything playing was getting pretty good business though. But what the fuck at the Guardians number... I figured this would do a lot better.
  2. November 21st, 2012 Red Dawn 4:25pm show 30/144 seats (21% full) Trailers: Iron Man 3 - Positive reaction. Playing for Keeps - No reaction. Mama - Mixed reception. Some guy near me stated "wow that looks really freaky" Broken City - No reaction. Movie was pretty meh. I don't think it was as bad as critics seem to be slamming it; there were some enjoyable moments. But mostly it was just bland and boring. Like a teenage Expendables without the novelty of nostalgia. I saw it with my dad (we needed some bonding time this holiday) and he enjoyed it, and that is all that mattered for me so it wasn't a waste of a trip by any means. But man, seeing a skinny Josh Peck is just too weird.
  3. Looks like a great pre-Thanksgiving weekend. Slightly underwhelming for the "grand finale" of The Twilight Saga but still good enough. Skyfall is looking at $41 million at the least, and should do more than $30 million next weekend. Lincoln's opening is huge, I totally didn't expect that. Wreck-It Ralph's Friday increase is fucking huge. If it can at least double that today it should be looking at $19 million for the weekend.
  4. If the $12-13 million estimate holds it's looking at $41-45 million for the weekend. That means at worst it holds slightly less than TDK did and at best slightly better than The Avengers did. Needless to say in this age of frontloadedness that is great.
  5. Maybe, but would still be a lot lower than a franchise finale with a history of huge openings should be doing.
  6. We don't know whether it was or not. All we have is guess from Nikki.
  7. I'd agree with those that say Hunger Games likely did take a lot of "the pop culture now" spotlight off of it.
  8. Because it's still Friday night. The 7pm shows on the west coast just started and a lot of showtimes on the east coast haven't played yet. It's just one big guessing game until tomorrow morning.
  9. Wow. Not that $65 million is bad or anything but I wasn't expecting this to drop off at all from BD1. It's even worse when you factor in that probably at least half the $30.4 million from previews/midnights probably should be going towards a seperate Thursday gross, and not Friday.
  10. The only mistake I can see is the fact that people are claiming Nikki's guesses actually have some value.For once I think she actually vastly underestimated everything. Normally it's the other way around.
  11. That is an epic hold for Skyfall. That is a pretty remarkable hold after the inflated Monday gross. I don't see it making less than $40 million this weekend.
  12. Impressive numbers for Skyfall and Wreck-It Ralph! Good holds from these two, plus the coming Breaking Dawn and Guardians should guarentee a big Thanksgiving.
  13. I don't think, even if Skyfall had absolutely no competition, that it would hold quite that well. Sure it has amazing WOM but it's still a Bond film. There is some frontloadedness to expect. Even The Avengers lost over 50%.
  14. So when Skyfall does $40+ million this weekend will we say Twilight had a huge effect on it?
  15. Twilight fans in general are used to going into denial. Just look at their reactions when you tell them the series is terrible.
  16. Hell yeah, Skyfall. Puts Taken 2 and Bourne to shame. $250 million is happening.Great hold for Wreck-It Ralph and Flight. I'm holding out for $200 million for Ralph, but I would be happy with $185 million. Flight is going to hold really,really well next weekend. I'm still not counting out $100 million but I think $80-90 million is a done deal.
  17. Hopefully Skyfall can prove not every movie needs to be in 3D to be hugely successful. I mean yeah you could point out The Dark Knight Rises, but WB could easily come up with a b.s. "well it could have done $500 million with 3D" argument... especially being WB. Yeah Avengers would not have done $600 million without it but it would have easily done $550 million which was still amazing. I think topping The Amazing Spider-Man's domestic total can do this.
  18. I need to do this more often cause I'm behind... Wreck-It Ralph (2D) November 3rd, 2012 5-Screen Cinema (normally not very busy) 7:30pm/380ish seats 75% full. Majority teens/young adults. But lots of families too. Only trailers were The Croods and Rise of the Guardians. Neither got any reactions. Paperman got quite the positive reaction though. As for the actual movie, everyone loved it! ________________________________________________ Skyfall 7:00pm; 382 seats sold out. November 10th, 2012 8-Screen Cinema (normally pretty busy, thanks to location) Trailers: Gangster Squad: General chatter/interest The Great Gatsby: Nothing Identity Thief: Lots of laughter. Jurassic Park 3D (despite trailer being 2D): Lots of "ooh great movie" and "love that movie" talk. Film: Absolutely loved it. I dunno if it tops Casino Royale as my favorite Bond film yet, but it definitely might. My friends loved it, the audience loved it. Seriously, Sam Mendes deserves something for this film. Javier Bardem was amazing as always, and though some may disagree; Daniel Craig is the definitive James Bond in my opinion. Word of mouth will be amazing for this, and will play well through the holidays.
  19. If Skyfall does more than Breaking Dawn (overall of course) I will regain a lot of faith in humanity.
  20. Earlier I went to see a sold out 7:00pm show of Skyfall. It was an 8-screen cinema and Skyfall was in only one (thought one of the biggest.) I met some friends about an hour away (closer to my home) to see it, and when we got there a huge line had developed in the hallway. The guy said the 4:00pm show also sold out. And as we were leaving a line had already started for the 10:00pm show and there were quite a few people at the ticket booth. Word of mouth is going to be phenomenal; the audience absolutely loved it. And wow, the possibilities of an increase were in my mind... but Christ. I was expecting maybe $31 million for Saturday, if this $36-37 million holds up that is just amazing. That is a lot more than Casino Royale increased. BTW, the cashier was a friend of one of my friend's (they both attend classes in that town) and while we talked to her while she was breaking on our way out. I asked her how Wreck-It Ralph was doing after we got done talking about the Skyfall turnout (which she said was also big last night) and she said she sold 254/382 tickets to the 7:15 show. When I asked her how that was compared to last Saturday she said they sold a little over 300 last Saturday for that time.
  21. Hell yeah, Skyfall. That's what I'm talking about. I'll be happy with anything over $75-80 million, but if this does do $100 million I swear I will run victory laps all day Sunday. For what it is worth, I still haven't seen it. Me and some friends decided to wait until tomorrow night, and I could see that being the case for a lot of folks. Either way, wow. 50 years and still kicking ass. Congrats, Bond. Megamind had both Tangled and Potter to deal with. Ralph only has Guardians and then both are virtually (no pun intended) competition free for almost another month. Ralph's week was also a bit mixed up by that big election boost, as well as Veterans Day preperations. It should be in for solid holds all the way through the month. $200 million may be a stretch, but I think it is definitely doing $185 million. Also it should be worth noting that Ralph's 3D share is a lot lower than Megamind's and Tangled.
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