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Dilusha Bandara

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Everything posted by Dilusha Bandara

  1. The liquid effects of DD in Iron Man 3, WETA's Smaug in DoS, WETA's liquid-geo effects in MoS and enormous Jaegers and Kaijus in PR are really good, they are awesome! But if you look at GRAVITY and Elysium, they are few steps ahead of all other movies!
  2. It will be an easy contest for GRAVITY! All other contenders DoS, MoS, PR, IM3 aren't really groundbreaking ! Elysium will be the only real contender for GRAVITY, but at the end Cuaron will succeed !
  3. Soon your club will join the league of dead clubs!
  4. And also there is a thread for Thor: TDW over 680M OS!
  5. Its nothing to do with Marvel, we all know that IM is the most popular and most beloved Avenger in the roster(So everyone knew IM3's gonna pass billion dollar mark), while Thor (lets talk honestly) is the least favorite superhero in TA. So this movie will make more money in OS than MOS, but anything over 500 won't happen for sure!
  6. Druv10 and firedeep are two extreme fanboys of Thor!
  7. People will watch it! Just like TASM or MOS, but they won't love it! Did anyone loved TASM? or is still there anyone who say that MOS is the best superman movie? No!, so its gonna be the same for B/S, but GA don't accept a new Batman, but they will still watch it in a theater 'cause its goddamn batman and they have no any other choice!
  8. No one has any anticipation to see Supe again in 2015, people are already anticipated because of Batman. Btw GA don't want any new Batman, they need Bale! And Bale is necessary to reach billion, he is the biggest factor for B/S.
  9. So blue, What about Thor2 , CF and DoS? Can any of those movies pass at least 5m?
  10. Without Bale there is no billion for B/S, and the others i don't think SW7 could make IM3 numbers, it'll pass 1 billion, but will do max. 1100m WW. POTC5 and MJ2 should make a billion, while Bond24 will possibly fall shot of a billion! Here's my top 3 1. AoU 2. FD 3. SW7
  11. What I said was, If FD ends in high end(like TS3 did) it'll make around 1200m WW, and no any movie will exceed that, besides AoU! I was talking about the final gross, not any face-off. Its nothing to do with winter or summer!
  12. MU is a good sign for FD,(even if the movie is not good as the original, it'll still outgross the first one.) Now every movie in 2015 should fear Dory besides AoU !
  13. Why they didn't submit it? Universal might have thought a billion would be easy without China!
  14. Mad 3 comes after 4 years from Mad 2 in 2008. And also Mad 2 was an Overseas Juggernaut! It made 422m OS in 2008! Even Mad made 339m OS in 2005!(Remember there was nothing called 3D in 2005 & 2008 ) I actually thought Mad 3 would make 600+ OS!!!
  15. In my life there are 2 movies, that I have watched so many times over and over again. One is 'THE DARK KNIGHT' and the other one is 'TITANIC' !
  16. When i hear the Score of TITANIC i feel something, its so grand in the beginning and so sad in the end. Honestly i still feel so sad when the movie ends! The Greatest Movie song of all time!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbYMfoPT7c4
  17. Yeah even AVATAR was 97,255,300 tickets while TITANIC's number of tickets sold in 1997-1998 is 128,345,900.
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