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Dilusha Bandara

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Everything posted by Dilusha Bandara

  1. I still can't understand how Bay messed up everything in this movie! To me, TF: RoTF is just a trash can filled with garbage!
  2. Hey look! there are 5 people who have voted 'A' for this shit!
  3. Lazy Shit..Its lazy Smurfing Smurfshit! As Jeremy Jahns said,
  4. When a Director first make a good movie, he will then be known as a good director or a critically acclaimed director. Even when that director makes a bad movie thereafter, Critics or audience or both critics and audience will praise it. For an example, when an overly complicated movie like Prometheus get released people watched it and when they can't understand the whole movie(filled with plot holes) they begin to judge the movie by the the standards of that director's previous good movies! Then as the final verdict those people consider Prometheus as a masterpiece!
  5. To get 250 OS, Elysium needs to breakout in a big market! Like Retaliation did in China!
  6. 270-280 could be where it lands, but that needs very good legs! Without good legs it might end up in the region of TASM! Even with 280 max. Dom. won't make 500 OS.
  7. In that case I was thinking of nearly 470 OS and 280 Dom. I don't think that 300 dom. is possible, but OS might get just above 450m. But as I said earlier anything above 500 is not gonna happen by any means.
  8. Finding Dory - The next billion Dollar Animation movie!
  9. I think Planes is just a 91 minutes commercial for Toys! It was no fun! And so charmless! Just like The Smurfs 2!
  10. Yeah, in most occasions this romance thing is ruining movies like this! Its getting too much romance!
  11. I can remember in early 2000s, TITANIC was premiered here in a local TV channel, in 2001 or 2002 I guess, and even after that it was telecasted over and over and over and over again! about 5-6 times per year! Those days i wasn't even 10 years old! probably 8 or 9! I remember i watched it with my Mom and an Aunt! Lovely memories! But in TV, those PG-13 boobs were censored of course!
  12. Yeah silly! Because Silly people like Hockley do silly things!
  13. The liquid effects of DD in Iron Man 3, WETA's Smaug in DoS, WETA's liquid-geo effects in MoS and enormous Jaegers and Kaijus in PR are really good, they are awesome! But if you look at GRAVITY and Elysium, they are few steps ahead of all other movies!
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