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Everything posted by BoxOfficeFangrl

  1. What was DDL impersonating, the Lincoln Memorial? The man was president in the 1860s, it's not like he could just Youtube how Abe really sounded/stood/etc. when he made his speeches. I guess what other actors who'd played Abe Lincoln were like? But for him, it was a restrained performance.
  2. There's not a 1-to-1 correlation but there's an overlap. Some performances you can tell will go over big with critics but not the Academy, others hit the sweet spot for both. Jennifer's actually won some critics' prizes for American Hustle, IMO it's a performance that will play even better to AMPAS than critics, the Academy likes nominating actors in David O. Russell movies, the reports from screenings for AMPAS members have her getting the best response out of the cast...I'm not saying this because I think she should win, but in reading the tea leaves, all the signs show that she's a major player in the Supporting Actress race. People don't have to like it, but she is. The Butler is expanding by 99 theaters this weekend.
  3. But some critics' circles do actually name runners-ups, and aside from that, in many races, many years, you can sort of tell by how the wins shake out throughout the season. Like, when Meryl Streep won the Oscar for Iron Lady, Viola Davis won the SAG and Critics' Choice Award and some other things, so among awards watchers, she's thought of as the runner up that year. Was she in actuality? We'll never know, unless all the different groups release all the numbers. But it's a game Oscar watchers play for sure, ranking who's ahead, who's on the bubble, numerically, from most to least likely to be nominated/win. They even go back in time and rank old awards lineups from decades ago, it's like what random box office stats are to people here. Right now I do see Best Supporting Actress coming down to Lupita vs. JLaw.
  4. Pretty sure the Curious George soundtrack hit #1 since then, but it's still an impressive achievement and Frozen will probably be the most successful movie soundtrack since Pitch Perfect at least.
  5. Harvey has too many contenders this year (Butler, Fruitvale, August: Osage County, Philomena) but none of them can really get traction from place to place.
  6. I don't really agree. Huge fan of the series myself, but basically I think Potter in 2001 had a massive fanbase and you either went into the first movie a fan already or became one, or it just wasn't your thing. After the first one, the people who weren't really into it didn't come back, nor did the book fans who didn't like the first adaptation. There were seven books, eight movies, that weren't really standalone stories, with tween protagonists who grow up, but at most it becomes young adult-ish. The Hunger Games is kids killing each other but Katniss is practically an adult starting out, so it gets people who wouldn't have given the first couple of Potter movies the time of day. And it's only three books, a less complex world compared to Potter, so it's easier to adapt to movies. LotR, I guess appealed to the GA more, explaining why it grew from movie to movie. Also, I really don't mind Gambon as Dumbledore, I did at first but as the books go on the revelations about the character and his actions suit a colder, less grandfatherly take on him.
  7. Where I live in Virginia, some schools go back today, some don't. My sister and her husband are teachers in different cities with two kids, one in preschool, so the four of them are all in different school districts. One parent and kid had to go back today, the other two start back on Monday. The numbers today will be a lot better than next Thursday's numbers. Possibly, though not to the same scale, more likely theaters will keep it a few more weeks while they move on from the Christmas dead weight really fast.
  8. Yes and no, I mean, there's a certain amount of theatrics, but it has to be pretty easy for the line to blur, that's why you get stars who won't do certain things anymore because they feel like it would be cheating, even though it's just part of the job. How if Wolf of Wall Street rated PG anywhere? Coke and orgies for the whole family!
  9. Some is simulated (the stuff that comes on movie channels late at night) but for hardcore it's the real deal. Sometimes for movies that get released in theaters, for the graphic scenes, they use prosthetics so it's not technically hardcore but looks realistic.
  10. Spike TV has been running The Departed recently. The TV edits are kind of amusing. The mouths and words don't remotely match at times.
  11. Not thrilled about the SEC in the title game yet again, but seeing Urban Meyer all sad-faced on the sidelines...
  12. College football is huge in places that don't have a pro team in the state or nearby, like Alabama.
  13. I don't have a problem with Hutcherson, I'm just surprised that a studio that picked Liam would also go for Josh, because they could've gone in the Alex Pettyfer direction.
  14. So I see I missed video game, Potter and Hunger Games discussions (and now 90s music, SWV represent!)... I kind of write off the chemistry issues with Peeta and Gale in the movies as Katniss being very reserved and tomboyish and them being stuck in a dystopian killing game, so maybe it's undrealistic to expect Notebook or Titanic-level fireworks. In some ways, I'm kind of surprised/impressed with the studio that they did go ahead and cast Hutcherson for Peeta. I think Liam got cast because some studio exec figured teen girls would think he was hot. Josh has his admirers, but he's not the traditional "leading man" type (neither is Peeta the book character but that's never stopped Hollywood from wanting to upgrade the characters' looks). It's not like THG started out when they were little kids and they didn't know how he'd grow up, no, they picked Josh, anyway, when way "prettier" guys tried out.
  15. Rollin makes me think of The Fast and the Furious so Limp Bizkit wasn't totally useless...
  16. Never saw it, the reviews were rather meh, the advertising/hype was minimal and another straight R&J remake just seemed unnecessary. She was also in Ender's Game, though that's not quite on her shoulders in the same way. I do hope the commercial/critical success of True Grit won't prove to be a fluke for her.
  17. For real, how is that possible? I guess it's in twelve theaters and some (most) of them were empty all day? That's a Zyzzyx Road kind of number.
  18. I figured the Games couldn't go on to their conclusion because otherwise all the new supporting characters would die, or there would be multiple winners again, and that had been done the year before. And the series only has three books total, so there's not going to be the same level of story arc repetition that something like Harry Potter has. Anyway, I thought they might escape somehow, so it was either finding a secret passage out (unlikely, with the cameras everywhere) or blowing up the arena and the latter is a lot more dramatic.
  19. Maybe traveling? Some people probably begin the trek home from Thanksgiving on Saturday.
  20. ABC News ‏@ABC 2m .@ABC News confirms "Fast and Furious" star Paul Walker has died at the age of 40 Hollywood Reporter ‏@THR 1m Paul Walker Dies in Car Accident at Age 40 http://j.mp/18uTKYF
  21. They're both hot, just different types of good looking. But variety is the spice of life... Amazing for Catching Fire, if it hits $300 million in 10 days that will be spectacular, even if not, $400m is a lock.
  22. Longbottom, Neville Longbottom Matthew Lewis: I do think it will be someone around that age (b. 1989), maybe a few years older but not much more, when they get around to replacing Craig.
  23. Can't say I'm a fan, even though there were clues left for both pairings all along, I was hoping they were just red herrings. Ron and Hermione having their first kiss when they did made zero sense. Harry only liking Ginny once he saw what a hot kisser she was with other guys, real great message there. I felt like Harry should have been put with a girl who brought out interesting aspects of his character rather than the one who would make him an "official" part of the Weasley family. In real life, sure, people love who they love, but in a fictional story there aren't those same constraints and you can do something more dynamic and meaningful.
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