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Everything posted by Deathlife

  1. Wow, FIOS breaking out. I don't know why I feel it'll drop hard next week.Not because of the movie's quality but just because of its frontloadedness (with that midnight number, it should have done more during the day). I hope I'm wrong though because I don't take joy in seeing movies fail (except for the current Sony Spider-man movies).Doesn't look like Godzilla will get to $200M and DOFP will probably finish around $210-$225M. It's broken out internationally and I guess that's the real success story for that movie.Regarding Malificent, Angelina Jolie is the queen of Hollywood.
  2. Just curious I don't know what the expectations for the film were before it was released.
  3. If Godzilla finishes below $200M, will WB still proceed with a sequel? I mean, it's not a flop by any stretch of the imagination but it's performing like the 1998 one.
  4. The only surprise to me so far is Cap 2 doing as well as it did.I predicted 84/200 and didn't expect it to cross Thor 2. I sure as heck never, ever expected it to cross $600M much more $700M.But as I've said before, good movies (movies that connect with people and bring them back over and over) tend to find a way.
  5. To you, it's great, to me it isn't. Not even close.But that's the beauty of the world, we all don't have to agree on everything.
  6. Godzilla's drop could be attributed to bad WOM.There's no other explanation for that.DOFP is performing like an X-men movie which are always front loaded. Added to the fact that the movie isn't great (it's just good but it's not great) hence the steep drop. It'll probably stabilize next week though.
  7. Yeah.Maybe, just maybe, the general audiences didn't enjoy these movies very much except Cap 2.I know that might not be a popular sentiment but it's actually a very plausible reason for these terrible drops.
  8. Wow, big drop for X-men.AMW isn't doing so well. Again, McFarlane should have cast someone else for the lead, he's not as funny as he thinks he is.
  9. I think if someone else starred in AMWTDI....ah..frick! I think if someone else starred in A million ways to die in the west, it might have done better. Seth McFarlane's cute but "douchey" appearance isn't leading man material IMHO.
  10. Wait a minute, will Godzilla 98 sell more tickets than Godzilla 2014? That's mind blowing...and mind numbing. I guess people didn't really fancy Godzilla 2014 that much. Which is fine I guess, we can't all like/love the same things.
  11. We now live in a world where a Spider-man movie barely cracks $200M domestically. I'm just trying to take it all in.
  12. The question now is how do Fox expand the X-men audience.It seems to have reached peak attendance around the time of X2 and hasn't been able to significantly bring in more people since then.
  13. I was looking for a synonym for "front loadedness" and my ipad suggested "X-men Franchise".Weird stuff...
  14. Funny enough, I might get some hate for this but I didn't really enjoy DoFP that much.It was a good movie but it wasn't great.Cap 2 is still the movie to beat this year IMHO.As per the box office numbers and the thread title, WTF??
  15. I'm going to go against the current here.This movie was good but not great IMHO.I enjoyed Godzilla more than this and Cap 2 was a better movie to me.B+ at best.
  16. Some folks....It's been stated here several times that we can't extrapolate weekend box office from midnight results and this one might be lower than others because it opened at 10.00pm and not 7.00pm or 8.00pm like Cap 2 or Godzilla.But still people jump the gun and say the movie is underperforming.People need to calm the fudge down.
  17. I don't really rag on movies endlessly but the first Skyline was genuinely terrible.It was unpleasant and the end was horrible. Just horrible all round.I'm surprised some people want to see a sequel to it.
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