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Everything posted by Deathlife

  1. Lol....those guys at comicbookmovie will be very happy that GoTG is number 1 again.I remember someone quoting some guys trying to mobilize people to get the movie to number 1 again, I guess their wishes have been answered.Anyways, I'm pretty satisfied that the two movies I enjoyed the most in the theatre this year (Cap 2 and GoTG) are the most successful domestically. Marvel have really found a way to connect with audiences and I hope they can keep the quality and not make any other mediocre movies like Thor 2 ever again.
  2. I prefer Avengers. But I think Guardians might be the more accomplished work.
  3. If I may comment on the GoTG performance debate, I will say that very few people saw GoTG making this much money. Even fewer people thought it would get the critical reception it's getting both from critics and audiences.In a nutshell, very, very, very few folks thought the movie would perform this well.Outside of the A-list superhero properties (Batman, Spider-man and Superman) only Iron Man performs at this level (it's definitely going to beat Cap 2 domestically)
  4. GoTG really did break out.Turtles is doing a lot better than expected.I expected E3 to go a bit higher but I guess people have had their fill of aging action stars.
  5. The TMNT vs GoTG flame war is almost as bad as the Marvel vs DC thing.Ugh....can we just move beyond it.
  6. I know it's old news but I'm still slightly in disbelief at GoTG's performance thus far. As for Turtles, it's a much stronger brand that we give it credit for. I don't know the average age of forum posters here but I'm in my 30s and there are very few people in my age range that hasn't seen a Turtles cartoon or movie at some point in time in their lives. Heck, in the 90s, if you didn't have Turtle paraphernalia then you weren't really cool. Coupled with the current Nickelodeon series, it was always going to open big.Personally, I just didn't want it to hurt GoTG too much.
  7. Wow, Turtles is doing a lot better than expected.I guess some of us underestimated the power of the Turtle brand.
  8. Well, at the risk of being pedantic..comic Star Lord was created in 1976.However, comic Star lord is a very different character from the movie version.
  9. I loved the movie.Hilarious, action packed and good lord, the movie looked great. It's one of the best looking movies I've seen in a long time.The movie had a lot more heart than I expected, probably more than most comic book adaptations..I didn't have much of a problem with Ronan because I didn't really need more of him in the movie. The movie was focused squarely on the Guardians and Ronan if anything was a part of the "macguffin" to get things to where they need to be.4.5/5.
  10. Wow, another franchise established.At this rate, Sony might have to pay Marvel to take back Spider-man.
  11. If this performs like Titanic then Avatar is going down.Even though it's sarcastic, I still feel stupid typing it...
  12. Even $75M for freaking Guardians of the Galaxy warrants unrestricted fellatio.
  13. As I said earlier in the year about Cap 2, a good quality movie (with good marketing) goes a long way. Build it and they will come.
  14. Didn't Godzilla make back its production budget and then some? I think it did well. It's legs were disastrous though
  15. I could agree on DC but Fox's X-men won't surpass it.
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