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Everything posted by Deathlife

  1. 85M does seem a bit low given the midnights. Anyways, let's wait and see.
  2. Pretty solid movie. I actually liked Ultron (the "you're unbearably naive" line drew huge laughs from my theatre). The movie was basically a graphic novel come to life and Whedon at is most Whedony. 8/10.
  3. Next two Avengers shows are sold out here. A very, very rare occurrence down here in SA.
  4. 100% with Noctis on this one. Cannibal Holocaust is pretty horrible when it came to treatment of animals.
  5. Let's give this a shot Domestic- $525M WW- $1.01bn Total- $1.52bn
  6. Aaaaahh, I honestly can't predict. Like I said, I'm not very good at predicting foreign box office. I think AOU should finish between $900M and $1.1bn OS.
  7. Wasn't TA open in more markets in its first Monday? That would probably account for its Monday being higher than AOU.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shut down the debate. Just trying to advise we operate on the side of caution.
  9. Yeah, it's a bit early. I think it'll be better we hold off until next weekend until we can say anything conclusive.
  10. Why? There isn't much competition coming any up any time soon and reviews aren't exactly bad. Or is it the norm for big releases to collapse weeks after release? (I don't follow international box office very much, so I geniunely do not know).
  11. Furious 7 opened during Easter in several markets which is a two day holiday in some of them (friday and monday) hence it's massive numbers. If AOU actually beats that in some of those markets without the benefit of public holidays, then that's pretty darn impressive.
  12. Killer Joe shouldn't be NC-17. It's a sick brutal movie but i personally don't feel it warrants the NC-17 rating. Blue Valentine absolutely had no reason to be awarded NC-17. I mean, come on...
  13. That scene when Goblin reduced the board members of Oscorp to bones with the pumpkin bomb freaked out some kids in South Africa. It was stylized but it was a bit shocking.
  14. I'm kind of with Tele on Inception. It's a great movie but its one of those movies that some people had convinced themselves was one of the greatest ever before they'd even seen it.
  15. X-men: Days of Future Past Boyhood (if this movie didn't feature the "real time film making" experience, I don't think too many people would be talking about it) Gone Girl (good movie up to the end that didn't at all work for me) Birdman
  16. American Sniper's opening is absolutely shocking. I haven't been stunned like this in a long, long time. Good for Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper.
  17. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises were just good movies and not really great. The Dark Knight (alone) is one of the best ever. X-men: Days of Future Past was a bit boring and had only one good action sequence. Mystic River is terribly over-rated. Colin Farrell's Total Recall reboot wasn't that bad. Neither was Waterworld. Godzilla wasn't very good. It was just average. Blade Runner is over rated. Thor 2 was a terrible movie (I don't think that's controversial though). Star Wars:Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are actually good movies. Spider-man 3 wasn't that bad. Neither was Iron man 2. Alien 3 was a great movie.
  18. Unrelenting bleakness. I can see nothing much has changed.
  19. For like 4-5 months now. Just like you, I came back for the Interstellar release (I missed it by about 2 weeks or something though).
  20. It's been fun so far to be honest. There's nothing like getting married to your friend. I just have to be a tad bit cleaner than before (my wife is a stickler for cleanliness).
  21. Man, haven't been on the forums as much as before. Just got married and I'm settling down into my new life (man, I miss the unplanned late night out with my guys). Anyways, what did I miss?
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