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Everything posted by BoxOfficeFangrl

  1. I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.
  2. The latest crazy Mad Men conspiracy theory
  3. I can't get past Yates' bizarre insistence on OotP being the shortest HP movie and completely missing the point of Snape's Worst Memory (I recall fans guessing that it had to do with Lily back when the book came out in 2003?). Too many flashing newspaper headlines without any real weight to them. Things that you would think would strike filmmakers as inherently dramatic—Aunt Petunia knows what dementors are! Ron and Hermione get seriously hurt at the Department of Mysteries—are inexplicably left out. Well, maybe they left out how so many people were hurt beyond Sirius, because it was like Rowling hit a reset button when she was writing HBP and her attitude was, "Okay, did the emo PTSD/people don't trust Harry bit last year. All my carefully plotted angsty-yet-lighthearted romance will never work with Harry blaming himself for somebody else's death again (even if he is kind of responsible this time)!" So from the filmmaker's POV, you might as well not play up the extent of Harry's recklessness in OotP the book, or how he was all CAPS LOCK RAGE for months because he felt Cedric's death was partially his fault, but when someone a lot more important to him dies (and his friends are put in mortal peril) because of his actions, he's like, "Oh, well, Sirius wouldn't want me to be sad! Back to ogling Ginny!" IMO it's a major inconsistency between the stories that the filmmakers had to work around. OotP the movie is what it is in part because HBP the book took the turns it did. Butchering Snape's Worst Memory, though, no excuse.
  4. A coworker and I were discussing NYSM and he asked why the authorities stopped chasing after the Horsemen who jumped off the building. Sure, they caught Morgan Freeman with the money but wouldn't the others still have been considered accomplices? I joked the magicians must have done some mentalism on the FBI to make this one a closed case.
  5. They got all the answers for his security questions with the mentalist bit on the plane. After that all they had to do was click a "forgot my password" link from his bank's website and set up a new password of their choosing. Of course, that presumes that they got into his email account to have the new temp. password/link sent to them, but that probably wasn't hard. The real suspension of disbelief part comes in where in real life, the bank would probably put a flag/hold on an account where the password was changed and the account drained of that much money in such a short amount of time. It would be unusual/suspicious activity to say the least. Maybe they pretended to be his financial advisor and told the bank not to worry, the spending was personally approved. Oh, well, it's best not to overthink a movie like this.
  6. Hahaha, I'd forgotten that one. Melanie Laurent did say something about the best magic tricks being in the works for twenty years like the one with the card in the tree. Someone as bigtime as Michael Caine's character would have better online banking security than the same forgot my password questions that regular schmoes get, and word to the wise, don't use real-life answers for security questions! But neither thing had an adverse effect on my enjoyment of the movie. It's pleasant enough if you don't think too deeply about the logic behind it all.
  7. The universe is great but I kind of feel it's a major writing flaw that Harry is like the six or seventh most interesting character in it at best when he's the title character? But if the series had been Neville Longbottom and the... instead, I think there still would have been the same issues because of how JKR viewed the younger generation. They couldn't be killers, their romances were relegated to cutesy teen comic relief, they weren't really inventive in a way that enhanced the story. So overall, you have movies about children carrying on the battles of more interesting adults, but there's hardly any time to show just why these adults are so compelling and the main kids don't get to be more dynamic characters to compensate for that.
  8. OotP is my favorite, I felt it opened up the universe more and I liked that Harry was angry and isolated and really feeling the burden of his life, and it was the beginning of him really questioning Dumbledore's motives. Plus, it threw a curveball into the romance equation, when it had seemed inevitable what the utlimate pairings were going to be after the first four books. Why was Luna there and so intrigued by all things "Ronald"? Harry gave not one crap about Ginny dating other guys. Hermione the relationship expert had nothing to say about Ron's obvious jealousy at the idea of her being involved with Viktor or Harry? It seemed like maybe JKR was setting up a twist. Then with HBP it was like, nope, it was exactly the couples you thought it was going to be after the first book or two. Boring! But I get a lot of the decisions made with the OotP movie because so much of what was interesting about the book (IMO) wasn't really followed through in the remainder of the series. One example, Tonks started out with a strong introduction, a shapeshifting auror related to Sirius and the Malfoys, she's closer to Harry's generation than characters like Snape or Lupin, she's a little intrigued by Harry and maybe even borderline flirtatious ("Wand still in your jeans? Both buttocks still on?" *ahem*). But post-OotP, all she does is mope and get married to Lupin after five minutes of dating—heaven forbid a character get pregnant out of wedlock even though the books were supposedly so All. Grown. Up! by the last one—have a baby and show up dead in the background. So there was really no point in giving her much screentime in the OotP movie because by then it was obvious the character wasn't going to matter much.
