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Everything posted by Deathlife

  1. Hmm..business as usual then I guess. A meltdown a day is the norm.$8.2-$8.5M is a bit surprising though. I expected at least a million more than that.I guess that means that a $50M+ second weekend is going to be an uphill battle.
  2. What did I miss?Why the meltdown?
  3. I must say, Brazil's goal (By Neymar) was a cracker.
  4. I'm actually confused as to whether Miley Cyrus is growing up or is melting down in a slow weird way.
  5. Exactly.As a DC (and in particular a Batman fan) I find myself defending the movie.There's just no way one can explain away $1.2bn WW.
  6. Only if you want to ignore its massive opening.
  7. I never knew this ridiculous Marvel/DC competition existed on these boards. Ugh...
  8. The door swings both ways. His current success was because he was selected to play IM, which is a testament to the film makers vision IMO. I mean, how many people in their right minds would have pushed for RDJ to play the lead role in a $100M movie featuring a B-list Marvel superhero? Heck, I would argue the only reason he got that role was because Marvel were producing the movie. If Iron Man were made by a bigger studio, you would have seen a bigger name actor get the role. In RDJ (as at 2007) We're talking about an actor that had well documented legal issues and substance abuse problems, who had never anchored a blockbuster movie and a career that had gone down the toilet.
  9. Yeah, If I remember correctly, SM3 had a hefty drop in its second weekend without any significant competition.
  10. No doubt. I see a lot of freaking out about movies legs, daily grosses, tickets sold e.t.c but frankly, I'm not bothered by that. If a movie can double or triple its budget internationally (taking into account advertising costs),then I think we're all good. I'm a DC fan but there's no way one can somehow spin Iron Man 3 into some kind of failure. Even if its domestic legs weren't at TDK or Avengers level, $1.2bn WW is spectacular. The box office is a global game now (as I'm not even in the U.S) and IM3 did fantastic business WW.
  11. Yeah, so? Spider-man 3 wasn't a flop, if I remember correctly.
  12. If not for Iron Man, RDJ wouldn't even have a career anymore.
  13. I knew IM3 would increase from the previous one but I never saw it increasing by that much. $400M (an increase of almost $100M from the previous one) is pretty darn impressive. Not to mention that massive WW gross of around $1.2bn. I can't really say I'm too bothered by its legs because it faced some pretty hefty competition (Star Trek, FF6, GG, TH3 would do damage to virtually any movie) that would always have cut into its legs (I mean, RDJ is popular but this is Iron Man we're talking about...not Batman or Spider-man). Iron Man isn't Spider-man, Superman or Batman, for Marvel to have built up the character to that level, much credit must be given to them.
  14. This certainly can't be for kids. It can't be for adults either. It's horrid.
  15. Which is surprising because the first Transformers movie wasn't very good IMHO.
  16. Agreed 100%. Action definitely isn't everything, lots of crap movies from the Pirates movies to Clash/Wrath of the Titans have big set pieces but lots of times, it just falls flat. The action at the end of the Avengers was just the icing on the cake. I can't really think of too many movies that really connected with audiences like the Avengers. A lot of folks here don't react to movies in theatres but the Avengers really, really got people laughing and screaming. Transformers 3 definitely had bigger action than the Avengers but you "feel" the action in the Avengers a lot more.
  17. You hated Chronicle???! You're dead to me now...
  18. Skyfall. The movie was Dark Knight lite. The Dark Knight Rises wasn't over rated by the general public but Nolan's fans generally do. It was a very good movie but far short of a great one.
  19. Note to Sony, MOS was not a perfect movie by any means but by God this is how you re-boot a franchise.
  20. Is there any consensus on how much MOS is doing?Estimates seem to be all over the place.I thought the weekend (without the corporate sale) was going to be around $125M but now I'm seeing $105-$115M.
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