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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. I couldn't drink that much, but I do love tequila whether it's straight up or in a margarita (though I'm super picky with my margaritas, I really only have to make them as I hate restaurant ones like 98% of the time as they put in shitty sour mix. Gross. My margaritas are straight up perfection).
  2. Well, not only was the first date a 150bajillion% failure as he got wasted and neither of us had a way home and were stranded in the middle of nowhere at some seedy bar at 1:15am (long story short, I managed to get in touch with a friend to get us, super awkward), BUT he head butted me right at the bar, and his words before he did were, "You know, I'd really like to kiss you right now, but I don't want to do it in a place like this" (now mind you this was all slurred) and then all of a sudden BAM. Fucking hurt, I was like, WTF? So yeah, rule of thumb: Bars are not the best place to find a relationship at.
  3. Well, do what Tele suggested by going to college, but even that's not your only option. Why not join some groups that you might be interested, like maybe a volunteering group where you can meet people and plus do a wonderful service to the community. You could also maybe challenge yourself and sign up for something fun like Karate, rock climbing classes (these were scary, but I don't regret them even if I am afraid of heights), golfing, I mean there's numerous things. You just need to put yourself out there.
  4. Jack, I would 100% most advise against this. Dude you're only 20 years old. Look at me, if anyone's a bigger loser it's me man. I'm 25 and haven't had 1 relationship nor even kissed a guy. Everyone is insecure about something, no one's perfect.
  5. That's what I figured. I went and changed the date on that one to 2016 and archived both in th RTM Archive.
  6. huh, I think one made this year is suppose to be the 2016 one. @Baumer ? Everything else is all set. If I missed someone let me know.
  7. I really hope so, it definitely deserves it. I'd be happy with 60Mish, but if it went higher I'd be pleased.
  8. I was hoping for a higher number for Bad Moms, that movie was well worth more of a 30M+ OW than just 23M. I hope legs are good for it.
  9. I got back from seeing Bad Moms (and ghostbusters). Glad to see Bad Moms is doing well. It definitely surprised me.
  10. Yes, I just got back from seeing it tonight. I posted my longer review with spoilers in the RTM. Long story short, it definitely surprised me. I just walked in thinking it was going to be a typical raunchy film with corny over used jokes (which some are) but it was actually surprisingly entertaining to me and I laughed a lot. It does take a bit to get started as the beginning is all set up, but it was worth it to me. I gave it a B, 7.5/10 rating.
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