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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. My friend had the craziest theory that on the final episode, based on Bran's ability, it's going to end with him opening his eyes from the coma of Jamie pushing him off the window and everything we've seen had been a foreshadowing of what is to come unless he can change it. far-fetched, but that would be a mind fuck.
  2. I'm shocked though that not many died at all this episode. I was expecting a lot more to die. Was it just me that I was disappointed that the dog bit Ramsey in the face first, I would have really liked it had he bit him in the thigh or even hand so he could suffer longer the dogs eating him alive.
  3. 100% agreed, I thought it was filmed beautifully. I mean really, when your're being trampled to death do you really think you're going to get a clear view of a fucking thing?
  4. So wait are spoilers allowed here? Just want to make sure before I talk....
  5. This was movie number two last night of Creature Feature night with my dad (first was The Fog): So whereas The Fog I went in knowing Carpenter's style and generally being acclaimed as being notorious for scare fests, this one I went in fairly blind to be honest. The only bit I've seen are a few images of the creature on google but not very good images, and then just read the synopsis on the back of the movie. I was compelled to buy it as it looked and sounded creepy as hell when I looked at the trailer on youtube and in general, I really hate bugs (especially spiders). So what were my thoughts on the movie? I have to say, when I saw (which from the trailer I knew of) the movie I was iffy on the camera/directing style they decided to take with this. It's obviously been done before by others, and it's definitely I'd say a risky move as it can be very tricky to get people to buy that it feels real, and even harder to get immerse in it as in general most movies you have a lead character followed by other major characters and then thus a story envelopes (whereas this, when you go the route of having the audience using camera feeds to tell your story instead of more of a character driven focus......if this makes any sense). If you don't buy the realism in what this film (and others prior) are trying to put forth and sell you, then boy you're in for a long movie that won't be fun for you. However if the film does pull you and does pay off by making a risky move, then boy does it reap the rewards, and this one fortunately does. I'd say for the first maybe like 10-15 I'll admit I was having trouble following along, more so because scenes went to quickly and just seemed to 'happen'. I also wasn't sure really who donna was talking to when she was telling her story. However after about 15 minutes, once you get a pattern of people that they've been showing, you really do get immersed and really feel like you're watching real life shit happening before your eyes. There was no big scary music, no big typical scary jump scares, it just felt raw and real. I can't really say what they did right here whereas in others it just didn't work, but whatever they did worked for me and I was really just sitting upright tense throughout the movie. You really know a movie did it's job (especially scary) when after the movie, I really didn't almost consider never drinking from water bubblers or my kitchen sink ever again Some of the deaths were pretty brutal, and the end I thought was very well fitting and a perfect way to end it. I was very pleased with this choice, overall I'd give it a 8.5/10, B+ overall rating. A very solid film that I think would terrorize most people into thinking, 'how safe really is our water'?.... As I promised, taggin ya @Baumer
  6. Just saw this last night and got all my thoughts in order: To say it in a brief way and straight-forward, it's most definitely not one of John Carpenter's best (doesn't really stand close to me), but at the same time that's not a diss towards the movie itself as that's a pretty high pedistool to be on. Overall the movie was I'd say okay, there were things I liked and things I didn't like/or just didn't connect with me. I think the biggest negative about the movie for me were really characters. I just found to be not really be interesting and pretty plain. For example I found Elizabeth and Nick's relationship to just be odd and weird. A hitch-hiker grabs a ride with a random stranger (this isn't a really a diss but more just a difference for me as I'm obviously born in a much different time era where one would never really think to do that whereas back then it was more common?) and then hours later just sleeps with him......but they don't even know each other's names (the scene clearly shows they're in bed and he asks her what her name is....I'm like.....uuuuh....what?). It's hard to really pick any character I cared for as even Stevie's character, who probably had the more brighter spots, also had moments where I was wondering why she was doing what she was doing. I mean, why is she calling from her light house for someone to save her son over and over and over, not even knowing if anyone is listening or even taking her seriously (she was after all illustrated as somewhat of a joker) because really at the time no one in the town knew anything of what was going on except for her and Nick, and Elizabeth (and more than likely Malone). So, in fact from a writing and script point that kind of doesn't make any sense for her to freak out on the radio like that, as most people who were listening would think she's more than likely losing it. Instead, she should of just ran out and went to get her son out herself like any panicked mom would do. And seriously.........people seriously just love opening doors that have an ominous banging coming from the other side. There's creepy ass fog, creepy knocking at the door, and these people just shrug their shoulders and widely open their door. Couldn't you at least checked the window first, I mean hello Stranger Danger anyone? And before anyone gets on me about my fog comment, no I didn't mean "pfff, clearly you never answer the door when there's fog outside as there's clearly spooky ghosts out" but what I meant was that with fog it obviously makes it harder to see whose out there thus momentarily blinding your sight. It just really would of made more sense to just not opening the freaking door (especially the old baby sitter). But with that said, it did have a creepy vibe at times and even though the graphics weren't great it didn't at least take me out of the story I was watching. The film despite some fall backs did at least hold my attention through out and had me wanting to know why things were happening and how everything was going to end, which didn't disappoint me. Overall, I'd give this a 6.5/10 and a letter grade of a C+ (was on the fence between C+ or B-, but I had to be true to myself) which kind of makes me hurt since I like good old Carpenter, but this one just didn't come anywhere close to his other works. It says a lot when after you think to yourself, do I itch to see that movie again? And my thought it, eh.....not really. As I said I would, tagggin ya @Baumer
  7. I saw TFA 6 times in theaters, most times I've ever seen a movie in theaters. I think the record was previously held by Catching Fire, which I saw 4 times.
  8. Well that's more than likely cause most people have to work at that time, not to mention it's just an unusual time to go to a movie. 30 people really isn't too bad considering.
  9. Ditto. Nothing to me will ever be like that opening night experience that I had. Never seen so many lines and people so crazed and excited in my life.
  10. Thanks again for always giving us numbers Rth. I know it's random, but I do want to know how appreciative I am that you take your time to give us the scoop.
  11. To be honest, given how high Jungle Book was received OW it wouldn't surprise if Beauty and the Beast really broke out and got up to like 150M OW. Of course I'm going with a more safer prediction being 125M but 150 is def possible.
  12. (Shrugs), who cares at this point, it's still making a nice chunk of change WW. Domestically even only making in the 80's is still a profit for this.
  13. It's just shocking as I figured it wouldn't be good, thus sucky legs but I at least thought the OW would be decent as gamers/young males would see it? Guess not.
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