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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Don't even try to boost Baumer's spirits. Nothing can save him now from the wrath of the fish. It's almost as bad as watching Tele's get beaten to a pulp against his nemesis JW.
  2. Dory used splash! (splash splash, splash splash) It's super effective on Baumer and his cohort of haters!
  3. Kelli uses pokeball! .... .... .... .... Doo doo doo, dooodododododododooooo! Kelli has captured wild statistic!
  4. These weekend threads I swear are broken down like this: 80% dirty talk, 10% about food, 5% about pokemon, and then 5% about actual box office.
  5. Damn, IDR is really tanking huh....., the budget on mojo says 165 but I feel like it's probably higher......
  6. Nah, don't lie to us baumer. It's obvious you were trying to steal away what little you could from the blue fish.
  7. Face of the new dollar bills in America
  8. Yes!!! Another excellent hold! Not totally surprised though as my theater yesterday was absolutely packed.
  9. Saw this yesterday and wanted to wait over night and get my thoughts in order before posting: So overall this wasn't better than Nemo for me, better to just out right put that out there. Finding Dory never made me feel that special feeling like when I saw Finding Nemo for the first time, why that is who knows. I just feel like Nemo from a plot wise flowed better than perhaps Dory so when you're watching it nothing ever felt out of place, whereas I think Dory in areas in the middle I kind of lost focus. Other than that though I think this was another solid film for Pixar, and I'm very glad with what I got after seeing the very un-impressive trailers for Dory. It has some flaws, but the good that this film brings to not only everyone but especially those with disabilities that can relate to this makes up for it. The new characters, especially hank, were good. It might just be me, but I found Marlin and Nemo kind of dragged the story a bit and were uninteresting. I almost preferred if the movie were mostly all Dory because whenever she was on I liked it. And for me, I'm not sure how I feel about Dory actually reuniting with her parents. I almost feel like it would have been more realistic and better had she not found them and left it back in the quarantine zone because to be honest that was my guess of what was going to happen as she went missing years ago. It felt a bit cliche for her to just randomly bump into them, but I do get that this is a kid's film to I understand why they made it that way. Overall this was a pretty solid film that I'd go see again. I'd give it a 7.5/10 and a low B+ rating (86).
  10. Tele.....I just noticed how handsomer you look now.....
  11. Sweet Tuesday number! I'll be happy today if it only make 14-15 today, it's normal for it to drop a bit today (though im hoping for 16-17).
  12. I still think Bran is the most interesting character of the show now, which is ironic considering he's limp.
  13. To be honest, I really thought Sansa and the red head whose like the leader of the wildlings (sorry I'm not great with names) was going to be killed along with Ramsey. But I agree her smile was badass. Damn, that went over my head as I don't recall the scene. It clearly went over my head, damnit!
  14. You actually nailed all three points I had beef with. I'm watching it with my family and him running in a straight line was the funniest and yet stupidest thing I said. I kept telling my parents why the fuck are you just running in a straight line, like seriously you need to zig zag it man, you aren't going to out run an entire field of hundreds of yards while a dude is flinging arrows at you if you're just gonna run straight. Yeah, I'm a bit confused over the Sansa/little finger thing. So did she know or make a pact before or after she had that talk with John? Because if before then yeah that made no sense why she was trying to give him advice if she could just tell him he has a back up army. I hope they clear that up because it did (sorry but i'm being honest) feel a bit corny that all of a sudden boom the good guys get bailed out, and there's no back story as to why.
  15. I don't care how creepy he is of Sansa, there's no way on hell's earth he could be any worse than Ramsey. Sure he's cunning so he can be distrustful a bit, but one thing is he loved Cath and he loves Sansa (whether it's really love or lust who knows) so I doubt he'd intentionally hurt her.
  16. So do we know what is going on with House of Martell? I feel like after the assasination they've been zero lined.
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