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Everything posted by Deathlife

  1. Is anyone surprised the Expendables is disappointing?The first one was a novelty and I don't know one single person that was super excited to see it again.
  2. TATDKTDKRTHGApart from Avatar, I've never seen anything like TA regarding WOM.
  3. The opening weekend of TDKR was depressed by the shootings. That's pretty much a fact.However, it's good but not great legs suggest that a good number of people that saw it in its first weekend aren't watching it over and over again. Yes, some people were scared away by the shootings but everyone I know that wanted to see it has seen it. I'm a Bat-loonie but I confess I overpredicted this.Everyone I know that watched it said the movie was very good but not great. My wife had a problem with the tone of the movie but she absolutely loved the ending.$400-$450 mil is a great number and is one of the biggest films of all time. I think the Avengers basically got us all spoiled.
  4. OK.I'm a bit worried about the film's legs so far.I understand why the opening weekend and week was depressed but i expected some crazy holdover business this weekend and this week.The repeat business from the movie should be much stronger than it is. (it's a really good movie that everyone should watch at least thrice!).
  5. I know a lot of people have predicted $450M for TDKR but at this rate, it doesn't look likely.
  6. http://entertainment.time.com/2012/07/29/the-dark-knight-rises-again-what-aurora-effect/ Last week, many news sources reported that the Aurora massacre had scared away moviegoers. Wrong: attendance, according to Box Office Mojo, was 40% higher last weekend than the previous weekend ($231.3 million to $165 million) and up 21% from same weekend last year (when the total take was $190.6 million). This weekend, total box-office revenue ($134.8 million) was indeed down from the same weekend last year ($179.7 million), when the new films were Cowboys & Aliens, with a $36.4 million three-day take, The Smurfs, with $35.6 million, and Crazy, Stupid, Love., with $19.1 million. The drop is almost entirely due to two related factors that have no connection to the shootings. One: Olympics coverage began with a splendid show Friday night; and two, Hollywood, knowing the Games were coming, released fewer films this weekend. Read more: http://entertainment.time.com/2012/07/29/the-dark-knight-rises-again-what-aurora-effect/#ixzz227gIh06p I'm so confused.
  7. Umm.. This isn't too good.I know the shooting has hit this movie but these drops are quite odd.
  8. Dude, lay off the haterade.Not many blockbusters get the reception the Avengers got. It was wonderful movie that millions of people enjoy.Not everything has to be serious and darrrrrrkkkkk! to be good.
  9. Yeah, I know this poster who shall not be named.She was very gracious in defeat though.Which is less that what I can say for some other folks here.
  10. That I agree with.Some guys were predicting the TA would end up below Iron Man.In my mind, I was like really?
  11. So many ifs, buts or maybes about TDKR's box office.Makes discussing it a bit of headache.
  12. Yeah but will a sequel break out like the original films did?It seems Spider-man (as a film franchise) has been moved from main eventer to jobber.
  13. Wow, Spidey's number is bad.Seriously, what's Sony going to do next with Spider-man?TASM had good word of mouth but not great.Gross is decent but considering that it's in 3-D attendance isn't great.Fans and fanboys that rejected this movie are less likely to sequel to it, so what next now? With all due respect to those that loved TASM,re-booting the franchise was a knee jerk and stupid reaction to a very controllable situation.
  14. I'm also watching the hearing right now too.The guy's dyed his hair red. He looks depressed.I really don't know what's going through his mind but it's clear the boy isn't well.
  15. Yeah, his punishment must be more severe.I know its been said but i couldn't resist repeating it.
  16. Did the TDKR beat the Deathly Hollow and the Avengers in the foreign markets that it opened?
  17. Looking at the situation closely (and objectively) after the midnights and without the controversy, my projections were something like this:-$30 mil midnights-$55 mil daytime gross-$50 mil Saturday-$46 mil Sunday Total- $181 mil (approx)This would suggest that the movie lost almost $20 mil (although I can't really say how much the shootings affected the movie) from the controversy but it wasn't on track to do the $200m+ that a lot of us (myself included) was predicting.So at the end of the day, there's just a big question mark around this weekends box office
  18. I'm a bat loonie and I will readily admit that the movie wasnt going to break the OW record. The midnight number already gave us an indicator that the colossal numbers we predicted just weren't going to happen. The absence of 3-D and the films general darkness (which would generally prevent a lot of family viewers) were always going to be a factor at play.That being said, the shootings DID have an effect on it. It might not be as much as some suggest as the individuals who really,really want to see it would have gone to see it regardless (pretty much everyone I know that wanted to see it have already seen it). How much it took from the movie we will never know but the shootings definitely played a role in killing the excitement for the movie.
  19. Wow, at this point I think The Amazing Spider-man must be considered a domestic disappointment.
  20. This is pretty sad. I've been rooting for this movie all week long and i actually joined the site because of TDKR.That being said, if it's final weekend gross is around $165, then it's pretty clear that:1. The movie has been affected by the shootings.2. It wasn't going clear $200M in the first place.Without the shootings, its likely the movie would have something between $180m- $190m. Hype aside, the absence of 3-D always meant that it wouldn't be able make Avengers like numbers.That being said, my heart is broken.
  21. That $75m figure is bloody low.If its correct, the film will do between $160m-$170m max.That $75m figure can't be correct.
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