  9. It wasn't that Peggy had armed herself in the house, that made total sense given everything that happened, but that she improvised a bayonet, basically. If she'd just had some sort of regular knife or bat that would have seemed a lot more normal. Around the web it's been noted that Bob mentioned his father's death during the premiere, but now he's telling Pete that this nurse brought his father back to total health. Now maybe the nurse saved his dad and then the dad got hit by a bus one day, but we're being presented an inconsistency and most likely it's deliberate. Ken is the "decent guy" of MM (now, he was kind of immature and frat boy-ish in the first season), but with Bob, something is up. He's gathered information about the most vulnerable people at the office and also subtly, under the guise of being nice and helpful, let Pete know that Joan can't be trusted to keep a confidance. Now he also knows that Roger drops by Joan's apartment sometimes and I wouldn't be surprised if Bob figures out that Roger is Kevin's natural father before long.
  10. Betty gave Don the Don Draper treatment, I love it. Henry is a little freaky, getting turned on by other men hitting on her. Why in the world does Peggy have a bayonet laying around the house? Does Megan really have no one else to confide in besides the co-star married to her boss who already tried to get her into swinging? That's who she invites to the house for drinks when her husband is not home and it's just the two of them? What an idiot and good luck holding onto the soap job. Bob is a little too slick, maybe a serial killer, but he was looking good in those shorts. Joan is liking his cup of coffee!
  11. I know this is just a thread for the 2013 movie but earlier Gatsby adaptations feature the billboard just as heavily. The eyes are even in the trailer of the silent version. If TJ Eckleburg had been left out or minimized here it would have been just another thing someone would have complained about Luhrmann getting "wrong", I suspect. I really liked Leo's performance a lot. The book makes Gatsby out to be a tragic dreamer who also got caught up in the wrong world but I could appreciate this version where he seems more delusional to the point of being a little creepy and that scared Daisy off as much as her fickleness and the impossibiliy of their situation. I look at it like Shakespeare where there's always a slightly different take on Hamlet or Lady Macbeth or King Lear.
  12. Look at the royal family, Prince Charles was married to Diana (~12 years younger) but his mistress (now wife) Camilla was a year older than him. And Amy Adams is way more attractive than Camilla, JLaw's hot too, it's not a situation where it seems like the guy is "cheating down" so to speak. If anything you wonder how Bale got either woman looking the way he does in this movie though his character has money, and that tends to help.
  13. Movies: Prisoner of Azkaban Deathly Hallows 2 Goblet of Fire Deathly Hallows 1 Half-Blood Prince Sorcerer's Stone Chamber of Secrets Order of the Phoenix Books: Order of the Phoenix Prisoner of Azkaban Deathly Hallows Goblet of Fire Sorcerer's Stone Chamber of Secret Half-Blood Prince
  14. Dawn will have even more stories about the crazy people at her job now. Nice to see Betty back in form, both with the blonde hair and the passive-aggressive insults to Sally, Don and Megan. Henry is a saint for putting up with her. Never ever want to see a flashback to Don's childhood again. We get it, it was grim, move on. I would have loved seeing Joan's reaction to the office mayhem and Overeager Bob hopped up on speed.
  15. Haven't seen this but I'm really not interested. Huge Scandal fan, nothing against Craig Robinson IRL but he and Kerry together, the ads really didn't sell me on them being a couple in the first place. If that's the best Kerry can do then it's kind of hopeless for the rest of us, lol. I do hear her character is kind of the jerk in this but still...
  16. The framing device didn't take me out of the movie but it doesn't really make sense according to what happened unless Nick has the most fragile constitution ever. He got drunk a few times but was presented as pretty together mentally. Of course it sucks that his new BFF got murdered and his cousin is a flighty, selfish bint and he's disillusioned with the trappings of wealth, but that sent him to a sanitarium because? Like, if this were in contemporary times and Nick were an actual minor celebrity caught up in a Hollywood party scene murder scandal, then a trip to "rehab" to salvage his image would be a good PR move. Also, if they had really really played it that Nick had a thing for Gatsby, then him having a meltdown after everything that happened would have worked, too (were they playing up the "Nick wants Gatsby" angle here? They deleted his actual romance from the book, but that could have just been because they thought Tobey and Elizabeth Debicki would look ridiculous together). But Nick's in the 1920s, he's not really one of the idle rich at heart, people like that didn't just go off for "rests" unless their issues were too obvious to ignore by the standards of the day. I've seen four versions of TGG (1949, 1974, 2000 TV version with Paul Rudd as Nick and Mira Sorvino as Daisy the long-haired!!! flapper, and 2013). There's an "urban" version called G I really want to check out.
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